“Yeah?”Keeganpulled his hand back. “I have a fuckingnovelthen.”Keegan stood up. “I’mgoingto use the restroom.”
Vince sat back, watchingKeegan make his wayto the back ofthe plane. Somethinghad happened to the younger agent and he was goingto find out what it was. Keeganseemed scarred inmore ways than one. Vince closed his eyes. He’d been worried this morningabout Keegangetting hurt. He realized he’d shielded Keeganmore thanonce while evadingNardozzi’s men. What was goingonwithhim? Did Keegan’s rejectionfuck himup? Vince sighed, running his hands over his face. Somethingwas changingand it was freakinghimout.
Chapter Five
Almost twentyfour hours later, Vince stood infront ofa house withKeeganin Benson, Arizona. Keeganpunched numbers into a panelonthe side ofthe house, initiating some kind ofmechanisminside. There was a series ofclicks, thenthe door opened. Keegan stepped inside, openingthe door further.
“Welcome to the SkullBlaster safe house,”Keegangrinned, walkingpast Vince into the kitchen.
“The what?”Vince followed Keegan into the kitchen. “What the hellis a skull blaster?”
“A verylarge gun?”Keeganchuckled, takingVince into the livingroom. He pointed to a picture onthe wall. “They are the Skull Blasters.”
Vince peered at the picture, narrowing his eyes. “I know him, that’s the Esposito guy,”Vince snorted. “What anass.”
“He feels the same about you, trust me,”Keegansaid. “Youknow Troy.”
“Yeah, and I’ve seenthese guys, too. That one is Josh, thenSamand that’s the generalwho came for Pruitt.”
Keeganwalked back into the kitchen. “Theyare together now.”
“The generalfinallygot his man?” Vince walked into the kitchen, lookingaround. “Wellthis is…basic.”
“It’s not the Copacabana; it’s not supposed to be. It was built to protect, not to look pretty.”
Vince leaned against the wall, looking Keeganover slowly. “Well, youdefinitelyadd some prettyto it.”
Keeganturned to face Vince. “What part ofI’mnot interested, or no, did younot get?”
Vince moved closer, watching Keegan’s bodylanguage. “See, that’s just it. I’mnot buyingit, Agent, I think youdo like me and I think youare very interested.”
Keegantilted his head. “How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Walk upright, withsucha ginormous head?”
Vince chuckled, makinghis way closer to Keegan. “Look me inthe eye, and tellme youdon’t find me attractive.”
Keegansteeled himselffor Vince’s frontalattack. He kept his breathingas normal as possible and looked up into eyes black as onyx. “I amnot attracted to you.”
Vince smiled, leaningover, looking into Keegan’s eyes. “Liar. It’s allright though, Keegan, I canbe patient. Whether youwant to admit it or not, there is somethinghere.” Vince motioned betweentheir two bodies.
“I’mnot interested injust sex, Vince. So this?”Keeganmotioned betweenthem, “willnever work.”Keeganstalked past Vince and downthe hall. “I’llshow youto your room.”
Vince followed Keegandownthe hall to the first bedroom. Vince took a look around - queensized bed, one dresser and a nightstand witha lamp. A flat screen, maybe twentyinches, sat ontop ofthe dresser witha satellite boxunder it. “Well, at least there’s TV.”
“Yep, and onthat note…”Keegan stopped at his bedroomdoor. “Goodnight, Vince.”
Vince sat onthe edge ofthe bed, lookingaround. “Wellthis should be fun.”
~~ Sunlight streamed throughthe thin curtains ofthe bedroom. Vince rolled over, lookingat the time. Damn, sixinthe morning? What the heck was withArizona and the sun alreadyup? He checked his phone before gettingup to go to the bathroom. The house was silent, but Vince could smellcoffee brewing. That alone had himdoinghis morning business faster. Caffeine was a must. Washing his hands, he splashed water onhis face, trying to wake up a bit more.
He reallyneeded to get his shit together; he was ina townhe didn’t know shit about, ina house that he wasn’t familiar with. Vince stretched his arms and cracked his neck fromside to side as he entered the kitchen. Keegansat at the chair bythe window, cup of coffee inone hand, book inthe other. He looked beautifulsittingthere, sunlight
streamingacross his cheekbones.
“Morning.”Vince made a beeline for the coffee pot. “Did we sleep well?”
“Yes, I had a night light and a Teddy,” Keegansnickered.
“I could have beenyour Teddy.”
Vince poured the coffee, inhalingits rich
“Are youalways so…”Keegantilted
his head inthought.
Vince leaned against the counter. “I
think youmaybe runningout ofadjectives. I
think I saw a thesaurus out onthe bookshelf.” Keegansighed infrustration. “Jesus.” Vince moved to the table and sat
downacross fromKeegan. He took his hand
gently, inspectinghis fingers. “How are they?” “Fine.”Keegantried to take his hand
“Look at your hands.”Vince turned
themover, feelingthe softness ofthem. “You never worked a hard dayinyour life, have you? You’re probablya richkid, bornwitha
silver spoonup his ass.”
Keeganpulled his hand back. “That’s
where you’d be wrong. For someone who
knows how to read people, you’ve got it all
wrong. I drive a beat up Honda because I
can’t afford anythingelse. I don’t evenowna
flat screenTV because I can’t afford it. I’m
barelymakingmyrent payments, plus my
mom’s, and she doesn’t evenhave air
conditioningright now because the super inthe
buildinghas decided everyone should lose
weight!”Keeganstood up, pacing. “Youhave
no idea what I have done; I’ve scraped by,
turned, lookingat Vince. “Ifanyone’s rich, it’s
you, killingfor a living.”
Vince stood, placinghis hands onthe
table and leaningover. “I killbad men,
Keegan, and I do it witha fuckingsonginmy
heart. I know whenI killsomeone it’s for a
reason.”Vince eyed Keegan. He had
suspected the youngagent came froma
hardworkingfamily, but he wanted Keeganto
openup to him, trust him. Maybe thenhe
could get the realstory.
“Yes, I’ve seenyour handiwork,”
Keegansnapped. “Tellme, Vince, does it
ever cross your mind that the people youkill
could have families?”
“Allthe fuckingtime, but I know if
theydo, theyare just as abused as the rest of
the victims. I haven’t killed needlesslyinyears.
Inthe beginningI did it to survive, thenI did it
out ofanger.”Vince shrugged. “Now I just do it as a job; it doesn’t matter to me one wayor another how these mendie, as longas they do.”Vince looked around the house. “I need
to know everythingabout this place.”
Keeganwalked throughthe kitchen
and opened the back door. “Follow me.” The house was cement and steel,
covered byvinylsiding. The generaland
Mateo had built it fromthe ground up. Allthe
windows were bulletproof. The back yard
was another story; as longas younever came
outside, youwere good. A sixfoot wooden
fence surrounded the back yard and a garage
sat offto the side, behind the house. The
house sat up ona hill, makinganattack from
below harder, but doable. Vince took his time,
gettinga feelfor the propertyand locating
weak points. He found Keeganinthe garage,
lookingthroughammo boxes.
ll, you’re safe, ifyouremaininthe
house.”Vince looked around; the walls were
lined withtools ofallshapes and sizes. Paint
cans lined the floor, alongwithtarps. Vince
looked up, noticinga sprinkler systemas well
as more ammo boxes inthe rafters. “I noticed
motionsensors, downat the base ofthe hill.” Keeganturned to look at Vince. “You
saw them?”
Vince smirked. “I’mtrained to look
for them, don’t worry, theywere well
hidden.”Vince peered inside the ammo box.
“What’s allthis?”
Keegansnapped the lid shut. “None
ofyour business.”
“Damn, youare a rude little man. See
that right there tells me youhave the hots for
me.” “I wouldn’t piss onyou—”
“Wellthat’s good, not into the whole
goldenshowers thing,”Vince waggled his
“Ifyouwere onfire, Vince,”Keegan
finished. “Whenare yougoingto let it sink in?
I don’t want you, I never will.”
As Keeganturned to leave, his wrist
was grabbed and he turned to face Vince. “Youcandenyit allyouwant Keegan,
but your eyes give youaway.”Vince walked
byKeegan, lettinghis hand slide across the
younger man’s ass. “I always get what I want,
Keegancrossed his arms, waitingfor
Vince to enter the house. Once the door
closed, Keegangrabbed the tooltable, steadyinghimself. Jesus, it took everythinghe had not to throw Vince into a walland attack his lips. Damnthe manhad anego the size of Texas. He supposed it was warranted, Vince always got his man. Keegantook deep
breaths and closed his eyes.
You can do this.
Over the next two days, Keegan became more and more entranced byVince. Oh, sure, the manwas infuriatingat everyturn, but it wasn’t crueljokes about his sexuality like he was used to. More like nit-picking about his age, whichKeegangave right back. The second morning, he’d wokenup to plastic wrap over the toilet seat. Vince did not do wellinenclosed spaces.
Keeganalso realized that Vince worked out everymorning; he’d wokenup earlyto see Vince outside, hangingupside downona palo verde tree byhis legs. After two hundred crunches, Keeganstopped counting. It went onfor two hours; no wonder the manwas lethal. Everyflexofa bicep had Keeganhard as a steelpipe. Vince was absolutelybreathtaking. He had slimhips, his back was broad and his biceps had to be at least twentyinches round. The massive ink wrapped around bothbiceps almost downto his wrists. Multiple tattoos covered his back and chest; some were Chinese symbols and others were easilyidentified. A guntattoo sat onhis right hip, the muzzle ofthe gunran underneathVince’s shorts. Keegantore his eyes away.
As muchas he tried stayingawayfrom Vince, theywere inconstant contact. Every walk throughthe kitchenhad his bodyrubbing against Vince’s, incitingnot onlygoose bumps, but his signature boner. The manhit onhim everychance he got and Keeganwas caving everysecond he spent withVince. He was tryingto stayprofessional, dammit.
This morning, Vince was outside workingout. Keegansipped his coffee, eyeing the muscles rippling. Jesus, Vince didn’t even break a damnsweat and it had to be at least ninetyoutside already. Vince looked up just then, catchingKeeganwatchinghim. He grinned and pulled his shorts low onhis hips. Keeganrolled his eyes and turned his back awayfromthe window.
Laundrywas pilingup already, and Keeganwent about washingsome ofit. The SkullBlaster safe house came withclothes for anyone and inanysize that was needed. So far, Keeganhad borrowed a few pairs of sweats and underwear, alongwithsome thin T-shirts. He heard the back door openand thenfelt Vince’s presence inthe laundryroom.
“Here,”Vince slipped the shorts off, throwingthemat Keegan’s head. “These need to be cleaned.”
Keeganturned, mouthopen, readyto tellVince where to go, except nothingcame out. Vince’s cock was rock hard and sticking straight up, leavinga stickytrailofpre-cumon his toned abs.
Vince smiled wickedly. “Look at that, I’malreadyleakingjust thinkingabout your lips wrapped around me.”Vince smirked at the hard-oninKeegan’s sweats. “Uhhuh, what are younervous about?”
Keegansighed. “Get out.” Vince turned, shakinghis ass as he did. “Youknow youwant it, Agent!”
Keeganslammed the laundryroom door, collapsingonthe washer. “For fuck’s sake.”
Most ofthe daywent bywithout further incident. Keeganread most ofthe day, made lunchand stayed far awayfromVince. Ofcourse that didn’t stop Vince frommaking comments for most ofthe day. More than once, Keeganshot hima look ofannoyance and was met witha grin. DamnVince and his grins. The manwas so damnbeautifulit made Keegan’s hands sweat, his heart palpitate and his stutter show up more often. Not to mention the damnboners poppingup everyfew minutes. Vince didn’t make funofhimfor the stuttering, whichwas a surprise. Most ofthe jabs were at his boners, whichofcourse Keeganhad to explainagainand againhad nothingto do withhow hot Vince was, or wasn’t. He was gettinggood at lying.
Damn, he wanted Vince, onthe floor, table, bed, he didn’t care where. Just watching the man’s ass as he bent over gave himwood. Keeganadjusted his cock for the hundredth time and left the kitchen. Settlinginonthe futonhe grabbed the remote, searchingfor somethingto watch.
“I see the general’s got Nick Jr.” Vince leaned against the wall, grinning. “I’m sure cartoons are on, maybe evena Disney movie.”Vince bit his lip, tryingnot to laugh. Keeganflipped hima pinky.
“Nope, it’s a feather; you’re not worth the whole bird.”
Vince cracked up. “Ohmy, Keegan cangive as good as he gets.”Vince sauntered into the familyroom, ploppingdownonthe futonand cozyingup to Keegan. “Yousmell so damngood,”Vince growled playfully.
Everyhair stood onend and Keegan closed his eyes. “Willyoustop?”
“Nope, sorry; I find youattractive.” Vince reached his hand up, onlyto pullit back whenKeeganturned to face him. Damnbut his eyes were mesmerizing; he wanted Keegan, like now, under him, moaningin pleasure. Vince’s dick hardened, makinghim shift onthe sofa.
“Look, ifwe are goingto be stuck together, youneed to learnto shut your mouth,”Keegansaid.
“What ifI want it open? What ifI want somethinginit?”Vince leaned forward. “What ifI want your dick init?”
Keeganstood up. “Willyouquit?”
Vince had a nice view ofKeegan’s crotch, the hard-onvisible throughthe sweat pants. He motioned to the hard cock protruding. “So, is this that nervous condition thingagain? Or did I make youhorny?”
Keeganhanded Vince the remote. “Turnup the sound, it’s a Scooter chair commercial.”
“Yeah? I’ve always wanted one of those scooter thingies.”Vince leaned back on the couch. “I want the old schoolbellonmine though- ding, ding, vroom!”
“We cango eat at the Denny’s; their senior citizenmenuis prettygood,”Keegan snickered.
“Yeah? I heard the kiddie pancakes are delicious,”Vince winked. “But we’llhave to make sure youhave a booster seat, or we cango to Applebee’s, kids eat free on Tuesdays.”
“Youare so fuckinginfuriating!” Keeganhuffed, makinghis wayto the kitchen.
“Ohcome on!”Vince laughed, followingKeegan. “Youthink a few jabs at myage are goingto bother me? Come on Keegie, youknow youlove me.”
“Do not callme Keegie.”Keegan pointed a finger at Vince.
“Okay, ifI promise not to callyouthat willyoube nicer to me?”Vince pouted.
Keegancouldn’t help the smile onhis lips. Dammit. “Whydon’t we watcha movie? Ifyou’re a good boy, I’llevenmake
Vince widened his eyes comically. “Really, Dad?”
“Ha, ha, just for that, I’mputtingin ‘Sleepless inSeattle.’”Keeganturned onhis
heel, walkingout ofthe kitchen.
Vince poked his head out ofthe kitchen, watchingas Keeganmade his way downthe hallto the bedroomnext door. “Does the generalevenownthat movie?”
“Ifnot, I’llfind somethingequally chick flickish.”
“Flickish?”Vince sighed, and walked to his ownroom, droppingonto the bed. God, he was tired and hungry. As ifKeeganheard his inner thoughts, Vince heard himdownthe hall.
“I’mgoingto make dinner, spaghetti okay?”
Vince got up at the prospect offood. He peeked into the other rooms onhis wayto the kitchen. Three more rooms, one was obviouslythe general’s private room. The other one screamed Esposito, it just looked assholish. Vince chuckled; the last roomwas obviouslyfor either womenor smallchildren. It was veryfeminine. “Hey, I found your room.”
Keeganpoked his head out ofthe kitchen. “Yup, the girliest filmI canfind. Get in here and help me.”
“Yes, sir!”Vince looked throughthe pantry, as wellas the rest ofthe cabinets. “What do youneed?”
“Oregano for sure, and see ifthere are some canned tomatoes inthere, please.” Keeganpulled the angelhair pasta out ofthe pantry. His eyes scanned the spices. “I don’t see oregano inhere.”
“No, it’s inhere.”Vince grabbed the smallcontainer out ofthe cabinet, handingit to Keegan. Their fingers brushed and Vince felt a strange sensationinhis gut.
Keeganpulled his hand away. “What is it?”
Vince snapped out ofhis daze. “It’s nothing.”
Theyate quietly, Vince eatingthree plates to Keegan’s two. The manate like he was starving; Keeganhanded Vince another garlic roll. Keegansat back as Vince pulled the rollapart and thenproceeded to soak up the remainingsauce withit. It was weird, to saythe least, sittingwithVince Markoveating dinner. Keegan’s eyes fellonVince’s strong hands, he could almost feelthemslidingdown his—
“Keegan?”Vince raised a brow.
“Yup.”Keegansnapped back to reality.
“What were youthinkingjust now?” Vince sat back, wipinghis mouthoff.
“That youeat a lot, and I’d hate to see your grocerybill.”
“It’s ginormous, like myhead,”Vince winked.
Keegan’s bodybroke out ingoose bumps, the wayVince looked at himwas downright sexual, and it felt like anactual caress onhis body. Keegangot up, grabbing his plate and glass and headed for the sink.
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