I Will Be There For You

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I Will Be There For You Page 11

by Priyal Jain


  I went home and kept a smile on my face. I didn’t want to worry mom and dad.

  “Welcome Hon. You are late by the way.” Mom said, raising her eyebrows. I know she would want to know the reason. My mom and dad can never accept the fact that I am 25 now.

  “Actually, I went over to Jake’s house. Becky wanted to talk to me. I am sorry I should have called.” I lied to them. “I will come in a minute. Want to change into something more comfortable.”

  “Okay. Come fast love.” Mom said and I went to my room. Dad wasn’t home yet. Saved. He would have a list prepared of questions. I went to my room and closed the door. I went to the washroom and I splashed water on my face like they do in those face wash commercials. Now, who the hell washes face like that? My whole damn washroom is wet.

  I got out and changed into a pair of pj’s and sweatshirts. It is so comfortable.

  “Mom I am really hungry.” I shouted and rushed to the kitchen. Dad was already sitting on the kitchen island.

  “Hey dad. What are you doing here?” I asked, as dad always sits in the dining room. He rarely comes to the kitchen (except when he is really hungry.)

  “I wanted……. to see…. your mother…….. Cook.” He fumbled. I know they were making out.

  “Okkkaayy.” I replied. “I will be waiting in the dining room.” I left to give them some privacy. Mom and dad came after a minute and then we had our dinner in full silence. I was feeling so uncomfortable after what happened today. I tried to ignore the feeling but it felt gross and yuck!

  I went to my room after my dinner and lay on my bed. Just then my phone started to ring and it was Jake. I picked up the phone and came his feel-better voice.

  “Hey, Ash. Hope not disturbing you.”

  “Not at all. In fact I wanted someone to talk to.”

  “It was just an accident. And they didn’t do anything extreme. You were lucky. And I assure you nothing like this would happen again.”

  “I know. But, are you fine, my hero?”

  “I am fine. No problems at all.”

  “Why did you call?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “Just wanted to check that you are okay.”

  “I am okay Jake. Just because of you.”

  “My pleasure Ma’am. I will always be there for you, whenever you need me.”

  “Well I may not say the same, but I will try my best to help you out whenever I can. You know like, girlfriend advice or what to wear on a date. Stuff like that.

  He began laughing and I joined in too. The sound of his laughter makes me feel warm and safe. I believe that when he is there for me I don’t need to worry.

  “Okay, now, I need an advice.” I said, after we finished laughing.

  “Shoot.” He said, becoming instantly serious.

  “I haven’t told my parents about what happened tonight. Now I think I should. I am so confused. I don’t know what to do and I clearly need some help.” I told him my dilemma.

  He thought for a few seconds and replied

  “I think you should tell them everything. After all they are your parents; they have full right to know what is happening to you. Eventually they will find out. You know my family knows and Becky is such a tattle-tale.”

  “I think you are right. Jake, how you do this? You know everything. You are amazing.”

  “Thank you. Now I will excuse you so you can tell your parents. Don’t worry. I am sure they will understand.”

  “Bye Jake. See you tomorrow. Thank you for everything.”

  “Bye, Ash!”

  We both hung upped the phone.

  I drew a deep breath and went downstairs to find mom and dad. They were sitting on the couch and watching TV.

  “Mom and dad, we need to talk. I have something important to tell you guys.” I demanded. My voice full of confidence.

  “Sure honey. What’s up” dad said, shutting the TV off.

  “Today, when I was coming back from the restaurant and looking for taxi, two goons came and held me by my wrist and touched me. . . . . . “

  Dad cut me and said, “What the hell? Why didn’t you tell us? You should have called. I am not leaving those two jackasses.” He is already dialing a number. I hurriedly snatch the phone from his hands.

  “Love, are you fine? Did they do anything to you?” mom asked. She was so worried about me. I could see her tears being formed.

  “I am absolutely fine mom. Jake came just in time and starting wounding them. He saved me. There is nothing to worry about.” I said and both of them took a sigh of relief.

  “Thank goodness, our little princess is safe.” Mom said kissing me on the forehead. Both of them calmed down but still I could feel their tension. A lump formed in my throat, seeing my parents like this, but I quickly swallowed it.

  “Honey I think you should leave this job.” dad said, getting hyper-emotional.

  See, this is the reason I didn’t wanted to tell them.

  “Dad it is okay. I will take care of myself from now on. I will be more careful, and nothing like this will ever happen again.” I assured them.

  “But darling, it’s too risky. You were lucky that Jake was there, otherwise. . . . . . . .” mom neither had the words nor the courage to continue.

  “I understand your fear mom, but I will be stronger and I will always keep a pepper spray in my bag if you want so. I will keep a hockey stick if you want!” I exaggerated. “I really like this job and I don’t want to lose it. It makes me feel responsible and proud of myself.” I made the puppy face, which I know they will fall for.

  Mom and dad looked at each other for a moment and gave in.

  “Okay, sweetie you can continue your job but you have to promise you will be careful and take care of yourself.” Dad said.

  “I promise.” I said and jumped with excitement and hugged them.

  I went back to my bedroom and closed the door.

  “What a relief!” I exclaimed. I lay in bed thinking about all that have happened to me in a single day. I sounded quite confident about taking care of myself, but the fact that still haunted me was that the studs are out in open. They haven’t been arrested. Forget it, after Jake’s show I don’t think they will dare come near me or any other girl. I fell asleep with all those thoughts running in my mind.

  The next morning was a bit warmer. The sun shone brightly outside my window and the rays filtered in through the curtain and irritated my eyes, waking me up. I tried to block the sunlight by putting a pillow on my face, but all my efforts were in vain. I got up and sat on the bed, cursing the light colored curtains, which by the way are very expensive and I insisted mom to buy them. Today I got a day off from work, as I was spending it with Becky. It has been a long time since we were together for the whole day. I stretched myself and got out of bad. Don’t think of me as stupid but you know what, sometimes I imagine me and my bed having a conversation.

  “Please baby!” the bed would say

  “I want to but I can’t” I would whine

  “But it’s cold outside!” he would reply. And then my imagination comes to an abrupt halt as my mom would shout on dad about his lazy habits. Their fights also are so cute.

  I showered quickly, got all dressed up and waggled down. Becky, as always, came a little early to have a gossip session with mom.

  “You know Kathy, Mrs. Buffay, who lives two blocks away from here, just got her hair dyed. You wouldn’t believe she looks so funny. You can’t stop laughing.

  “I think Mrs. Buffay should expect a surprise guest.” Mom said, and then they both started laughing.

  “Hey Beck. Morning mom.” I greeted them both.

  “Morning honey” mom replied and Becky came to hug me. “Wow. I am so happy. Just you and me, partying all day.” She said super-excitedly.

  “Absolutely. I really was so looking forward to our day out.” I replied trying to match her enthusiasm. “By the way, how is Jake? He was really hurt yesterday.

  “He is fine, he is doing well.�
�� Becky replied.

  “Seriously Becky, Jake was really helpful yesterday. Please tell him we are really thankful.” Mom said.

  “No worries, Kathy. I will convey him your message.”

  “It is getting late, let’s get the show on the road.”I said making a yo action with my hands. Trying to sound cool.

  “Please Ash don’t ever. . . . . . ever do ‘that’ again.” Becky said, she sounded so disgusted.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I grabbed Becky’s arm and rushed out of the house.

  We came across Jake as we stepped outside my house. He was fixing his car. I mean seriously, a person who’s got injured last night in a rather excruciating donnybrook, doesn’t fix his car. His car is the first love of his life.

  “Bro, you better be kidding me.” Becky exclaimed.

  “What is wrong?” he demanded.

  “Seriously. . . . . . What’s wrong? You are asking me what’s wrong. You are not supposed to do any work which could hamper the healing of your wounds.” Becky replied, in full anguish. She really cares about him a lot.

  “I am fine, Beck. Mom forded me to take a leave from the band and I was free and bored. . . . . . so it was a nice idea to spent time with my car.” He replied, patting the roof of the car.

  “Come on Jake, talk sense. You need to rest. You are making me feel guiltier. Please rest so all those wounds can heal quickly.” I said feeling abashed.

  “Hey Ash, I . . . . . I didn’t come out here so you could feel guilty.” He said innocently. “If you felt so, I am really sorry. It was not at all “intentional.”

  “I understand Jake, but I will forgive you only when you get inside and rest.” I said.

  He flashed a smile and said, “your order my command . . . . . . . . You two enjoy your day” he said and left.

  “So what is the plan?” Becky asked.

  “Let’s go shopping; it’s long since I have done some good shopping.” I replied, excitedly.

  “Okiee Dokiee!” Becky instantly agreed and we fled off.

  We both just love shopping. We could shop for a whole day and not get bored.


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