Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

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Home (Finding My Home Book 1) Page 14

by Nikita Parmenter

  The rest of the girls glance at each other in confusion, it’s obvious that Selena has been spreading shit and telling everyone they were together. Trick didn't help that by letting her hang all over him like she was on my first day here, but everyone makes mistakes. Selena screeches and launches herself for me, surprisingly it's the follower, I feel bad calling her a bitch right now, who grabs her around the waist and hauls her back.

  "What is going on here?" An authoritative voice bellows from the end of the hall.

  I roll my eyes, of course the damn teachers would show up now.

  "Uh oh, time to go sweetheart" Jensen chuckles and we all move as a unit towards our classes splitting up before we get there, with Jensen coming with me. We end up being ten minutes late, the teacher opens her mouth to scold me as soon as I walk in but as soon as she sees Jensen behind me, she snaps her mouth shut. I turn to him and raise my eyebrow on the side that doesn't have the cut, the cheeky fucker just smirks at me as we walk to our seats.

  It's not even lunch yet, what a fucking morning.

  By the time lunch time finally arrives, the rumours are running fucking rampant. Don’t get me wrong, I was more than prepared for that to happen but what I wasn’t prepared for, was all the creeps that would come out of the fucking woodwork thinking that I'm an easy lay. I've been propositioned twice in this class alone, which also happens to be one I don’t share with any of the guys. Rylie sent me a text with a massive, what the fuck is going message and then an even bigger what the fuck, when I explained what happened. She’s out for Selena’s blood. We've been texting on and off through this whole class, but several kids are, and the teacher doesn't give a shit. Speaking of texting, another message comes through.

  Rylie: Dude, I've been asked for your number by several sketchy guys in this class. Wtf.

  Me: Yeah I've had several "propositions" by shady fuckers in mine too, apparently there’s several rumours going around but the common theme running through all of them is that I slept with all the guys in the bathroom and now every fucker thinks I'm easy.

  Rylie: Well fuck that could actually become a big problem Ever, be careful.

  Me: Tell me about it, don’t worry I'll let the guys know what's going on at lunch.

  This day has been a nightmare, thank fuck it’s Friday today.

  I spend the rest of the lesson resolutely ignoring all the assholes in my class and eventually they seem to get the message and back the fuck off. I know that it’s only a small reprieve though and they’ll be back at it as soon as the bell goes for lunch. Within the last ten minutes of class they’ve already started up again. The guy from my first day here, the one that said he’d give me something to ride when I pulled up on my bike, seems to be leading the creepy fuckers.

  My temper is slowly rising at every disgusting and degrading thing that’s coming out of their mouths and I know I’m minutes away from flipping the fuck out. I have a feeling that fights won’t be so easily overlooked here as they were at my old school, so I can’t beat the next fucker who tells me where he’d like to stick his dick. Not only that but I don’t want to embarrass Rob and Jenny, they took me in when I had nowhere else to go and they could quite easily send me away if I become too much trouble.

  Not that I think they would do that, but there’s always a niggling voice in the back of my mind telling me it could happen. I don’t want to lose them they’re the nicest adults I’ve known for a long, long time but more than that it would absolutely destroy me to be separated from the guys and I’m not being dramatic when I say that. I’d survive it don’t get me wrong, I’m stronger than that, but emotionally I would shut down completely.

  As soon as the bell rings, I shove my shit in my bag as quick as fucking possible and practically sprint out of the room, ignoring the leers and crude comments from the idiots in the class, all of which the teacher has conveniently ignored over the past hour. There’s no way she didn’t hear them. The stupid fuckers seem to think that I’m running because I’m scared or upset, none of them seem to understand that I’m running so I don’t beat them fucking black and blue.

  I make it down the corridor with minimal incidents until I’m suddenly grabbed, one arm around my waist and a grubby hand, reeking of stale cigarette smoke pressed to my mouth, threatening to send me into a dark memory, I almost gag. I’m pulled back into a deserted classroom and me and the Stinky fucker are joined by two of his friends.

  “I wanted to keep you to myself but I realise now, that you’re a kinky bitch and my friends want a turn anyway” Stinky fucker, threatens still holding onto me his putrid breath puffs onto my ear and actually makes me gag this time.

  I realise now it’s the same guy from the first day of school, the one that was leading the creepy fucks in class. How the fuck did they get here ahead of me? I was itching for a fight and this guy just gave me a reason for one. He starts to move his hand up my side towards my boob, as his two sidekicks watch, a perverted gleam in their eyes.

  Fuck no.

  With no hesitation and no warning, I slam my head back into Stinky fuckers face, grinning savagely as I hear the crunching of bone when my head connects with nose and he bellows in pain. He immediately lets me go and I spin away from the three of them, dropping down into a defensive position, the two idiots that came with him pause momentarily having recognised that I’m not an easy target like they first thought.

  “What the fuck are you two doing, fucking grab her” Stinky bellows, “if she wants it rough, she can fucking have it rough.”

  Bile rises in my throat at his insinuation.

  All three of them charge at me. They aren’t little guys and I’m severely outnumbered. Add to that, that I want to avoid taking my knives out since if I’m caught with them on school grounds I’m going to be in serious trouble, it just means that I need to try to end this quickly if I have any chance of escaping. I’ll use my knives as the very last resort.

  Sidekick number one swings for me and I duck but as I rise back up, fucker number two makes a grab for me and manages to grab my arm. I kick out at his knee but because of the odd angle, he only grunts as my foot makes contact but doesn’t let go. I swing around and land a decent kick to the first idiot, even though the second one still has an ironclad grip on my arm. The second twatsicle yanks me towards him, using my still trapped arm which knocks me off balance and causes me to stumble. My momentary distraction costs me and idiot number one grabs a hold of my other arm, no matter how much I struggle I can’t free myself. The fact is they’re stronger than me and they’ve got a fucking good grip. Stinky strides towards me, full of confidence now he thinks he has me trapped, as soon as he is within striking distance I use the hold the idiots have on me to my advantage and bring both feet up in a double kick that gets him square on the chest and sends him stumbling backwards over a desk.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t cause the idiots on either side of me to loosen their grips and idiot number one swings round and backhands me causing my lip to split as my head snaps to the side.

  “Stupid fucking cunt” he growls menacingly at me, his eyes excited. This is one perverted fucker: he’s getting off on hurting me.

  Stinky finally picks his disgusting ass up off the floor and rushes towards me, I start to fight even more, these fuckers will not fucking touch me. Just as the panic starts to set in, the door to the classroom crashes open, the stupid fuckers didn’t even lock it, too intent on their disgusting plan.

  Riot, Jensen and Rafe come barrelling into the room, it takes them seconds to understand what’s going on and they become enraged. Jensen darts towards Stinky and though Stinky tries to defend himself he’s no match for Jensen. Who strikes with terrifying precision. Despite the fact he’s ridiculously clumsy in everyday life, Jensen fights like he’s performing a lethal dance, each of his moves calculated and precise. It causes me to see my laidback Trickster in a new and dangerous light that I can’t say I don’t appreciate.

  The two idiots either side of me froze as so
on as Jensen went after Stinky and are now looking as mesmerised at Jensen’s skill as I am, but I’m betting it’s probably for a totally different reason than mine. The truly terrifying thing though, is that I get the sense that Jensen is holding back and dragging the fight out longer just to play with Stinky.

  My Trickster is a bloodthirsty fucker and I love it.

  Rafe and Riot come barrelling towards me, and the idiots instantly let go of my arms and try to escape. My men are enraged though, and the idiots don’t get far before they catch up to them. Riot tackles idiot number one to the floor and with two quick punches to the face, he’s out cold, as Rafe kicks idiot number two in the chest knocking him down hard and then following him down and knocking him out in a single punch.

  I know the guys told me all about their past but seeing them fight like this really makes it sink in. My guys are lethal and fucked up little old me finds it hot as fuck.

  Rafe and Riot rush over to me, Rafe puts his hand on my left cheek and Riot puts his hand on my right, like they choreographed it. If these two ever gave into the feelings they have for each and wanted to make me the filling in a Riot and Rafe sandwich, I have feeling it would be fucking amazing. They are already so in sync with each other.

  “You ok?” Rafe growls.

  My desire laced body heats even further at the low growl of Rafe’s voice and Riot grins at me knowingly.

  Not the time Ever.

  “Yeah I’m fine, thank fuck you guys got here in time” I say gratefully, then point to idiot number two on the floor, “that idiot back handed me when I kicked the Stinky fucker, I’m fine though.”

  The barely banked rage in their eye’s flares back to life. I glance over their shoulders to where Jensen is still playing with Stinky. I have to call it playing because although the fuckers still standing, one of his eyes is swollen shut, his nose is dripping blood and his lip is split in two places. He has one of his arms wrapped around his ribs and is swaying where he’s standing. Jensen is circling him, like a coiled snake ready strike. Every time Stinky sways too far one way, as if he’s going to fall, Jensen pushes him back with a swift jab or kick. Jensen’s face is splattered with blood, his normally light and mischievous amber eyes are darkened with violence and a vicious sort of glee at playing with the fucker who wanted to hurt me.

  My lethally vicious Trickster is fucking hot.

  “Erm guys, I’m not sure how much more of that Stinky can take” I point towards Jensen and the guys spin, cursing.

  “Fuck” Rafe curses.

  “Jensen! Stop toying with him we need to find out what happened” Riot calls out to him.

  Jensen gives Stinky one last jab to his stomach this time allowing him to fall to the floor and then reluctantly makes his way over to us.

  “You guys always ruin my fun” he grumbles.

  The darkness I recognise from within me, is still dancing in his eyes and I realise he must have been hiding it from me before. I don’t like that; I don’t ever want my guys to hide who they really are from me. He glances at me cautiously, obviously unsure about how I’m going to react to his lethal display of violence. I step out from between Rafe and Riot, taking my hoody off as I walk towards Jensen. He’s still watching me cautiously and I let a truly feral grin grace my lips, his eyes widen slightly in shock before he grins an equally vicious grin back and reaches for me, pulling me into his arms. I reach up and try to get as much blood off his face as possible using my hoody, he just watches me intently.

  When I’ve got most of the blood off, I drop my now soiled hoody to the floor and slide my hands up his chest lacing them behind his neck, the only excuse for what I do next, is that my desire and adrenaline are riding me fucking hard right now. I’m vaguely aware of Rafe and Riot talking quietly behind us. Using the leverage I have from holding on behind his neck, I pull his face down to mine, his eyes once again widen before desire flares strongly, fighting for dominance with darkness that I now realise is ever present but just closer to the surface right now.

  His lips are a hairsbreadth away from mine and I can’t help myself as I lean forward and nip his full bottom lip hard, before soothing it with my tongue, he growls deeply, his chest vibrating against mine as he pulls me closer. I lean back slightly and can’t help but smirk as his eyes darken even further with a feral kind of heat, there’s a fine line between pleasure and pain and I’ve had a feeling Jensen would like to walk that line, ever since I pulled that knife on him on my first day here and he started showing off the small cut on his neck proudly.

  Looks like I was right.

  “I’m not going to lie” I start, he tenses and the fire dies in his eyes like he’s preparing himself for bad news, “but that was fucking hot” I grin and then jump slightly as Rafe and Riot set free booming laughs behind me.

  I forgot they were in the room, to be honest I forgot a lot of things just then, like the fact I shouldn’t be biting my friends’ lip. Not that he seemed to mind much, something to think about later. I step out of Jensen’s arms and he reluctantly lets me go. I watch as he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, when he opens them again that deliciously lethal light of his hidden behind his normal mischievousness, oh no he fucking doesn’t. I dart forward again shocking the shit out of him when I place both of my hands on his face pulling him down so he’s eye level with me.

  “Don’t you fucking dare hide your darkness, I know what you’re doing. It is perfectly ok to be both Jensen” I growl, hoping he understands my meaning. He doesn’t have to be either the mischievous, light-hearted guy or the feral, violence loving one. He can be both and I adore both sides, I'm not going to admit that to him though.

  He looks completely bewildered for a second before he seems to understand my meaning and he grins what I’ve now named his Trickster grin, the lethal light enters in his beautiful green eyes again but combines with their normal mischievousness creating and addictive mix. He suddenly darts forward his teeth catching my lip and biting down, like I did with him he soothes the sharp sting with his tongue. My mind blanks, as heat roars through my entire body causing my core to throb as my underwear grows damp and I let out a quiet moan. He steps back grinning.

  “You got it Ever” he chuckles quietly.

  “Fuck me that was hot” Riot grins, wickedly.

  “Agreed” Rafe growls and Riot shoots him a questioning look. Rafe just smirks at him, causing Riot’s eyebrows to shoot up as the wheels in his mind start turning. He visibly shakes himself before focusing back on me.

  “As much as I’m happy to continue watching you two, we need to know what happened here, Ever?” Riot asks.

  I explain to them what’s been going on with the perverts and creepy ass guys of the school. Then tell them how these guys grabbed me, dragged me in here and told them what they planned to do to me. By the end of it all the guys are practically vibrating with anger, but whereas Rafe and Riot have gone still with their rage, Jensen is bouncing on his toes as if he can’t possibly stay still for another second.

  “Fuck. Jensen text the guys, they’ve been wondering where we are anyway, it seems the little fuckers at this school need reminding of who the fuck we are, I think it’s time we let them know The Pit is reopening after winter break.” Riot grins savagely and the other two chuckle. Jensen is still bouncing on his toes as he sends a text to the guys.

  “What’s the Pit?” I ask curiously leaning against a desk.

  “It’s what we called the place where we held the underground fights against Tomlinson High, obviously it’s not in the same location as it was before the cops disbanded us but it’s still going to be called the same. One of the kids that used to go to Tomlinson bought a piece of land that already had a barn built on it a few miles out of town, so it’ll be there now. There’s going to be a new rule in place this time around though, because since we had to stop the fights as we were all being closely watched, the fighting has gotten out of control and not just between our schools but in house too. So instead of it just be
ing a place for the rival schools to fight out disagreements, it’s changed into fights between anyone. Tensions are running high because no one has an outlet anymore.” Riot explains, “there’s also going to be a fee to fight now, to help look after the land and building.”

  I’m impressed. It’s all quite well thought out and although it’s dangerous and illegal it is stopping the kids from fighting elsewhere and they don’t let it get to the point where someone dies. Before I can ask any more questions, Idiot number one starts groaning on the floor, obviously coming round from where Riot knocked him out. Out of the corner of my eye I see Stinky start to move and drag himself across the floor. Before I can warn the guys, Jensen casually strolls over and places a booted foot on the back of his neck halting his progress.

  “Stay the fuck down” he growls.

  The door to the room opens and the other guys storm in, they each come over to me and check I’m alright before turning towards the guys. Jensen must’ve explained what happened in the text he sent, because none of them question the scene before them. They all glance between me and Jensen though, who isn’t hiding the violent darkness in his eyes as he stands on the back of Stinky’s neck.

  “Dude” Trick warns shooting a glance towards me as if to warn Jensen to tone it down.

  Rafe and Riot chuckle, confusing the guys even more. Jensen raises a shoulder and grins his Trickster grin at me.

  “Don’t worry, she finds it hot; it’s been a long time since I got to play, and I sort of forgot she was watching” he shrugs as the others turn to me for confirmation.

  “What?” I ask slightly defensive, “it is hot, I never claimed to be fucking normal” I grumble and they all chuckle at me.


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