Russian Prey
Page 17
“What?”Keegansat up. “But… I…”
“Youcanand I want youto.”Vince crawled up the bed; he grabbed a hold of Keegan’s buttons onhis jeans and pulled them downslowly, keepinghis eyes onKeegan’s. “I want to feelyouKeegan, allofyou, everything.”
Keegansat up, lookingaround the hotelroom.
“Please tellme youbrought lube.”
Vince frowned.
“I think I have babyoil?”Keegan arched a brow.
“Works.”Vince flew offthe bed.
Keegancould hear Vince rummaging around inthe bathroom.
“I got it!”Vince shouted. He grabbed the babyoiland made his wayback into the bedroom. Keeganstillhad his jeans and shirt on. “Whyaren’t younaked?”
“Youknow I want to make love to you, youknow I do, I’mjust …”Keegan stood up and walked around the room. “What ifI don’t measure up?”
“To whom? This is about Andrei, isn’t it?”
Keegansighed, sittingback downon the bed. “He’s Andrei… I’m… Keegan.”
Vince knelt infront ofKeeganand pulled his face up. “Youare the one I’min love with, the one I want makinglove to me. I want this so much.”Vince pushed Keegan back onthe bed, removinghis jeans.
Keeganput his arms up, allowing Vince to take his shirt off. He threaded his fingers inVince’s hair, closinghis eyes as Vince kissed his chest. Vince’s tongue was doingslow circles around his nipples, sucking themingently. A stronghand went to his ass and Keeganlie back onthe bed as Vince climbed up his body, kissingeveryinchofskin alongthe way. God, he loved this man, everythingabout himand it didn’t matter that Vince was or had beena cold-blooded killer, because he wasn’t one now. Keegangripped the comforter as Vince licked the head ofhis prick, slowlyswallowinghimdownto the root. After three months ofbeingalone, Keegansuccumbed quickly, cryingout as Vince sucked everylast drop ofhis release.
Vince’s hands slid up Keegan’s sides, makingtheir wayto his face. Keeganopened his eyes to see Vince staringdownat him. Those eyes were so opennow, revealing everything.
“Youlove me,”Keeganwhispered.
“I do love you, more thananything.” Vince rolled onhis back, pullingKeeganon top ofhim. He took the bottle ofbabyoiland put some onKeegan’s hand. “Please...”
Keeganslicked his fingers, massaging the tight ringofmuscles at Vince’s hole. Slidingthe tip ofhis finger in, a smallgasp escaped Vince. Keeganleaned over, kissing Vince slowlyas he pushed infurther, keeping up a slow inand out massage. Vince was whimperingas another finger slid in, stretching out the tight opening. Keeganpushed in further, findingVince’s sweet spot. A low groanofapprovalcame fromVince as Keeganrubbed himinto a frenzy. Vince took his hand away, guidingKeegan’s hard-again dick to his opening.
“Make love to me, Keegan.”Vince dragged his fingers throughKeegan’s hair, pullingtheir lips flushtogether.
“Yousure?”Keeganrubbed Vince’s crease withthe head ofhis dick; Vince nodded and Keeganpushed inslowly, his cockhead breachingthe tight confines of Vince’s body. Anintake ofbreathfromVince made himstop, stayingperfectlystill. “Talk to me.”
“Burns… God that feels so fucking good,”Vince gasped. “More…”
Keeganslid infurther, waitingfor Vince’s bodyto adjust to his size. The small lamp fromthe nightstand illuminated the room just enoughfor Keeganto see Vince’s face. Vince was bitinghis lower lip. Keegan stopped. “What is it? AmI hurtingyou?”
“Yes...”Vince choked out. “But I love it, please keep going.”
“Vince…”Keegantried to back out, but Vince’s legs wrapped around his hips.
“I feelpain, I feelyou, this is what I want, don’t stop.”
Keegantried to keep his movements slow and steady, but Vince’s hips came up to meet him, makingit harder and harder to slow his forward progress. Keegangripped the sheets, sinkingindeeper. Throwinghis head back, he filled Vince to the hilt, bottomingout and releasinga loud groanas Vince’s chute tightened around him.
“Ohfuck…”Keeganhissed. Vince pulled himdownagainand thentheywere movingas one. Their lips connected as wellas their bodies and Keeganwanted to cryout at how good it felt. Vince’s bodywrapped around him, shieldinghimina protective cocoonas their bodies moved to a slow, achingdance. GrippingVince’s prick, Keegan started a slow dragonhis cock as his body moved back and forth, inand out, fillingVince untiltheybothwere breathingheavy. A thigh pulled himinharder and Keeganmoaned, he withdrew slowlyand slammed back into Vince. His eyes squeezed shut as Vince continued to top fromthe bottom.
He didn’t know how muchlonger he could hold back, his hand increased its speed and tightness around Vince’s massive size. His mind was tryingto process what was actually happening- he was makinglove to Vince Markovand it was everythinghe knew it could be. Sinkinginto warmthover and over again, Keeganbeganto cry; this was real, he was no longer inthat chair, Vince loved him and theywere together.
Keeganmoved like a manpossessed untilhe heard that loud cry. Vince came all over his hand and most ofhis torso. Keegan let loose and a low growlstarted deep inhis throat as his orgasmraced out ofhim. He collapsed ontop ofVince, his arms no longer capable ofkeepinghimup. Vince’s arms wrapped around himimmediatelyand Keegan hid his face inthe crook ofVince’s neck. They lie there for what seemed like forever, tryingto get their breaths back as their orgasms ebbed away, leavingthema sticky, sweatymess.
“I love you, KeeganRipley.”Vince kissed Keegan’s head. “I think I fellinlove withyouthe minute yousaid no.”
Keegansnickered, kissingVince’s neck where the pulse was beatingrapidly. “I knew what would grab your attentionfromthe get-go. IfI’d have said, ‘Hellyes, let’s go fuck’, I probablywouldn’t have seenyou again.”
“I don’t think so; there was something about you, Keegan. Fromthat first night, allI could think about was you. There was somethingabout youthat pulled me in immediately. I asked Damona while ago how he knew he was inlove and it’s exactlyhow I feelabout you. I can’t breathe without you, Keegan.”
Keeganshifted, lookingat Vince’s face. “I don’t want to be without you, not ever.”’
“You’llnever have to be.”
~~ Inthe weeks that followed, Keegan’s life drasticallychanged. For one, he had Vince, and two, his mother was inItalybeing treated bythe best doctors. Vince had moved inwithhimand theynow shared the apartment and went into work together.
The agents who used to pick onhim didn’t dare look his wayanymore. The first dayVince had arrived at work at the downtownFBI office, they’d scattered and quick.
George had takena likingto Vince; he handed his weapons over readilyand even joked withhim. This inturnmade Mateo behave, at least a little bit. Mateo wasn’t about to be shownup byVince Markov, even thoughit had gottenaround the offices that Mateo had shot Vince. Whichwas pretty funny, ifhe thought about it. Mateo would have never gottenthe shot offiftheyhadn’t had a least a little mutualrespect for one another.
Nikolaihad beengreat; Keeganliked Vince’s sonimmensely. The kid was so upbeat, evenifhe was just as vicious as his father. They’d formed a tight bond right away and evenspent some nights playingvideo games together. Nikolaiwas spendingthe rest ofthe summer withthemand Andreiwould be pickinghimup soon. Right now, however, Vince was broodingonthe bed about having to go to a BBQ at Mateo and Riley’s. Keegan sat inhis lap, kissinghis forehead.
“Babe?”Keeganleft kisses allacross Vince’s forehead.
“Hmm?”Vince kneaded Keegan’s
glorious ass inhis hands.
“Come on, youknow youlike the
guys,”Keegangiggled whenVince tried to
stick his finger up his butt throughhis jeans.
“Stop that.”
“But youpromised you’d make love
to me.”Vince took Keegan’s face inhis
hands. “Don’t youwant to?”
Keegangrinned. “Youwant me to
pound ya.”
Vince smiled wickedly.
“Hellyeah, make it hurt, baby.” Kee
ganlaughed, and was grabbed
around the waist. He was pushed downonhis
back onthe bed and Vince hovered over him. “Okay, I willgo to the BBQ ifyou
promise to make wild, passionate love to me.” “You’ve become a kitten,”Keegan
“You’ve beentalkingto Lorenzo.”
Vince narrowed his eyes at the grinon
Keegan’s face.
“Reptile,”Keeganlaughed and tried to
get awayfromVince’s stronghands. He was
grabbed and crushed to Vince’s broad chest.
Warmlips covered his and Keeganforgot about everythingthat had happened duringthe time they’d beenapart. The wayVince kissed him, he felt everything- everyemotioncoming fromVince. Theybroke fromthe kiss and
Keeganlooked into Vince’s eyes.
“I love that.”
“What?”Vince ranhis fingertip over
Keegan’s lips.
“I canfeelhow muchyoulove me,
just fromyour kiss.”Keeganclosed his eyes,
as Vince’s lips traveled slowlyup his neck.
“We are stillgoingto the BBQ.”
Vince sighed; his planofseduction
hadn’t worked.
“Okay, fine.”
Keegangiggled, grabbinghis keys. “Canyougrab the keg?”Keegan
Vince raised aneyebrow.
“Yougot a keg?”
“It’s the guys,”Keeganraised an
eyebrow back.
“Point taken.”
Keeganopened the door as Vince
hauled the kegover his shoulder. Hot damn
that was sexy. Theywent out to the parking
garage and Keeganlooked for his car. “Youhave got to be kiddingme! They
stole mycar?? Who inthe fuck would take
that piece ofshit?”A series ofbeeps went off
elsewhere inthe garage and Keeganlooked
around the corner. A black Jeep Rubiconwith
a lift kit was makingallthe noise. Keegan
looked around the garage.
“Where the hellis the owner? That is
so annoying.”
Vince threw keys to Keegan. “You
are the owner.”
Keeganlooked at the keyringinhis
hands; it was a simple dogtagwiththe letters
KM engraved onit. Keeganlooked up. “Youbought me a Jeep?”
Vince set the kegdownand took
Keegan’s hand inhis. “I want youto have
somethingreliable to drive. Youshould have
anythingyou’ve ever wanted and I’minthe
positionto make that happen. You’ve suffered
enough, Keegan.”
Keeganlooked at the keychainagain. “Wait, KM?”Keegan’s eyes went
wide as Vince got downonone knee. He
took a boxout ofhis pocket and took a deep
“I haven’t felt like this since I was fourteenyears old and I had a crushonIvan whatshisname.”Vince smiled at Keegan’s giggle. “I want to spend the rest ofmylife with you. I know there willbe some days youwant to take myownknife to mythroat, but I promise I’lltryto make those days few and far between. I’lltrynot to squeeze the toothpaste fromthe middle, I’llput the toilet paper ‘over’ and I’lltellyoueverydamnday that youmake me a better man, Keegan Ripley. I willnever love anyone else and I will love youuntilmylast breath. Please sayyou’ll
Keeganlooked at the ringVince had
it was a Claddaghring.
“How did youknow?”he whispered. “Keegan, Keira, Keiran? Ireland.” “Oh, I’mgoingto fuck youso hard,”
“Is that a yes?”Vince grinned,
standingback up.
“Oh, yeah, Vince Markov. That’s a
hell yes!”Keeganjumped onVince, wrapping
his legs around Vince’s hips. “I love you, I
love you, I love you! Youproposed and
bought me a Jeep!”
Vince smiled, wrappinghis arms
around Keegan. “So, I did good?”
“Awesome! I thought yousaid you
weren’t romantic!”Keegangrinned.
“I bought youa Jeep, that’s
romantic?”Vince’s brows pinched inthought.
“I thought yousaid it wasn’t.”
“Youbought me a Jeep because you
wanted me to have somethingreliable to drive.
Thenyouproposed to me witha ringthat represents myheritage and yousaid you’d remember to put the toilet paper over.”
Keegankissed Vince. “How did youknow?” “I figured it out inthe safe house; the
first time I went to the bathroom, the paper
was under. WhenI went back inlater, it was
over and it was like that inbothbathrooms.”
Vince arched a brow. “Do we suffer a little
Keeganput his thumb and indexfinger
slightlyapart. “Just a bit.”
“Eh, I candeal,”Vince laughed,
kissingKeegan. He slipped the platinumband
onKeegan’s finger. “Now, get your butt in
your new Jeep.”
“Yes, sir!”
Bythe time theyfinallyarrived at Riley
and Mateo’s theywere anhour late. Riley fussed over Keeganand hugged Vince warmly. He took Keegan’s hand and looked
up, surprised.
“You’re engaged? For like, real
“Yes, like totally,”Vince did his best
surfer voice.
“Stop that!”Keegangiggled,
smackingVince’s ass. “Yes, he proposed to
me and bought me a Jeep.”
Rileyput a hand onhis hip, pouting.
“Oh, so Vince canbuyyoua new car, but I
“Youknow why, Riley, I just didn’t
want youto think… wellyouknow.”Keegan
“That we were friends for my
money?”Rileylaughed loud. “Oh, Keegan, I
never thought that way.”
Keegansmiled broadly, huggingRiley.
“Thank youfor beingmyfriend.”
“Thanks for beingmine.”Rileyheld
Keegancloser. “He’s good for you.”
Keeganpulled out ofthe hugand took
Vince’s hand, smilingup at him. “Yes, he is.” Mateo poked his head out ofthe
“Hey, get your ass inhere Markov,
it’s shot time.”
“I’llbe right back.”Vince leaned
down, kissingKeegan.
“I’mRussian, believe me, I candrink,”
Vince winked.
Rileywatched Vince’s ass intight
jeans as he made his wayinto the kitchen.
“Holyfuckballs that manis just, sheesh…” “I know,”Keegansaid.
Rileytook Keeganinto the livingroom
withthe rest ofthe husbands. Sawyer leaned
back onthe couchwearinghis signature grin. “So, whenis Vince goingto make you
legal?”Sawyer said.
“WhenI sayso,”Keeganchuckled. ~~
Vince closed his eyes, downingthe
shot ofwhisky. He placed the shot glass on
the counter and opened his eyes to see allthe
guys lookingat him. Okay, so he’d started out
roughwithsome ofthembut he’d forgiven
Mateo for shootinghimand he and Devinhad
come to some kind ofunderstanding. As long
as he treated Keeganlike gold, theywould
allow himto live. He chuckled at the memory
ofthat conversation.
“Okay… what?”Vince folded his
arms over his chest.
“Youreallydo love him, don’t yo
Mateo smirked.
“Yes, I do.”Vince smiled sheepishly.
“Yes, he’s Keegan. I’mglad that we
put our differences aside. Ifwe are goingto be
workingtogether it would be inour best
interests not to be tryingto killeachother.”
Vince narrowed his eyes at Mateo.
“What?”Mateo put his hands up in
defense. “I swear that’s the last time I’llshoot
“I stillcan’t believe that,”Troy
laughed loud. “Mateo shot Vicious Vince
“It was for a good cause,”Mateo
smiled, leaningagainst the counter. “Besides,
look at what happened. Our little Keeganis
“SpeakingofKeeganand Vince,”
Samlooked at the meninthe kitchen. “I think
theyare goingto have to become privyto
some information.”
Mateo grinned. “CanI get the
Vince raised a brow. “What kind of
Samand Troylooked at eachother
thenshifted their eyes, lettingtheir canines
“Somethinglike this?”Troysmiled,
revealinghis longcanines.
Vince backed up, hangingonto the
counter for balance. “Holyshit!”
“What’s goingoninthere?”Dakota
said, fromthe livingroom.
“We are enlighteningVince,”Troy
said over his shoulder. “Canyousend Keegan
and Devinin?”
Sawyer stood, takingKeegan’s hand.
“Just remember, we are stillyour friends,
Keeganarched a brow. “Okay, what
does that mean?”
“Come on, we’llshow you,”Dakota
Mark stayed withRileyinthe living
room; theywaited to see the reactionfrom
Devinand Keegan. Theyhad allagreed it had
to be done. WithVince intheir inner circle, he needed to know what theywere. Theytrusted Keeganand Devinand beingpart ofthe team
meant lettingtheminoneverythingas well. “Holyshit!”Keeganshouted, backing
up into Vince. “What the fuck?”
“I’mstillme, Keegan,”Troysaid,
walkingtowards Keeganslowly.
Devinstood silentlybythe stove, his
mind processingwhat he had just witnessed.