by David Hair
I’m also so grateful to Jo Fletcher and the team at JFB/Quercus (especially Molly Powell), for supporting this series and letting me build more tales in this world. It’s been a wonderful journey and I feel blessed to have worked with such a talented, supportive and experienced publishing editor as Jo.
Thanks to my nearest and dearest for their support, especially my children, Brendan and Melissa, my parents Cliff and Biddy, my sister Robyn; and all my friends – you know who you are.
But most of all, thanks to my wife, love and inspiration, Kerry, who’s enjoyed/endured being a writer’s partner for more than a decade now, sharing the highs and helping me through the lows. We’ve lived in four cities in three countries during that time and had a fabulous adventure, and I look forward to more.
Hello to Jason Isaacs. Tinkety-tonk and down with the Nazis.
David Hair
Bangkok and New Zealand 2019