Incubus Caged

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Incubus Caged Page 2

by A. H. Lee

  Jessica’s relaxing thighs spread so wide that her knee bumped Azrael’s. He didn’t look at her, but he rested his hand on her knee and ran one long finger lazily up her inner thigh.

  Something about this casual indignity made everything explode in Jessica’s head. Pleasure spiked up from her groin and spread like warm milk through her belly. The enormous, soft tongue licked her hard, hard, hard as rhythmic spasms wrung her out and left her shuddering. Is this what Andrew experienced? Gods, I was cheated!

  She was suddenly unbearably sensitive, but the beast seemed to understand and pulled away. He sat there lazily licking her thighs while Jessica tried to get her breath back.

  Lord Azrael reached over, still in conversation with someone else, and casually pulled the pin from Jessica’s bun. Her glossy, blond hair cascaded over her flushed and trembling shoulders. Azrael stopped talking to his neighbor long enough to lean over and place his lips against Jessica’s ear through the strands of her hair. His breath tickled her skin as he murmured, “Did you enjoy the appetizer, my dear? Pace yourself. The entree’s coming.”

  Chapter 4. Entree

  The next dish was, in fact, soup. Jessica stared into her bowl, feeling not at all hungry. Or not at all hungry for soup. Her head was buzzing. She felt embarrassed and euphoric. She felt exhausted. She felt electric. A warm, lazy tongue was gliding over her toes, pausing to suck on them. She could hear the faint slurping sound. She wondered if her neighbors could hear it.

  What is this? Not sex, surely. It was better than necking, though. Better than masturbation. Better than anything she’d ever done.

  A moment later, the panther was back between her legs. Jessica suppressed a moan as his hot tongue lapped over her vulva, then pressed deep inside. Oh, gods. So deep. His powerful tongue was rubbing hard against what felt like her pubic bone, his nose pressed against her clit, his hot, moist breath caressing her labia.

  What is he getting out of this? Jessica flushed an even deeper crimson. She couldn’t help imagining the beast with an enormous erection as he licked her—just as uncomfortable and incomplete as she felt. Your fault, you asshole. You started this. She resisted the urge to grab his head and shove it even harder between her legs.

  And again, she thought: He can’t really be a cat. He can’t. He—

  Jessica felt a strange warmth—not in her crotch, but higher, in her stomach—hot and somehow bright. The licking stopped. It stopped so abruptly that Jessica almost cried out at the sudden emptiness. In a burst of terror and curiosity, she looked down.

  There was a man between her legs. He stared up at her with an expression that mirrored her own astonishment. He was a big man with powerful shoulders, a broad chest, and skin the color of milk tea. He had dark curly hair and eyes of the most startling emerald green. He swallowed, and, as his throat moved, Jessica caught a glimpse of his silver collar.

  Jessica was distracted by Lord Azrael, who reached over casually and pulled the strap of her dress off her left shoulder. Jessica’s eyes jerked up as the strap slithered down, exposing her breast and pert nipple. The main course had arrived, but all of the men were watching her as they ate and drank, their eyes dark and appreciative.

  Jessica started to fumble at the strap of her dress. This is really too much. But then fur slid along her inner thighs again. Her aching pussy spasmed with pleasure as the huge tongue pressed inside her. This time, he didn’t stop until he’d drawn another orgasm from her. Jessica came so hard that she arched off the chair.

  She flushed with shame at how she must look—tousled in her silken nightie with her breast and erect nipple on display. Beneath the table, she’d given up all sense of decorum and wrapped her legs around the velvet fur of the panther’s shoulders. What is he?

  In spite of her increased sensitivity, the beast kept licking this time, his slurping growing louder. Some of the guests were still murmuring, but most had gone quiet to watch. “Dinner and a show,” Jessica heard one murmur. “I confess I didn’t believe the stories.”

  Jessica was beyond caring what they thought as another orgasm shuddered through her body and she clamped her legs around the massive head. Can he breathe through his ears, I wonder?

  Servants were taking the main course away. Lord Azrael spoke in his slow, resonant voice, “Well, I hope everyone has enjoyed their meal. Who’s ready for dessert?”

  Chapter 5. Dessert

  Everyone stared at Jessica. The room had gone quiet. She tried, again, to push the strap of her dress up, but Azrael reached out with his little dinner knife and cut it with a soft snick! Then he reached around behind her and cut the other one. The dress slithered down around her waist.

  Jessica stared at all of those well-dressed, politically powerful men. They were drinking in her body—her flushed, excited body. Her breasts rose and fell as her heartrate sped up. I could leave, she thought. No one will punish me. He said so.

  But the small part of her that was not whimpering with embarrassment was curious. Nothing so far had hurt. Azrael had been right about that. In fact, it had felt more exquisite than anything in her life. What could the finale possibly be?

  Azrael steepled his long fingers in front of him. “Does anyone have a preference?”

  “I think she should get fucked on the table,” muttered one man, younger than the rest. His eyes looked a little glazed.

  “I think we should all share her,” said the distinguished one with the gray streaks.

  “I think she should pleasure herself naked,” murmured another.

  “Choke her,” breathed the jowly man.

  Jessica felt a stab of fear. Choke me?

  But Azrael spoke smoothly. “I like the first suggestion.” He lifted his hand and Jessica felt a moment of vertigo. Strong, invisible arms plucked her out of her chair and deposited her on all fours in the center of the table. It happened so fast that she didn’t even have time to squeak. Faeries? Ghosts? Anything was possible in a sorcerer’s court. Jessica shivered as she wondered exactly how many eyes had been watching the show this evening.

  She shivered again as she realized that the remains of her dress were wadded up around her waist. She was completely exposed, breasts dangling, hair hanging in her face, her round ass in the air. The men were murmuring their approval. Jowls reached out to grab one of her legs, making them slip farther apart.

  “No touching!” snapped Azrael.

  Jessica felt a measure of relief. They’re not allowed to touch me. Good. Then who is going to…? Oh, no.

  The table shook as something huge landed behind her. Jessica didn’t dare look over her shoulder. The great head eased between her legs, forcing them wider apart, fur sliding over her thighs again. Jessica tensed. Oh gods oh gods oh gods.

  She thought about the erection she’d imagined under the table—his own tension unrelieved, while he’d brought her to climax again and again. But a panther? I could leave. I should leave. This is perverse.

  The warm tongue began licking her entrance again. Distantly, she heard the men making pleased sounds. “That’s right, get it in there. Gods, he could practically fuck her with his tongue. What a brute!”

  Jessica let out a gasp of surprise as the wet warmth moved upward and he began to lick her asshole. Oh, no! Oh, yes!

  It was such a strange sensation—forbidden, obscene. She could feel her pussy clenching with arousal—slick and hot. A helpless mew escaped her lips.

  The panther growled—a rumbling so low it made the table vibrate. Jessica’s belly churned with a mixture of arousal and fear. She wanted to be fucked, but not by an animal. You could leave, she told herself again. You are allowed to leave.

  I don’t want to leave!

  Jessica had her eyes tightly shut. Downy fur rubbed up over her buttocks and back. She felt his heat as he covered her with his body—not quite touching her shoulders or head. Something hard and smooth pressed between her lower lips. Not my ass, then.

  Jessica felt that curious heat in her belly once more.

/>   I want to get fucked. But not by an animal.

  She opened her eyes…and saw hands. Massive hands twice as large as her own rested beside hers on the table, tapering up to muscular arms. In the same instant, his cock slid inside her—huge and delicious and as human as anything she’d ever experienced. Jessica cried out. She bucked back against him, and they were fucking hard.

  Everyone else in the room vanished from her attention. They were spectators. They were nothing. They were as unimportant as fleas.

  Let them see her and desire her. Let them envy this creature who had the honor to be on top of her. His hair brushed her shoulders, and his muscular stomach pressed flat against her spine. Jessica felt the orgasm rising from deep in her belly, shuddering through her groin and over her thighs. Her pussy and asshole contracted. She felt him come inside her, and he made a noise—a low, throaty moan, almost a purr.

  Jessica collapsed beneath him, and for a moment he crouched there on top of her, panting against her hair. “What’s your name?” she whispered. She said it thoughtlessly, delirious with the aftermath of pleasure.

  But the man-panther immediately disengaged. He backed off of her, and, as Jessica turned, sleepy-eyed and disoriented, she saw his ink-black tail disappearing over the edge of the table, a cat once more.

  Jessica raised her eyes and was startled to see Azrael staring at her with a look of frank astonishment and something close to anger. It was more emotion than she’d ever expected to see on that perfectly controlled face. Did I do something wrong?

  His composure closed over the expression, and he rose smoothly. “Well, I hope my lords enjoyed the entertainment. Let us adjourn for drinks and a discussion of the new boundary line.”

  The lords murmured back at him—a sated, discordant sound. Jessica dared to turn and look at them. They were glassy-eyed and slack-jawed to a man. I bet every one of you came in your trousers…or in your hand. Most of them had their hands under the table.

  Her suspicions were confirmed as several of the guests shifted awkwardly before rising. That’s right, thought Jessica. Get everything buttoned and zipped down there. I’m not the only person who should feel embarrassed.

  They left without looking at her. Just before the sorcerer walked through the door, he snapped his fingers, and the panther shot out from under the table. It heeled like a dog, and they disappeared into the next room.

  Jessica stared after the panther. She wanted to shout, “Come back! Tell me your name! I need to know your name!”

  A gentle voice spoke at her elbow. “Miss…”

  Jessica turned to find a woman in a maid’s uniform, holding a blue satin robe. The maid kept her eyes modestly averted from Jessica’s tumbled hair, destroyed dress, and skin soaked with sweat and fluids. She held the robe open as Jessica crawled off the table. “Your bath is ready, Miss,” said the maid gently. “A massage has been ordered for you, and more food if you desire it, Miss.”

  Chapter 6. Mal

  “What was that?” hissed Azrael.

  Mal looked at his paws and fidgeted. His tail made a nervous bumping against the bookshelves. The guests were in the next room, talking and drinking, their chatter carrying to the unlit study where Azrael had chosen to have a word with his creature.

  “Answer me.”

  “I—I don’t know,” muttered Mal.

  “What do you mean you don’t know? I didn’t give you permission to shift! Why did you do it?”

  Mal noticed that Azrael had restrained himself from asking the more interesting question: How did you do it?

  “I guess I got excited,” said Mal. “She wanted me to fuck her as a man, so I did. Her desires were strong. I could hear them very clearly.” He glanced up to gauge Azrael’s expression.

  The dark eyes studied him suspiciously. Azrael reached out, and, when Mal attempted to lower his chin, the sorcerer gave him a sharp tap on the nose that brought his head up with a jerk. Mal resisted the urge to bite that hand right off. He couldn’t have done it anyway. The bindings upon him were too strong. Obediently, he lifted his chin and turned his head, exposing his throat.

  Azrael studied Mal’s collar. He must have been satisfied because he let his hand fall a moment later. His shoulders dropped a fraction, and some of the tension left him.

  “Satisfied with my containment, Master?” asked Mal with a hint of sarcasm.

  Azrael massaged his temples. “Those men saw too much. If word ever circulates about your true nature, it’s only a matter of time before someone tries to kill you or steal you. I’m sure you don’t want that any more than I do.”

  You could always free me, thought Mal bitterly, but he said only, “Those men won’t remember much.”

  “I am going to make sure they remember nothing,” said Azrael. “And that will drain you. Be warned.”

  Mal inclined his head gloomily.

  “You may feel unwell,” continued Azrael, “but I’m sure the poor girl feels worse. You took too much from her; I could see it! She’ll be confined to her room for at least a week. You had better hope for your own sake that she does not die.”

  Mal winced. “I did not intend to hurt her.”

  “Well, remember that next time you get excited,” snapped Azrael as he turned to go back to his guests.

  Mal paced behind him like a pet on an invisible leash. He lay down behind Azrael’s chair and listened as his master sketched out his plans for the disputed boundaries between the kingdoms in question. The lords listened in respectful silence, their usually abrasive personalities made pliant by Azrael’s magic. Mal could feel the tug when Azrael started to work on their memories. It was like the sensation of bleeding: dizziness, followed by nausea.

  Please stop, thought Mal miserably. Enough… Please. You’ll drain me dry. His vision was stuttering in and out of focus by the time Azrael was satisfied.

  Chapter 7. The Sorcerer’s Library

  Jessica slept late the next morning and woke in the luxurious bed to the scent of bacon, coffee, and sweet scones left on the bedside table. Everything felt deliciously decadent. True, she was a little sore, but even that was a pleasant ache.

  She finished her breakfast and then found a simple but elegant blue and gold housedress laid out for her. The window gave a view of stunning gardens, woods beyond, horses in the fields, a distant lake. Jessica sipped her coffee.

  After a while, she began to grow a little impatient. Why had nobody come to fetch her? Had they forgotten her? She’d been told by retired courtiers to expect a daily routine of beauty maintenance and exercise, as well as lessons in music, dance, and literature. She’d been rather looking forward to these things, particularly the literature.

  I got fucked on your dining room table, you stupid sorcerer. Now let me see your books; it’s only fair! For gods’ sakes, I got fucked by a…a…

  What was he?

  Jessica could not help thinking of the panther as “he” now. Not “it.” And not really an animal, either. Is he a werebeast? A faery? An ordinary bodyguard with an illusion cast upon him?

  She found that she had unconsciously placed her hand between her legs through the thin dress. She’d gotten a little wet just thinking about him. The man’s eyes, looking up from her lap had seemed so startled, so human, so… Jessica searched for a word. “Vulnerable?” Surely I was the only vulnerable one. But she couldn’t think of a better word.

  And Azrael’s expression after the man-panther had fucked her. He looked angry. What was that about?

  Still brooding, Jessica went to the door and opened it. “Hello!” she shouted and then turned to find herself nose-to-nose with the shapely-assed redhead. “Oh, hi there,” said Jessica. “Are you guarding me?”

  The young man stared at her. “I’m…I’m here to answer your call if you beckon, Miss.” He was looking her up and down—not amorously, but with sincere confusion. “Usually people sleep all day after…after one of those dinners. Do you need a doctor, Miss? I was told you might wake feeling ill.”

  “I feel fine,” said Jessica, a little miffed. They must think women from the Provinces are incredibly fragile. “Only I’ve eaten my breakfast at least an hour ago, and I’m bored. If there aren’t any lessons today, could you at least bring me something to read?”

  The young man stared at her. After an awkward pause, she added, “I’m sorry; we weren’t properly introduced. My name’s Jessica. What’s yours?”

  The boy licked his lips. “Tod.”

  “Well, Tod, do you know the way to the library?”

  He nodded. “What do you like to read, Miss Jessica?”

  Now we’re getting somewhere! “Anything with a story. Anything from faraway places, especially if there is love or pirates or dragons.” She hesitated. “But I’ll also read about geography or history—only not the history of the Provinces because that’s very tedious—or travel or ships or faery wars or—”

  Tod held up his hand, smiling. “I can see you have broad tastes, Miss—”

  “Just Jessica.”

  “Jessica. Since you seem to be feeling well, perhaps I should take you to the library, and you can pick something out yourself.”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  She followed him down several hallways. They passed servants coming and going with food and parcels. They passed one group of giggling courtiers in sheer, shimmering dresses. Jessica peered at them curiously out of the corners of her eyes. I can see their underwear! It was quite lovely and lacy. She thought they were all girls, but then she spotted a couple of boys, wearing just as much makeup and frilly clothes. Interesting. Jessica would have liked to see more of them, but Tod whisked onward without a pause.

  They passed a few people who were obviously diplomats, pacing along in conversation. Jessica saw a woman who was certainly not a courtier—tall, almost boyish, and dressed in riding clothes, complete with shiny boots and a crop tucked under one arm. She wore a short cape with some royal insignia Jessica did not recognize. She looked at Jessica as she passed—really looked at her—and winked, her full lips curling in a playful smile. Jessica blushed. Once again, she felt that she was extremely underdressed for the venue.


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