Claimed By The Alien Warrior Kezon

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Claimed By The Alien Warrior Kezon Page 1

by Eden Ember

  Claimed By The Alien Warrior Kezon

  A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Romance - The Vada Wars Book 4

  Zara Zenia

  Eden Ember

  Illustrated by

  Natasha Snow

  Edited by

  Perfectly Plotted Books

  Copyright © 2020 by Zara Zenia, Eden Ember

  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Natasha Snow Designs

  Edited by Perfectly Plotted Books

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the authors’ imagination.


  VIP Reader Club

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  About Eden Ember

  About Zara Zenia

  Also by Eden Ember

  Also by Zara Zenia


  When Hjott warrior Kezon traveled halfway across the galaxy to Earth to pick up Terran biologist, Blaire Brock, he never expected his primal urge to hit and discover she’s his fated mate.

  Blaire Brock agrees to come to the Vada System to help with the impending war with the rebel cyborgs. Being a biologist and an AI specialist, she loves her work and her lab on Earth. Traveling for the first time aboard a starship she discovers she’s prone to space flight sickness and yet she’s bound to the mission and in helping to find a virus to stop the enemy cyborg army. The discovery that Kezon has intentions for her more than just her scientific mind has her reeling with her heart’s newly found interest.

  Kezon does his best to remain professional with the beautiful biologist, but his urges prove more than he can help when he puts himself in a compromising situation with the Terran. The balance of his home planet, Jatra, lies in the hands of sexy Blaire, who is as lovely as she is smart. She’s resistant to his advances, and yet, he struggles with maintaining a working distance.

  When it comes to the mission, can Kezon focus on accomplishing what Jatra needs and set aside his yearnings for Blaire? Will she insist on coming back to Earth once the mission is complete, or will she submit to change in her heart toward the hunky alien?

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  Chapter 1


  "I'm sending you to earth, because this problem is more than we can handle. There is a biologist, an AI specialist, named Blaire Brock, and she can help develop a virus to stop the cyborgs created by the resistance. We need to bring her here. I don't want to take any chances of a Terran ship coming all the way to us. We’re sending our ship and you because you are the best suited for the job," Premier Vorta said.

  "Aye, Sir." Kezon knew he'd better obey the Premier. He felt that it was the chance of a lifetime to prove himself as a greater leader than simply one to be stuck on Yarikh training the grunts for the military action. He missed fighting in the Vada Wars with his brother Kedun. Going to Earth to fetch a Terran female would be just the tip of the mission. They also charged him with implementing the virus to help take down the resistance army.

  The enemy had declared Premier Vorta as being the real enemy, claiming he was a double agent during the Vada Wars. That, in fact, had been a lie fabricated by the enemy to divide the great Jatra Military. With the truth now out, the cyborgs posed a major threat as they infiltrated the planets in the Vada System to dismantle Jatra’s power and rule and set up a combative system that would seek to destroy life as they knew it.

  The activity continued on Arthexei, a small planet in the outer realm of the neighboring star system and close enough to Vada to inflict harm. Intel had told of the mass production of a cyborg army. It would single-handedly pose as Jatra’s greatest threat if true. The need for a virus to stop the cyborgs became the most important concern and a top priority above all other concerns.

  Kezon headed the mission aboard the Gamma Revolution. It was the first time he had left the Vada System as the one in command. He’d been to the neighboring systems before with Kedun. His capability of commanding a ship came from his military travels to each planet and space station in Vada. For now, he stood tall at the window, watching for the Terran Solar System to come into view.

  Kezon sucked in a deep breath as Earth finally appeared before him. The blue-green planet was a beautiful sight to the Hjott warrior. He listened to Aryn talk about her system and how the sparsely starred sky appeared at night. There were so many stars in the Vada sky that it was hard to imagine constellations. Being closer to the core of the Milky Way caused the night sky to be almost as bright as the daylight on his planet. On Earth, the nights were darker if the moon did not rise. He marveled at the lunar surface, as Earth was just now colonizing it. Chuckling inwardly, he realized how novel space travel was for them and how they had nearly missed the space expedition revolution that had taken the Milky Way by storm.

  "Approaching Earth, prepare the ship for standby. Don't get too close, we don't want to burn through their atmosphere. Nicely done. Now we will orbit around the Terran planet," Kezon said.

  It would take a short time for the ship to orbit around the planet so that he could take the Gamma Tracker through the atmosphere to land on planet Earth.

  Kezon entered the Gamma Tracker alone, directing his crew to stay on the Revolution. The Terrans were expecting him, so there would be no scuffle. Earth had kept a fairly peaceful existence once they entered the space age. But coming to an alien planet such as this, where there are the exotic Terrans, gave him pause. The Tracker detached from the Gamma Revolution and sailed downward, towards the burning atmosphere of the earth. He watched out the great window with wonder as he coasted through the atmosphere. The Terrans below had already communicated that they were expecting him. Once he made it through the burn of the atmosphere, Kezon flew high over the beautiful green mountains of Earth. Beneath him, the land struck him with wonder, with the deep blue seas caressing the edges of the land, forming a tranquil image. He continued to travel through the air, noting the great buildings making up the cities, before slowly approaching the coordinates given to him by the Terrans.

  "Gamma Tracker, approaching the landing point," he spoke into the comm.

  "Gamma Track
er, safe landing and welcome to Earth," came the Terran voice.

  The Terrans greeted him and smiled as he exited the Gamma Tracker. He felt tall and large compared to their small stature. They were weaker beings, though he felt them very intelligent, just a little behind the times. He had worked with Treasure and felt a pang of jealousy when Oszul's uxormea burst. It wasn't like he was expecting to find a mate among the Terrans. But even Kedun had done so with Aryn. That was probably the biggest surprise of all when Kedun came back with his glowing chest and the beautiful Terran on his arm who had eyes only for him.

  "Welcome to earth, Kezon. We're so pleased and humbled to have you as our guest," Commander Dagon said. He held out his hand and shook Kezon’s vigorously, the Terran ritual of greeting. Kezon politely nodded.

  "Thank you, Commander." Kezon took in the beautiful sky and landscape that was Earth. The days here were much longer than the days back on Jatra.

  He walked along the entourage of the military as Commander Dagon kept in step with his large stride. "I trust your trip here was pleasant and uneventful," Commander Dagon remarked.

  Kezon smiled. "Yes, traveling through the wormhole network didn't bring any unexpected events along the way. You have a beautiful planet here, and a beautiful system. The stars are sparsely populated compared to what I see in my own system," Kezon said while attempting to make small talk.

  A modest reception awaited him once inside the building, including trays of Terran food and other things that he had never tried. Taking a plate, he bit into a few morsels and swallowed, though he missed Jatra’s food. Finally, after a bit more small talk, the Hjott warrior was ready to move on with the mission at hand.

  “I beg your pardon, but time is of the essence. We must go back to Vada at once,” Kezon said to Commander Dagon.

  “Ah yes, I’m sure you are eager to return. Since you just arrived after such a long trip, would you care to rest for a couple of hours before departing?”

  “Sir, Hjotts get by on very little sleep. We differ from Terrans in this respect,” Kezon replied.

  “Yes, we have learned as much. Please, humor us as we have a banquet planned in your honor for later this evening. Your human companion is readying herself for the long journey to your planet. You must be patient with her as this is the first time she’s traveled outside of our solar system,” Commander Dagon said.

  Kezon blew out a deep breath. Every second was precious and meant time away from protecting the Vada System. The Terrans didn’t seem to be in such a hurry. Perhaps if their beloved planet had been threatened with a takeover they would feel differently. Premier Vorta commissioned him to be diplomatic with the Terrans, though, which meant he had to endure the ceremonies they held so dear.

  “Oh, before I forget, the Terrans who are staying in the Vada system requested that I bring back seeds. Here is a list of what they want, if it is possible?” Kezon asked as he handed the Commander the list Treasure had given him before he departed Jatra.

  Commander Dagon smiled as he read it. “Taylor, please see to it that we send a parcel of these with Kezon,” he said to one man following close behind.

  Taylor nodded and took the list before disappearing.

  “We will grant your request, but now I would like you to meet with my colleagues,” Commander Degon said as he led Kezon around the room. Introductions of the many Terrans left Kezon’s head swimming, as he’d never remember all the names.

  Later in the evening, the banquet began and Kezon’s stomach rolled as he peered at his platter full of Terran food. Oh, how he missed the delicate fruits of Jatra, the savory meats, and the deep green vegetables.

  Kezon patiently ate the food before him, trying to be diplomatic and understanding. However, he eventually stood and with a smile nodded at Commander Dagon. There had been enough of the pleasantries. “Thank you for the wonderful banquet. We must be going now, though. Please bring the Terran so that we can depart at once,” he requested.

  Commander Dagon nodded at another military officer who disappeared and returned minutes later, his face flushed.

  “Sir, Ms. Brock isn’t ready to leave Earth yet,” he announced.

  Kezon’s temper finally erupted. He banged his fist on the table. “I’m sorry, I’m here to escort Blaire Brock to the Vada System. My time is very precious, Commander. The more time I waste here, the greater the chance a cyborg army will descend upon Jatra and overthrow the royal family. It is my duty to ensure that this doesn’t happen. I’m here to escort the Terran back. I’m sure she’s had plenty of time to prepare for the trip, so please, we must leave at once,” he said with his booming voice. Many around him jumped at his outburst. Kezon had made his point, though he wondered whether that point was fully appreciated by his hosts.

  Chapter 2


  "Hold still, stop moving around so much," Blaire said as she carefully expelled the nanobots onto the petri dish. More than half of the bots scattered to the other side as the organism vibrated. On the cellular structure, it was a hard sell but sometimes caused biological matter to mesh with artificial intelligence. However, it was her specialty, and she was determined to make it work.

  Blaire held her breath as she watched the nanobots finally mesh with the organism. The cells molded to the structure, causing it to move. She had structured the nanobots with a particular virus that caused it to turn red immediately. The organism’s color morphed from a light peachy orange into a full-blown blood red.

  Blaire clapped her hands as she lifted them into the air. "Yes!" she exclaimed. She had finally proven to herself that she could make it work. The nanobots did exactly what she programmed them to do, which was to turn the organism into the blood red she now beheld. It was a simple enough procedure to engineer the nanobots to do some things. Now that she could design the nanobots to do complicated things such as shutting down the organism completely, Blaire felt vindicated in her earlier boasts to her colleagues about her ability to do so.

  Blaire breathed a sigh of relief as she realized her love of all things biological and AI put her in her current position. She really didn't care for some opportunities that had been presented to her, so she often turned down most in order to stay in the structured confines of her laboratory. With her many petri dishes and test tubes and all the equipment she needed to produce the nanobots, she felt most at home here.

  Pausing for a moment, Blaire filled the watering can and attended to the various plants growing inside the boxes along the south-facing windows. “Nice, good job there,” she said, believing that all living things had the ability to receive praise and pick up on vibrations, be it positive or negative. She inherited her father’s green thumb and love for plants. Under her care, even though she grew the plants only for experimentation, they thrived. And yes, Blaire referred to the green leafy vegetation as they. A quick spritz of fresh mist, and the plants soon came to life, swaying under the sunlight and her constant care.

  “Good, I see that you’re making progress with the nanobots.” Lawson, Blaire’s supervisor, smiled as he beheld the organism’s changing colors.

  “Yes,” Blaire proclaimed proudly.

  “Wonderful. I have a job opportunity for you, Blaire.” Lawson always had job opportunities.

  “You know what I’ll say,” Blaire sang as she pulled the petri dish from the microscope.

  “Well, yeah, up to this point you have been averse to new ventures. However, I have the Qetesh breathing down my neck and a planetary system in dire need of your services.” Lawson’s brow lifted.

  “No.” She shook her head and stepped around the man, making busy with the plants and the next step for her experiment. “You know that I don’t care to take part in these galactic wars.”

  “I know, but this is different. The Vada System near the center of the Milky Way is in trouble. We’ve already sent a team of Qetesh agents to help them. Your need isn’t one of fighting necessarily, but the use of your talents and research are.” Lawson wasn’t backing d
own as he had with other proposals.

  Blaire sighed as she stopped her work and focused on the man. “Okay, why exactly am I needed so badly?” she asked.

  “The Vada System is under attack. Some of our Qetesh agents there have already fought to dispel some danger, but it hasn’t been enough. The enemy of Jatra is commissioning an army of cyborgs which will far outnumber the Jatra army. This army aims to attack Jatra and the royal family, taking out anyone who supports King Thras, and then set up their own dictatorship,” Lawson replied.

  “And why am I needed, sir?” Blaire’s voice wavered with annoyance.

  “You have successfully engineered artificial intelligence to combine and work with living things. Isn’t it obvious? With your know-how, you can create a virus or something that can attach to the Cyborgs and stop them from attacking.” Lawson was so matter of fact about her talents that it surprised her of how certain he was.

  “Seriously? You think that I can do that? I work with earthly organisms, not alien,” she retorted.


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