Dressed to Kill (COBRA Securities Book 22)

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Dressed to Kill (COBRA Securities Book 22) Page 16

by Velvet Vaughn

  “I don’t care what I think. It’s what you think that matters.”

  She stepped up to him until their bodies pressed together. “You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever met.”

  Then she kissed him, and he was a goner.

  The kiss was hot and passionate, and he almost exploded when she ripped the shirt from his pants and ran her hands over his abs.

  Lifting her in his arms, he carried her to the bed and followed her down. Their clothes disappeared, and though he wanted to take the time to appreciate her, he needed her too much. He fumbled for a condom in his discarded pants pocket, and then he was sliding into her, reveling at the rightness of the moment. It was as if their bodies merged into one, and he felt wholly complete for the first time in his life.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Gage thought he’d wake up in the morning with regrets, but as dawn broke, they didn’t come. It was hard to lament the most incredible sexual encounter of his life, and he had plenty of experience to draw comparisons. It was so perfect, he wasn’t positive he hadn’t dreamed it.

  One glance at the bed and the very naked woman snuggled against his side and he had his answer. Not a figment of his nocturnal imagination, but a waking fantasy better than anything his subconscious could conjure.

  He’d crossed a line, one he’d set for himself. Don’t get involved with the client. Gage loved his job and couldn’t imagine doing anything else or working for any other company. It would crush him if he disappointed his bosses or jeopardized his future. Still, after spending the night buried in Brooklyn’s welcoming body, he didn’t care. Wow. He thought nothing would come between him and his job. He’d been wrong.

  “Good morning.”

  He glanced at eyes so light, they almost glowed. “Good morning.” Because he couldn’t help himself, he leaned down and touched his lips to hers. She hummed, and just like that, his body was primed and ready to go again. He should be exhausted after three vigorous times last night, but he felt energized. Alive.

  Brooklyn’s hand caressed his face, rasping against the stubble on his cheeks. “Most of the crew will arrive throughout the day.”

  “My coworkers, too.” He brushed a strand of hair from the smooth skin of her forehead.

  “What do you say we save time and conserve water by showering together?”

  Damn. Just when he thought he couldn’t be turned on more. “Spectacular idea.” He hopped out of bed and scooped her into his arms, enjoying her delighted squeal as he dashed to the bathroom.


  “You don’t have to carry me,” Brooklyn laughed. Though she made the comment, she relished his strength and chiseled body. He was the fittest, most beautiful man she’d ever met. He was huge—everywhere. She was sore after their nighttime sexcapades. If he had been a selfish lover or somehow inept, it would’ve been easier to keep her feelings from deepening. Instead, he was perfect in every way, and she had a sinking suspicion that she was falling in love with him. Maybe she already had.

  She didn’t have time for a relationship right now. They took commitment and effort, and all of her focus was on making the show and her clothing line a success. She was sure last night that she needed to build a wall around her heart to keep him out. It was for the best. She didn’t want to get hurt, and she certainly didn’t want to hurt him. Then his lips touched hers, and she forgot everything about walls and self-preservation as she sank into the kiss.

  She considered blowing everything off and staying in bed with him all day. It was impulsive and reckless, two things she wasn’t. As tempting as it was, she had too many responsibilities to oversee and dozens of people depending on her. Besides, it wouldn’t be long before Stella or someone else came looking for her.

  He placed her feet on the cool floor of the walk-in shower before turning on the taps. They kissed and touched and lathered each other. When he pressed her back against the tile, she was more than ready for him. She wrapped her legs around his trim hips and held on for the ride.


  The bungalow was stocked with supplies, so Gage shaved and brushed his teeth. Thankfully, Brooklyn had pulled on one of the fluffy white robes hanging on hooks, covering her splendid nudity, or else he might not have had the strength to resist her. He left the bathroom before he grabbed her for round two. If he didn’t stop now, they wouldn’t leave the bungalow all day.

  He slid on a shirt Brooklyn picked out for him yesterday as the hairdryer kicked on. He needed to have a serious conversation with himself. Gage had vowed to keep his distance, but that lasted approximately sixty seconds. He couldn’t seem to keep his hands—or lips—off her. Even though he’d just engaged in the hottest shower sex of his life, he still craved her. He felt like a methhead jonesing for his next fix. She was his addiction.

  The ringing of his cell phone pulled him from his reverie, and he winced at the display. It was as if his bosses knew he crossed the line and were admonishing him from afar. What would they say if they knew he’d spent the night—and morning—making love to his client? “Hey, Logan.”

  “We just landed in Miami. Cars are waiting to take us to the marina. We should be there soon.”

  “We’ll be waiting for you.”

  He stepped into a pair of khaki shorts and had just checked his gun before slipping it in his pocket when the door opened. Damn, it was like a sucker punch to the gut every time he laid eyes on her. When she smiled, he knew he was in deep, deep trouble. His heart thumped, his breath stalled. Was this love?

  She wore a dark-blue sundress with white flowers that perfectly matched the dark-blue shirt with tropical leaves that he’d selected. They would look like the couple they were pretending to be.

  Clearing his throat, he announced, “My coworkers landed and are on the way to the marina. They’ll be here soon.” Here came the hard part. “I know we need our relationship to look convincing and real to everyone, but I don’t want any of them, especially my bosses, to know how real it’s become.”

  She walked over to him, pushed to her tiptoes, and kissed him. He groaned as he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her against him until her feet dangled. She ended the kiss, and he reluctantly let her slide down his now-aroused body.


  “Huh?” She’d turned his brain to the consistency of lumpy oatmeal, and he was supposed to remember any conversation they had prior to their lips melding into one?

  “You don’t want your coworkers to know we crossed the line. I’ll keep my hands off you when they’re around.”

  No, he wanted to yell. Touch me now, later, anytime. All the time. Wait a minute—she said when they’re around. Did that mean she planned to touch him when they were alone? Please, let that be what she meant.

  God, he was a hot mess.

  “I’ve already reserved golf carts for them to use. We can stop at the boathouse and have them waiting for their arrival.”


  Since he wouldn’t need it today, Gage locked his laptop into the safe in the bedroom. The case was not only waterproof but fireproof and damn near tamper-proof. No one could get inside, but they could take the whole thing with them.

  The air was warm as they stepped outside. Brooklyn slipped her hand into his. When his head snapped to her, she gave him a look of pure innocence.

  “What? They aren’t around yet.”

  No, they weren’t, so he took advantage and brushed his lips over hers. He wasn’t used to dating someone so close to his height, and he liked it.

  He made sure she settled in the golf cart before circling around and climbing behind the wheel. Though he’d only had a quick tour of the island, he’d studied the maps and had an excellent sense of direction. He knew he could navigate with no problem. They stopped at the boathouse to make sure the carts for his coworkers were ready to go.

  Camera crews were out and about filming filler shots of the island. When they spotted Brooklyn, they followed. They’d be ecstatic soon when they realized who was arriving. />
  It was hard to act as if the cameras weren’t there when he hated the invasion of privacy. Brooklyn wrapped her arm around his and pressed her body against him, and he forgot all about coworkers or cameras. His entire focus was on her. She led him to a bench at the top of the pier, where they sat to await their arrival. A blue heron was perched along the edge of the beach, looking regal and elegant on its spindly legs. Something startled it, and it took off in a grand display of flapping wings. He followed its progress until it disappeared from sight.

  Two additional camera crews arrived, alerted to the imminent arrival of an Oscar-winning actress, a Grammy-winning singer, a popular dance celebrity, the most decorated female Olympian in history, and the President’s granddaughter. Unlike him, his bosses and coworkers would be used to the limelight, having married superstars.

  Ten minutes later, a boat came into view. He and Brooklyn made their way down the pier. Gage caught the line Luke tossed to him, and he tied it on the cleat before helping Jade off first, followed by Peyton, Harlow, Cassidy, and Layla. Each woman hugged him fiercely. He left Noah, Mason, Sawyer, and his bosses to disembark by themselves. They placed their luggage and several large boxes on the pier, and then the captain waited until Logan removed the rope before he backed up, circled, and left.

  He introduced everyone to Brooklyn.

  “Wow, I didn’t think it was possible, but you’re even more beautiful in person,” Layla gushed.

  “I was about to say the same thing about all of you,” Brooklyn laughed.

  Jade opened her mouth to say something when a noise caught their attention. Gage turned to see two motorboats racing toward them at breakneck speed. He instinctively reached for his weapon when a barrel appeared but marginally relaxed when he realized it was a camera lens, not a rifle. Gage wasn’t surprised the paparazzi wanted photographs of five superstars together.

  He counted four people on one vessel and five on the other. Horror washed over him when he realized their trajectories. He and his coworkers ran to the edge of the dock, screaming and waving their hands, but it was no use. The boats collided almost head-on in a horrifying screech of fiberglass and metal. Bodies went flying.

  Gage didn’t even think. He tossed his weapon and phone on the dock and dove headfirst into the ocean. Before he hit the water, he heard his coworkers following.


  Brooklyn was excited to meet the women who’d stepped up when she needed it—all thanks to Gage. Maybe she was goading him a bit by holding his hand or kissing him after he asked that they cool it, but she couldn’t help herself. Her time with him was limited, and she wanted to enjoy every moment together. They would be some of the most magical memories of her life.

  She recognized Juliet LaRue immediately. No, Jade Bradley. She needed to remember that. A little niggling of jealousy washed over her when Jade hugged Gage familiarly, followed by Peyton Durant, Cassidy Swain, Layla Brooks, and Harlow Duquesne—though she’d need to remember their married names, too.

  Then she got a look at their significant others. Whoa. The men were gorgeous. Like Gage, they were all tall and exceptionally fit. Three had dark hair, and two were blond.

  She was in the middle of introducing herself to the women when she heard Gage and the men shout. She looked up to see what was happening. Horror washed over her, and she screamed when two boats collided at a high rate of speed. One boat lifted in the air and landed upside down, while the other immediately caught fire.

  Gage and the other five men dove into the water without hesitation, followed closely by Peyton. The camera crews rushed forward to document the grisly scene.

  Brooklyn spotted the security crew and asked them to call for backup. They assured her that help was on the way. She wanted to assist, but she wasn’t that strong of a swimmer. She would just get in the way. Brooklyn hurried after Jade, Layla, Harlow, and Cassidy as they stood on the edge to help lift the injured people to the dock.

  Two of the people from the boats were able to swim to safety. Her stomach clenched when a man screamed, “Help, I can’t swim,” before he went under the surface. Peyton reached the spot, dove, and came up with him. Panic made him struggle and fight against her grip, but she muscled him to the dock. Brooklyn helped the other women boost him to safety. Footsteps sounded on the pier as more personnel rushed to assist.

  “That’s my husband, Sawyer.” Harlow indicated the man swimming to a person floating face-down. “The other men diving under the overturned boat are Luke Colton, Logan Bradley, Mason Rossi, and Noah Addison.”

  Brooklyn watched in dismay as Gage hefted himself into the one on fire. “No, no,” she chanted. Cupping her hands around her mouth, she shouted, “Get off there, Gage!” It was too dangerous. The flames were rapidly overtaking the entire vessel. He ignored her pleas and bent out of sight.

  “Hey, grab my camera while you’re there,” a man on the dock yelled.

  Brooklyn shot him a death glare.

  “What? They’re expensive,” he defended.

  She turned back to the water. Two dark heads appeared. Luke and Logan each had a body in their arms and swam them to shore. Noah was next, and the woman was choking and sobbing uncontrollably. The woman in Mason’s arms clung to him for dear life.

  “Where’s Gage?” Logan asked.

  “He’s getting someone on the burning boat,” Jade answered.

  When Gage appeared, he had an unconscious woman in his arms. He stood on the edge to jump into the water when the boat exploded in an orange ball of fire.

  Flashbacks of yesterday hit her at the same time as a wail of terror. She screamed Gage’s name when the force of the blast catapulted him into the air. She struggled as Jade and Layla urged her away from the flaming debris raining down.

  Luke, Logan, Mason, Sawyer, and Noah all jumped back in. Brooklyn didn’t breathe until Gage’s head emerged, causing her knees to weaken with relief. Noah and Luke took the woman from his arms while Logan helped him to the dock.

  Brooklyn broke away from Jade and Layla’s hold and launched herself at him. She probably should be embarrassed at tipping her hand at how she felt, and he would probably be pissed at her show of affection in front of his coworkers, but right now, she didn’t care. She thought he was dead when the boat exploded.

  He caught her as she landed against him and probably would’ve ended back up in the ocean if Logan hadn’t braced him.

  “You scared me to death,” she said.

  “I’m okay,” he assured her.

  She clung to him, never wanting to let go.


  Kaiya left Ryan at the hotel to keep an eye on Austin and Abilene while she caught a plane to New York. Ryan’s job wouldn’t be hard since the twins sat by the pool all day playing with their phones. They rarely left except to eat, use the bathroom, or shop in one of the several boutiques in the hotel lobby.

  Gage sent her his research and background information on Joanna Greer and Ruth Long. Joanna was now a barista at a coffee shop in midtown. The tech crew at the COBRA Securities office tracked down her address and schedule. Kaiya decided to catch her before work.

  The city bustled with activity as cars honked, sirens blared, and people rushed along the sidewalks on their way to work, to meet friends, or go wherever else they needed. While she enjoyed the electric vibe of the metropolis and all it had to offer, she preferred a smaller town where the pace wasn’t as hectic or the streets so crowded. In other words, it was a fun place to visit, but she’d never want to live here.

  She’d studied pictures, so when the woman with a short blond bob exited her apartment building, Kaiya hurried alongside her. “Joanna Greer?”

  Joanna came to an abrupt stop and glanced over at her with narrowed eyes. “Who wants to know?”

  “My name’s Kaiya, and I work for a private security company. I want to talk to you about your time at Brooklyn Fontana’s company.”

  Joanna rolled her eyes and resumed walking. “Sorry, I have nothing to say on the subject

  “I have a witness who claims you stole a bathing suit and gave it to her.”

  “You want me to pay for it or something? I already lost my job over it. What more do you want from me?”

  “I want to know what else you did for Austin and Abilene Fontana.”

  She stopped and turned to Kaiya with a frown. “Look, they’re weirdos. They befriended me to use me. I wish I’d never met them. I think something is going on between them, if you know what I mean.”

  Ew. Now she wouldn’t be able to get that disgusting visual from her head. “Why did you introduce Austin to Brandy Holmes?”

  “Because he asked me. He wanted to know who was in charge of the schedule for the show.”

  “What else have you done for him?”

  “Absolutely nothing. It wasn’t him I was interested in.”

  Ah. “What else did you do for Abilene, then?”

  Her lips twisted. “Nothing. I was trying to impress her, so I gave her a designer bathing suit. When I invited her to my place, she couldn’t run away fast enough. As I said, I think there’s a little somethin’ somethin’ going on between them. Because of those two losers, I lost the best job I’ve ever had.”

  “What happened to the rest of the suits after you took the one for Abilene?”

  “No clue. I wasn’t allowed back inside the building.”

  “So, you destroyed them before you left?”

  Joanna’s brow wrinkled. “What are you talking about?”

  “Someone tampered with the remaining suits.”

  Joanna’s eyes widened, and then she threw back her head and laughed. “You’ll have to ask the other people in wardrobe. I had nothing to do with it.” She smirked. “I bet that condescending bitch Shoshana had a fit. Serves her right,” she muttered.

  “You didn’t get along with Shoshana Emery?”

  “Hell, no. No one did. Just because she’d been a wardrobe stylist with Vogue, she thought she was so much better than everyone else. She was looking for any way to fire me since I was one of the few people who stood up to her.”


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