Alien Warrior's Secret

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Alien Warrior's Secret Page 3

by Mina Carter

  He broke the kiss, looking down at her in concern. “Did I hurt you? You’re so tiny.”

  “No,” she gasped, pulling him down for another kiss. “Don’t stop.”

  He groaned as he kissed her again, but not as deeply as she wanted. He pulled back to look at her.

  “Do you accept my claim?”

  Something about his expression made her pause, everything within her still. The way he’d said that… there was something else going on here. Her lips quirked. Asking a girl to think and make a sensible decision with a cock like that pressed between her legs was criminal.

  “Sounds like you’re asking me to marry you or something, not just for a quickie.”

  His eyes darkened but he didn’t reply.

  She gasped. “My god. You are!”

  “Yeah. But believe me, there will be nothing quick about this,” he declared, his voice rough. “Accept my claim. Be mine.”

  The world slowed almost to a stop as she looked up into his eyes. They weren’t like hers, the pupils not quite rounded but more like a cat’s. He didn’t remind her of a cat, though… more like a bear. A big, powerful bear like the shifters in the paranormal romance books she loved to read.

  Her very own alien bear.

  Slowly she nodded. “Okay.”

  She’d obviously departed from reason, but she didn’t care. This felt too good for it not to happen. And, well… what did she have to go back for? A one-way trip back to overcrowded Earth where women outnumbered men and the chances of a decent life were slim to none? No thank you. She might be as mad as her grandma had always said she was, with no thought to the consequences, but she’d rather stay here and see how things panned out with her sexy alien warrior.

  Triumph flared in his eyes. Then his lips were on hers again and the kiss was the hottest thing she had ever experienced. She whimpered against his lips as she wrapped herself around him, desperate to touch as much of him as she could. He pulled away for a second to tear his jacket off, back to claim her lips almost before she could register the movement.

  She moaned as his heavily muscled body was hers to play with. Her hands roamed skin that was like warm satin over hard muscles as she traced it with her fingertips. He growled as her hands smoothed down the center of his chest. Lifting up a little, he made room between them as she slid her hand down to cup his crotch.

  “Fuck. Me.” She broke from the kiss. He more than filled her hand. In fact, she wasn’t sure she could get her fingers around him. “What are you packing in there? An assault rifle?”

  His pleased smile was all smug male triumph as he ground his hips against her touch. “That’s all you, kelarris. I’ve never felt this way before… I’m so hard I hurt.”

  The groaned admission was ragged, and she took pity on him. Letting him go, she quickly took care of his belt buckle and slid her hand beneath the leather. He groaned and bowed his head as she wrapped her fingers around the thick shaft. Her lips curved in amusement when she realized her suspicion had been correct. She couldn’t get her fingers all the way around him. Her pussy clenched hard, her clit aching.

  Stroking from root to tip, she watched his face. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment, his expression tight with need and desire. When he opened them again, the dark heat blazing there sent a thrill all the way down to her toes. Her gasp was lost under his lips as he claimed her mouth again.

  This time his kiss was hot and darkly dominant—a man who knew what he wanted and planned on getting it. There was no hesitation as he parted her lips with a hard sweep of his tongue. She shivered as he made love to her mouth with his. His hips thrust against her hand, the slightest movement but one that made them both groan.

  Tearing his lips away, he moved out of her grasp, his big hands making short work of her clothes. Within seconds she was naked beneath him and his eyes darkened even more.

  “Oh gods…” he whispered, reverence in his voice. “I never thought you’d be so perfect.”

  She arched beneath him, feminine pleasure combined with the need to show herself off for him filling her. A woman could get used to being looked at like a living sex goddess.

  At the movement, his gaze latched on to her breasts and his face hardened. Swooping in, he took a nipple into his mouth. The warm, wet heat made her cry out softly, her hands driving into his hair as he suckled.

  His hand smoothed down her body, flirting with the curve of her waist. She sucked a breath in as it smoothed over her not quite flat stomach and then slid between her legs. He parted her lower lips, and they both groaned at the wet heat he found there.

  Her hands tightened where she gripped him at the back of his neck and upper arm, nails biting slightly. He stroked her, zeroing in on her clit with laser focus. Soft moans and pants filled the air as he rubbed and circled the tiny bud of pleasure. He was relentless, pushing her higher and faster than she could ever remember. Her body tightened, pussy clenching as he teased her.

  “Oh fuck…” she whimpered but he was already moving. Parting her thighs further with a knee, he settled between them. She opened her eyes to find him watching her as he pressed against her. Where she needed him most.

  “Mine.” His growl was low and possessive as he started to ease himself into her.

  She bit her lip as her body parted around him. He was big… bigger than any of her previous boyfriends… but anticipation and eagerness drove her on. She wanted this. Wanted him.

  She couldn’t help the small rock of her hips against him and he gasped at the unexpected move, the corners of his lips quirking up as he clamped a big hand over the side of her hip.

  “No,” he grunted. “Stay still. You’re so tiny I could hurt you. Never want to hurt you.”

  Her gaze latched on to his and she nodded and then gasped again as he pressed harder. The small moan was torn from her as he rocked his hips, working himself into her in short, hard thrusts. It took three before he was fully seated within her, her pussy throbbing and fluttering around him.

  “Gods,” he moaned, his lips on the side of her throat. “You’re so tight.”

  “You’re so big,” she argued, her body stretched so widely around him she daren’t move for a moment. Then he rocked his hips and she moaned.

  It felt… amazing.

  “Do it again,” she begged, turning her head for his kiss. Heat rolled through her when he did, his first couple of thrusts hesitant, as though making sure she really was okay. Then he sped up until he thrust and withdrew in smooth, fast movements, his hips like a piston against hers.

  She clung to him as he moved to brace himself over her, hands like claws against his solidly muscled arms. He watched her, eyes glittering, as he took her hard and fast until even the heavy couch creaked under their movements. The air around them filled with the sounds of sex—soft feminine moans, lower masculine grunts, and the slap of skin on skin.

  He moved, pulling one of her knees up higher over his hip. They both gasped as he slid even deeper within her until she didn’t know where she ended and he began.

  “Oh god, yes!” she gasped as her body began to tighten.

  He growled, his response to speed up. He let go of her leg to brace both hands either side of her shoulders, slamming into her in a frenzy of need. Each thrust hit nerve endings inside her she didn’t know she had. Within seconds it was too much.

  Pleasure exploded through her with the force of a supernova and she came, hard and fast, all over his cock. Her scream of pleasure could have shattered glass. He growled, speeding up as her pussy clamped down over his shaft, each hard shove elongating her release.

  Once… twice… on the third thrust he stiffened, cock buried deeply in her body as he threw his head back and bellowed his own release. They stayed like that for long minutes, locked together. A shiver rolled through her. He was so big, the fit of his cock in her pussy so tight that she felt everything. Every jerk and pulse of his cock, the heat of his seed as he bathed her inner walls.

  He groaned as he rolled over,
taking her with him until she sprawled over his broad chest. His lips grazed her temple.

  “Mine,” he murmured, satisfaction and triumph in his deep voice. “Always.”

  She closed her eyes, another shiver of pleasure rolling through her at his possessive tone, and nestled against his broad chest. It had been a long day. She was tired, and this seemed as good a place as any to rest for a moment.

  In the arms of her alien lover, Randy drifted off to sleep.


  “We should storm their ships!” a gruff voice announced vehemently, cutting off what Danaar, the commander, had been about to say. “Give them a taste of their own medicine. Take some females.”

  Riis exchanged a glance with Sardaan, who stood next to him. The speaker was Rohn K’Saan, his relationship to the emperor evident in his appearance. He had the same height and build, his features K’Saan through and through. A cousin, twice removed or something. Riis wasn’t entirely sure of the relationship, apart from the fact it was distant enough that Rohn’s claim on the throne was weaker than that of Tarrick or Laarn K’Vass.

  Danaar looked across the table in the briefing room, his gaze as hard as aronian steel. To his credit, Rohn didn’t waver in the face of the hard look.

  “Your opinion is noted,” Danaar replied in a clipped voice and then held his hand up when Rohn started to speak again. “Last time I checked this was my bridge and my command, not a K’Saan one. If the emperor finds my leadership deficient, he can replace me. Unless, of course, you wish to offer challenge?”

  The big warrior’s measured tone had become harder, a dangerous edge in it that stilled every warrior around the table. Challenge fights weren’t unheard of, even at Danaar’s level. Winning your position in the fight circles was a viable promotional tactic but a risky one. You always ran the risk that those loyal to the male you’d just beaten would rise up and you’d end up the loser in a subsequent challenge. Riis himself had never tried it. But then, his immediate superiors were males of honor and worth, so he had no need.

  Rohn’s gaze didn’t waver from Danaar’s but Riis knew in that split second he’d already analyzed the warriors around the table, working out which were likely to support such a challenge and which would not. Hard faces watched him make his decision. Even with his K’Saan blood, he would find no backers on the Veral’vias. It was a K’Vass ship right down to its substructure and nano-molecular rivets.

  “My apologies, Commander,” Rohn inclined his head gracefully. “I meant no disrespect. I am simply... frustrated with the Terran attitude. They seem to think we are fools. We should teach them a lesson.”

  “The emperor will be the one to make that decision,” Danaar said firmly, his expression set. “And if he does, others will be tasked with that mission. We, however, have been tasked with another.”

  The interest in the room spiked, all eyes on Danaar at the head of the table.

  “We will proceed to this location…” His hands moved on the console in front of him and the display laid out on the table in the middle of them all changed to that of a small system. “Long-range sensors picked up some unusual readings a few days ago, and a recon team was dispatched. They haven’t reported in, so the emperor wants us to check it out.”

  His manner was tight and Riis could practically feel the frustration rolling through him. It was no secret that Danaar had had a thing for a human female who had been taken from him and imprisoned by her own people. So far, though, Danaar had been refused permission to go and find her.

  “The powers that be have suggested the possibility that there is pirate activity in the area,” he added. “I do not need to explain what would happen if the C’Vaal decided to try and claim this area.”

  Nods and understanding flowed around the table. The pirates, once part of the Lathar, were highly territorial and violent. Humanity would not fare well under their rule.

  Riis shivered. Just the thought of his Randy being taken by pirates was enough to send ice rolling down his spine. The little female was too delicate for the brutal treatment they were said to mete out to their slaves. Even he had to be careful, feeling like a ravening brute when he held her in his arms. When he took her.

  Daydreams of the last few days filled his mind as Danaar outlined the mission. Every moment he could, he’d been with Randy, his nights spent with his little female in his arms. Claiming her. Sleeping with her nestled against his chest. He was still locked in his own thoughts as they were all dismissed and filed out of the briefing room. He didn’t see the two males either side of the corridor, an unforgivable lapse, and the next second he found himself slammed against the metal wall.

  A hard arm jammed in his throat made him struggle, but when it wasn’t followed up by a blade he stopped. The corridor was clear apart from him, Sardaan and Isan.

  “What the draanth?” he spat, shoving Sardaan’s arm away. “What the draanth got into you two? I could have gutted you!”

  “In your dreams, youngling,” Sardaan snorted, amusement dancing in the backs of his eyes. Isan leaned on the wall next to Riis, a grin flirting with the corner of the healer’s lips.

  “So… when are you going to tell us what’s going on?” the healer demanded lightly.

  “I don’t get your meaning.” He tried to bluff his way out of it. “Nothing’s going on.”

  Isan’s eyebrow winged up, Sardaan wearing a matching expression of disbelief. Neither were buying it but Riis had to try.

  “I’ve been tired recently. Needed a lot of sleep.”

  The healer snorted. “Yeah, right. Perhaps we should get you in for testing. A male of your age and level of fitness shouldn’t be exhausted.”

  “No!” Riis managed as Isan reached for his arm, grabbing his wrist to pull him down the corridor. The move tugged the cuff of his uniform jacket back and they all froze at the sight of his wrist. Dark marks wove around each other in a delicate pattern that resembled creeping vines, encircling his wrist like a cuff.

  “Whoa…” Isan breathed as Riis’s eyes widened.

  Elation and relief poured through him. Mating marks. He had mating marks. Randy was his, completely and forever.

  “What’s going on?” a new voice broke into their conversation. All three men stilled as they registered Rohn K’Saan standing not far from them.

  Riis pulled his wrist back, covering the marks. How long had the other warrior been there?

  “Nothing. The healer was just checking on an old injury that’s been playing up,” he lied smoothly. He’d rather Rohn think he was vulnerable in the circles than know he had a female stashed in his room.

  “This draanthing idiot didn’t obey my orders,” Isan took up the lie with a hard voice and look as he turned to Rohn. “Now he has a weakness on his left side and is likely to get himself made a fool of the next time he trains. A warning to all those who would ignore my orders.”

  Rohn obviously wasn’t convinced, studying them all in turn. None of them moved, all treating him to the same hard look in return. Then he nodded and, turning on his heel, walked away down the corridor.

  A sigh of relief punched from Riis’s lungs as the K’Saan warrior turned the corner out of sight. Both his companions turned back to him.

  “If you have a female somewhere, I suggest you get to the commander and let him know,” Sardaan advised in a low voice, “before it becomes common knowledge. Otherwise, you’re in for a world of hurt. If the others find out there’s a female no one else knew about, or had a chance to claim… then you’re going to be challenged. A lot.”

  Riis nodded, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He’d thought claiming Randy, getting some mating marks, would be enough. But, the mention of the challenge circle… well, mating marks wouldn’t do him draanth all good if he was dead. Human females didn’t get mating marks the way their Latharian partners did. They could bond again.

  Which meant some warrior could kill him and claim his Randy.

  Days had passed, but so wrapped up in her new
alien lover Randy had barely noticed them. Riis came to her in the evenings with food, and they spent the hours talking about his culture and hers. Then he took her to bed and made love to her all night long until they managed to catch a few hours’ sleep before dawn. She had no idea how he did it, sliding from the bed while she slept for his duties during the day.

  But always, in the back of her mind, was the knowledge that soon their little honeymoon period would come to an end. She knew, even though he protested otherwise, that Riis was keeping her a secret here in his rooms.

  “Trust me, kelarris,” he’d told her, the deep rumble of his voice and the note in it as he called her his species’ word for “beloved” making her go all gooey inside. “I’ll sort this. We won’t have to hide for long.”

  And, despite all her instincts screaming at her it was a bad idea, she nodded and believed him.

  So when the door opened earlier than usual, she looked up with a smile. Sometimes Riis came “home” in the middle of the day with food, or just because he couldn’t keep away. A memorable encounter up against the back of his bathroom door meant she couldn’t use the facilities without heat simmering through her veins.

  But the man framed in the doorway was not Riis. He was just as broad but taller, with a shock of dark, curly hair around his shoulders. His eyes were pale and cold as he looked at her. The corner of his lips curved up in a way that made ice slither down her spine.

  “Well, well, well… I knew that draanthic was hiding something.”

  Randy shot off the bed as the alien lunged for her, heart pounding in her chest.

  “RIIS! RIIS! SOMEONE HELP ME!” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she bolted for the bathroom. If she could just get the door between them, she had a chance of barricading herself in.


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