Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5)

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Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5) Page 11

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Sofia pulled back and held Zenobia at arm’s length. “Que le paso a tu ojo?”

  Her English was fairly good, and she only spoke Spanish when it was just the two of them, or when she didn’t want others to understand.

  “I fell,” Zenobia said regarding her eye, but Sofia wasn’t buying it. She narrowed her eyes and twisted her mouth in that way that let Zenobia know that she knew she was lying.

  “We’ll talk, but first I want you to meet someone. Mamita, this is Angelo, and Angelo, this is Sofia,” Zenobia said proudly, and then introduced Kira, as well as Elijah who had just returned from taking Sofia’s bags down the hall to her bedroom,

  “Es un placer conocerla, señora,” Angelo said, as he reached for her left hand and brought the back of it to his lips.

  Zenobia smiled and shook her head when the older woman batted her long eyelashes and giggled like a schoolgirl.

  “Pleasure to meet you, too,” Sofia said. Normally, her accent was heavier when she returned from Mexico. Not this time. Not with that statement.

  She stood in front of Angelo, eyeing him thoughtfully. Though there hadn’t been many, Zenobia always introduced Sofia to the men in her life. She trusted the woman’s judgment. Never one to withhold her opinion, Sofia would occasionally mention that Zenobia’s discernment regarding men was off.

  Granted, Angelo was just playing a role, but still, Zenobia wondered what Sofia would think of him. He’d told her earlier in the day that mothers loved him. He might’ve said it jokingly, but he was so charming, she bet there was truth to the comment.

  A smile lifted the corners of Sofia’s lips and she lovingly patted Angelo on the cheek like one would do to their child. Leaning in, she spoke quietly, only loud enough for him to hear.

  “Gracias,” he said, flashing that damn grin again. The grin that always ignited an intense sensation to scurry through Zenobia’s body.

  “It’s been a long day. I go to bed now.” Sofia embraced Zenobia again and gave her that customary squeeze before releasing her. She thanked Kira and Elijah for the ride, and then bid them all a good night.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” Kira said to Angelo.

  Angelo gave a slight nod and slid his arm possessively around Zenobia. “Same here. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Kira beamed. “Really? All good, I hope.”


  “Why was Sofia on such a late flight?” Zenobia asked her cousin. “I talked to her last night. She didn’t say anything about returning today. Otherwise, I would’ve picked her up or at least sent a car for her.”

  Kira yawned, reminding Zenobia just how late it was. “She was expected in hours ago, but because of the weather in Houston, her layover got extended. I think she wanted to surprise you. She called me early this morning with her itinerary.”

  Zenobia nodded. There was probably more to this little surprise. She’d talk to Sofia in the morning to find out what was really going on. Or maybe it was that feeling Sofia had that brought her home earlier.

  “So, you two are dating?” Elijah asked, his dark brows slanted into a frown.

  “And who are you?” Angelo asked smoothly, even though Zenobia had showed him pictures of everyone close to her. He seemed unfazed by Elijah’s skepticism.

  “This is Kira’s boyfriend,” Zenobia explained.

  “Zen, exactly what do you know about this guy? Kira hasn’t said anything about him.” Elijah’s gaze bored into Angelo. “How’d you meet?”

  “What’s wrong with you?” Kira asked, looping her arm through his. “Since when did me or Zen have to tell you about who she’s dating?”

  “I just don’t want some chump trying to take advantage of her. He shows up out of nowhere, and she’s got him spending the night here. Nah, somethin’ ain’t right.”

  Zenobia fought to control the sudden annoyance bubbling inside of her. “Elijah, not that it’s any of your business, but Angelo and I have been together for a while. I met him one morning when I was out jogging, and we hit it off.”

  “Sweetheart, you don’t have to explain anything to him.” Angelo’s cool, calm demeanor was on full display and Zenobia forced herself to relax. Elijah had always been kind to her, even treating her like a sister at times when the three of them hung out, but this suspicious attitude spilling from him was new.

  “Speaking of hitting.” Elijah nodded his head toward Zenobia. “She starts dating you and all of sudden she’s walking around with a black eye.”

  “He didn’t hit me!” she snapped, bristling at the accusation.

  Kira tugged on Elijah’s arm. “Why would you assume he’s done anything to Zen? She already told you the other day that she fell.”

  “I’m not buying that shit. Nobody falls and gets a black eye.”

  “Hold up,” Zenobia started, but Angelo silenced her when he tightened his arm around her waist.

  “I appreciate your concern for my woman, but you have nothing to worry about. I would never do anything to hurt her. As a matter of fact, I’m taking very good care of her.” The innuendo in his words and tone sent heat rushing through Zenobia as her mind went back to their passionate moment in the kitchen.

  Zenobia turned slightly in his arms and placed her hand on his chest as she gazed up at him. Yes, this little charade was only temporary, but she couldn’t help the way her heart beat double-time when he said stuff like that.

  Angelo stared into her eyes and didn’t miss a beat when he leaned down and kissed her sweetly. Zenobia knew she should, but at the moment, it was too darn hard to remember that what they were sharing wasn’t real.

  “You guys are too cute together,” Kira said wistfully, as if not knowing they were pretending.

  “Thanks. We’re happy,” Zenobia said, zeroing in on Elijah.

  “Is that right?” Elijah stepped out of Kira’s hold and moved closer to Angelo. They were similar in height, but Elijah had at least twenty pounds on Angelo. “Because if he’s mistreating you, he’s going to have to deal with me.”

  “You know what? You seem awfully angry about our relationship. What’s that about? Shouldn’t your concern be on your woman?”

  “It is. When Zen is hurt or upset, that means Kira is, too. So, I’m not going to sit back and let some pretty-boy punk like you hurt her.”

  Though Angelo kept his expression cool and calm, his breathing changed. “Well, I can tell you now that you’ll never have to worry about Zenobia. Ever. She’s in very good hands.”

  “That remains to be seen. If she ends up with another black eye or any harm comes to her, I’m coming for you.”

  “Man, be careful,” Angelo warned in a low, threatening growl. He dropped his arm from around Zenobia’s waist. “You don’t know me. So, don’t be making…”

  Elijah charged at Angelo. A soft gasp slipped through Zenobia’s lips, and her hands flew to her mouth. As if expecting the move, Angelo jabbed him in the ribs with the quickness of a ninja. Then he slammed Elijah into the closet door and jerked his right arm back, keeping him pinned against the door.

  Zenobia curled her hand around Angelo’s bicep, his taut muscles contracting under her touch. “Don’t,” she said quietly. She had no clue what Elijah was capable of, but she knew the damage Angelo could do. One wrong move and he could easily break his limb. Elijah might’ve been out of line, but she didn’t want him hurt.

  “I’ll let him go, right after I make something clear,” Angelo said with the same calm as moments ago. He leaned his head closer to Elijah. “If you ever come at me like that again, I’m going to lay your big ass out.”

  “Uh, we should go,” Kira said, and looked at Zenobia, worry in her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  Angelo loosened his grip, and Elijah pushed back and shook roughly out of his hold. If the look in his eyes was a weapon, Angelo would be dead. Elijah rubbed his right arm as he moved to the door.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” Kira said to Zenobia in a rush before hurrying after her man, but s
he stopped abruptly. She glanced at Angelo, her expression unreadable, then she exited, closing the door behind her.

  Angelo locked up and reset the alarm. When he turned to Zenobia, his expression was more serious than she’d seen since meeting him.

  “What do you know about Elijah?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  From the moment the guy walked in with Sofia’s bags, Angelo had a bad feeling about him. It could’ve just been his protective instincts being off-kilter, but he didn’t think so. His senses had gone on high alert immediately, and Angelo had learned a long time ago to trust those feelings.

  He followed Zenobia to the refrigerator as she explained how Elijah and Kira had been dating for months. They’d met at a party and hit it off immediately.

  She poured herself a glass of water and took a healthy gulp. “He’s never acted like a jerk before, but maybe he was just trying to shield me. The last time he saw me was right after the kidnapping attempt. I’m sure I wasn’t acting like myself. That was also when he’d noticed my eye. Even then, he hadn’t looked as if he’d bought the falling excuse.”

  “I’m going to need his last name, place of employment, and anything else you can think of. His ass said that somethin’ wasn’t right, and that’s exactly how I felt about him.”

  Zenobia shook her head. “Two extremely protective guys thinking something’s up with the other. Sounds about right.”

  “Maybe, but remember, I’m here to keep you safe. I’m not sure what his deal is, but I intend to find out.”

  “Okay, but for Kira’s sake, I hope you don’t find anything incriminating. She’s crazy about him.”

  Angelo hoped he did find something incriminating. He didn’t like the guy, but he also didn’t want to cause her cousin any heartbreak, unless her life was in danger. Then he’d do whatever necessary to keep him away from Zenobia and her cousin.

  “What did Sofia say to you before she went to bed?”

  Angelo smiled. He liked the older woman. “She said I had kind eyes.”

  Zenobia nodded. She finished off her water and placed the glass in the dishwasher, looking everywhere but at him.

  “About what happened in here earlier,” he started, but Zenobia lifted a hand.

  “Don’t say it. Don’t say it was a mistake.” She watched him warily as he moved across the room and approached her.

  “I definitely wasn’t going to say that, and I ain’t gonna lie. I wanted to kiss you. Taste you. Love on you. I could keep going on and on, but I won’t. I actually owe you an apology.”

  “For what? You didn’t do anything that I didn’t want you to do.”

  “Maybe, but I was way out of line.” He moved closer until he was directly in front of her and brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek. Touching her soft skin ignited that desire again. The desire to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she couldn’t think straight. “It’s hard as hell being around you and not touch you, but I—”

  “I like it when you touch me and when you kiss me,” Zenobia interrupted, placing her hands on his torso. The fiery heat from her touch scorched him through his shirt as she moved her hands slowly up to his chest. “I know this is just a job for you, but why deny what we’re both feeling?”

  His heart pounded wildly against her palm, and he resisted the urge to strip her bare and take her right there on the counter.

  He couldn’t.

  They couldn’t.

  Not only because Sofia was right down the hall and might walk in on them at any moment. No, it had everything to do with his lack of control. This was the first time in a long time that Angelo questioned whether he could control himself around a woman. Not just any woman, but a woman who made him want to say to hell with his own rules and throw caution out the window.

  Her small hand still rested on his chest, and he covered it with his hand. “You already know how attracted I am to you,” he said, realizing he had moved even closer. Their faces were inches apart as he stared into her soulful eyes. “Nothing can happen between us. My job is to keep you safe. I can’t do that if I’m distracted, and you, love, are a serious distraction. A tempting, hot, sexy-ass distraction.”

  She searched his eyes as if looking for some sign that he would change his mind. Then she slid her hand from beneath his. “That’s right, this is a job for you. This is not real.”

  Angelo’s arm shot out when she started to move away, and he blocked her path. “Wait.” He got back in her face, needing her to hear and understand him. “The magnetic sensation that keeps pulling us back to each other is very real. So, don’t get it twisted. My need to put a little distance between us has nothing to do with my attraction to you, but everything to do with keeping you safe.”

  She nodded, her gaze lingering on his mouth before returning to his eyes. “Okay, I’ll try to do this your way. But for the record, I can’t make any promises about not kissing you again.” She stepped around him and headed for the stairs. “Have a good night…what’s left of it.”

  Angelo watched as she proceeded up the stairs, her hips swaying left, right, left. He shook his head and ran his hands through his hair as a low growl bubbled inside his chest.

  How the heck was he going to keep his libido in check when just thinking about the woman turned him on? And he had to spend 24/7 with her and not go beyond their little charade. If he didn’t have his own personal rules about getting involved with a client, he’d be following her to her bedroom.

  Damn principles. They were going to be the death of him.


  Days later, Zenobia was awakened by the smell of bacon wafting up the stairs to her bedroom. She loved breakfast foods and no one laid out a spread the way Sofia did.

  After freshening up in the bathroom, Zenobia walked out of her bedroom. Sofia and Angelo’s voices drifted up the stairs. She listened for a moment and smiled when Sofia laughed at something he said. The two of them had become quite fond of each other. Angelo had mentioned that she reminded him of his abuela, his father’s mother. As for Sofia, she loved having him around because he was a big eater and she loved feeding people.

  Zenobia proceeded down the back stairs, still feeling as if she could use a few more hours of sleep. Before she reached the last four steps, Angelo glanced her way. It didn’t matter how quiet she was, he sensed her presence. He knew whenever she entered a room

  His smoldering gaze slid slowly down the length of her body, and butterflies took flight inside her belly as heat flared within her. With just a look, he had her frozen in place and somehow managed to arouse that sexual need that she’d been able to restrain the last couple of days. His eyes took in the messy bun on top of her head, her nipples that pebbled against her pink fitted T-shirt, and moved down to her hips and legs wrapped in yoga pants.

  When his attention returned to her face, a smile played around his kissable lips. He stood, leaving his stack of pancakes, and strolled across the kitchen to her.

  “Hey, gorgeous. I’m surprised you’re up considering how late you went to bed.”

  He placed a sweet kiss on her lips, but when he tried to pull away, Zenobia fisted the front of his shirt and deepened the lip-lock. It might’ve seemed desperate, but she planned to take every opportunity to take what she wanted from him.

  When the kiss ended, Angelo’s brows raised inquiringly. What could she say? She couldn’t help herself when it came to him.

  With a firm grip on her hand, he guided her to the stool next to where he’d been sitting. They’d stayed in character, especially around Sofia, but if Zenobia was honest, she wasn’t pretending with Angelo. She liked everything about the man, especially the way he cherished her.

  Without asking, he poured her a cup of coffee and added one sugar the way she liked, then set the mug in front of her. Man, she could get used to this. She inhaled the strong brew before taking a tentative sip. Zenobia had never been with a man who was as thoughtful and attentive as Angelo. After the night that he’d told her that nothing sexu
al could happen between them, she thought things would be awkward. They weren’t. If anything, they were quickly developing a solid friendship.

  “Morning, Mamita. Looks like you’ve been busy.” Zenobia eyed the platter of pancakes, hash browns, sausage, and bacon. Sofia was an amazing cook, but often complained about not having more people to cook for.

  “Yes,” she said. “Let me heat up your food and make you some eggs.”

  “You don’t have to do that. What’s here is more than enough.”

  “No, you like eggs. You get eggs,” she said, turning to the stove.

  Zenobia rolled her eyes and shook her head, knowing there was no sense in arguing with the woman. She glanced at Angelo, who grinned and winked at her before shoving a forkful of hash browns into his mouth.

  “How long have you been up?” she asked him, a yawn bursting free before she could stop it. She quickly covered her mouth. “Sorry. Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “Because you needed the sleep.” Angelo reclaimed his seat “How do you feel?”

  She’d been waking up early and going to bed late, trying to finish a song before needing to be in the studio in a couple of days.

  “I feel all right. Still a little frustrated that this song is not coming together. I can’t say that it’s writer’s block because words are coming, but they don’t feel right.”

  “Well, let me know if I can help.”

  Her mug stopped inches from her mouth and she turned and looked at him. “Don’t tell me you sing and write music.”

  “Okay, I won’t tell you.”

  “Seriously? You write, too?”

  He chuckled. “Nah, I’m just messing with you, but feel free to bounce some ideas or lyrics off of me. I’ll help if I can.”


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