Russian Prey
Page 11
“I know,”Keeganbreathed out. “Oh God, yes…fuck, that feels so good.”Keegan moved his legs, pushingdownonVince’s massive size. The heat tore throughhim, spiralingup his spine and into his shoulders. He’d never felt like this duringsex. He wanted more and he wanted it deeper, faster. He opened his eyes to see the look ofshock on Vince’s face.
“Please...”Keeganpulled Vince back downto his lips.
“Keegan… fuck…”Vince’s heart was poundingagainst his ribs, the feelof Keegan- he’d never forget it as longas he lived. He worked his hips slowly, sinkinghis erectiondeeper and deeper into Keegan’s smoothtunnel.
His arms shook as he tried to hold back fromslamminginto him; he wanted it to last. He wanted Keeganto have that. He drew back slowly, feelingmuscles contract around him, and pushed back in. Keeganhalfsighed, halfmoaned inVince’s mouthand that alone almost pushed himover the edge. He kept up his slow, torturous rhythm, his bodyshaking witheveryin-stroke, his lips firmlyattached to Keegan’s, their tongues meeting, entwining. Vince took Keegan’s hands and placed them above his head; he laced his fingers with Keegan’s good hand as he drew back slowly, slidingindeeper onhis in-stroke and filling Keeganto the hilt. The stormoutside barely registered as Vince made love to Keegan. And that’s what it was; this was different in everyway.
Keeganwas grippingVince’s fingers, movingwithhim, kissinghimlike he needed himto breathe. It was so overwhelming; the more theymoved, the longer Vince wanted it to last. He never wanted to stop, he never wanted to let go. His mind was screamingto pullout, get awayas fast as he could, get awayfromKeegan, fromKeegan’s soft skin, his warmmouth, his taste. The conflicting emotions were raginginside and allVince could do was hangon, move his bodyinto Keegan’s and savor the sweet taste ofthe manbeneathhim. His orgasmwas building and Vince fought it. Keegan’s hips arched to meet his, skinonskin, sweat pouringfrom themboth. The lightningoutside illuminated the roomfor just a split second, but it was enough
- he had gottena glimpse ofKeeganinthe throes ofpassion.
Keegan’s hair was soaked, his eyes closed, breathinglabored, his bodymovingin time withVince’s. It was the most beautiful scene Vince had ever seenand his heart seized inhis chest. Was this what it felt like to trulymake love to someone? Vince sucked in a breathas Keegantightened around his dick, squeezinghis member; his fingers tightened in Keegan’s hand. Keegan’s tongue was searching, beggingfor more and Vince dove in deeper, fullytastingand groaned.
“Vince…”Keegangripped the fingers tighter, openinghis mouthwider, allowing Vince to take allofhim. The insistent tongue was searchinghim, exploringhim. It was the most sensualkiss he’d ever had; Keegan didn’t know whether to close his eyes or keep themopen. He wanted to see Vince as wellas feelhim. Everyin-stroke took his breath away; Vince’s massive size tore throughhim, leavingheat behind inits wake. Their bodies moved insync, perfectlymolded together, movingwithpurpose. Inallhis years, no one had ever made love to him, not like this. Vince knew instinctivelywhat made himmoan, what took his breathawayand he used it to his advantage. Fingers trailed his jaw as the warm mouthlicked a pathacross his lips, diving inside again.
God help him, he couldn’t stop moaningand whimperingno matter how hard he tried. A hand caressed his thigh, sliding lower to squeeze his ass. Vince thrust indeep and the damburst. “Vince…ohGod...I’m coming…”Keegancried out, his orgasm racingup his chest inquick bursts. The loud cryfromVince shocked himand his bodywas warmed inaninstant as Vince’s release flowed inside him.
Vince collapsed ontop ofhim, breathinghard. Keeganwrapped his arms around the man, lovingthe feelofVince inhis arms. He knew the kind ofmanVince was. The thought ofbeinga one-night stand was not somethinghe wanted to contemplate. He didn’t know how to ask the question; worse, he didn’t know ifhe wanted the answer. Keeganwent withhis gut.
“No wonder youget laid so much,” Keeganbreathed.
Vince’s head snapped up.
“I’ve never done that, I don’t…” Vince struggled for words.
“Make love?”Keeganmoved a stray, sweatystrand ofhair fromVince’s forehead. He looked almost vulnerable. “Nothingscares you, remember?”Keegankissed Vince’s eyelids.
Vince took Keegan’s face inhis hands.
“I want youto go back home, it isn’t safe withme, Keegan. IfI had knownwhat Nardozzihad done to you, I would have never agreed to this.”
“It doesn’t matter where I go now, he knows I’malive. Whentheyfound me, the Bureaumade it look like I had died. He knows now that I didn’t. He’llnever stop.”
Vince braced himselfonone arm, lookingdownat Keegan. His face was still perfect, evenwitha black eye. “Oh, yes he will, because I’mgoingto killhim.”
Keegansmiled, Vince was stillburied inhis ass. “Canwe sleep like this?”
Vince chuckled, movingout of Keeganslowly. “I weightoo muchto sleep on top ofyou; besides, youneed rest.”Vince took Keeganinhis arms, his fingers running throughthe soft hair.
“I like that, it’s relaxing.”
“Close your eyes,”Vince whispered, kissingKeegan’s forehead. “We’lltalk inthe morning, okay?”
Vince layawake for hours after Keeganhad gone to sleep. He had to find a wayto keep Keegansafe and killNardozziat the same time. There was no wayinhellDario Nardozziwas goingto get a chance at Keegan Ripleyagain.
~~ Keeganopened his eyes to see a woman’s face staringback at him. Vince’s tattoo ofhis sister was right inhis face. Vince had beautifulcopper-colored skin, and even withthe scars the manwas stillbreathtaking. Longblack lashes that anywomanwould kill for hid his beautifuleyes. Keegantouched Vince’s soft lips withthe tip ofhis finger; he followed the curves, rememberingwhat it was like to have Vince’s lips onhis own, his hands onhis body… Vince makinglove to him.
Vince’s arms tightened around him and Keeganrelaxed inthe warmembrace. He should hate Vince for kickinghis ass but somehow he couldn’t. He’d knownwho Vince was fromthe beginning; years of surveillance had shownhimVince never strayed fromhis true nature. Untilnow.
Stillbeinginbed withhimwas somethingVince never did. Keeganknew that duringanysexVince had withstrangers he not onlyprotected himself, but he never spent the night. Infact, duringthe times he had heard conversations betweenVince and his son, Keeganhad learned a lot more thanhe wanted to know about Vince’s sexlife. He’d also beenprivyto the sextalk betweenVince and Nikolai; Vince was nothingbut honest withhis son. Keeganhad to smile; Nikolai was verycurious.
Strongarms pulled himcloser and Keeganwrapped his arms around Vince. Last night had beeneveryfantasycome true. Well, except for his trip into the wall. He’d been watchingVince for so long, he should have expected it. Keeganfurrowed his brow. Vince had looked… betrayed? They’d been intimate onlyhours before and Vince had opened up to him.
Oh, no. The reasonfor Vince’s outburst started to take forminKeegan’s mind. He’d opened up, shared a part ofhis life and Keeganhad lied to himbynot admitting how muchhe actuallyknew. Keegansighed heavily. As strongas Vince Markovwas, he was vulnerable. The arms around him tightened marginallyand warmlips brushed his forehead. Vince’s hands slid lower downhis back, cuppinghis ass.
“Good morning.”Vince ranhis nose throughKeegan’s soft hair. Damn, the man smelled delicious.
“Morning.”Keeganlooked up, pressinga kiss to Vince’s lips. “How did you sleep?”
“Not good, I spent a few hours trying to figure out how to get youto change your mind.” “Well, kickingmyass won’t do it,” Keegansnickered.
“That’s not funny,”Vince scowled. “I
still feellike shit for that.”
“I shouldn’t have beensurprised, you
are Vince Markov.”
Vince rolled over onhis side. He
palmed Keegan’s face; the pad ofhis thumb
gentlycaressingKeegan’s bruised cheek. “I didn’t meanto do this; I hope you
know I won’t hurt youever again.”
Keeganlooked into Vince’s e
yes and
saw the regret there.
“I know youwon’t.”Keegantook a
deep breath. “I’ve beenwatchingyousince I
joined the Bureau. Theyput me on
surveillance ofyoufromdayone.”Keegan realized he’d shut his eyes duringhis word blurt. He opened themto see Vince smilingat
“Whyare yousmiling? I just told you
I’ve beenwatchingyou, listeningto you, for
over tenyears.”
“I had mysuspicions; I just didn’t
want youto lie to me about it.”
“Oh, so I could have avoided allthis?”
Keeganmotioned to his face. Vince winced
and Keegantook his face inhis hands. “I’m
sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I know how
bad youfeel; it’s a foreignfeeling, isn’t it?” “What?”Vince took Keegan’s hand,
kissingthe brokenfingers.
“Feelingremorse for somethingyou
did.”Keeganclosed his eyes againas Vince
lovinglykissed his cheek, thenhis eye. Vince kissed the raised, colored skin
ofKeegan’s eye.
“Yes, it does feelstrange to feelbad
for somethingI did. I spent so muchtime
turningeverythingoff, that whenI came to my
senses last night…”Vince shook his head,
closinghis eyes. “I can’t believe I did that to
“I can. I should have knownbetter
thanto tryfightingsomeone who doesn’t feel
“Youhave anawesome right and left
hook,”Vince chuckled, kissingKeegan’s
nose. “And I’msure ifI did feelpain, myribs
would be killingme fromthe kick to them.” Keeganrolled his eyes.
“Stop tryingto make me feelbetter.” “Youcanfight, Keegan. Youjust need to learnsome techniques to avoid getting
“Youmeanthe Bureaudidn’t teach
me right?”Keeganfeigned a look ofshock. “Shut up,”Vince chuckled, pulling
Keegancloser. “Theydidn’t teachyouwhat I
“So you’re goingto teachme what
youknow?”Keeganraised a brow. “Isn’t that
some trade secret youpassed onto your
Vince pulled Keeganto his lips. “Yes, but I think youneed to be
“I like youas a teacher.”Keegan
wrapped his arms around Vince’s neck as he
was pulled into a kiss.
Vince wrapped Keeganup inhis arms, deepeningthe kiss. Jesus, he couldn’t get enoughofhim, he wanted Keeganallthe time. The taste ofthe man- Vince groaned as Keegansearched his mouthslowly. Damn, the mancould kiss. His hands gripped Keegan’s ass, pullinghimas close as he could get him. The kiss became more passionate as
theybothtried to get closer to the other. Keeganwas a damned aphrodisiac;
he couldn’t help but want the manevery
second oftime theyspent together. Sleeping
withKeeganhadn’t lessened his want for him.
Infact, it’d done quite the opposite. His plan
had backfired and now he wanted Keeganall
the time. Theybroke fromthe kiss, both
breathinghard. Vince nipped at Keegan’s
lower lip, suckingit inand lettingit slide out
Keegangiggled. “Oh, yes.”
“For food, pervert.”Vince pulled
Keeganontop ofhim. “How do youfeel?” “I’mfine.”Keeganlooked at Vince’s
face as a smallsmile played at his lips. “Oh,
youmeanhow do I feel? Well, I think you
might have split me inhalf. Other thanthat, I
Vince’s brows furrowed. “I’mclean, I
get tested allthe time. I would have never—” “Shhh,”Keeganput his fingers over
Vince’s lips. “I know that. I’mclean, too.” Vince felt the back ofKeegan’s head.
“The lump is muchsmaller this morning.” “So is your dick,”Keeganlaughed,
rollingoffofVince. “I’llgo make breakfast.” Vince looked at the clock. “It’s brunchand no wayinhell. Youeither get in
the shower or stayinbed.”
Keeganstood, puttinghis hands onhis
“Is that anorder?”
“Please?”Vince smiled seductively. “Oh, that’s so wrong,”Keegan
sighed, grabbingcleanunderwear fromthe
drawer. “Fine, I’llgo shower.”He winced, as
he tried to walk. “Damn, how bigare you?” “I thought youknew allthat.”Vince lie
onhis back pullingthe sheet down; just
lookingat Keegannaked had his dick rising. “Jesus,”Keeganwhispered. “It’s like,
Vince looked downat his dick. “He’s
not evenfullyawake yet.”Vince motioned to
Keegan’s dick. “You’re not so small
Keeganraised a brow. “Please, I’m
like, almost eight.”Keeganrummaged through
the drawers. “What size underwear do you
need? We have boxers, briefs or boxer
Vince sat up onhis elbow. “What do I
“Boxer briefs, usuallyblack,”Keegan
stopped and turned. A knowingsmile played
across Vince’s lips. “Asshole.”
“I love how youknow what kind of
underwear I own. That makes it easier to go
Christmas shoppingfor me.”Vince got out of
bed, grabbingthe boxers fromKeegan. “I’ll
take these for now. Shower, or back inthere.”
Vince pointed to the bed.
Keeganstood, his jaw hangingopen. “Christmas shopping?”
“Youknow, I’mgoingto put
somethinginyour mouthifyouleave it open
like that.”Vince spanked Keegan’s ass gently.
Vince chuckled, as Keeganalmost
walked into the wall. He took himbythe
shoulders and maneuvered himinto the
bathroom. Turningthe water on, he waited for
Keeganto be safelyinside before makinghis
wayto the kitchen.
Vince started brunch. He looked
throughthe fridge to find the ingredients he
needed. A beepingsound was comingfrom
somewhere and Vince followed it to Keegan’s
“Your phone is ringing!”Vince
“Grab it, please!”
Vince shrugged his shoulders, flipping
the phone open.
Rileylooked at his phone - it was
Keegan’s number. The conversationbetween
himand Keegancame to mind whenhe
realized who’d answered the phone.
“Yep, who’s this?”
“RileyEsposito, where’s Keegan?” “He’s inthe shower; I think he’s
almost done. Do youwant me to take himthe
“Well, um, ifI’ve called at an
inconvenient time…”
Vince dragged his fingers throughhis
hair, lookingdownthe hall.
“No, I was just makingKeegansome
“Well, okay. Canyoujust let him
know I called? I just wanted to check inon
him.”Rileybit his lip to keep fromasking
“I’lldo that, Riley.”Vince realized the
shower water had stopped running. “I think
p; he’s done, yousure youdon’t want me to
take himthe phone?”
“Well, ifhe’s not tied up,”Riley
covered his mouth, hidinghis laughter. “Riley?”Vince smiled, leaningagainst
the wall.
“You’re dyingto ask me shit, aren’t
you?”Inthe time he’d spent withRiley Esposito, whichhadn’t beenmuch, he’d
gottena verygood insight into the man. Rileyexhaled, laughing.
“AmI that transparent?”
“It’s part ofmyjob to read people.”
Vince walked downthe hall; Keeganwas in
front ofthe mirror lookingat his face. Vince
closed his eyes; it stillbothered himto see
Keeganlike that, knowinghis ownhands had
caused it.
“Keegan? Riley’s onthe phone.” Keeganturned, puttinghis hand out. “Did he grillyou?”
“Not really.”Vince leaned over,
kissingKeegan’s forehead. “I’llbe inthe
kitchen.”Vince closed the door and made his
wayback downthe hallto the kitchen. Part of
himwanted to hear the conversationbetween Keeganand Riley. He wanted to know if
Keeganfelt the same wayhe had last night. Vince turned the burner on, throwing
sausage into the pan. Did Keeganfeelthe
same way? God knows he’d never felt like
that duringsex. As muchas it pained himto
think it, he’d never opened up to Andrei
enoughto feelanything duringsex. Orgasm,
sure, but realemotion? No. Oh, the kisses
were good, the sexwas great, Andreiwas an
extremelyattentive lover. But he’d never felt
like he did last night. His whole bodyhad
shuddered last night at his release; ina way,
he’d marked Keegan.
Vince smiled at the thought ofKeegan
Ripley, mild-mannered FBI agent and Vince
Markov, cold-blooded killer. Vince frowned
at the thought. It’d never work, would it? What ifit did? And again, whywas he contemplatingthis shit? Vince snorted, putting bread inthe toaster. Keegan’s face last night, that’s why. The look ofunadulterated passion, ofwant and need onKeegan’s face, the way he kissed, touched, had arched into himand
givenhimselffully– it had affected Vince. “Youlook like youjust found out
there’s a gunshow intownand theycarrybig
ass knives, too.”
Vince jumped at the sound of
Keegan’s voice. “Huh?”