Dirty Ballistics

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Dirty Ballistics Page 7

by Peyton Banks

  “Really? Where you want to go?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “We can just drive around, and I can take you to one of my favorite spots of the city.”

  “So is this an official date?” she asked quietly. Her breath caught in her chest as she waited for his answer. She could feel the reaction his body was having to her. She shifted and pushed herself into his hard length that was pressed into her stomach. She bit back a moan, trying to keep her mind from diving into the erotic thought of his thick length.

  He eyed her for a second before his lips curled up into a lopsided grin.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied with his thick southern drawl. He leaned in and covered her mouth with a quick kiss. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 11

  “The zoo?” Aspen exclaimed. She turned to Declan and found a wide grin on his face as he parked the car.

  “Yes, the zoo. Don’t tell me you’ve never been to the zoo before.” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

  She turned her head away from him and glanced out her window at the parking lot that faced the zoo’s entrance.

  “Well, of course I have. It’s just been a long time since I’ve been to one.” She turned back to him with a puzzled grin. “Seriously? The zoo is one of your favorites places to go?”

  He barked a laugh and exited the car. He walked around to her side knowing that he’d confused the hell out of her. He could feel her gaze on him as he ambled around the hood. This was a first for him. He’d never brought anyone here as a date and thought she would enjoy it.

  Now he was self-doubting.

  “Yes, it is. Where else can I go and see the king of the jungle?”

  Her musical laughter filled the air, and she placed her hand in his. He pulled her from the car and wrapped his arm around her. Shutting the door, he pushed her back against his vehicle.

  “I think it’s cute. I was expecting something like a shooting range or something.” She giggled.

  Her small hands slid up his chest and locked together behind his neck. He let loose a growl and swooped in and met her lips in a sweet kiss.

  Declan should have known better. The minute his lips pressed up against hers, sweet went out the window. He pushed his tongue past her slightly parted lips and was a lost man. He angled his head to deepen the kiss. Her fingers gripped the hair at the nape of his neck while a moan erupted from her.

  He tore his lips from hers, panting. If he didn’t be careful, they’d both be arrested for indecent exposure in public.

  “Well, I didn’t even think of the gun range.” He chuckled, brushing one last kiss on her swollen lips.

  “Maybe date number two?”

  He took in the relaxed look on her face. Her smile was genuine, and she literally seemed happy. It was a start. If this was all it took to please her then he’d start planning a million little dates.

  “Consider it done.” He smiled, stood back from her, and offered his hand. He had to will his cock down. It was pressing hard against his jeans, and it wouldn’t do him any good to walk around with an erection around families and children. “So what is the first animal you want to see?” he asked.

  They walked up to the payment booth. He took care of the fee and guided her inside the park. She leaned on his arm, and he basked in the feel of her relaxing into him.

  “I’ve always been partial to elephants.” She opened up and spoke of how, as a child, she’d been fascinated with the large, intelligent animals.

  He tried to contain his shock at the mention of her childhood. “As the lady wishes,” he replied.

  Aspen lost track of time as they made their way through the beautiful area. She’d forgotten what it felt like to walk carefree without having to constantly look over her shoulder.

  Declan, being a gentleman, made her feel safe and secure. The true southern gentleman in him was showing. His hands were constantly on her. From holding her hands, to placing his hand in the small of her back when walking along with her.

  “They are so beautiful,” she breathed, staring at the lions lounging around in their exhibit. The male, with its large mane, sat beneath a tree taking advantage of the shade that was offered. The animal glanced around, observing the crowd clamoring to get pictures of it.

  “Powerful beast.” Declan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his hard body.

  Aspen sighed, loving the feeling of him pressed close to her. She relaxed, imagining this could last forever.

  “Where do you want to go? I think we’ve seen about everything!” She turned in his arms and glanced up at him.

  “We didn’t see the bears,” he teased.

  “Oh my! How could I forget about them?” she exclaimed, jumping in place.

  Declan laughed at her and grabbed her hands. She was taken back to her childhood with this date. It had been perfect. She hadn’t been to the zoo since her teenage years and had forgotten how much fun one could have there.

  “But before we go there, let’s stop and grab a bite to eat. There’s a great little restaurant not too far from here that serves surprisingly good food considering it’s located in a zoo.”

  “I’m famished.” She hadn’t realized she’d worked up an appetite. Her belly chose that moment to make itself known.

  Declan cocked an eyebrow, and a giggle escaped her. He must have heard it.

  “Yes, let me feed you.” The corner of his lips curved up in his infamous, sexy, crooked grin. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her away from the lion exhibit. His arm stiffened, and he brought them to a halt.

  “What is it?” she asked, confused. She tried to follow his line of sight but couldn’t see what he was looking at.

  “I first thought it was nothing, but now I’m sure of it.” Even behind his sunglasses, his eyes had darkened, focused on whatever had caught his attention.

  Naturally, her body swayed toward him as if it knew he’d protect her.

  “What are you talking about?” Even with the warm weather and bright sunrays beaming down on them, a chill still slid its way down her spine. Her heart raced with fear creeping into her chest.

  Had they found her?

  Was her cover blown?

  A million thoughts raced through her head. Every situation the marshals had warned her about came to mind. Her fingers itched to grab her cell, but Declan’s arm tightened around her briefly before he turned to her with a small smile on his lips.

  “He’s gone now. Maybe I’m just being paranoid,” he said, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  She didn’t want to press it and cause him to become suspicious of her. The way his eyes scanned the area around them reminded her of the animal they had just observed.

  He was no different than the lion.

  Declan Owen was a predator. His job required someone who was fearless. She imagined he’d faced killers and the most hardened criminals in his line of duty. The look on his face was certainly one that would make a person think twice about crossing him.

  “Okay. Food. You were going to take me to get food,” she reminded him, jostling him from his thoughts.

  He nodded and entwined their fingers, guiding the way. She released the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. This was one thing she knew she’d have to report to the marshals. She just hoped it wasn’t enough to make them decide to move her.

  She was just getting used to Columbia and all that the city had to offer, mainly one SWAT Officer named Declan Owen.

  Declan was certain they were being followed. He put on a cool and collected front. He didn’t want to alarm Aspen. He hadn’t meant to frighten her, but when he’d turned and caught sight of the man staring at her, alarms had gone off. He’d had the feeling someone was tailing them, and that had confirmed it.

  They’d yet to figure out who had leaked their names to the Demon Lords. Declan was worried that until they caught the person, he would be at risk. It was his bullet that had slammed into the forehead of their lea
der, Silas Tyree.

  “Thank you for bringing me here.” Aspen smiled, walking alongside him. She squeezed the teddy bear he’d bought her from the gift shop. Its fat belly was covered with a red t-shirt with the zoo’s name splashed across it.

  “Any time.” He pulled her close, unable to keep his hands off her.

  She buried her face into the bear’s neck.

  “What shall we name him?” She reared back and looked up at him.

  Her eyes were mesmerizing, and he could easily get lost in them.

  “Name who?” He’d totally missed what she’d said.

  “The bear?” She held the toy up in the air. The brown bear had a crooked smile sewn onto his face. He looked pitiful, but Aspen’s face had lit up when she had paused in front of it while it sat on the shelf. He’d instantly picked it up and handed it to her, paying for it. He was glad no one he knew had seen him buy a teddy bear for a woman. He might have lost his man card for that. “He can’t not have a name.”

  The hairs on the back of Declan’s neck rose. They were almost out of the zoo. He’d left his service weapon locked up in the glove compartment in his car. His fingers itched to feel the cool, hard steel of his Glock. He casually looked around and didn’t see anyone.

  But they were there.

  His gut had never let him down before.

  “I don’t know…how about Tom, Henry, Mark—”

  “What?” Aspen drew back with a look of horror on her face. Her wide eyes stared at him as if he’d grown another head.

  “What’s wrong with those names?”

  She broke out into a fit of giggles and shook her head, holding the bear against her chest.

  “How about Preston?”

  They exited the zoo and headed toward the parking lot. The sun had shifted, denoting it was later in the day. He couldn’t believe they had spent the better part of the day at the zoo. They’d enjoyed themselves.

  There was something bothering him about Aspen. Declan did pick up that every time he’d turned the conversation to her, she’d dodged him or given him answers that seemed like they were perfectly rehearsed. It just didn’t settle right with him. At times, the haunted look had appeared in her eyes but disappeared just as quick at it had appeared.

  “I think Preston is the perfect name.” He laid a kiss on her forehead.

  The chill that slid down his spine didn’t sit well with him. He knew they were being watched. If he’d been by himself, he’d grab his weapon out of his car and go confront whoever it was, but since he had Aspen with him, he’d just leave and ensure she was safe.

  He remained alert, guiding Aspen to the car. His gaze swept the parking lot; he didn’t see anything, but the alarms were still going off in his mind. Dusk was upon them, which would make it harder to see. The shadows were growing as they were losing sunlight. There weren’t many people in the parking lot, which could be a gift or a curse.

  They strode along the walkway, heading toward the car in a comfortable silence. It came into sight, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Once in his car, he’d be able to lose whoever was following them.

  “I think he looks like a Preston.” She nodded, satisfied on her name choice.

  Today was the most relaxed he’d seen her, and it bothered him that he had the feeling she was hiding something. He loved seeing her so carefree and smiling all day long. He wanted to ensure she was able to remain that way.

  “Thank you, Declan. This was so sweet of you. I haven’t had this much fun in quite some time.”

  The seriousness of her look took his breath away.

  She was hiding something.

  “The pleasure was all mine,” he admitted. The feeling of dread filled his stomach just as they reached the car. He opened the passenger door and paused, taking in the sight of five men coming from behind the trucks near his car.

  “Such a pretty little thing you got there.” One of the men stepped forward.

  Aspen’s gasp filled the air. Declan pushed her behind him, ready to defend her. He narrowed his eyes on them, memorizing everything he could about them. He’d be damned if he’d let anything happen to his woman.

  Chapter 12

  Aspen peeked from behind Declan’s back and took in the thugs. Her heart raced, seeing that they were completely outnumbered and no one was around to help them. She slowly reached into her purse and pulled out her cellphone. She kept her body hidden behind Declan so the men couldn’t see her actions.

  She’d have to alert the marshals now.

  She didn’t have a choice.

  “I think you all need to move along here,” Declan drawled.

  His body was coiled tight, and she knew he was preparing to defend her.

  “I think we are good where we are,” the leader replied.

  The men spread out in front of them.

  Aspen quickly slid her finger across the screen of her phone and hit the last text she’d received from US Marshall Ball.

  Help, she typed out. She sent the text and focused on the men surrounding them.

  “Aspen, get in the car,” Declan ordered, his voice cold and hard.

  “No, Aspen. Don’t,” the leader sneered.

  A chill slid down her spine at the way he’d pronounced her name. She knew without a doubt they were here for her.

  Her cover was blown.

  She sent up a prayer that the marshals would get her message before it was too late. She wouldn’t be able live with herself if something happened to Declan because of her.

  “Get in the car, Aspen,” Declan repeated, sliding to the right to allow her to slip inside.

  She eyed the men and shifted toward the door.

  “Get her!” the leader ordered.

  Declan pushed her inside the car. “Glovebox!” he shouted.

  Without hesitation, she dove for it. She gripped the handle and pulled it open. The driver’s-side door opened, and a thug slid in. She cried out from his grip on her arm. Declan quickly reached inside the car, but he was dragged away from her.

  “Let me go!” she screamed.

  The sounds of a fight ensued outside the vehicle. She grew frantic seeing the men converge on Declan. He was hanging in there, swinging his fists, but the four of them were proving to be too much for him. The man’s grip tightened on her arm, tugging her across the console between the driver and passenger seats, and she lost sight of Declan. Her gaze landed on Declan’s gun.

  “Come on, bitch!” the man growled.

  She stretched herself and brushed the weapon with her fingers while fighting against her attacker. She surged forward and grabbed it. She’d only ever held a gun a couple of times in her life. Her father had wanted her to know how to protect herself when she moved out on her own.

  She cried out as she was dragged from the car. She had to protect herself. If they took her, there was no telling what would happen to herself.

  Take the safety off.

  She remembered that and flipped it. Wrapped both hands firmly around the handle. Her body hit the ground once he’d hauled her completely from the car. She turned and aimed at his chest and pulled the trigger. Her arms jolted from the force of the weapon.

  His body jerked, and he took a step back. His eyes were filled with shock. His mouth flopped open a few times before he crumpled to the ground. With the sound of the gunshot and the echo of sirens making their way to them, curses lined the air.

  She stood and aimed the weapon at the frozen men who’d attacked Declan, who was out of her sight.

  “Get away from him!” she shouted. Her heart raced, and her hands shook. She didn’t think she had it in her to shoot someone else and hit them. Her aim was faltering, but the men apparently didn’t want to take a chance with her.

  “Let’s get out of here. Cops are coming!” one of the men snapped.

  “Grab Diesel!”

  They began to scramble, and she made her way around the car with the gun still aimed at the men. She caught sight of Declan lying on the ground, and her hea
rt seemed to jump into her throat. The sounds of the sirens grew closer.

  “Leave him! We have to go!” the leader spat.

  “Declan!” she cried out, flying to his side.

  He sat up, his eyes wide and frantic. His face was bruised, and blood trickled from a cut on his forehead and the corner of his mouth. He relaxed when his eyes connected with hers.

  “Aspen.” He grimaced.

  She knelt by him, her lip trembling from trying to hold back her tears. She couldn’t let loose now.

  A mixture of unmarked cars and police blue-and-white cruisers flew up and parked near them, surrounding the area.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. Her heart pounded away at the sight of his injuries.

  Shouting filled the air as law enforcement swarmed the parking lot.

  “There’s nothing for you to be sorry for.” He pushed himself up to a standing position. He swayed on his feet, and she stood to help him. “I’ll take that.” He reached for his gun.

  She gladly handed it over, unable to believe she’d shot someone. Just the thought that she may have taken a life nauseated her. She couldn’t bring herself to look to where the man had fallen. Declan wiped the gun with his top then pulled her near him while he reached in his back pocket.

  Uniformed officers approached them, guns pointed at them. Aspen gasped, pressing closer to Declan. His grip tightened on her while he held up his badge.

  “Sergeant Declan Owen. SWAT,” he announced.

  Two officers stood near them, lowering their weapons.

  Aspen took in the scene surrounding them. Police and investigators converged on the area. It was like a scene from a movie playing out in front of her. A few uniforms were over on the other side of the car where the man she shot lay. They called out for the EMTs to come to them.

  “I’m Officer Cruz.” He was tall and of muscular build. His hair was kept clipped short. His eyes moved back and forth between Declan and Aspen.


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