A Love So Wrong: A Forbidden Romance

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A Love So Wrong: A Forbidden Romance Page 18

by Katerina Winters

  The tiny room looked as if it was meant to be another laundry room with its narrow galley-like design. Instead of washers and dryers, however, on the right wall sat a bank of monitors, all displaying images of each room. Gideon felt his stomach drop. Carefully stepping further inside, his eyes went from each monitor as they cycled through their various shots. Dozens of different angles from the outside drive, front lawn, backyard cycled past him as well as every spot they must have taken to get there. Other screens showed the inside of the house, the living room, kitchen, and numerous empty rooms. Gideon's gut twisted as he stared at one screen, which was turned off. It was the biggest screen out of all of them, and it sat prominently in the middle. Sitting down at the stool, Gideon reached out and clicked the monitor's power button powering the screen to life.

  His insides froze.

  The picture showed one room in night vision gray-scale, but Gideon didn't need color to make out every detail of the room. Along one wall hung an assortment of whips, paddles, belts, and straps while a black harness-like swing hung in a corner. In the middle of the room was a frameless bed covered in what looked to be black sheets. Shelves and cabinets were fully stocked with bottles, plugs, and dildos. This had to be the locked room, he surmised.

  "What sick shit is this?" Gideon mumbled.

  Seeing a number icon in the corner of the screen, Gideon looked down at the keyboard and clicked the arrow button. Immediately the screen toggled to a new camera—the master bedroom. Framed perfectly over the bed, whoever was watching would have the ultimate view at whatever activities were going down. Staring at the pressure cooker sitting near the bed, Gideon felt his pulse quicken as he looked at the corner of the screen to yet again see another number indicating another shot. Somehow, he knew what the next shot was, and a small part of himself told him not to do it, but his finger didn't pay any heed. Clicking the arrow button, the screen toggled again, bringing up the master bathroom. Beautiful marble floors sparkled under the crystal sconces in the bathroom. Sitting on the rim of the tub wrapped in only a white towel, Jade held her face in her hands. From the slight shake of her shoulders, he knew she was crying.

  Shame began to carve itself through his veins. Angrily he clicked the monitor off, hating himself for what he tried to do. Why was he even here right now? He could be in a hotel watching Jade's smiling face as she cooked him something in her stupid pot. He could be consoling himself with her upbeat smile instead of in here acting like the creep who owned this shitty house.

  Standing up, Gideon walked to the door and paused. Turning back, he stared at the equipment letting his eyes follow the wires. He may not be the future engineer of their family, but he knew how to uninstall a hard drive. He couldn't take the risk of having their images recorded. Finding and removing the hard drive and backup drive, he pocketed them both.

  Upstairs the master bedroom was quiet. Knocking softly on the door, he waited.

  "I'm dressed," the soft voice called from the other side, and a lance of guilt went through him at that.

  In the dark, Gideon could make out the lump lying on the far side of the bed. Deciding to shower in the morning, Gideon stripped off his shirt and jeans leaving him only in his boxers. Pulling back the covers, he crawled into the bed, making his way across the great divide until he was right next to her. With only the moonlight streaming in through the windows on either side of the bed, Gideon couldn't make out every detail, but he could feel her flinch as he laid a hand on her hip.

  "Go away," came the muffled response.

  He ignored her, remembering the image of her crying earlier. Turning her over from her side, he pushed her flat onto her back.

  "Leave me alone," she moaned, her hands coming up to push at his chest.

  Gideon welcomed the contact, he rather have this than nothing. Push him, hit him he didn’t care as long as she touched him, as long as she didn’t ignore him. Shifting until he was over her, Gideon kept himself hovering halfway over her with his arms as she stared up at him. He could see the confusion mingle with her anger and all it made him want to do was kiss her. She was just so damn soft and warm. It felt like there was a soft fire of marshmallows beneath him and all he wanted to do was bury himself into it.

  "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for doing this. I'm sorry for getting so angry. You're right, this was stupid I just…I just wanted a win." God, that sounded dumb even to him.

  The furrow in her brow did not soften as she stared silently back up at him.

  "Please, Jade," he whispered. "Don’t be mad at me,"

  Jade gave him a stern look. "Tell me you won't ever do anything like this ever again."

  Gideon shifted above her, resisting the urge to lower himself to her lips, and nodded. "I won't, I promise."

  "And tell me you won't ever ignore me when I'm trying to talk to you like you did to me today," she added, and he could see the hurt still lingering there. "I felt like you didn’t care what I wanted or felt."

  Unable to resist any longer, he lowered himself on top of her, enjoying the sharp sound of her intake of breath as he settled against her soft breasts. Shamelessly he nuzzled his face into her t-shirt, feeling the soft mounds rub up against the sides of his face.

  "Forgive me," he groaned, hugging her body tight. "I'll never do it again."

  "Oh…” her voice came out in a breathy squeak. “Ok.”

  Eventually, he felt her fingers glide through his hair, and his dick twitched against the mattress. Closing his eyes, Gideon listened to the sound of her heart beating against his ear.

  "I think I had gotten used to everything going perfectly after the Lattimores. Life was just so easy and perfect with them. I don’t think I even realized how much dad was holding things together until he passed,” he admitted. “Then without him, I felt like all of it was just thrown in the air, and you and I were scrambling to catch the pieces and hold on. Do you know before dad died, I always thought I would be a great man like him? A dependable man who would be able to provide you and mom the same perfect life? Fuck, I have never been so wrong. I couldn’t even—"

  "Stop. Just stop," the sharp tug to his hair stopped his words, and he could feel her heart rate increase beneath him. “I don't want to hear you say that. I love you, Gideon, more than anyone in the world. You have done everything perfectly," her voice gently vibrated through his body, and he willed her words of love to sink into his bones. “You kept us safe, warm, happy, and together. This was just a minor setback. We'll get back to where we were again, and soon, we will have our home again back in Stardust. Please don't put yourself down that way. I just want you to see yourself how I see you as the best thing that's ever happened to me."

  It felt as if his throat was closing up. His muscles tensed, and he drew her closer feeling the warm curves of her breasts press further into his face. God, he hoped he could just die here. His body was rushing from her words, and he could feel his dick pressing painfully into the mattress. Turning his head deeper into her breasts until his nose and mouth lay in the sweet seam of her breasts, he muffled a reply.

  "Go to sleep," he groaned. Before I do something stupid, he added to himself.

  Chapter 11

  Putting a fist underneath one chin, the man leaned further onto the armrest in the back of the SUV. It was four in the morning, and his driver was taking him down the Las Vegas strip. The sidewalks were free and clear from their usual moronic tourists, and the streets were quiet. Lights of the surrounding hotels glittered for no one, billboards strobed for the darkness and him alone as they passed. But the man paid no attention to any of it, his gaze was locked on his phone and the odd image glaring back at him in the dark car.

  There were two kids in his bed. At first, from their position, he had thought they were fucking, but as he stared, he realized they were asleep. Rewinding, he watched and listened as they spoke, and something happened. Something he hadn't felt since the last time he meddled in a man's relationship—pure, undeniable intrigue.

  Looking up to hi
s driver, the man waited until Dominic no doubt felt the pressure of his gaze. Like a knife slicing in the dark, Dominic's gaze cut to his in the rearview mirror, calm and emotionless as usual.

  The man knew he had been listening to the video and didn't have to explain himself further. "Find them and bring them here."

  Dominic nodded. "Yes, Mr. Zaretsky."

  Chapter 12

  "Are you sure you got the right details?" Gideon asked as he leaned over to stare at the colossal hotel coming into view out their shuttle's passenger window.

  A little annoyed and much more nervous, Jade bristled. "Yes, you know I did," she said snappishly as she eyed the uniformed bellhops standing at attention at the door. "She was on speakerphone when she told us that we would be moving to this hotel instead."

  When they arrived at the nice but dated hotel Toby's vouchers had directed them to, she and Gideon were surprised to be told that their rooms were under construction and that they would be upgraded free of charge to another property located on the Las Vegas strip. Jade expected it to be one of the older hotels located at the far end of the strip, not this. The Elysium hotel consisted of two black towers and surrounded by immaculately kept grounds and glittering waterfalls that screamed expensive.

  Pulling to a stop, the sleek black shuttle opened its doors. Nodding to the silent but polite driver, Jade stepped out of the van holding her pot. She immediately felt super self-conscious and stupid all at once. At the other hotel, a western-themed place that had huge advertisements of all you can eat spaghetti night and steak dinners emblazoned at the entrance, she didn't feel at all self-conscious about her pressure cooker. But as she watched women dressed in designer shorts, sparkling stilettos, and gauzy blouses to show off their curves, Jade felt like a country bumpkin.

  "Would you like for me to take your…your luggage, miss?" a bellhop in a crisply tailored uniform asked, directing a polite smile to the large pot in her arms. "We can have it sent up to your room."

  "Dear God, say yes," Gideon grumbled above her head just low enough for her to hear.

  Ignoring the heat of embarrassment rising in her cheeks, Jade nodded and handed the man the pot. With her hands free now, she felt much more confident as they walked into the gorgeous lobby towards the front desk.

  After receiving complimentary virgin daiquiris and the key-cards for their room, they made their way through the lively hotel to the room elevators.

  "I think this is it," Gideon announced as they stopped in front of a door with a gold square number plate. Sliding the key card into the slot, they heard the unlocking mechanism before pushing open the door.

  Jade followed Gideon inside and froze as he did. Simultaneously, their eyes scanned the palatial suite.

  "I…I don't know what to say," Jade whispered, almost too afraid to speak up in case the vision before them shattered like a dream.

  "Yeah, me neither," Gideon replied, obviously just as dazed as her.

  Walking across the dark hardwood floor and across a white fur rug, Gideon opened a set of black double doors on the left, revealing a luxurious bedroom with a king size bed sitting in the middle. Like the living room's modern design, the bedroom was decorated in dark grays, stark white furs, and vibrant splashes of deep purple. Giant eight-foot canvases of black and white city skylines with bold splatters of colorful paint adorned the walls. Nightstands and coffee tables were sleek glass and gold metal designs giving the chic décor a cold modern touch. Everything was so high-class and stylish. Jade felt like she was on set for a Vogue cover shoot.

  Walking to the other set of glossy black double doors, she opened them shaking her head at the matching elegance to the second bedroom. This was far too much. The vouchers Toby had sent her was for a king or a two-queen bed standard room, not this! This was a luxurious suite with penthouse views. Turning to Gideon, she caught his gaze. Inch by inch, a smile slowly broke over both of their faces until they found themselves laughing. Swinging off his backpack and letting it land with a thud on a nearby chair, Gideon flopped onto the plush gray sofa and patted the spot next to him. Giddy herself, Jade rushed over to him, throwing her own bag onto a nearby chair, and plopped next to him on the sofa with a laugh.

  "I can't believe we get to stay in this," she squealed.

  Spreading his arms out, Gideon sank deeper into the cushions. "Holy crap, me neither. This is amazing, I might never want to go back to the truck after this."

  Jade laughed and closed her eyes, enjoying the comfy couch and the crisp air of the room's air conditioner.

  She could feel the cushion depress next to her, and she could sense the shadow hover over her, and she opened her eyes to see Gideon leaning part ways over her. Her heart clenched at the sight, it reminded her of last night and how he had held himself above her. She couldn't stop thinking of it, all morning she had tried to push the image of Gideon's piercing gaze and strong set jaw from her mind.

  Swallowing, she licked her dry lips. "What is it?"

  Leaning on one elbow, he gave her a searching look, his eyebrows furrowing. "I'm sorry, what I did last night was stupid. I should've never done it. I should've listened to you."

  Her throat tightened at the sorrowful look in his eyes. She knew it had weighed heavily on him. This morning he had been so quiet as they carefully cleaned up any traces of them in the mansion and carefully snuck back out. Over breakfast, at a nearby diner, he had tried resuming their normal conversations, but she could tell there was something on his mind. In a way, she understood, she had thought about it for a while last night in that quiet room as she held his head to her breasts, allowing her hands to idly stroke through his curly hair. Since living at the Lattimores, their lives had been perfect, and now they had to learn how to adjust to life's imperfections again and learn how to handle it in stride. Yesterday had been a mistake, but it was past them now.

  In a silent declaration of forgiveness, Jade reached out a hand and ran the tips of her fingers through the close-cropped hair just above his ear. Just as he did last night, Gideon let out a deep groan as he closed his eyes to the feeling. Allowing himself to fall forward, he leaned partially on top of her burying his face into the soft fabric of her t-shirt covering her breasts. And just like last night, her heart began to race, and the blood in her veins heated. This was something new between them, never before did they comfort each other in this way. In the past, she had laid her head on his chest plenty of times and while she occasionally savored the firm feelings of his muscles beneath his clothes, not once had they ever reversed the position. Reversed it felt different, it felt intimate.

  Moving his head as if to nuzzle deeper, Gideon rooted his face squarely between her breasts, softly pushing each globe aside enough to make room for his face. Jade's breath hitched, and her body heated at the deep, shuddering male groan that vibrated against her.

  The urge to tell him that she loved him was practically straining in her throat. Jade wanted to press him tighter to her. She wanted to feel him shift his weight between her legs like he did last night, and maybe, just maybe this time, she wouldn't spend the rest of the night suffering from the unbearable heat he caused at her core. Her nipples were stiffening beneath the fabric of her shirt, and she could feel the sudden heavy ache of her breasts. Every part of her wanted more. More of this, more of his touch. But the kernel of doubt in her mind kept her still and her words back as it began to take root and flower. Jade imagined Gideon leaning back and seeing the desire plain on her face and the effects of her body and imagined his stunned disgust. Swallowing thickly, Jade closed her eyes and tried to take control of her body. She would not jeopardize everything they had because she couldn't control the part of her she had kept secret for so long. Content with running her fingers against the soft texture of his hair, she stayed like that until he stirred and lifted himself up into a pushup.


  There was a searching question to his tone that made her breath come out short, but she forced an easy-going smile to her face in
acknowledgment. Something shuttered in his gaze, and she watched him look away for a moment. Was that disappointment, or was he just thinking of what to say? She couldn't be sure. Looking back at her, he gave her the same friendly smile she gave him, and Jade couldn't deny her own flash of disappointment.

  "Let's go use some of those coupons you got at check-in. We're in Vegas, we may as well try to enjoy it to the fullest," he said, pushing himself up to stand before offering her a hand.

  Excited by the prospect, Jade took his hand. With a strong tug, she was lifted easily to her feet.


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