Twice Shy

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Twice Shy Page 19

by Aurora Rey

  Joss blew out a breath. “Sounds good. Let me know what she says.”

  “Will do.”

  Quinn left, sending Amanda a text before heading toward her house. When she arrived, Amanda had scones and fresh coffee waiting, making her feel like a heel. She conveyed the issue, sort of wanting to leave out the part about half of the wrong floor being installed before it was caught. But she didn’t. She didn’t believe in hiding things from a client. She believed even less in hiding things from a partner.

  Partner might be a bit of a stretch, but the principle wasn’t.

  “It should only push things back by a few days.”

  Amanda closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Part of her wanted to pull out her stern, this is not acceptable routine. She’d perfected it in the early days of the business, when suppliers and the occasional contractor thought they could push around a newcomer—a woman, no less—when they didn’t deliver. But she didn’t want to do that. Partly because it was Quinn and she didn’t want any hard feelings between them. But more, she trusted it was an honest mistake, and not even the doing of Quinn or Joss. Also, she didn’t need to be that woman anymore. She didn’t have anything to prove.

  “How mad are you?”

  She opened her eyes and found Quinn regarding her with concern. “I’m not mad.”

  “You’re saying that in that really ominous way women who are seething do.”

  The description made her laugh and dispelled any lingering frustration. “I’m not. I promise.”

  “Joss thinks she’ll be able to make up some of the time if she can get a rush delivery of the correct tiles. And she’ll absorb the cost.”

  Amanda shook her head. “I’m really not angry. And I trust her to make whatever call she thinks is best. If that makes sense for her crew, great. If not, I’m okay with a short delay.”

  Quinn seemed genuinely confused. “You are?”

  She tipped her head slightly. “As long as it is, in fact, a short delay.”

  Quinn’s shoulders relaxed. “Okay. That’s great. Thank you for being understanding.”

  She didn’t need to ask, but curiosity won out. “Did you expect me to flip out?”

  “No, but I did expect you to be disappointed. I worried you might think I was counting on you being okay with it because of our personal relationship.”

  That hadn’t occurred to her. “Were you?”

  “No.” The declaration came out with more vehemence than she’d ever seen in Quinn. “I was worried that’s what you’d think.”

  “I don’t expect special treatment or lousy treatment.”

  Quinn laughed. “Right. That’s fair. I promise you’re not getting either. Well, maybe a little special treatment.”

  She smiled. “I can live with that.”

  “Not that I think sex and romance can make up for work delays, or that one should have anything to do with the other, but maybe I could try to make it up to you later?”

  The question was playful, but she liked the forwardness of it. Quinn seemed to be coming out of her shell. Into her own. She appreciated the general sentiment, but also what it meant for her. “In that case, I’m very, very upset.”

  Quinn shook her head, expression grave. “We can’t have that.”

  Amanda folded her arms and resisted smiling. “What are you proposing to do about it?”

  “Dinner, for sure. Maybe a massage. Your wish will be my command.”

  She didn’t need that, but she was enjoying the game. More than she would have expected, to be honest. Perhaps because it was a game. Such an unexpected surprise. “Pick me up at six?”

  Quinn grinned. “Done.”

  * * *

  Quinn tiptoed from the bedroom to the kitchen. She wouldn’t go so far as to say the construction snag was a good thing, but she had no complaints about the evening that unfolded as a result. She puttered around the kitchen, wishing she had the skills to make Amanda a fancy breakfast. She flipped on the coffee pot and turned. Amanda stood in the doorway, looking sex tossed and beautiful. “I would have brought you coffee in bed.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  She glanced at the pot to make sure it was going, then gave Amanda a kiss. “That’s what makes it fun.”

  “You’re going to spoil me and make me lazy.”

  “A little spoiling won’t make you lazy, I promise.” She kissed her again. “You should let me spoil you so I can prove my point.”

  Amanda wrinkled her nose. “Maybe.”

  “I should warn you that spoiling will not extend to homemade breakfast. But I did pick up bagels yesterday.”

  “Bagels definitely count as spoiling, but I think I’ll start with coffee.”

  She gestured to the small eating area in the corner. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  To her credit, Amanda didn’t argue. She pulled out a chair and sat, tucking one foot under her. Everything about it—from having Amanda there in the first place to how adorable she looked with her elbows propped on the IKEA table Quinn bought to fit in the tiny space—made her feel about twenty years old. She grabbed a pair of mugs from the cupboard and poured coffee.

  Amanda accepted, taking the cup in both hands and breathing in the steam that wafted up. “Thank you.”

  Quinn smiled. It was her turn to say, “You’re easy.”

  She lifted a shoulder. “Maybe.”

  She sat with her own cup and mimicked the gesture. She couldn’t deny the magic of the first cup of the day. After taking a sip, she set it down and leaned forward, resting an elbow on the table. “So, I was thinking.”

  Amanda regarded her with alarm. “What?”

  “Why do you look so freaked out?”

  “Nothing. Sorry. What were you thinking?”

  Quinn shook her head. “No, you can’t look at me like I just suggested we rob a bank, then pretend you didn’t.”

  Amanda laughed. “Too many years of teenage children.”

  Oh. That made sense. And far more harmless than the dozen or so directions her thoughts had taken. “See, I’ll give you that one.”

  Amanda lifted her cup. “Thank you.”

  “Did you think I was going to suggest we rob a bank?”

  “No, my kids weren’t that kind of trouble. More the bring home the class iguana for summer vacation without telling me type.”

  It was her turn to laugh. “Cal?”

  Amanda shook her head. “You’d think.”

  She had this vivid image of Daniella with her hair in braids and a cheerful grin on her face, holding an iguana the size of her arm. “Is it okay to say I’m sorry I wasn’t around for that?”

  “As long as that’s not what you’re suggesting we do now.”

  She looked up at the ceiling. “Well, now that you mention it.”

  Amanda lifted a finger. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of getting out in nature, not the other way around.”

  She set down her coffee. “Go on.”

  “I have a cabin up in the Adirondacks. It’s rustic, but the spot is beautiful. There’s a lake and a fireplace and it’s off grid.”

  Amanda closed one eye. “What do you mean by ‘off grid,’ exactly?”

  “Running water, but no electricity or cell service.”


  “Too rustic?”

  “It’s not the rustic so much as the off-grid part.”

  She’d been worried about the lack of electricity, not the being online part. “Really?”

  “It’s the mom thing. It’s hard for me to be unreachable.” She lifted both hands. “I know, I know. It’s silly given they’re practically adults.”

  “It’s not silly.” She just hadn’t thought about it. “It’s not something on my radar, you know?”

  “I’m not saying no, it’s just, um, out of my comfort zone.”

  Quinn took her hand. Even if part of her hated the idea of never being able to unplug completely, she didn�
�t want Amanda to feel pressured to do it to make her happy. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  She thought that might be the end of it, but Amanda shook her head. “No.”


  Amanda sat up straight and got this serious look on her face. Paired with her messy hair and the rumpled T-shirt, it made Quinn’s heart flip uncomfortably in her chest. “I want to go.”

  “You really don’t have to—”

  “I want to go. I mean it. The whole point of this is putting myself first.”

  The prospect of having Amanda all to herself for a couple of days was thrilling. “You’re sure?”

  “Absolutely sure.”

  “We can wait until the kids go back to school, but I thought you might prefer to get away while the bakery is still closed.” She offered a half smile. “And the weather is still nice and warm.”

  “You’re right. Sooner is better. And Cal and Daniella are perfectly capable of fending for themselves. I worry too much.”

  Quinn tipped her head to one side. “I know better than to have an opinion on that.”

  “Oh, really?” Amanda folded her arms, but the look on her face was playful.

  “A woman’s worry is her own prerogative, one hundred percent.”

  “I wouldn’t mind you telling me to worry a little less now and again.”

  “Wouldn’t mind or would like?” She could appreciate needing a nudge. And as much as she wanted to stay in her lane at this point in their relationship, she also wanted to be what Amanda needed.

  Amanda took a deep breath and blew it out. “Would like. My ex was one for telling me to chill out, but she had this way of putting more on my plate rather than less. You’re different.”

  She wasn’t in the business of wanting to be compared, but the compliment went a long way. “I’d rather help you relax than tell you to.”

  Amanda’s face softened and she smiled. “You’re pretty good at that already.”

  She might be pressing her luck, but she’d gotten Amanda to agree to go away with her, so it felt like she was on a roll. “And if I said I was just getting started?”

  “I’d say show me what you’ve got.”

  She stood. On a roll, indeed. “How about we start with a shower?”

  Amanda lifted a brow. “Together?”

  She took Amanda’s hand and led her to the bathroom. The small and uninspired space made her think again it was time to give up apartment living and put herself in the market for a house. But, for the moment, she had more pressing matters to attend to. Like slipping off Amanda’s clothes and pulling her in for a kiss. Like turning on the water and getting the temperature just right. Like reminding Amanda of all the reasons showering with company was an excellent idea.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Getting Amanda to agree to a weekend away was a big deal. Making it happen in a matter of days, rather than weeks or months? Well, that was the magic of the bakery being closed. Not that she’d wish for more delays, but it was almost enough to make her wish for more delays.

  Despite Amanda’s initial hesitation about being off grid, she seemed to have settled into the idea nicely by the time Quinn picked her up. On the drive, they alternated between talking and each other’s favorite podcasts. When they lost service with about twenty minutes to go, she flipped on the radio. With each mile they got closer, she felt herself relax. She hoped Amanda felt the same.

  When they pulled in and up the long and winding gravel driveway, Amanda exclaimed at how beautifully wooded it was. “I know we’re not that far from the Finger Lakes, but it feels so different.”

  “Right? That’s one of my favorite things about it.”

  Quinn grabbed her duffel bag and Amanda’s while Amanda hefted the bags of food she’d insisted on preparing. And the wine to go with it, of course. She unlocked the door, then stepped back so Amanda could go in first.

  “Wow. It’s, um, nice.”

  Quinn set down their bags and suppressed a chuckle. “Why do I get the feeling that isn’t the word you really want to use?”

  “No, it totally is.” She nodded with enthusiasm.

  “It’s rustic. You can say it. I know I told you, but thinking it and seeing it for yourself aren’t the same thing.”

  Amanda frowned. “I just don’t have a lot of experience. I’m not delicate, or changing my mind, or anything like that.”

  “I wasn’t worried.”


  “You seem surprised that I have faith in you.” Funny, given how self-assured Amanda was about most things.

  Amanda ran a hand through her hair, then placed her hands on her hips. “Huh. Maybe I am.”

  “You’re more adventurous than you give yourself credit for.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded slowly, then with more vigor. “Yeah.”

  Quinn’s heart did that thing it had started doing every time Amanda said or did something perfect. Which was kind of all the time. She was going to have to think about what that meant soon, but not today. “I’m glad you’re letting me drag you on adventures.”

  Amanda took her hands from her hips and threaded them around Quinn. “I like adventuring with you.”

  If her heart had stopped doing that thing, it would have started up again. “I do, too.”

  Amanda smiled, then pressed her lips to Quinn’s. The kiss lingered and Amanda’s hands crept under the hem of Quinn’s shirt. “Do all of our adventures need to be outdoors?”

  “No, no they do not.”

  “Good.” Without further discussion or fanfare, Amanda pulled the shirt over Quinn’s head. Her bra quickly followed, and Amanda began a trail of kisses down her torso.

  “Oh, this feels very adventurous.”

  Amanda paused and looked up. “Don’t make fun.”

  “I’m not. I swear.” She might have been the one to get Amanda hiking and camping, but it was Amanda who’d reminded her what sexual chemistry was, who’d awakened desire that had been dormant for far too long.

  “Good. Otherwise, I’d have to get very stern with you.”

  They’d settled into a dynamic where she was the top. It was definitely her preference, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t play with it. “Maybe you should.”

  “Oh, really?” Amanda’s fingers encircled Quinn’s wrists.

  “I mean, I’ll turn the tables eventually.” Quinn smirked. “But you should totally try.”

  Amanda glanced around the room, her eyes settling on the bed in the corner. She nudged Quinn and started inching in that direction. Quinn allowed herself to be led, enjoying where this was going. When they got there—not like it was very far—Amanda gave her a push. Quinn flopped onto the bed and spread her arms. “I think I like you like this,” Amanda said.

  “Just don’t get too used to it.”

  “No?” Amanda joined her on the bed, straddling Quinn’s hips.

  Despite preferring to be the top, the position might be Quinn’s favorite. “Well, maybe if you keep doing that.”

  “I thought so.” Amanda moved against her.

  “You should be naked, though. Really show me who’s running this show.”

  “Yeah? You think so?”

  Without stopping the movement of her hips, Amanda pulled the V-neck tee over her head. Despite the promise of rustic conditions, she wore a sexy bra. Quinn sighed her appreciation. “Better.”

  “Oh, no. I strive to be the best.” She tossed her bra aside and leaned forward, brushing her nipples against Quinn’s.

  Quinn sucked in a breath. She angled her head to try to pull one into her mouth, but Amanda pressed a finger to her chest. “Ah, ah. Not yet.”

  She dropped her head to the pillow and heaved out a sigh of mock frustration. Well, mostly mock. Amanda was torturing her for sure. She just couldn’t bring herself to mind.

  She tried using her hands instead, but no sooner had she cupped Amanda’s breasts than Amanda’s fingers once again wound around her wrists. Amanda pinned them over her head. �
��Not yet.”

  Truth be told, she was stronger than Amanda and could have turned the tables. But she didn’t want to. She wanted to let Amanda have her fun and to see where things went. She let her arms go limp and let out another sigh. “Fine.”

  “Good answer.”

  Amanda spent a few minutes sliding over Quinn’s body, kissing and teasing as she went. She sucked Quinn’s nipples; she nipped her ribs. When Amanda undid her belt and the button of her hiking shorts, Quinn lifted her hips to make it easier for Amanda to get them off.

  Amanda stood and unbuttoned her own shorts, sliding them down her legs slowly. The come-hither smile was almost enough to make Quinn haul herself out of bed and toss Amanda on it. She resisted, but barely.

  Amanda slinked back onto the bed but stopped halfway up Quinn’s body. She locked eyes with Quinn and there was no mistaking her intent. It felt so strange not to please Amanda first, but the strangeness vanished when Amanda slicked her tongue up and over her clit. She arched instinctively.

  Amanda pulled her mouth away. “Aren’t you always the one telling me to be still?”

  She gritted her teeth. She had said that to Amanda on more than one occasion. “Yes.”

  “Think you can manage?”

  Quinn dropped her head again and laughed. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Amanda’s mouth—her sweet, hot, perfect mouth—returned. She let out a moan, but she didn’t move. Not to be unfair or anything, but she wasn’t sure how much she could take being on the teased end of things.

  Fortunately, Amanda didn’t tease for long. And when Quinn couldn’t stop her body from moving, from seeking the release that felt at once so close and so far away, Amanda didn’t stop her. The orgasm took her and she didn’t even try to stop it.

  When her pulse finally slowed and she was able to catch her breath, she turned the tables. Even though Amanda’s teasing had been fairly tame, Quinn gave it back to her in spades. When Amanda came, Quinn barely slowed the movements of her hands and mouth. When Amanda came a second time, she called out with abandon. Such an incredible sound—pure and visceral—it made Quinn’s heart tremble in her chest. She pulled Amanda into her arms, not quite ready to accept what that tremble so clearly signified.


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