Always Us

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Always Us Page 22

by C C Monroe

“Oh, I’m shaking in my boots, lover boy.” I hear Shayla chuckle and I gawk, as if she can see me.

  “Did you just chuckle, baby?” I question as I move to the living room.

  “No…” She trails off nervously. When I enter the living room again, I signal Kingston and Ben to follow me.

  “Sure sounds like it.”

  “She did, Trey!” Lana deflects, trying to put the attention on Shayla.

  The guys smirk, catching on and following me out of the apartment.

  “I don’t like it when you laugh at me at another’s expense.” Lana’s laughing and Shayla starts to stutter. I am only teasing her.

  “But I was just laughing because her face, it looked funny.”

  “Ugh! Rude, my face isn’t funny looking.”

  I have them on speaker and Kingston smirks when he hears Lana’s voice carry through the phone. The elevator stops two floors up from ours and we pile out when the doors slide open.

  “You gotta try better than that, baby,” I warn, my voice low, I do my best to sound upset.

  “I’m serious! Trey!” She chuckles.

  “Where are you?” I question, making sure I’m extra quiet as I open their apartment door, I almost curse because it’s unlocked. We have talked about this. Switching the call off of speaker, we all enter the apartment.

  “Um, me and Lana are in my bedroom doing laundry.”

  “Oh yeah, well, why don’t you come over? That way I can give you a real stern talking.” I know they can’t hear me, because Lana’s laughing loud enough to mask the sound.

  I hide just to the side of the hallway, by the kitchen table. While Kingston waits on the other side just across from me. That way, when they clear the hall, we’ll be right there to catch them.

  “Trey… I was just trying to joke.” Shayla laughs, exasperated. I hear the sound of her door echo down the hall and I peek, seeing Lana and her coming out, Shayla first, then Lana following close behind. I nod at Kings and he smirks back. Ben stays by the balcony door where the girls can’t see him.

  “Trey?” she questions into the phone, but I ignore her to put my phone in my pocket. Right as she clears the hall, I swoop her up, Kingston grabbing Lana right behind her.

  “Ahh! Oh my God! Trey!” Shayla yells when I swing her and stick my stubbled chin deep in her neck, biting on her chin. I hear Lana screaming and Ben laughing while I continue to torture Shay.

  Soon the screams turn into laughter. Slowly, I’m laughing again, living again, I’m finding me again. Pops is listening, helping me heal.

  “Trey!” Shay screams between heavy breathing and strangled laughs. “Put me down, careful of our baby!”

  I hurry and put her down, remembering the doctor’s orders. How could I forget? When I place her on her feet again, I check out her body and make sure she’s okay. I bring my attention back to her face. That’s when I see her eyes bulging, focused just to the side of us, everyone else is eerily silent.

  “Did you just say ‘baby?’”

  Fuck, what did we do? Looking over slowly, my eyes dragging to Kingston’s, he stands beside Lana, his face red, his fists closed tight at his sides, and the veins in his neck more pronounced.


  “No, Trey, I fucking asked my sister a question.” Throwing his hand up, I pull Shay in front of me, keeping my hand on her hip and my other one taking residence on her shoulder. I am just about to defend her when she stops me, looking up at me over her shoulder. Signaling with her eyes that I need to stand down.

  “Yes, I did.”

  I hate that I have to stay silent. I should be the one telling him.

  “You’re pregnant, Shayla?” He gulps and you can hear the distinct sound of his voice cracking with his question.

  “Yes, we’re pregnant.”

  Just like that he goes from being alert to rage induced. “When were you planning to fucking tell me? And why? Why the fuck would you let yourself get pregnant?” Shay’s body starts to shake, so I squeeze onto her tighter.

  “Kingston, take it down a notch,” I warn, defending Shayla.

  “No, you stay out of this, you were supposed to be my best fucking friend and this is what you do? Get my sister pregnant; she is only twenty-two, Trey! What the hell, man!” he yells, the vein in his neck moving with each word.

  “Baby,” Lana says next to Kings. I watch her draw into herself when he shakes his head, waving her off.

  “No, Lana. They’re too young.” He looks from her and back to Shay and me. Ben moves to the side of us and we all wait for him to leave the apartment. He knows we need the privacy and there was no way that was easy for him to be a part of. “You’re a fucking child, Shayla! You’re not old enough to be a mother.” His words hurt Shay, her body shivers and a tiny sob escapes her spread lips.

  I bite my tongue, knowing that if he keeps coming at her like this, I’ll say something. This night may end in a fistfight if he doesn’t back down.

  “Kingston, don’t say that. This is a miracle.” She grabs her belly, and I place my hand over hers. His eyes watch our joined hands then they flick back and forth between us.

  “How is that a miracle, Shayla? You haven’t even lived! You have your whole life ahead of you. Children, are…are…are work!” he stutters, slamming his fist down on the kitchen island beside him.

  “I know that, but, Bubba, they said I may never be able to have a family, and I did. Isn’t that what matters?”

  “Don’t fucking call me that right now, I can’t even look at you. Who’s to say you couldn’t have gotten pregnant later on? Why didn’t you use protection? Children can really put a damper on plans and dreams, we’re too damn young, Shayla!”

  “All right, you know what, I’m not gonna do this anymore.” Shayla is now crying and Lana looks like she’s seen a ghost.

  “Do what? Don’t you think you have done enough? Fuck, Trey. I never thought you would let me down.” Shaking his head, I bite back.

  “First off, Shayla and I are beyond fucking happy. I was scared of a family at one point, but not with her, I grew the fuck up, Kingston. And you standing here right now, yelling at her, isn’t going to fly by me. So you can either support us or get the fuck out.” I have moved around Shayla by this point, standing just inches away from Kingston.

  “Trey!” Shayla yells on a cry.

  “You’re right, I can just walk away.” With his last words to me, he moves around me, nudging me hard with his shoulder as he passes. I turn and watch him leave, but before he does he stops in front of Shay. He stares at her wordlessly while she cries up at him. The scene in front of me hard to watch.

  “Lana, let’s go, baby.” Lana comes to Shay’s side.

  “Kingston, come on, let’s talk about this.” Standing up for Shayla, Lana wraps her in a hug.

  “How can you be okay with this, how are you not shocked?” he asks, keeping his voice low but his body on defense. He knows better than to be aggressive with Lana, but that doesn’t mean he’s good at hiding his frustration.

  “I told her,” Shayla speaks before Lana has the chance.

  “You fucking told her before me, how could you do that? I’m your best friend.” The hostile air in the room turns cold, a rush of sadness diminishes his anger.

  “I wanted to tell you and dad together and it just happened.” He shakes his head.

  “And you didn’t tell me either, baby?” His question is turned on Lana.

  “She barely told me a few hours ago, sweetie.” The way she speaks to him is soothing—remorseful. Making me feel even more guilty. Kingston is my best friend and I didn’t tell him, I didn’t think about his feelings. Regardless though, I won’t let him make us feel guilty about this.

  “Why do I feel like I’m standing in a room full of complete strangers?” He moves to the door, mumbling as he goes. “I guess I’m the odd man out.” Kingston’s final words rip a sword through all of us, pissed at him or not, that shit stung.

  “Kingston, wait!” S
hayla calls after his retreating back. Lana stops her, squeezing her tight.

  “No, let me, Shay, I’ll talk to him. I’ll calm him down, okay?” Shayla is hesitant, debating what she should do. Her eyes come to me, her usually green irises lined in red. Knowing and seeing her torn between what to do, I speak up for my little woman.

  “Let her go, baby, let her talk to him.” Shayla concedes, nodding her head and then moving from Lana’s arms straight into my waiting ones.

  “It’s gonna work out, I promise.” They share a look, but it’s opposite this time. Shayla looks more worried for Lana—almost sad—than she does for herself in that split second.

  I knew our bubble wouldn’t stay sacred forever, but never did I think we would hurt anyone with our news. Maybe telling everyone means we need to prepare for the worst.


  I LAY IN BED ALL weekend, crying and feeling sorry for myself. The past week drained me, physically and emotionally. I cried myself to sleep in Trey’s arms every night since the disagreement with my brother. I feel guilty, completely consumed by it. I know I should’ve told my brother first; however, in my defense, I only knew for a day. But I should have told him before anyone, we’re family.

  I understand him being upset that he was the last to know out of our circle of friends, but for him to fly off the handle and say the cruel things he did, it doesn’t make sense. I’m young, yes, but I don’t feel like I’m making a mistake. This child is my saving grace; he or she came at a time when Trey and I needed it most.

  I feared my future was without a family. Trey lost his father then his biological mother—again—all in a matter of months. Our child isn’t just a child, it’s faith restored, love renewed, and hope found.

  In just a few months we will celebrate our one-year. What a year this has been, the battles, the demons, the tragedies, the beauty we’ve faced all in the span of a short time.

  “How is he?” I ask Lana when she finishes with the client.

  “Not good, he’s been quiet, avoiding the whole subject in general.”

  I help her make work of cleaning out the fitting room, hanging the clothes back on the hangers. I dragged my feet all day today at work, I honestly can’t wait to get home and take a bath then crash. I’m dying to make things right with my brother, but he won’t answer my calls and when I went to the apartment with Trey, so he could grab a few things to bring to my place, he treated me like I wasn’t even there. His eyes glued to the TV.

  This is the first fight we’ve ever had. Kingston and I have bickered, but we have never spent this much time silent or avoidant.

  “I miss him. I hate being apart.”

  “I know, trust me, I want you two to work it out.” Reaching out, she does her best to comfort me, squeezing my arm.

  “He’s been a jerk to Trey at work,” I inform her.

  “How so?” We move to take the items back on the floor.

  “Well, like yesterday, he totally snapped at Trey in front of a client. I guess Trey had an idea and suggested it and Kingston pretty much told him it was stupid and to stay quiet and let him take care of things.” Lana rolls her eyes.

  “See, your brother can be such a jerk sometimes.”

  “I know. But I still feel guilty.”

  “You and I both. Every since he said what he did about kids ruining everything, I have been even more on edge. I feel guilty, but how do I tell him now?” I totally spaced about that in my selfish pity party.

  “Lana, you need to tell him soon, regardless of what he said. Maybe it will be different for you two?” I cringe. Not sure if that’s true.

  “Yeah right. He listed everything in the book about how kids at our age is irresponsible and how he would be sick to his stomach if he knew he would be a parent at his age.”

  Ouch. Okay, that had to hurt her.

  “Wow…I really don’t know what to say, but tell him soon. We’ll deal with the aftermath together, just know that,” I promise, hugging her and returning the comfort.

  “I know. Okay, we only have thirty minutes until close and we need to get back out there and close up.” We stay silent while we get everything done, my mind somewhere else.

  Instead of driving straight home, I drive around town in circles, debating what to do. My nerves aren’t settled and I can’t seem to get them under control. I’m torn between going home and crying more or driving until I get so brain-dead from overthinking everything that I have no choice but to go home and fall asleep.

  My phone ringing catches my attention. Looking at the dash, Trey’s name comes up. I’m sitting at a red light, downtown, driving aimlessly like I have for the past hour, I’m sure he has himself worried.

  “Hello,” I answer.

  “What’s going on in that pretty mind, woman?” I tilt my head and focus on the license plate on the car in front of me.

  “What do you mean? How do you know I’m thinking anything?” Now he’s a mind reader.

  “I’ve been watching you drive around the same six blocks for the past hour, Mama.”

  Wait what? How did he know? Is he tracking my iPhone? I take a look around and right as the light turns green, I look in my rearview mirror and see him behind me. Watching me, a small, sad smile on his lips.

  “How did you find me?”

  “I will always find you.”

  I smile, my heart warming for the first time today. It beats one extra beat when he says this. I drive until I get to an empty parking lot. Pulling into a spot, he ends the call and climbs out. Shutting off my car, he opens my door before I get a chance and helps me out.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Placing me against the car, he braces each of his hands to the side of my shoulders on the car, towering over me.

  “I hate this… I hate fighting with my brother.” Just like every night this weekend, I start to cry. I would think I had no tears left to cry, that the well had run dry, but it didn’t.

  “I know, I’m sorry, beautiful, but you need to relax, it isn’t healthy for the baby.” His hand leaves my car and splays over my belly. It brings a tingling warmth to me, while his woodsy aftershave invades my senses.

  “I know.” I let the tears fall, and with each one that escapes, he hurries to wipe them away with the rough pad of his thumb.

  “Hey, don’t cry. You know what that does to me.”

  “It’s the hormones, I’m sorry.” That is partially true, I’ve been all over the place with my emotions. The separation between my brother and me doesn’t help.

  “I think I should get you home and then I’m going to talk to your brother. Let me fix this.” Looking up into his eyes, I smirk. I debate on arguing with him, but I truly want nothing more than to resolve this—I want my brother back. Knowing dang well if I got my hormonal butt in there with my stubborn, hotheaded brother, it would be worse than a soap opera.

  “Please. I need it.” I pause and he nods without a second thought. “I love you so much, Trey.” I step up on my tiptoes to show my thanks for him swooping in like a hero to save the day. Trey and I are having a small, intimate wedding on the beach in just a week and a half and there’s no way I’m having a wedding without Kingston. No way.

  “I love you, too. And, baby, you’re going to regret making me your husband.” I throw my head back, laughing; it feels good to laugh right now.

  “Because I’m never gonna let you go, and I will forever be all over you and shit.” Leaning in, he takes advantage of my exposed neck, kissing and sucking it with the deep pull of his lips. One second I’m crying over my brother, then the next he comes in to save the day.

  “I never said I would want it any other way.” If I spend the rest of my time on earth being loved by Trey, always having him desiring me and needing me in the way he tells me he will, I will die the world’s happiest woman, no questions asked.

  With a demanding force, he keeps one hand on the car to the side of me and his other hand reaches to the underside of my butt, gripping a handful of my ass and pulling m
y pelvis up and into him. “Kiss me, woman.” Trey doesn’t move an inch, waiting for me to dive in; he wants me to do all the work. Extending my neck as far as it will go, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to meet my waiting lips.

  We clash, the tangle of our tongues perfectly in sync, knowing each other’s every move, knowing what’s coming next. I tilt my head so I can get closer, his warm tongue lapping along mine. The knots in my stomach turning to loose messes, my legs becoming jelly.

  Grabbing my ass tighter, to the point of a painful but pleasurable grip, I lift the same leg on the side he is holding and wrap it around his lean waist. His kiss turns into a caress, the one where he barely touches my lips with his, sliding the slightly parted beauties up and down mine, while my heavy breathing comes out in deep drags.

  “You horny?”

  I mean, obviously. “Yes, why?” I ask.

  “Because you are grinding hard against my cock, baby, do you want me to take care of you real quick? Do you want me to give you your fix?”

  I look between us, ready to tell him I am not grinding, but my deceiving hips give me away, sure as daylight, I’m grinding against him—hard. We’re in the middle of an empty parking lot surrounded by abandoned buildings, but regardless, I shouldn’t be doing this in public.

  I look up in Trey’s eyes, they’re hooded, his lip caught between his pearl-white teeth. He studies my eyes, my face, my body language, knowing I’m nervous as hell, torn with what I want to do.

  Taking the lead, he tempts me more. “Mmm, Daddy is hungry.” Pulling my ass, he helps grind against me, and his words nearly have me exploding into a million pieces. I never knew that would be sexy, but it is, not because I’m into that, but like I said there is something so sexy about knowing that Trey Adams, my best friend and now lover is going to be the father of our child. It’s his sexiest trait yet.

  “But we’re outside, I’ve never done anything like this before…” I know that’s redundant to say since he’s the only man I’ve ever been with in any way.

  “No one is here, I wouldn’t let anyone else’s eyes feast upon my fucking lady, let me lay you in the backseat of my truck and eat you.”


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