Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

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Home (Finding My Home Book 1) Page 41

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Who is it?” Cash asks.

  “Some kid from back home, he found me here” I pause as I see the realisation start to sink in. Tears make tracks down my face again. “There’s a good chance they’re going to make me leave you guys again.” I crumble in on myself, my arms wrapping around me in a bid to keep my shattering pieces together as I wait for their reaction.

  “What!” Rafe roars shocking the shit out of me at the volume.

  “No, Fuck. No, that-that’s not happening, it can’t” Jensen says panicked as he runs his hands through his hair as he begins to pace.

  They all start talking over one another and panicking in their own ways. Trick puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles shrilly making them instantly snap to attention.

  “We are not going to lose Ever. It really is quite simple, if she has to leave, we go with her.” He says firmly before turning back to me. “Do you want us to come with you if you have to leave?” He asks his eyebrow raised.

  “Of course I fucking do.”

  “Then if that detective decides that you aren’t safe here anymore, you tell him in no uncertain terms that you will not be leaving without us” he says firmly, “they need you to testify against the guys your dad worked with right?” he asks, his gaze calculating.

  I nod.

  “Then you have leverage, use it to get us to go with you.”

  “But you’d have to leave everything, your friends, school, family. You guys would do that for me?” I ask. I can’t ask them to do this, it’s not fair them. “You need to really think about everything that you’d be giving up.”

  “I know exactly what is going through your mind right now Sunshine” Riot growls pushing forward through the guys until he’s right in front of me. “It would be unfair of you to take this decision away from us.”

  I gape up at him in shock as he echoes my thoughts.

  “You’re easy to read. We know what the consequences will be and whilst we appreciate the concern, even if we didn’t know the severity of the consequences I’m pretty damn sure I speak for all the guy’s when I say, it wouldn’t change a fucking thing. We are coming with you. Do not take that choice away from us. We would do anything for you, Ever. We won’t fucking lose you again.”

  “He’s right” Rafe agrees.

  “Too fucking right, he is” Luc Growls.

  Jensen pauses in his pacing and rushes towards me. Riot darts out of the way as Jensen comes forward, he falls to his knees in front of me, my legs open and he shuffles forward wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head in my neck.

  “I can’t lose you again Ever, none of us can.” He pulls back and looks me straight in the eyes. “Promise me that you won’t make the decision for us and leave without us. We will figure this out in a way that keeps you safe and us together, you got that?”

  “I got it; I promise” I say my eyes meeting each of theirs, making sure they know I’m being honest.

  Maybe that makes me selfish but they’re right, it is their decision to make and I shouldn’t try to take it away from them even if it is what an unselfish person would do.

  They all breathe a sigh of relief at my promise, I feel like it’s the right decision, at least I hope it is. The room is silent for a minute as everyone absorbs the news.

  “It’s only a possibility at the moment anyway” Cash finally says trying to reassure me. “Do you still want to go to the dance?”

  I take a deep fortifying breath, “Abso-fucking-lutely I want to dance with my guys.”

  The guys all share a shocked look before simultaneously, giant grins breakout on their faces, I stare at them confused.

  “Your guys huh?” Rafe asks grinning widely.

  My eyes widen in horror, shit fuck shit, it’s one thing to call them my guys in my head but I just said that shit out loud.

  “Er, what I meant to say . . .” I clear my throat, fuck I’m bad at this, “that is I . . .” I pause as I try to think of a logical explanation.

  “Out you go guys, we all need to get ready now and I’m guessing you aren’t going to let Ever out of your sight right now. Which means you guys are getting ready here. So now we need to be sneaky about us getting ready too, so you don’t ruin the surprise. Out!” Rylie orders my grumbling guys.

  As soon as they’re out of the door I flop back onto my bed and let out a harsh breath.


  “You’re welcome, dude” Rylie chuckles, “I really think you need to have that conversation with them though” she adds raising her eyebrow at me.

  “I know but after winter break; I don’t want to ruin Christmas or the trip” I sigh heavily, this afternoon has already been stupidly heavy with the emotional shit.

  “Fair enough but for what it’s worth, I think you’ll be surprised at their response. Now up, we don’t have time for this” she tugs me up.

  “I’m just going to grab a quick shower. I washed my hair and shaved this morning, but I need to wash this shit show of an afternoon off me.”

  Including the feel of his hands on me, it felt so wrong and everything inside me rebelled at his touch.

  “Fair enough be quick though, you got any idea what you want to do with your hair?”

  “Nope you and Jenny can figure that out” I wave dismissively, as I grab the kimono I bought in that awesome shop. I figure there’s not much point in getting dressed properly again and I feel safe since all my guys are downstairs or in their shared rooms getting ready.

  I rush into the bathroom and speed through my shower making sure I don’t get my hair wet. Rylie yelled at me as I walked out my bedroom door to make sure I didn’t. I instantly feel better as I wash the shitty afternoon away and I hop out feeling refreshed. My excitement for the dance starting to return. I towel dry, slipping a pair of lace boy shorts on, again thank fuck for my period being light and tampons. I throw my kimono on over the top sans bra because I can’t wear one with my dress anyway and it seems a little pointless to put one on just to walk from the bathroom to the bedroom. The kimono is so short that it barely covers my ass, but the material feels amazing against my skin. I open the door checking behind me to make sure I didn’t leave anything behind.

  “Fucking hell, Everleigh” Trick breathes out harshly and my head whips back around to face him.

  His eyes travel from my feet, up my bare legs to the deep ‘V’ the front of the kimono has caused as it’s gaped open, clearly showing I’m not wearing a bra. He swallows thickly his eyes darkening with desire as he steps towards me. I back up leaning against the door for support, my legs weak from just his searing look. His hands graze the outsides of my thighs, slowly dragging the fabric of my kimono up as his hands push underneath, leaving the material bunching around my waist and causing the top to gape open even further and expose my naked boobs. His heated gaze immediately dips to them and he makes low sound in the back of his throat as his eyes greedily take them in.

  “You are so fucking beautiful Ever” he says huskily.

  His hands skim up my waist cupping the underside of my boobs and running the pads of his thumbs over my peaked nipples. I moan as my head tips back slightly.

  “Fuck” he curses before his mouth comes crashing down on mine. One hand goes to my ass pulling me tightly against him he groans as our bodies align and all my nerve endings start firing at the feel of his hard cock through his clothes.

  “For fuck sake Ever, we really don’t have time this” Rylie suddenly grouses sounding thoroughly amused despite her words.

  We instantly pull apart, but Trick doesn’t step back seeing as I’m pretty much completely exposed the only thing protecting my modesty right now is him pressed against me. He rests his forehead against mine, our eyes connecting and his promising that this isn’t over. He carefully secures the kimono back around me.

  “Bring this with us on the trip” he commands quietly, smirking as he gives me one final kiss then saunters past me and into the bathroom.

  “That was hot” Ry
lie comments.

  I chuckle as I rush past her and into my room to see that she’s set both of our dresses out on the bed.

  “Dress on first, we’re running out of time and it will be a nightmare to try and get your dress on without ruining your hair and make-up.”

  “You got it” I say. “There’s plenty of room in my closet to get changed so I’ll get dressed in there and you can get dressed out here.”

  “Sounds good. Jenny’s coming up to do our hair in about ten minutes. She’s just trying to organise the guys” Rylie chuckles. “I explained to her about what happened at the mall, she thinks that’s why you were upset.”

  “Thanks Ry, you’re the best” I grin.

  She just grins and I take my dress into the closet dropping my kimono and gently sliding the dress down over my hips, so it pools on the floor. With my heels on it should end up floating just above it. I knock on the door to make sure Rylie is done changing and then step out.

  “Oh, Everleigh you look beautiful” Jenny compliments.

  “Thanks” I say blushing.

  She chuckles and rushes me over to the dressing table sitting me down and wrapping a towel around my shoulders, so I don’t get any make-up on my dress. I glance at Rylie loving how her ice blue dress makes her eyes pop so tell her. She already has her makeup done and sits down next to me to start straightening her hair.

  “We were thinking of doing an up do for you since you have this gorgeous lace detailing on your back. What do you think?” Jenny asks.

  “Sounds good to me.” I shrug, I’ve never done this before so I honestly don’t have any idea what would be best. I trust them.

  She grins and gets to work. As Jenny does my hair and Rylie does my makeup after she’s finished her own hair. I hear the door open and close a few times downstairs and wonder what’s going on. I’m soon distracted though as I stare at Jenny’s handiwork in the mirror, in no time at all she has swept my hair up into a simple yet elegant up do with tendrils of my dark hair framing my face, Rylie has kept my make up fairly light but given me a smoky eye that makes my navy blue eyes pop.

  “Wow you guys are good” I grin. “Thank you.”

  “Come on the guys are getting restless” Jenny chuckles rolling her eyes. “Your date isn’t holding up much better either” Jenny adds to Rylie, still chuckling.

  I join in and then walk over to my heels pulling them on and watching Rylie do the same. I feel beautiful and confident as I glance at myself in the full-length mirror that Jenny bought in. The dress hugs my curves perfectly, my boobs staying where they are supposed to thanks to the tit tape. I do a shimmy to make sure that even when I dance, they aren’t going to make an appearance.

  “You figured out the tit tape then” Rylie giggles sending Jenny into a fit of laughter.

  “Yep but I am absolutely terrified to take it off” I shudder. Rylie’s grimace not reassuring in the slightest.

  “Come on girls” Jenny says, “your dates are waiting” she winks as we walk out the door.

  I freeze at the top of the stairs when I hear so many voices down there, not just my guys.

  What the hell?

  Jenny is rushing down the stairs ahead of me, so I don’t have a chance to ask her about it and Rylie flies past me and straight into a waiting Darcy’s arms. She looks really good in an emerald green dress that brings out her eyes. I take a deep breath and walk down the stairs at a more cautionary pace than Rylie did, I have no idea how she didn’t fall in her heels.

  When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I look around not seeing any of my guys anywhere but instead seeing all of the guys parents apart from Luc’s. I start to mildly panic; I had no idea all their parents would be here, shit.

  “Ever, you look beautiful. The boys won’t know what’s hit them” Kat grins squeezing me in a hug.

  “Thank you, Kat” I smile.

  “Nice to see you again, Ever” Jensen’s dad Rich says quietly, nodding his head in my direction. I catch his eyes darting in Kat and Marc’s direction a look of longing crossing his features that seems to be aimed at both of them, which has me confused before my attention is directed elsewhere.

  “Hi Sweetie, I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Riot’s aunt Emily he talks about you all the time” she grin’s and I return it.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  This woman is awesome as far as I’m concerned. She stepped up to take care of Riot after his sorry excuse for parents deservedly went to jail.

  “Ever, we are so glad that you’re home” Lily says as her and Josh both step forward, I grin, I always loved Rafe’s parents.

  “I’m glad to be home” I say honestly, although I’m starting to realise that home isn’t necessarily this place but the guys. “Umm not to be rude but where are the guys?” I ask and the parents chuckle.

  Jenny opens her mouth to answer but the doorbell goes, she giggles. “Better get that, Ever.”

  I walk over to the door and pull it open; my jaw drops at the gorgeous sight before me. All of my guys stand on the front porch, all looking damn fine in their suits. They all have matching black shirts, although they’ve each put their own twists on them, Jensen has no jacket and suspenders, I had no idea I’d find them so hot but wow. Riot is also sans jacket with his shirt sleeves rolled up and the top couple of buttons of his black shirt undone, Luc has a navy blue tie that matches my dress laying undone around his neck, his suit jacket sleeves shoved up his arms and isn’t wearing his sling like he’s supposed to, I’ll bitch at him later about that. Cash and Trick are the only ones who seem to be wearing their suits properly, including navy blue ties and they look fucking gorgeous, I get a flash of them in a few years’ time wearing suits to work. I shake the weird thought off as my eyes land on Rafe, he stands directly in front of me, looking nervous as hell, he doesn’t have a jacket and has rolled his shirt sleeves up but is wearing the same navy blue tie as a couple of the others.

  All of their eyes travel up and down my body an appreciative gleam entering them. Jensen opens his mouth but before he can say something that would no doubt be inappropriate in the present company, Trick nudges him in the side nodding his head to the group of parents behind us as a reminder. Fortunately, Jensen heeds the warning for once and wisely decides to keep his comment to himself.

  My eyes snap to Rafe as he clears his throat gaining my attention.

  “Ever, will you go to Winter Formal with me?” he asks out loud.

  Gasps sound out behind me from the gathered parents.

  “Oh Rafe” Lily says softly, I glance behind me to see Josh wrap his arms around her and is watching Rafe proudly, whilst tears streak down Lily’s face.

  “Yes” I say to Rafe, stepping forward and wrapping my arms around his neck, he bends, wrapping his arms under my ass and lifting me up.

  I chuckle as Rylie shouts something about not messing up my make-up. I ignore her in favour of my Rafe. My hands run up his neck as I lower my face and gently kiss him, aware that all of the guys parents are currently watching, I try to keep it parent appropriate but Rafe it seems he doesn’t have that reservation at all and nips my lip, when I gasp, he seizes the opportunity and his tongue sweeps into my mouth caressing my own in a slow and sensual dance that has my toes curling.

  I hear one of the guys clear their throat loudly and Rafe kisses me one last time leaning his forehead against mine and chuckling quietly.

  “We didn’t realise all the parents were going to show up” he says apologetically, his voice quiet.

  “I’m so fucking proud of you” I smile softly and kiss him one more time before wriggling trying to get down, he doesn’t let me go. “Erm Big Guy, you need to put me down” I raise my eyebrow, and everyone chuckles.

  “Nope” he growls.

  “Put her down Rafe, we want pictures!” Jenny exclaims excitedly and I share a slightly panicked look with the guys.

  Jenny and Rob know that all the guys are taking me to prom and seem absolutely fine with it, but I
have no idea about the rest of them. Plus posing photo’s?


  “Fine” he grumbles. Reverting to one-word answers again.

  I squeeze his hand as he puts me down then nod my head in the direction of his parents, “I think they want to talk to you Big Guy” I smile softly.

  He takes a deep breath and then walks over to his parents, they instantly wrap him up in a group hug and I smile happily as I watch them. He seems to still be only talking in very small sentences but that’s fine, he doesn’t need to say much else. They’re just so incredibly happy and proud of him.

  “Right, group photo first and then I want pictures of you with each of the boys Ever and then you and the girls and then individual ones of all of you. Is that all of them Kat?” She says excitedly as we gape at her, holy fuck that’s a lot of photos.

  “I think so” Kat answers seeming to genuinely consider the question.

  “Mom” Trick starts but is immediately interrupted by his dad.

  “I wouldn’t even try son, I already managed to cut it back” Rob warns.

  “Seriously?” I ask incredulously and he just chuckles nodding as Jenny and Kat arrange us how they want us for the group photo.

  For the next half an hour, we are all ordered and arranged into so many different positions and combinations of people that I am absolutely exhausted and quite honestly could call it a night. I’m leaning heavily on Jensen who has his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as his dad watches us curiously, his gaze darting between us and Rafe who isn’t batting an eyelid, none of them do when one of the others holds me. I have a feeling Jensen might have some questions to answer later.

  “Oh, I just thought of another one” Jenny exclaims.

  “Mom, that’s enough we’re already late” Trick says firmly.

  Jenny’s face falls, and Kat laughs.

  “Come on Jen, I have wine.”

  “Sold, have fun kids” Jenny says completely dismissing us as she links arms with Kat, Emily and Lily following them into the kitchen I’m guessing to get glasses.

  “Why didn’t we think of that sooner?” Rich chuckles as he turns to look at Josh, Marc and Rob.


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