Unequivocally His in Lockdown

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Unequivocally His in Lockdown Page 5

by Meg MacRose

  His hands reached out and cradled her face. Her expression was masked.

  “I missed you last night.”

  “You missed the sex. You don’t miss people. You never have.” He flinched at how well she knew him.

  “I missed waking up with you.” He corrected her. Maybe she was right. Maybe he asn’t genetically engineered to feel affection like others did.

  “After yesterday, I’m sure that was enough to last anyone for 24 hours.”

  “One would think so, wouldn’t they? But alas, knowing you were up in my bed absolutely did my head in all night. I didn’t get an ounce of sleep.”


  He smiled at her. She used to say that to him when they were teenagers. Hopefully, it meant that she wasn’t angry with him.

  “I’m sorry but not sorry about yesterday.”

  Her face crinkled at him with confusion.

  “I resented the thought you and Stevie had been lovers. I admit it. And you didn’t help things when you didn’t deny it.” He stroked her cheek. “You know, the sex we had against the window will go down in history. It was…”

  “Intense” she interrupted him.

  “Yeah. It was definitely that.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever responded like that, shagging someone angry with me.”

  Her admission warmed him. “I wasn’t angry with you. I was angry with myself.” That was the truth too, he thought, after the words came out.

  “What do you say, do you think we can continue to cohabit for a bit longer?” His other hand came up and framed her chin.

  “We have no choice. I still can’t go home.”

  “It’s amazing how simple life feels when we can’t do anything.”

  “I’m not sure I felt anything was simple yesterday.”

  “Point taken.”



  “Can you stop talking and kiss me?” Her bold words stopped him in his tracks. His eyes searched hers. His breath stopped when he spotted the flicker of humour in her smoky gaze.

  He smiled and suddenly what was happening was like a scene from one of those mushy films they’d watched when she’d been hungover.

  Before he did anything, she’d brought her lips to his and kisses him with a gentleness he knew he didn’t deserve.

  It was everything a make-up kiss ought to be. Searching, deep and forgiving. Tansy scrabbled at his shirt. He grunted as the feeling of her nails on his back brought him to another level of ecstasy.

  “Tansy,” he groaned. She mumbled something in return, but he didn’t know what it was, and frankly, he didn’t care. Because he’d been deprived of her body for much longer than he could withstand. He wasn’t even able to take her somewhere more comfortable. He couldn’t last a moment longer.

  She pulled away from his kiss. “Shhh.” Her finger pushed against his mouth. She confused him. But hell, right at this point in time, this girl in her purple dress could do anything to him and he’d agree.

  He gasped as she reached down to take his hardened knob into her warm probing mouth.

  The sweet ecstasy was too much. He couldn’t endure it for a second longer, so that when his orgasm came way too quickly, the rush of blood and pleasure dissolved his senses, and he felt like he was free falling.

  * * *


  “How are your clothes? Do you need some more?” His voice was light and airy. It gave her a glow inside.

  She shook her head. “No thanks. You ordered heaps. They’re fine.” There were still bags of clothes unopened. She was being careful to only open t

  “Yet, you’re still wearing your bath gown.”

  “There seems no reason to get dressed. No sooner did I dress in that lovely purple dress this morning, than you ripped it off and we landed back in bed!”

  “Hey, there’re no complaints from me!”

  She smiled. “How about I go up and get dressed, and we complete that hour walk out on the heath before it gets too dark? It looks like the rain has at least eased up.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  She dashed upstairs to get changed. She needed some fresh air, and it seemed a shame to waste such a wonderful resource like the heath. Especially for someone who normally lived in a small flat in an overcrowded inner city suburb. After they eased the lockdown restrictions, she would make an effort to explore some of these wonderful green spaces in London.

  She let the bathrobe slide down over her body. She loved the underwear that he’d ordered for her. The colour and the style.

  As she walked past the opening to his walk-in wardrobe, she saw her reflection in the full-length mirror that was just visible. She felt different since she’d been here. More sexy warrior and less skinny and pale.

  “Are you looking at yourself in the mirror?” He asked, his voice teasing.

  She smiled back at him. “You caught me out. I was just about to get some activewear on.”

  “Yeah, right!”

  She smiled. “I was walking past and couldn’t help but stop admire my underwear. This shade of turquoise has always been my favourite colour.”

  He walked right up behind her and with gentle fingers traced the edge of the lace on her midriff.

  “I agree, the colour suits you.”

  Through the mirror they both watched his fingers explore her stomach, trailing down to her hip and then tucking inside her new panties to rub against her clit. It was by far the most erotic gesture any lover had ever made with her, and it lost her. It was another first for her. Never had her own image captivated her as getting turned on by nothing more than a man’s fingers. She watched herself as her heavy breath and heartbeat echoed inside of her.

  “Jake. Please. I want more.” It was more a plea than a statement.

  “I know, honey.”

  The raw, almost tender look that floated across his face sent red-fiery flames through her.

  “I know. I feel it too.” His grunt was barely above a whisper.

  She froze to the spot. Her body ached desperately for his touch. For his mouth to claim hers. Their tousled images in the mirror reflected the perfect fit for her soft curves enclosed in his powerful masculine physique.

  His hardened case hindered by his denim jeans rubbed against her barely clad arse.

  “I don’t have time to get a condom. Can I go dry?”

  In her befuddled stated, Tansy had no idea what he meant by dry. Before she asked, he’d swung her around and lay her down on her back on his bed. Through half-closed eyes, she watched, not moving, as he removed his jeans and with clumsy jerked motions.

  His nakedness was breathtakingly beautiful. Not that she’d ever tell him that. He had a big enough head already. A giggle almost escaped. It wasn’t the only part of him that was big!

  Tansy felt Jake’s eyes as they raked over. Goosebumps raced up her arms, and a warm sensation swirled in her chest. There was a new gentleness to his desperate actions, and his obvious physical attraction to her shot her own arousal to new heights.

  He was probably like this with all his women. She pushed aside the unpleasant thought.

  “You are a seductress.” The warmth from his mouth captured hers. She tried to open her thighs and find what her body craved. But she couldn’t. Her legs were caught under his frame. Jake rocked back and forth on top of her, his sheath rubbing her, with the only barrier between them being her new turquoise panties. The ecstasy of his rhythm sent her on fire, all the while she needed him to enter her pulsating wet core. Their frenzied movements sent a thrill of pleasure through her. The warmth of his seed as he ejaculated on her stomach was her undoing, and the waves of pleasure that she rode as her own orgasm took her to another plane.

  She opened her eyes slowly. Even though the tremors had subsided, her core still pulsated, not yet sated.

  At least he hadn’t mentioned Stevie this time. But had he really gotten over his issue of her friendship with Stevie? The thought bothered her as she
lay in his arms.

  Lockdown Day 4


  Jake knew the exact moment when Tansy entered the room as he fiddled with his laptop. His body honed in on her like a built-in radar whenever she was near. It was funny, he’d never had that level of awareness with a woman before. Never.

  “Fancy a cuppa?” She asked as she glided past him.

  “No, thanks.” He gestured to his laptop. “I’ve got some video conferences scheduled. Business. But it shouldn’t take too long.”

  “Ah, the quintessential boss, eh?” Her voice quivered with a hint of laughter.

  “I’m not sure what a quintessential boss is!” He smiled up at her. She looked relaxed after the yoga session she’d just done upstairs. He’d watched her for the first few minutes. But watching her body fold and twist had been a temptation for him, and his comments had been a distraction for her.

  “The business won’t run itself.” It was more a reminder for him than for her.

  “Fair enough. I’ll make myself a brew and skedaddle.”

  “You used to say that word when you were young. You’re the only person I know who has ever used it!” He remembered the first time that he’d heard it. It had been at Christmas time.

  “What? Oh, skedaddle.” She smiled and shrugged.

  He liked this banter with her. It was a side of Tansy that warmed him up inside. Although, he didn’t mind riling her either. Yesterday after he’d teased her about something he remembered from their childhood, they’d ended up shagging in the sitting room on the thick oversized sheepskin.

  He’d better change his thoughts before he dialled in for the teleconference. It was only minutes away.

  “Well anyway, I’ll make myself scarce. I’ll probably try to catch up on some work too.”

  “Thanks.” He returned to the words on his laptop. “It’s impossible to get this working.” He complained grumpily. “Seriously, everyone in the office said it was easy. You press a button and voila, you’re into the virtual meeting room.”

  “How have you done it in the past?” She leant over his shoulder. “I think you’re supposed to press that icon there in the bottom left-hand corner.”

  “What? Well, I haven’t. Not really. My PA normally sets it up for me. All my other meetings have just been on the phone.” He haltered. He could smell the soap on her skin. Fresh and fragrant.

  He had a few minutes before the meeting was due to start, but Tansy was way too tempting. His arm wrapped around her and pulled her across onto his lap.

  “You know, you’re becoming quite a valuable person to have around during this isolation!” He whispered into her ear.

  She grinned up to him. “Well, glad that I’m useful for something, anyway.”

  Her grin was infectious. He wished he could reschedule this meeting. Sitting on a kitchen stool together, this woman made him think of nothing but devouring her body. Even if she didn’t mean to. And she didn’t, he was sure of it. She was still examining the pop-up windows on his laptop. The softness of her nape showed as she craned her head forward to read the small print.

  He forced himself to listen to his mind and not his body. Talk about bad timing! He needed this meeting with his father and brother, as they’d normally meet every morning in the office. There were important decisions that they had to make.

  “Skat. I need to focus on my work.”

  “Hang on a sec, I think I’ve almost got this running.”

  No sooner were the words out of his mouth, and his fingers found their way up her short skirt and stroked the soft inside of her toned pale thigh. His jeans tightened to the point of being uncomfortable as his arousal intensified.

  “Are you sure you want to work right now?” She teased as she pivoted around to pluck a quick, light kiss on his lips.

  “No, I’m not sure. I think that’s clear.”

  Her hand reached out and stroked his tightened jeans.

  He groaned into her hair. “You are far too saucy for your own good.” His hand pulled away her panties and fingered her soft tuft of hair. He closed his eyes. All he could think about was sinking his fingers into her core, into her slippery moistness. And she would be wet. That he knew.

  “As skilled lover as you are, I’m sure you don’t want anyone from your office seeing us like this. Particularly not your father or brother!” She pushed his hand out from under her skirt. “It’ll just have to wait. But I believe I take rain-checks. If you’re good!” She gave his bulge at the top of his jeans a quick rub before she stood up and walked into the kitchen. “Besides, I really want that cup of tea.”

  “You minx.” He said with affection. He enjoyed watching her, familiar in his home. Like she belonged.

  Her laugh glittered the air.

  He fiddled with his laptop. He really wasn’t interested in technology. A new window had appeared on the screen. He could see his own image. There was only him on the screen. No one else.

  “Hey Tans, is this right?” She had more idea than him.

  “Hmm. Hang on. I’ll be right there.”

  He furrowed his brow and pressed a few keys on his keyboard, but nothing happened.

  “Whoa. Hang on there.” Tansy called out from behind him. Bending over with her steaming cup of tea, she pressed two keys. “There, that should do it for you.”

  She stood up as they waited in silence for just a second before eight boxes appeared.

  “Do you want to see everyone in a gallery view, or just the person speaking, taking up the whole screen?”

  “I have no idea. Just the person, I guess.”

  “Okay. Press this. Press it again if you want to change back.”

  “Hey Jake. Welcome to the 21st century. It looks like you’ve got company. Though we can’t see her head. Are you not going to introduce us?”

  Steven’s smiling face popped up on the screen. Jake almost cursed out loud. Not that Tansy staying at his was a secret. He’d just not told anyone. It wasn’t anyone else’s business.

  “Hey Steven. How’s married life?” As he spoke his own image flicked back on the laptop. Tansy ducked down with her tea so she was at head-level with him. Her smile radiated through the screen. Instinctively, he smiled back at her.

  “Hey Stevie.” Her voice bright and excited at seeing her childhood friend. The slightest sliver of insecurity shot through him.

  “Tansy. What the…? What are you doing with Jake?”

  Steven’s recent wife joined him on their screen.

  “Hey Ella. Wonderful wedding. How’s the honeymoon in isolation?” Tansy’s sweet voice vibrated in his ear.

  “Brilliant, thanks Tansy.”

  “What on earth is happening? Tansy, what are you doing at Jake’s?”

  Steven’s glare was aimed right at him.

  “Chill Stevie. Right at this point in time, I’m having a cuppa tea!”

  Jake saw Tansy’s image on the screen grin at his brother. “I believe we’re all adults, right?”

  You go, girl! He was proud of how she stood up for herself, even to her oldest friend.

  “Jake, man, you look after her. She’s not just one of your other women. I don’t know what this is about, but I don’t like it.”

  “Just as Tansy said. We’re all adults. So, politely, Steven, it’s none of your business.” He paused. The pit of his stomach was heavy. It annoyed him he had to explain his own actions. That he had to prove to his brother he was worthy enough for Steven’s bestie. “Anyway, you’re hitched up in isolation with Ella. Why should I spend this lockdown all alone? Why shouldn’t I have a piece of eye candy to keep me entertained?”

  Jake saw Tansy’s face on the screen crumple. A dagger went through his chest. Shit. He hadn’t meant to say it like that. He’d just wanted to deflect Steven, to get him off his back. Of course he didn’t think Tansy was just eye-candy.

  “Excuse me, I’ve got some work to catch up on. Great to see you both Stevie and Ella.” Tansy’s voice was soft and distinctively lacked any b
rightness. Without a sidewards glance at him, she turned and fled upstairs.

  He missed her presence next to him. Part of him wanted to call out to her. Part of him wanted to punch the bench, or the laptop. That wasn’t what he meant. Deep inside, he knew that he had messed up.

  He’d explain it to her later when she’d calmed down. The problem was, he didn’t know what he would explain. It made little sense to himself.

  “You’re such a cad. You know that, don’t you?”

  His little brother’s words spat out at him, hitting their mark. He didn’t need his younger brother to tell him.

  “Look, it’s fine. She knows the score. Tanse has work to do, anyway.” Jake tried to downplay the situation.

  “Jake honey, I don’t think she does know the score.” His new sister-in-law paused. “We saw her face when you called her that.” Ella’s voice spoke in worried tones. “You need to go after her. Now. Even if you have the ground rules laid out, or whatever, I don’t think you feel the same way that she feels about you. You can’t leave it like this.”

  That was the problem. There were no ground rules. It all kind of just happened. And kept happening. But he would not admit that. Not to his brother and his wife. That was personal. It was between him and Tansy.

  “She’ll be fine Ella.” He lied as he ran his hands through his hair. So much for a business meeting. Instead, it had spiralled into something way too personal for his liking. “Look Tansy knows the score. It’s fine.”

  “What I want to know is why on earth Steven’s friend Tansy is still at your home. The wedding was days ago.” An older feminine voice interrupted.

  Mother! Jake nearly fell off his stool.

  “What are you doing here Mother?”

  “Your father mentioned that he was catching up with you all. I just wanted to see how my sons were. This lockdown is a dreadful situation, isn’t it?”

  Mother paused as she looked back at him.

  “Jake, is there something you should tell us?”

  “No Mother, there’s nothing I want to tell you.” What a question to ask a man already in his thirties! It wasn’t like he was a teen still living at home.


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