Lead Counsel

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Lead Counsel Page 8

by Aurora Rey

  The playfulness of the comment helped defuse Elisa’s jumbled emotions. It was relief she felt, not regret. “I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t.”

  Parker’s eyes gleamed with mischief. “I don’t know. It might not have been so bad after all.”

  Before Elisa could protest, Parker’s mouth was on hers. With one searing kiss, all illusions Elisa had of running the show vanished.

  Parker’s hands guided her expertly until she was flat on her back. Parker braced herself on one elbow, but much of her weight pressed into Elisa. Between that and the slow, sensuous assault on her mouth, Elisa was done.

  Despite the speed with which Parker turned the tables, she took her time driving Elisa crazy. The kiss became a lazy exploration of Elisa’s neck and shoulders. By the time Parker took one of Elisa’s rock-hard nipples into her mouth, Elisa was ready to be fucked senseless. But Parker continued, spending a ridiculous amount of time sucking and biting and swirling her tongue over the sensitive peaks.

  Elisa felt her control slipping. Because she’d expected Parker to be urgent and this unhurried pace was the exact opposite. Parker was keeping her on her toes, not getting under her skin. She was attempting to win this argument with herself when Parker eased inside her.

  Arguments vanished. Her mind went blank. All that remained were the sensations Parker evoked. She managed to be at once gentle and demanding. She coaxed Elisa to open for her. But as Parker filled her, she seemed to be giving herself to Elisa. It gave Elisa a feeling she couldn’t quite wrap her head around.

  As she stroked, Parker bent over her. She resumed lavishing attention on Elisa’s breasts, layering pleasure in a way that threatened to consume her. Elisa closed her eyes and shook her head. She craved release but couldn’t bring herself to end the onslaught.

  Parker’s mouth moved up Elisa’s breastbone to her neck. It was enough of a reprieve that Elisa could focus on the way Parker was fucking her. She moved with Parker’s hand, against it. The thrusts carried just the right force, paired with the upward strokes of Parker’s thumb. She hit every nerve ending, like she knew every button to push, every one of Elisa’s secret spots.

  “Harder.” The command came out more like a plea. Elisa didn’t want to own how desperate she felt—for release, but also for something that would break the spell threatening the thin thread that kept her grounded in reality.

  Parker obliged. The increased force lit the fuse of her orgasm. She let it take her, crash over her, pound through her. Lightning flashed behind her closed eyes and her whole body shook. It left her feeling spent, but sated.

  “Yeah, I definitely would have stayed.” Parker’s mouth was at her ear. “You’re incredible.”

  The meaning of Parker’s words sank in and made her panicky. Elisa opened her eyes. “Stop.”

  “Just saying.” The gleam in Parker’s eyes remained playful. Thank God. Elisa didn’t think she could handle any kind of emotional declaration at this point. “Will you stay the night?”

  Part of her mind screamed that she needed to get as far away as she could as fast as she could. But that would be admitting the effect Parker had on her, and Elisa was not willing to do that. “Of course.”

  * * *

  Parker woke to find herself alone. She looked around the room. Not only was Elisa gone, all traces of her—dress, shoes, that sexy bra—had vanished. She climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen, knowing Elisa wouldn’t be there but hoping for it just the same. She picked up her phone from where she’d abandoned it the night before. Elisa hadn’t sent a message, so Parker did. Are you okay?

  While she waited for a reply, Parker started a pot of coffee. She still had an hour before she needed to be in the office. She was on her way to the shower when her phone chirped.

  I’m great. Didn’t want to wake you, so let myself out.

  The explanation made sense, especially for a workday. Still. Parker didn’t like the one-night stand feel of it. I would have happily driven you home at least. We’re going the same way, after all.

  She added a winky face, wanting to make sure she didn’t seem needy. Despite wanting to wait for an answer, Parker needed to start getting ready or run the risk of being late. She brought her phone into the bathroom and picked it up the second she stepped out of the shower.

  I’d just as soon not saunter into the office together.

  The lack of emojis left Parker hanging. Was Elisa being playful or shutting her down? A feeling akin to despondence settled in the pit of her stomach. Are you sure you’re okay? Not regretting last night, I hope?

  Parker hesitated before hitting send. She needed to know the answer to that question, but she dreaded it all the same.

  I had a great time. But let’s not pretend like it was more than it was.

  Elisa’s reply left Parker feeling even less certain about where they stood. She scrubbed her hands over her face and studied herself in the mirror. Angsting about it wouldn’t solve anything. She went to her room to get dressed.

  Parker stood in front of her closet, resolutely refusing to look at the bed. The tousled sheets, the pillow she knew smelled like Elisa. It didn’t stop her mind from revisiting what she’d been doing in that bed only a few hours before. The feeling of Elisa straddling her, the smell of her perfume mixed with arousal. She could still see the look on Elisa’s face when she came.

  Parker shook her head. She didn’t have a problem with one-night stands. If anything, she loathed the awkward attempts at turning a physical connection into something more. But the idea of putting Elisa in that category made her queasy.

  She told herself it was their shared history, the lingering guilt that she’d led Elisa on all those years ago. It was her conscience, wanting to be sure she didn’t repeat the juvenile mistakes of her past. But even as Parker reassured herself, she knew it was more. She had feelings for Elisa. Worse, Elisa didn’t seem to have any in return.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Could you sign these?”

  Elisa looked up to find Alie standing in the doorway. It was the third time in as many hours she’d been caught staring out the window. Fortunately, it had been someone different each time, so she wasn’t in danger of looking like a complete slacker. “Of course.”

  Alie brought the files over. “Did you see Parker this morning?”

  “No.” She answered a little too quickly, but that was okay. “Why?”

  “Drake said she went into Don’s office almost an hour ago.”

  Elisa tapped her pen on the desk. That could mean a hundred different things. Most likely, though, was Don offering her a full-time position with the firm. The fact that the meeting was still going on told her Parker was probably negotiating. To her knowledge, Blanchard & Breaux never brought in new associates as partners, but Parker wasn’t technically new. She’d certainly proved herself in the short time she’d been around. And she’d already made partner at Kenner. “I don’t know what it’s about. Sorry.”

  Alie shrugged. “I wasn’t looking for scoop, really. I kind of just wanted you to know.”

  Elisa studied the woman whom she’d come to think of as a mentee. She realized there was more to their relationship than shared lunches and words of encouragement. She trusted Alie and considered her a friend. “Thanks.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I slept with Parker.”

  Alie’s eyes got huge. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah.” There wasn’t a policy against it. Elisa had checked. It wasn’t encouraged, though, and if Parker took a permanent position at the firm, they’d have to disclose it. If Parker became partner? Elisa shook her head.

  Alie took the file back but, instead of leaving, sat in one of the chairs opposite Elisa’s desk. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Maybe, but not right now. And certainly not here.”

  “I hear you.” Alie bit her lip. “We’re friends, right? Not just coworkers?”

  As much as that was true, Elisa had a feeling she wouldn’t
like whatever Alie had to say next. “Absolutely.”

  “I’ve seen the way Parker looks at you.”

  So much for being subtle. “How’s that?”

  “Like she’s the hero in a Nicholas Sparks movie and you’re the heroine.”

  Elisa narrowed her eyes. “Is that a compliment? I can’t tell.”

  “Come on.” Alie leaned forward and smacked the file against Elisa’s desk. “Like attraction and admiration rolled into one. Sex, but with respect. A little adoration thrown in for good measure.”

  Elisa laughed at the over-the-top description. “I think you’ve watched The Notebook one too many times.”

  “Maybe, but I know it when I see it. No one has ever looked at me that way. Not yet, at least.”

  Elisa sighed. What was she supposed to do with that? “There’s definitely something there, but I think you’re romanticizing.”

  Alie shrugged again. “Whether that’s true or not, you should also know I’m not the only one.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “A few of the guys in compliance have a pool going.”

  Mild curiosity became a gnawing feeling in her stomach. “A pool?”

  “If and when you and Parker are going to hook up.”

  In that instant, the vague concerns of an office romance became a tangible, glaringly real problem. “Fuck.”

  “I think it’s up to a couple hundred bucks.” Alie cringed as she spoke.

  Elisa’s mind swirled with a mixture of outrage and indignation. A little panic joined in the fray. If it got around that she and Parker actually had slept together, she’d never live it down. And a good half the men she worked with would never take her seriously again. “You can’t say anything.”

  “Of course not.”

  Elisa took a small consolation from how offended Alie seemed by the suggestion. “How do they think they’ll even find out?” A horrible thought occurred to her. “Do they think Parker would spill?” Would Parker spill?

  “I think it’s more an exercise in asinine male bonding than someone actually winning.”

  That did not make her feel better. She needed to talk to Parker. To give her a warning. Not to mention make sure they were on the same page when it came to discretion. But at this point, she didn’t even want to be seen in the same room as Parker. What a colossal mess. Alie coughed and Elisa remembered she was still sitting across from her. “Thank you for telling me.”

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  Elisa shook her head. “No. Thank you, though.”

  “Okay. You know where to find me if you need anything.”

  Elisa nodded and Alie left. Elisa picked up her phone. She started a text to Parker, but didn’t want to chance her phone going off in the middle of Don’s office. She started a different message to Laura but couldn’t decide what to lead with—sleeping with Parker, Parker perhaps becoming her boss permanently, or being the laughingstock of Blanchard & Breaux. She set down her phone and pressed her fingers to her temples.

  The sound of an incoming text made her jump. She picked up her phone. The message was from Parker.

  Can we talk?

  Elisa rolled her eyes. Of course Parker would give nothing away. Yes, but not here.

  She waited impatiently for a reply.

  Agreed. Want to take lunch and meet at Lemongrass?

  It annoyed her to still have no sense of whether Parker had good or bad news to deliver. Not that they would even agree on what constituted good news. Sure. See you there.

  Elisa grabbed her purse and headed to the elevators. There was no sign of Parker, and Elisa wondered if she was giving her a head start so they wouldn’t be seen together. It didn’t make sense, given that Parker didn’t know about them being the talk of the office, but maybe she was being cautious. Or maybe she did know. Maybe she was part of it.

  Parker being part of the boys’ club in that way didn’t seem completely implausible. She had that competitive streak, after all, and what better way to earn points with the bros. The idea of it turned Elisa’s stomach.

  By the time she got to the restaurant, Elisa had worked herself into a state. Seeing Parker out front, looking cool and polished despite the oppressive heat, only added fuel to the fire. For the first time in her life, Elisa was tempted to make a scene right there on the sidewalk.

  Parker turned and smiled. Although Elisa couldn’t see her eyes behind the dark sunglasses, there seemed to be genuine joy on her face. In spite of herself, Elisa softened a little. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that her anger was based on conjecture, at least for now.

  “Hi.” Elisa didn’t smile, but she didn’t scowl, either.

  “Hey.” Parker continued to smile, leaning in to give Elisa a light kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for accepting my last-minute lunch invitation.”

  “Since you asked to talk in the middle of the day, I figured it had to be important.”

  Parker opened the door to the restaurant, holding it for Elisa to go ahead of her. “Something like that.”

  They were early for the lunch crowd and were seated immediately. A waiter appeared in under a minute. Elisa ordered Pad See Ew and an iced tea, although she had absolutely no appetite. Parker ordered as well and the waiter disappeared. Elisa folded her hands on the table, then unfolded them and stuck them in her lap. Parker may have been the one who asked to talk, but Elisa didn’t think she could just sit there, waiting. “I don’t think we can keep seeing each other.”

  For the first time since they arrived, Parker’s smile faltered. “Why do you say that?”

  Elisa swallowed. She needed to stay calm and keep the upper hand. “I don’t regret that we slept together. It was good, better than I imagined, even.”

  Parker’s face gave nothing away. “But?”

  “But I’m pretty sure Don offered you a permanent position at the firm this morning and I can’t be romantically involved with a colleague, much less a boss.” There. She’d said it. That was reason enough. She didn’t even need to find out if Parker had been part of the rumors or the pool or anything else. Not knowing would help her keep her distance, maintain boundaries.

  “What makes you so sure Don offered me a job?”

  Elisa gave her a bland look.

  “Okay, what makes you so sure I would accept the offer?”

  “You want to move back to New Orleans. The firm is a good match for your specializations. Everyone seems to like you. So unless he didn’t offer you enough money—”

  “It wasn’t about the money.”

  Parker’s comment came just as their food arrived. They thanked the waiter, assured him everything looked delicious, and promised there was nothing else they needed. Elisa ignored the food in front of her and looked at Parker. “What did you say?”

  “I said it wasn’t about the money. I didn’t take the offer, but it wasn’t because of the salary.”

  Elisa’s mind raced. Surely it didn’t have anything to do with her. The idea it might both thrilled and terrified her. “Why didn’t you?”

  Parker’s smile returned. “I’ve decided to start my own firm.”

  Relief filled her chest. Surely that decision was larger than any feelings Parker had for her. If the relief was tinged with disappointment, she readily ignored it. “Wow.”

  Parker nodded. “I’ve always wanted to. This seems like the perfect time.”

  “That’s really cool.”

  “So will you reconsider?”

  “Reconsider what?”

  “Your assertion that we can’t keep seeing each other.”

  For a second, Elisa forgot she’d opened the conversation with that. And she’d been so focused on the reasons they shouldn’t, she’d not given much thought to what would happen if those reasons went away. “I don’t know.”

  “I’d be lying if I said you weren’t part of my decision.”

  Elisa’s heart thudded in her chest. “Really?”

  “Not the only reason, mind you. That
would be professionally foolish and romantically presumptuous of me.”

  Elisa laughed. With that one comment, she remembered all the reasons she fell for Parker, beyond the physical. “Oh, well. That’s a relief.”

  Parker shrugged. “But you were part of it. I figured you’d nix a long-term office romance. And I heard from Niecy that people had started to pick up on our chemistry. It wouldn’t be good for either of us to be the subject of gossip.”

  The matter-of-fact tone told Elisa that was the extent of Parker’s knowledge about the chatter. A weight lifted from her chest. “I just found out about it this morning.”

  “So, yeah. Not a reason to take my career in a new direction, but a nice perk for sure. Assuming, of course, you’ll reconsider.”

  Elisa nodded.

  “I mean, you should tell me if it’s something besides the whole work thing. If you hate the way I laugh or think my breath is terrible, we should get that out in the open.”

  “I love your laugh. And your breath is fine.” For the first time since they’d slept together, Elisa allowed herself to imagine the possibilities. Really imagine them, not just catch herself in an errant daydream.

  “Whew.” Parker grinned. “I think you are the smartest and sexiest woman I know. I love that you’re amazing at your job but don’t let it consume you. I love that you kick my ass in yoga and will stay up all night talking about whatever. And I’d really like to see where this goes.”

  Elisa smiled. “I’d like that, too.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Parker set down the box and groaned. Why did law books have to be so heavy? She looked around the space, surprised at how quickly it was transforming from a set of empty rooms to a law office.

  It helped that she had movers. And furniture delivery guys. And the financial leverage to sign a lease the second she found a place she liked. Parker didn’t take any of that for granted. But still, she’d worked harder in the last two weeks than in the months leading up to being named partner the first time.

  “Honey, are you sure you won’t let me help with those?” Stella put her hands on her hips and looked at Parker expectantly.


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