Dirty Ballistics

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Dirty Ballistics Page 16

by Peyton Banks

  “Declan.” Aspen leaned her head back against the headrest with her attention on him.

  He hit the button to start the car and turned to her.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too.” He smiled. Unable to resist, he leaned over the armrest and laid a kiss on her forehead. “Now let’s get you home.”

  He put the car in drive and pulled off. They remained in a comfortable silence as he navigated the car through the light traffic. Thoughts of the surprise he had waiting for her filled his head, but he couldn’t help notice Aspen was being too quiet.

  “What’s wrong, Aspen?”

  “Nothing.” She sighed.

  “It doesn’t sound like it.” His gaze darted to her for a second before turning back to the road.

  “I was just wondering. You haven’t really asked me much about that night Ray had me.”

  He knew he hadn’t. So much had gone on that night, he was just thankful she had survived. But a few things had plagued him, but he figured whenever she was ready to talk about things, she would let him know.

  “I didn’t think you were ready,” he admitted.

  “I am. I don’t want us to go on with any secrets. If I am to heal completely, I’ll need to heal my mind and body. So ask me a question.” She tossed her cane in the back seat and turned to face him.

  He could feel her gaze on him and knew now was the best time to ask her.

  “When Ray was screaming about offshore banks. Was what he was saying true?” He guided the car to a stop, pausing at the red light. He glanced her way and met her eyes.

  “Yes.” She blew out a deep breath. “I’m a forensic accountant. Do I trust banks and the government completely? No. So a long time ago, I began saving my money in offshore accounts. My family is very well off, and I put some of my money in accounts to build a hefty nest egg.”

  “And that’s what Ray wanted from you?”

  “That, and me dead.” She nodded.

  “If he would have gone to prison, what were your plans?” If Ray had wanted the money in her account and was willing to risk being captured to obtain it, must have meant it was a shitload of cash.

  Her lips curved up into a small smile as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “I had planned to disappear and never come back. There’s enough money there for me to live off of for the rest of my life. The world would have been my playground.”

  His heart stuttered for a moment. Was she still planning to leave? Now that she didn’t have to hide who she was, what were her plans? They hadn’t really discussed a future. They had been focused on her recovery and rehab.

  “And now?” he asked. He held his breath, and the light turned green. A car horn honked behind him, and he focused back on the road and drove.

  “I sort of like it here in Columbia. This hot police officer has my heart, and I don’t think he plans on letting it go.”

  He smiled and winked at her. Relief filled him at her response. “You’re damn right I’m not going to let it go.”

  Aspen gritted her teeth as she slowly made her way up the stairs to Declan’s apartment. After being released from the hospital, she didn’t want to step foot in her house. She never really cared for the neighborhood, and now that she was free to do what she wanted, she would have to find a place to live.

  But she was in no rush. Since being discharged, she’d stayed with Declan, and they’d fallen into a nice routine.

  She tried not to think of the ordeal, but it would take some time. Her leg was a constant reminder of getting shot while running for her life. She hated that she’d been in the hospital when US Marshal Ball’s funeral was held. He may have been a hard-ass, but he had died while trying to protect her.

  “Two more stairs, babe,” his voice rumbled behind her, breaking into her thoughts.

  “Don’t be looking at my ass,” she called out over her shoulder. She giggled at the light touch of his fingers grazing the curve of her backside.

  “I can look all I want,” he muttered.

  She celebrated internally at making it up the last stair. Declan came up behind her, and she waved off his hand. She needed to be able to do this herself. Her handy dandy cane was all she needed for the moment. She was determined to be able to walk free without any assistive device and only wanted to hold Declan’s hand because she wanted to, not needed to.

  The door to the apartment across the hall swung open.

  “Aspen!” Evie flew out of her apartment with her blonde hair in a high ponytail. She collapsed her hands in front of her chest with small smile on her lips. “You did amazing.”

  “Thanks, Evie.” Aspen allowed her friend to wrap her up in a hug.

  Evie had at first been shocked and then disappointed that she hadn’t known about Declan and Aspen’s relationship. Her friend had been at the hospital almost every day after hearing what had happened. It had meant a lot to have Evie at her bedside along with Declan. Between the two of them and Declan’s team mates stopping in to check on her, she’d felt as if she’d gained a new family.

  “You guys need anything? I’m sure you must be tired. I can run out and grab us a bite to eat—”

  Her bubbly attitude was sending Aspen dizzy. She smiled at her friend and shook her head.

  “We’re good, Evie.” Declan raised a hand. He unlocked the apartment door and turned back to them. “We’re just going to take it easy today and probably just order pizza.”

  “Okay. But let me know if you change your mind and want something else. I don’t mind running out—”

  “We’re good, Evie. You’ve done so much already.” Aspen gripped her friend’s hand. “Believe me, we’ll call if we need something. Right now I just want to take this suit off and get into some relaxing clothes.”

  “Gotcha.” Evie nodded before going back to her door.

  Aspen waved and walked toward Declan. She turned back and found Evie watching them with a shit-eating grin on her face. Aspen rolled her eyes and stepped into the apartment. She knew that look. Evie had been gloating ever since finding out that her matchmaking attempt had worked.

  Declan shut the door, but Aspen barely heard him come up behind her. She stood frozen in place, unable to believe her eyes.

  “Mom? Dad?”

  Chapter 26

  “Did you really think we’d not look for you?” Mason Irwin shook his head and patted her on her knee. Aspen had lost track of time since she’d discovered her parents standing in the middle of the living room.

  “What do you mean? I read the stories. I saw the news coverage. They were very convincing that I was dead. Hell, if I didn’t know any better, I would have assumed I was dead, too.” Aspen shook her head.

  She was still in shock that her parents were sitting on Declan’s couch with her. Declan had stepped into the back room to give them some privacy and make a few phone calls.

  “Your father refused to believe them,” Donna Irwin whispered.

  Aspen’s mother’s eyes were as red and puffy as Aspen was sure hers were as well.

  “But the funeral. I saw videos of it,” Aspen said. She had watched that video quite a few times and each time she broke down crying seeing the pain her parents had gone through.

  “It had been our decision to have it. Our emotions got the best of us. We knew were truly burying Aspen Irwin. We never thought we’d actually see you again. We’d learned the feds had put you in protective custody and we didn’t want to push to see you for fear that Ray would be able to discover you, too.”

  “Well, he did,” she replied quietly. It had been all too easy for him to track her down.

  “Well, now that’s behind us. We will recover and move on,” her father stated.

  He rubbed her knee, and a small smile spread across her lips.

  Yes, they all would recover. She knew it must have been hard on her father to discover that not only had his best friend betrayed him but he’d also stolen from him and tried to kill his daughter.

  It would take time, but they would all persevere.

  “That’s a fine young man you have there,” her mother announced.

  Aspen turned to her with wide eyes. “I know. He’s come to mean so much to me,” she admitted.

  “I’m just thankful he was able to save my baby.” Mason’s eyes grew serious as he gazed into hers. “He’s a good man, Aspen. From what I’ve read on him, he’s a keeper.”

  “Read up on him? Daddy! What did you do?”

  “You don’t think I wouldn’t run a check on the man shacking up with my daughter, did you?” He shrugged and leaned back on the couch.

  “Your father means well.” Her mother chuckled. “But I agree with your father. Declan certainly seems like he could be the one for you.”

  “Well, we agreed to take it one day at a time—”

  “For what? You know the story of us. Our courtship was a whirlwind.” Her mother’s eyes grew dreamy.

  “Here she goes,” her father muttered, rolling his eyes.

  “No one says courtship, Mom,” Aspen grumbled. She couldn’t help thinking of what the future would hold. Her and Declan’s conversation in the car had seemed to address the elephant in the room, and she knew they would be fine.

  The door to the bedroom opened, and a few seconds later, Declan appeared in the entryway to the living room.

  “Is it safe to come in?” he asked with a hint of a smile on his lips.

  “Of course it is,” Mason replied, standing from the couch. He walked to Declan and reached out his hand. “I just want to officially thank you for everything you’ve done for our Aspen. That’s my baby girl, and she’s very special.”

  “It’s an honor, sir.” Declan nodded. His southern drawl was heavy as his eyes met Aspen’s. “And I’d have to agree, sir. Now if you don’t mind, I need to do something.”

  “Please, by all means.” Her father waved Declan into the room.

  Aspen glanced at her mother. Donna looked away immediately but not before Aspen could see the smile spread across her lips.

  “What is going on?” she asked, suspicious of them all.

  Declan walked across the room and knelt on the floor before her.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed into his eyes. “What are you doing?”

  Her heart raced while he pulled a small black box from his pants pocket.

  “Aspen,” Declan began.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. Her gaze flew to her parents and found wide grins on their faces. “Declan.”

  “We didn’t start out with a conventional relationship,” he said.

  His eyes held hers, and she slowly forgot her parents were with them. This man before her, even though they’d only known each other for a short while, was the one for her.

  Her parents had only dated for a couple of months before eloping, and it would seem she’d be following in their footsteps.

  When the heart knows, the heart knows.

  Who was she to question her heart?

  Declan was hers, and she was his.

  “Yes,” she blurted out, thrusting her left hand out.

  The room broke out in laughter.

  “You don’t even know—”

  “Stop playing!” she hollered with a grin creasing her face. She danced around on the couch, excited.

  “Marry me, Aspen,” Declan asked, taking her hand in his.

  “Yes, Declan. Yes!”

  He pulled the large diamond ring from the black box and slid it onto her ring finger. It was a perfect fit. She flew forward, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I love you so much,” she cried out, gripping him tight.

  “I love you, too,” he murmured against her ear.

  This day had to be the most perfect day of her life. She had reunited with her parents and had now just promised to spend the rest of her life with the man she loved.


  Mac and Sarena’s wedding reception was in full swing. As the best man, Declan was off duty. Mac and Sarena were officially married, and now it was time for him to snag a dance with the woman who had captured his attention the entire day. Sarena may have been a beautiful bride, but Declan’s sights had been on Aspen.

  The reception was held at an exclusive hotel in downtown Columbia. The ballroom was decorated with plush linens, silks, and endless amounts of flowers. Sarena had certainly outdone herself with the planning.

  He strode through the crowd and searched the tables. He was sure Aspen would be sitting down. It had been months since the press conference, and now, after her intense physical therapy, she only used the cane for long distances.

  His gaze landed on her sitting by herself. Music blared through the speakers while laughter and drunk partiers sang to the popular song filling the airwaves.

  Declan took his time walking over to Aspen. He drank in her dress that hugged her curves. It highlighted her deep cleavage, and Declan’s mouth watered from the knowledge of what was hidden beneath it. The wine-colored dress brought out the smooth tones of her skin. Her feet, encased in low heels, tapped to the beat of the music. She tossed her dark hair over her shoulder, unaware of him approaching her.

  His lips curved up in the corner while he watched her dance in her seat. The song morphed into a slow song.


  “May I have this dance?” he asked, holding his hand out.

  Her body jerked, and she swung around to him. A full grin spread across her face.

  “Declan,” she breathed, pushing her hair from her face.

  “Come on,” he encouraged.

  “I don’t know.” Her brows dipped down in a frown. She glanced around the dance floor.

  He could see the concern on her face and knew she yearned to be out amongst the dancers.

  “Don’t worry. I got you.”

  Her gaze turned back to him, and he switched on his charm with a winning grin. The hesitation disappeared from her face as a smile spread across her lips. “Trust me.”

  Her hand slid in his, and he pulled her from the chair. He took notice she’d left her cane and allowed him to tug her behind him to the dance floor. He turned and drew her directly into his arms.

  Exactly where she belonged.

  She reached up and entwined her fingers at the base of his neck. He eased her closer, leaving no room between them. Her soulful eyes held his gaze, and he found himself falling into the deep pools.

  “The wedding was beautiful,” she murmured.

  “It was. I never thought I’d see the day Mac would get married.” He chuckled. “Did you see his face?”

  “I think if Sarena would have been a few minutes later, he would have gone searching for her.” Aspen giggled, laying her head on his chest as they swayed to the slow song.

  “I thought I’d have to cuff him to hold him still.” He laughed.

  Sarena had been three minutes late, and that had to have been the longest three minutes of Mac’s life. Mac was never one to have patience, and being made to wait at the altar was almost a code red situation.

  Later they found out it had been the flower girl having to pee who’d held up the bride coming out.

  “Well, let’s just say they are perfect together.”

  “Yes, I’d have to agree.” He breathed in her scent and gripped her tight, sliding his hand down to the curve of her ass. His cock stiffened, knowing it was close to Aspen.

  “Declan,” she whispered, pulling her head back.

  She bit her lip, and it drove him crazy, wanting it to be his teeth on her plump lips. She looked around, but he already knew no one was paying them any attention.

  “Why don’t you take a walk with me.” He squeezed her ass and laid a chaste kiss upon her lips. He couldn’t wait until they got home. He was sure in the big hotel they could find somewhere to disappear for a short while. “I think there’s something we need to go look at.”

  “Something to look at?” She cocked her perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him.

“Woman, just follow me.”

  She let loose a laugh and brought his head down to her. She pressed a hard kiss to his lips before pulling back. “Lead the way, Declan. I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  * * *


  A Note From the Author

  Dear reader,

  Thank you for taking the time to read Dirty Ballistics. I hope you enjoyed Declan and Aspen’s story! If you love this book and want more from this series, please leave a review!

  Reviews help authors know reader’s reactions and that you want more from us! Thanks in advance!

  Warm wishes,

  Peyton Banks

  About the Author

  Peyton Banks is the alter ego of a city girl who is a romantic at heart. Her mornings consist of coffee and daydreaming up the next steamy romance book ideas. She loves spinning romantic tales of hot alpha males and the women they love. Make sure you check her out!

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  Also by Peyton Banks

  Current Free Short Story

  Summer Escape

  * * *

  Interracial Romances (BWWM)

  Pieces of Me

  Hard Love (Coming 2018)

  Dirty Tactics (Special Weapons & Tactics 1)

  Dirty Ballistics (Special Weapons & Tactics 2)

  Dirty Operations (Special Weapons & Tactics 3) TBD

  Seduction Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection (January 2019)

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  Mafia Romance Series

  Unexpected Allies (The Tokhan Bratva 1)

  Unexpected Chaos (The Tokhan Bratva 2) TBD


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