Reaper's Fire

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Reaper's Fire Page 13

by Katherine Bogle

  “Wait!” Ky grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the safety of darkness. His gaze darted over my shoulder nervously as he inspected the street, again reminding me that I hardly knew anything about him.

  How could I have been so dumb getting wrapped up in a hot guy with a sexy smirk? I might care for him, but all I knew was the surface he chose to show me. I needed more if I was ever going to trust him with something as precious as my heart.

  “I’m not a child,” I told him. “You don’t need to protect me. I can protect myself.”

  Ky smiled and squeezed my hand. “I know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have followed you without your permission.”

  Well that was easy. “Good… I’m glad you know.” God, could I sound more awkward?! “But that doesn’t excuse it.”

  His smile dropped. “What do I have to do to earn your forgiveness?” He pulled me closer, his fingers brushing my hip.

  “No way!” I stepped back, pulling my hand out of his. “I’m not letting you suck me back into your trance!”

  Ky chuckled. “My trance, huh?”

  I narrowed my eyes, heat blazing my cheeks. “You know what I mean!”

  “Do I?”

  Infuriating little shit. “Yes. I barely know you,” I said. Might as well put my cards on the table. “If you want to get to know me, then it goes both ways. You can’t just expect me not to care about who you are, or why you’re running from someone.”

  Ky stiffened. All amusement drained from his face and something cold settled in his eyes. His jaw hardened as he looked away. He didn’t say a word, shocking me.

  “Really? You’re not going to say anything?” Hurt blazed like a knife through my chest. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Ky didn’t care about me at all. Maybe I was just a game to him.

  He sighed and swiped a hand through his orange hair. “You’re right. Someone is after me.”

  I stilled, my hurt and anger taking a backseat to my curiosity. “Who?”

  He grimaced. “I can’t tell you that—not yet.”

  “So you will tell me… when you’re ready?” I asked.

  Ky nodded, though he still wouldn’t meet my gaze. “I don’t want you to get hurt. And hurting is all they do. I won’t put your life at risk.” His fists clenched and shook.

  I softened. Though I was still wary over his intensions, I could hear the honesty in his words. “Don’t worry.” I took his fist in both of my hands, and slowly unfurled his fingers as he relaxed. “Whoever is after you, I’ll protect you from them.”

  Ky snorted softly. “I’m supposed to protect you, Mistress.”

  I smiled and shrugged. “I don’t mind.”

  He shook his head. “You’re too kind to be part of this cruel world, Clara O’Connor.”

  My heartbeat sped up and my body heated unexpectedly. I think that was the first time he’d used my actual name. And damn did it sound good in his mouth. “Well, thanks, I guess.”

  Ky pulled me closer and kissed the crown of my head. One second he was kissing me, and the next, he was an orange tabby at my feet.

  A laugh bubbled out of me as he leapt, scaling my arm to wrap around my shoulders. “I’ll take it that it’s time to go?” His purr was my only answer. “All right. Let’s head home, alley cat.”

  As I climbed the stairs to my apartment, I knew something was wrong the moment I heard a crash.

  I stilled on the landing, my hand raised and nearly to the doorknob. “What the hell was that?” I asked no one in particular. I exchanged a look with Ky on my shoulder, and he twitched his whiskers. It seemed like he had no idea either.

  Slowly, I opened the door to my floor and stepped through. A loud bang shook the hallway and dust rained from the ceiling. Shit. “That’s coming from my apartment!” I gasped. I raced down the hall, ignoring the bite of Ky’s claws as he dug them into my shoulder. I stopped in front of my door and tested the knob—unlocked.

  A thousand thoughts flitted through my mind, explanations for what could be happening. Had Elizabeth decided she’d had enough and come for me? Was Ryker fighting for his life against her? Or were the vampires back to hunt me down, and Ryker was attempting to protect my home? So many possibilities, but I wouldn’t get any answers until I braved it.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I pushed the door open. Cold sweat poured down my spine as I froze in the entryway. My whole apartment was trashed. The cabinets were dented or hanging off the hinges. The oven door was lying against the wall next to the door to the living room. Couch stuffing littered the floors and shards of wood lay everywhere. But worst of all was my poor little Batman toaster lying amongst the carnage. It was cracked open, split in half, metal parts lying between its two halves.

  Who would do something like this? Was it a burglary? Where were Ryker and Zane?

  A sudden growl and then a shout had me looking up just in time for Ryker to slam into the living room wall. I gasped as Zane leapt after him, grabbing the collar of his shirt. The two men grappled and swung, tossing each other like bags of sand around my tiny one-bedroom apartment.

  I stepped inside, rage licking a path of flames down my throat. I stopped in the living room door just as Ryker pushed Zane off and went to grab his throat.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I screamed.

  Both men stopped cold. I narrowed my eyes as their surprised gazes shifted to meet mine. Guilt was plain on both of their faces. They slowly looked from me, to the disaster they had caused, and back again.

  “Clara,” Ryker said, the first to get his wits about him. “I-I’m sorry. Things got out of hand and—”

  “You both ruined my fucking apartment!” I pointed at the mess that had once been my sofa, and the TV set pushed off, dark glass shards littering the shag carpet. This was absolutely ridiculous. I had no idea what they were fighting over, but whatever it was, they shouldn’t be doing it in my apartment. “What the fuck!”

  Zane’s face turned impassive as he retreated behind that wall of cold I was becoming familiar with. He avoided my gaze, instead taking in the state of the room.

  “This is crazy,” I said on a breath. “I’ve only been gone for two hours!”

  Ryker winced. “Clara, I—”

  I held up a hand. I didn’t want excuses. “Tell me right fucking now. What on Earth could you both be fighting over like… like this?” I gestured at the mess.

  Ryker and Zane exchanged a look before sheepishly glancing my way. My eyes widened as realization hit me.

  “You were fighting over me?” My voice rose an octave. “You have to be fucking kidding me. Why? What for? What the hell is going on?”

  Ky nuzzled my neck, probably in an attempt to calm me down, but I was beyond calm. I had a security deposit down on this place. I’d never get it back with giant body-sized holes in the wall. Plus, I didn’t have the money to pay for this shit. I was almost out of student loan money, and I didn’t even have a job yet. There’s no way I could pay for any of this. I’d have to move out, or worse, move home with Mom. I groaned internally. I loved Mom like no one else, but I enjoyed my freedom far too much to move back in with her after nearly four years living solo.

  Ryker opened his mouth to speak when a soft creak interrupted the silence left by my tirade.

  “Clara?” The tinkle of a voice came from the hallway.

  I looked over my shoulder in time to see my lovely neighbor Rose poking her head through the front door I’d left wide open. Her eyes widened when she saw the disaster inside.

  “Oh my,” she whispered. Her gaze roamed from the kitchen to the mess through the living room door. When she finally spied me, she picked her way across the kitchen. “Are you all right?” Her forehead wrinkled in concern. “Was there a burglary?”

  “Rose,” I said, surprised. Oh god, what is she going to think?

  Rose reached my back and peered into the living room. She stiffened the moment she saw Ryker and Zane. Her eyes narrowed, and she gripped my elbow gently. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice
frosty as she glared at the men. “Should I call the police?”

  My heart leapt. “No, no!” I turned, my mind reaching for a plausible lie. “These are just my crazy family members.” Real brilliant, Clara. I wanted to roll my eyes at myself. Neither man looked anything like me.

  “You have an… interesting family,” Rose said slowly. There’s no way she believed my bullshit for a second.

  My arm warmed where she gripped me, and if I wasn’t so torn between shock and anger, I might have gotten flustered by it. “Yeah, they’re a real handful,” I deadpanned.

  Ryker and Zane looked between us, still frozen to the spot. They both seemed at a loss with how to proceed, especially with a new addition. When they didn’t say anything, I stepped out of the living room, bringing Rose with me. Ky continued to nuzzle me, but his gaze darted between Rose and I, and his purr deepened like he was trying to relax me.

  “This must have been some fight,” Rose continued. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I nodded, my lips thinning. “Yeah, I just got home.”

  I stopped halfway into the kitchen as I spied my Batman toaster again. I couldn’t believe it. Stew had given it to me as a housewarming gift, knowing how obsessed with Batman I had been as a teen. I’d never made so many toasted sandwiches in my life as I did that first month. It was my favorite part of my apartment and in a way, symbolized my freedom. Now it was destroyed.

  Exhausted tears burned the back of my eyes. This was the last thing I thought would make me want to cry, but it did. I sucked in a breath and blinked rapidly, trying to hold them back as much as I could. It was so stupid, I shouldn’t cry over a damn toaster, but that thing was special.

  Rose squeezed my arm and I looked up. I’d nearly forgotten she was beside me. “I’m sorry, this must be terrible to arrive home to.” She gave me a sweet smile and my lips twitched in my own sad one.

  “Thanks,” I said. It was nice that someone understood.

  “Do you have somewhere to stay the night while those miscreants clean up your place?” Rose slid a glare over her shoulder at Ryker and Zane hovering in the doorway. “You can stay at my place if you’d like. That way you’re close by if you need to grab anything.”

  I stiffened, my eyes flying wide. “That’s so kind of you, but I can’t put you out like that.” Nerves swept over my skin, and my hands turned clammy. I didn’t want to inconvenience her, especially after she’d probably had to listen to their ruckus for the last hour or so. Come to think of it, if she had been home this whole time, I was surprised she hadn’t called the police. Maybe she’d just arrived home like me.

  “It’s no trouble.” Rose smiled warmly, and I flushed. “Why don’t you grab a bag and come over now? I’ll make us tea.”

  Ky purred and tilted his head at Rose. I wondered what he was thinking, and wished I could communicate with him like this.

  “Are you sure? I’m sure you have plans and—” I argued, but Rose cut me off.

  “I would be happy to have you. I had no plans,” Rose assured me. She let my arm go and took a step towards the door. “Come over when you’re ready.”

  I sighed in defeat. She made a good point. Ryker and Zane should be in charge of fixing up my apartment after they so rudely destroyed it. And if I wasn’t going to be putting Rose out, maybe I could stay over for the night. I knew I wouldn’t be sleeping any in my own apartment, not with all the noise I was sure the clean up would bring.

  “Okay,” I said shyly. My skin buzzed anxiously as Rose flashed a happy smile.

  “Feel free to bring your friend.” Rose nodded at Ky, who straightened at the mention. “My cats get along with others, so I’m sure they won’t mind a new friend for the evening.”

  I nodded. “Good idea.” At least if I had Ky with me I’d feel a little better—less anxious at least with his motorboat purr pressed against me.

  “See you soon.” Rose stepped out of the apartment, giving a little wave. She turned, her tight green curls bouncing around her shoulders as she headed back into her apartment.

  The second she was gone, my entire body stiffened once again. Cold anger seeped through my limbs, and I turned on the boys, narrowing my eyes. Ryker flinched, and Zane froze. “I’m going to Rose’s. Clean this mess up.”

  Neither argued as I packed a bag and left as quickly as possible. If my apartment wasn’t in moderate shape by tomorrow, there was going to be hell to pay.

  Chapter 15

  I got out of my apartment as fast as possible, giving the cold shoulder to both Ryker and Zane as I went. I sighed once I was out of the mess they’d created and silently prayed it’d be fixed by morning.

  Taking a step over to Rose’s front door, I steeled my resolve. It was going to be an easy night, just two girls hanging out, drinking tea, and eventually going to bed. Nothing was going to happen. I wasn’t going to Hulk out and hurt anyone, or cause a scene. No, tonight would be simple. It would be the normal I so desperately needed. I just had to be careful.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I remembered that I still had my nose plugs situated. Good. The safely precaution should keep anything bad from happening, even if blood was somehow spilled.

  Raising my hand, I knocked gently.

  Soft footsteps sounded on the other side of the door before the lock clicked and Rose opened the door. I blinked in surprise at her new outfit. Instead of her usual boho dress, Rose wore baggy beige shorts and a white tank top. Her hair was pinned up into what might be a bun if it weren’t for her unruly pastel green curls. Rose flashed a brilliant smile and tucked a curl behind her ear.

  “Hey! I’m glad you came. Please, come in,” she said, motioning me into her apartment.

  Though I wasn’t sure why, I braced myself, stepping past Rose into her cute, homie space. I looked around the kitchen, again taking in the pretty hand carved cutlery, salt and peppershakers, and cutting board.

  “Thanks,” I said softly.

  Ky purred against my neck, nestled right beneath my ear. I reached up to stroke his forehead absently, my heart racing as Rose passed by.

  “Why don’t I acquaint you with the locals?” she joked, motioning for me to follow.

  My lips twitched nervously as she led the way down the short hallway into the living room. Her apartment was a mirror of mine, but reversed, though you’d never know it. The windows lining the back wall were larger than mine where she faced the street instead of the alley. Shelves lined either side of the room, books and potted flowers on every free bit of space. The windowsills held a plethora of succulents and cacti, while the iron faux-balcony beyond the windows dripped long vines that twisted and curled around the iron bars, and even climbed one of the windows.

  “Wow,” I said on a breath. They were so beautiful. I wished I could smell them. The apartment must smell amazing without my nose plugs in. But I couldn’t risk it. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.

  “Thank you,” Rose said, smiling warmly.

  My heart stuttered at the beautiful little grin. How was it possible a woman this gorgeous even existed?

  “I’d love for you to meet my little housemates,” Rose continued. She looked around the living room for her cats. “Brandie? Hubert? Come out and say hi, please.”

  I smiled at the cute names. I always loved finding out what others named their pets. There was always a story behind the name. I’d have to ask Rose about hers later.

  Ky leapt down from my shoulder suddenly, and I blinked in surprise. His ears and whiskeys twitched, his tail flicking as a beautiful calico with green eyes emerged from behind the TV set against the brick wall next to the door to the kitchen.

  “Brandie, there you are,” Rose said. She glanced at Ky, seeming uncertain as Brandie approached warily. “How strange. Usually she loves other cats.”

  Maybe not so strange since he’s actually a guy.

  I grimaced. “Be good, Ky,” I warned.

  Ky looked up at me, narrowing his eyes as if to say “really?” I shrugged, and he flicked hi
s tail before sitting down, facing the timid newcomer. Brandie approached, sniffing the air around Ky before carefully backing away. She leapt up onto the bottom shelf of the TV set and went about grooming herself.

  “What’s wrong with you today, Brandie?” Rose sighed and shook her head. “It looks like Hubert doesn’t want to say hello either. I’m sure he’ll come around eventually.”

  I smiled awkwardly. “I’m sure.”

  “Well then, I’ll get some tea while you make yourself comfortable. Unfortunately, I don’t have a spare room, but the couch pulls out,” Rose explained as she made her way to the kitchen.

  “That’s great,” I said. “Thank you for putting me up tonight.”

  Rose snorted, amused. “It’s no trouble. It was the least I could do after what your family members did to your place.” Though I couldn’t see her, I could hear her soft sigh. “What kind of tea do you like?”

  “Anything fruity is great,” I said. Now that I was alone besides Ky and Brandie, I took my time looking around the room once again. The brown sofa looked soft and comfortable, with a matching ottoman seated in front of it. Twin tables sat on either side of the sofa; their legs just as elegantly carved as every other piece of furniture.

  “Sounds good,” Rose called back.

  The swoosh of water filled the quiet, and then stopped suddenly before the kettle clicked on. I tried not to be too nosey, but my curiosity got the better of me, and soon I was inspecting the few photo frames I could see; a biracial woman with a narrow nose and beautiful brown curls in one, the same woman with a pale, ginger man in another, and the pair with Rose in the last. I couldn’t help my grin as I looked lower on the shelves to find a photo of a young girl with blazing green eyes and pastel green curls spilling down narrow shoulders. Dark brown freckles spread over her soft oak-colored skin, dotting her rosy cheeks. If this wasn’t Rose as a child, I’d be shocked. She looked exactly like Rose, a bouquet of lilies in hand and a meadow at her back. Did that mean Rose’s hair color was natural? It didn’t seem likely, but there was a lot of unnatural phenomenon in my world lately.


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