I Will Be There For You

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I Will Be There For You Page 5

by Priyal Jain


  “Would you stand straight for a sec?” I said to Beck. “There is something missing. Let me see.”

  I am at Becky’s place again to get her ready for her date.

  “What is missing?” she asked, examining herself in the mirror

  “Got It... Here, were this.” I said, picking a beautiful bracelet from her dressing table. “Now you look complete. Awww… sweetie, you are looking really beautiful.”

  “Seriously?” she asked.

  “Of course. I am sure Joey will get totally flattered just looking at you.” I assured her.

  We went downstairs and Becky was so nervous and was asking me again and again about her looks. Frankly, I was getting really irritated. And if Rachel cried now, I am sure I will kill myself. There is no full stop to melodrama in this house (except for Jake. To be honest, I used to think he is adopted.).

  “What do you think?” I asked all of them, as Becky stepped down.

  “You are looking gorgeous” Jake said and showed thumbs up.

  “Love, you are the prettiest girl alive.” Jon complimented and Jake choked on the diet soda, he was drinking. “Sorry!” he said. I couldn’t help but giggle myself.

  “I was so sure I was not going to cry but……” Rachel said, tears coming out of her eyes.

  Here we go again. I shot a glance at Jake, who had covered his mouth with his hands and is laughing.

  “Okay mom, everything is good you don’t need to worry. Joey is about to come so I will bid you adieu.” Becky said, faking a Spanish accent. Now I had enough, I started laughing and Jake joined in too.

  “Guys, you are demoralizing me!” Becky cried.

  “And with that accent you are killing me!” Jake said imitating Becky, and laughing even harder.

  “Don’t talk to me, you.” She shouted and started walking towards the door.

  Jake grabbed her arm and stopped her. “Sorry, I am seriously sorry. I was just having fun. But, on a serious note, you are looking stunning and really ravishing. Just don’t try and be someone you are not and spoil it.”

  “Thank you!” Becky said, side hugging him.

  Sometimes when I see Becky and Jake together, I find their relationship so cute and so sweet. It feels so good to watch them. I also wish I had an elder brother who would care for me in the same way. The doorbell rang bringing me back from my reverie.

  “Bye guys!” Becky danced with excitement and rushed towards the door.

  “Hi, Joey” she said as soon as she opened the door.

  “Hey Rebecca! You are looking so beautiful” Joey complimented her.

  “Thank you so much, you too look beaut….. I mean handsome.” She fumbled.

  “Shall we leave?” he asked.

  “Ya, sure. Mom and dad we are leaving.” She informed her parents.

  “Bye sweetie, have fun!” Jon replied and then the door was closed. I am sure Rachel is thinking about both of them getting married and having children.

  “I can see our little Becky…….” Rachel was about to complete her sentence when Jake cut her in between, “It is cool mom!”

  “I think I should leave, mom and dad must be waiting.” I said.

  “I will walk you home” Jake offered.

  “No, I will be fine. Our house is just nearby.”

  “Come on! I will get some extra walk.” He insisted and I agreed. We both also left the house and I wished Rachel and Jon, goodnight.

  “So…… How is mission ‘getting over Ion’ going on?” he asked as we walked towards my home.

  “Really good. I think I am pretty much over him.”

  “Oh! That’s good. I wanted that to happen as soon as possible.”

  “Did you know he wasn’t the right guy for me?” I asked, a bit astonished.

  “You can say, he is a womanizer and I am sure he will leave that secretary girl for someone else in just a month.”

  “Seriously, then why didn’t you talk to me about it?” I asked and I stopped walking.

  “As if you would have believed me.” He said

  The man has got a point. I started to walk again.

  “No, but…….” I couldn’t say anymore because of the big smile that formed on my face. He noticed my smile and started grinning himself.

  I realized that, we have reached my house, but I didn’t want to go inside. I just wanted to stand here beneath the stars and the moon and talk to Jake. Talking to him makes me fell lighter and happier. He is so sweet, helpful and knows how to make me feel better. He makes me love myself more.

  “Hey, where are you lost?” he asked clipping his fingers in front of my face.

  “I am okay, I was just wondering, that it would be better if you call me Ash instead of Ashley.

  “Sure… Ash” he smiled.

  “Good Night, Jake. Sweet dreams” I waved him goodbye.

  “Good night” he waved me back. I went inside and closed the door. I smiled to myself like an idiot.

  “Welcome back!” mom greeted me with excitement.

  “Hey mom” I replied.

  “Honey, could we talk to you for a second please?” mom asked, her tone suddenly becoming very serious. I nodded to give my approval but I wasn’t sure. Mom took me too the dining hall, where dad was already waiting for us.

  “Honey, sit please.” Dad said, pointing towards the empty seat, next to him. Honestly, I am freaked out. We never had such family meetings before. I hope they are not gonna announce their divorce or something more horrible, like I am adopted.

  Oh God!

  “Ashley, your mom and I were discussing about your future. We know that you will get an amazing job but it might take some time. We were thinking that till then you may join some temporary job.” Dad said with hopeful eyes.

  I relaxed a bit.

  “Like what?” I asked dad.

  “Henry has a friend, Justin. He has his own restaurant and he is looking for a waitress. Maybe you can join.” Mom clarified.

  “I have never really thought about getting a part time job.” I said honestly.

  “We are not forcing you love. The decision is yours. But, it is a great place, and the salary is also good.” Dad said.

  “You have the whole night to think about it. Tell us in the morning.” Mom said. “Stop thinking now and we’ll have dinner.”

  “No mom, I think I will pass. I had snacks at Becky’s place. So I am full. You guys carry on. I am going to my room.” I said and went.

  I locked the room from inside. I never thought my first job would be that of a waitress. I wanted to talk to Becky and ask her for her advice. But then I think she would be busy with Joey. I seriously don’t know what to do. And I only have a night to think about it. I don’t want to work at some stupid restaurant as a stupid waitress. But on second thoughts, I think this job would not be that bad. It will help me move on and I will get a way to pass my time. I think I should take this job. “Oh God! It’s so damn irritating.” I shouted at no one in particularly. I wish someone could help me out here. “Jake! Of course. He would definitely help me.” I threw my hands in the air. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. “Please God, don’t let him be busy. Please. Pleeeeease.” I prayed to myself. My prayers worked and he picked up his phone.

  “Hey Ashley!”

  “Hi Jake. Sorry to disturb you.”

  “No problems at all! Is everything okay?” he asked getting all concerned.

  “Well, I want an advice.”

  “Sure, shoot!”

  “My parents want me to take up a job at my dad’s friend’s restaurant. And I am not really sure about the offer. I don’t want to tell my kids that I started my career as a waitress in a shabby restaurant.”

  I know he is laughing.

  “I would suggest that you take up this job, firstly it will help you get over Ion and secondly restaurants are fun. You can eavesdrop on the customers and mentally give your advice. Moreover whole day you can look at shoes and dresses. Trust me, you will be always upda
ted about the new trends and stuff. Lots of gossip in there.” He explained.

  He really knows me really well. Wait a minute, was he pulling my leg but is it okay, he is helping me.

  “Hey Ash, you still there?” He asked.

  “Yep! I think you are right. I will take up this job.” I said with a flush of excitement. “Thank you Jake. You are a star. You always have solutions to my problems.”

  “My pleasure! You can come and talk to me about anything, I will try my best to help.” He replied.

  “I will keep that in mind. Also, if you ever need any girlfriend related advice you can come to me without any hesitation. I can help you with anything of that sort.” I replied, full of zeal.

  I could hear his chuckles although he was trying his best to hide them. Finally he got his nerve back and said, “Good night, Ash! All the best for tomorrow.”

  “Thank you and sweet dreams.” I said and hung up.

  I am going to be a working girl. Okay. Working woman. I will take this job and give my best. I decide to phone Becky but then dropped the idea, considering that she must be tired. Tomorrow, I will first meet Becky and then go to the restaurant.


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