Jade's Erotic Adventures Box Set

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Jade's Erotic Adventures Box Set Page 18

by Victoria Rush

  It would have been easier to take a cab to get to my venue, but today I wanted to experience an authentic New York rite of passage by taking the subway. As I walked down the front steps of my hotel toward the 103rd Street subway station one block away, I marveled at the majestic trees lining Central Park West. The city park was definitely on my to-do list, and I planned to take a long stroll later in the day to absorb the autumn color.

  When I descended the stairs to the underground concourse, I was surprised how busy the station was. There was a heavy flow of commuters streaming into the station, and the subway platform was already four or five people deep waiting for the next rush hour train to arrive. I purchased a MetroCard at one of the vending machines, then scurried through the turnstiles onto the packed platform.

  Suddenly, the station filled with a deafening roar as two trains raced into the terminal from opposite ends. The southbound train screeched to a halt in front of me and opened its doors, and a small group of people shuffled off the train. Then the dense crowd on the platform converged on the narrow opening, trying to squeeze into the tight cabin. I wasn't prepared for the aggressiveness of the passengers as they pushed and jostled past me toward the door. Within ten seconds, the car was filled to capacity as a wall of passengers stood by the lip of the door, blocking the opening.

  Holy crap, I thought. My friends weren't kidding when they said everything moves faster in Manhattan.

  I stepped back from the opening and watched the passengers squeeze their shoulders together to provide enough room for the door to close.

  At least next time, I breathed a sigh of relief, I'll be at the front of the line.

  Within a minute, another train roared into the station. I quickly stepped to the side of the door nearest me and waited for the exiting passengers to leave the compartment. When I stepped into the carriage, I noticed it was already half full. The surge of passengers streaming in behind me pushed me deeper into the car and off to the side. The seats were already taken, so I found a spot in the corner beside the exit door and grabbed hold of the overhead support bar to steady myself. A pretty brunette was seated in the single chair on the end wall, reading Cosmo.

  "Excuse me," I said, wiggling in next to her, trying to find a spot with a few inches of personal space.

  She smiled at me and nodded, then returned her attention to her magazine. Passengers continued filtering into the subway car, pushing and squeezing us closer together. By the time the doors closed, I scarcely had an inch to breathe, and I could feel bodies pressing up against me from the sides and behind. I grasped the overhead bar more firmly and spread my feet a few inches to get a solid footing. I glanced at the people resting on the seats below me and noticed that everyone was either tapping on their cell phones or reading a newspaper.

  When the train picked up speed and was swallowed in the blackness of the underground tunnel, I looked in the reflected light of the window in front of me to scan the activity in my car. Everybody seemed to be staring impassively ahead or reading the advertisements above the windows. As the train rattled through the tunnel jostling back and forth, I could feel the surrounding passengers shifting their weight against me. Someone's hips were pressing into my ass, and I looked in the window to see a pretty college-aged girl wearing a backpack with the NYU logo. The feeling of having someone touching me so intimately in the tight confines of the subway car was turning me on, and I felt my pussy beginning to tingle.

  I tilted my hips toward her to try to get her attention, but she seemed lost in conversation as her fingers flicked over her cellphone screen. Glancing to my side, I noticed the seated brunette had lifted her gaze from her magazine and was watching my ass rubbing against the college girl's hips directly in front of her. She looked up in my direction, then turned to our reflected image in the window and smiled at me. I blushed at the realization that she'd caught me trying to grab a cheap feel on the subway train and quickly turned my head in the other direction. But there was something about the way she looked at me that got my juices flowing even stronger.

  When the train entered the next station and our car doors opened, I was sad to see the college girl leave the compartment. A new surge of passengers boarded the cabin, then the brunette stuffed her magazine in her purse and stood up to take a position on my left side. She was so close to me, I could smell her perfume. She reached onto the support handle and grasped the bar beside my hand. The feeling of her warm skin next to mine on the cool bar sent a charge through my body.

  Another passenger squeezed in behind us, taking her vacant seat on the end wall, and I glanced at the brunette in the window reflection and smiled. She was a little younger than me, maybe in her early thirties, and dressed in a tight-fitting business suit that hugged her curvy body. She had big brown eyes and sexy full lips, and I blushed when she caught me checking out her body. We were packed like sardines in the tight confines of the subway car, and I felt the brunette's hips press against the side of my ass. I wasn't sure if she was doing it intentionally or just trying to provide some more space for the last few passengers squeezing into our end of the car. Either way, it was a pleasant feeling, and I kept my feet firmly planted and my body erect, maintaining the pressure between us.

  When the train left the station and accelerated into the tunnel, the shifting weight of the carriage caused our bodies to bump together, creating a different kind of friction between us. I could feel her hard pubis pushing against my cheeks, and I squeezed my glutes to provide a firmer surface for her to get more direct stimulation. To my delight, she began moving her hips rhythmically against my ass, and I felt her wetness soaking through the thin microfiber on the back of my pants.

  She was tribbing me in the tight confines of the subway car, with nobody the wiser!

  I looked in the car window and gave her a knowing smile, then, to remove all doubt as to whether I was a willing participant in the equation, I began moving my hips in rhythm with hers. If there was anything I could do to help her get off in the secrecy of our confined space, I was only too happy to help. The pace of her gyrations began to pick up and as her mouth parted, I could feel the coolness of her breath against my neck. She interlaced her fingers with mine on the overhead bar and squeezed my hand. As we watched each other in the reflected glass, her mouth opened wider and the look on her face contorted in sweet agony.

  By now, my own pussy was flooded with lubrication, and I could feel the wetness accumulating in my panties. I was dying for some stimulation of my own, but I couldn't move my free hand in direct view of the seated passengers in front of me. Even though they seemed preoccupied with other matters, it was simply too risky. I tried to reach behind me with my right hand to touch the brunette, but she was on the wrong side. All I could do was squeeze my left butt cheek to provide a hard surface for her to rub against and provide a little extra stimulation by tilting my hips quietly in rhythm with her.

  Suddenly, she stopped moving, as she pressed her pussy firmly against my backside and squeezed my hand tightly on the bar. I saw her head bob forward in a series of spastic lurches as she grimaced trying to stifle her pleasure. I'd never seen anything so hot in my entire life. The notion of having sex on a crowded train, even between two fully-clothed people, was insanely arousing. This was my first experience with illicit public sex, and I was already addicted. Even my experiences on the Nude Cruise couldn't match this, knowing that everybody already had tacit approval to engage in public sex in the erotic-themed venues. But sex on a train was a definite no-no, where one or both of us could be charged with a crime, especially if it was found to be nonconsensual.

  But this was definitely consensual. I was more than a willing partner, and I wanted more.

  I was glad when the train roared into the next station, providing a bit of a distraction. It gave me a chance to shift position with the pretty brunette, so we could reciprocate favors. As people began to shuffle out of our car, I stepped aside to give her some space to move in front of me. This would have given me
a bit more privacy and an opportunity to stimulate my own clit, but she reached out and pressed her hand gently against my back. Apparently, she had other ideas. I wasn't sure what she had in mind, and I frowned as a new round of passengers crowded into our end of the car, pressing us together in the previous position.

  I looked in the window and furrowed my eyebrows at the brunette, wondering what she was thinking. She simply smiled at me and blew me a silent kiss as she pressed her hips against my pliant ass. This time, as soon as the train entered the darkened tunnel, I felt her right hand circle under my buttocks and two fingers press into the opening between my legs.

  God, yes! I thought, catching my breath from her intrusion into my private zone.

  I glanced at the two people seated directly in front of me to see if they'd noticed the strange movement only two feet away from them at their same eye level. A young woman was busy texting on her phone and a businessman had his head buried in the spread of the New York Times, oblivious to what was going on around them. And the people standing beside me were either peering at the ads on the wall or reading their phones.

  Thank God for smartphones.

  The brunette now had a green light to pretty much do whatever she wanted with me in the tight confines of our noisy subway car. Nobody could see or hear what was going on below their line of sight. I spread my feet a few inches further apart to give her freer access to my underside, then tilted my hips back to move my throbbing clit closer to her hand. My pants were now thoroughly soaked through with my love juices, and the brunette slid her fingers through the cleft in my labia created by the seam of my tight dress pants.

  How I wished I'd worn a skirt instead of pants on this first day of the conference!

  But it didn't really matter since she probably could have gotten me off even if I was wearing a chastity belt, I was so worked up by now. I looked at her in the glass, and she winked at me as she rolled my erect clit between her thumb and her forefinger. I gasped out loud, then coughed a few times when some of the seated passengers looked up, trying to divert attention from what was going on. The brunette paused briefly until everybody's attention returned to their reading material.

  Not knowing how much longer we'd have before being interrupted at the next stop or if someone might catch on to what we were doing, I was eager to get off as soon as possible. I parted my legs another inch and tilted my hips back as far as I could to signal that I was ready. The brunette looked at me intently in the window then she began to rub my clit more firmly. I closed my eyes and exhaled from the pleasure emanating between my legs and began to sway my hips in tandem with the movement of her fingers.

  I began to hear the familiar echo sound of the train approached another station, and I squeezed my buttock muscles to speed the arrival of my orgasm. Just as the train raced into the new station, I felt the passion engulf me, and I clamped down on the brunette's fingers and bit my tongue, trying to stifle my moans. I'd never had to work so hard to conceal the powerful orgasm washing over me. The contractions seemed to go on forever, and I was worried I'd still be coming as people began to shuffle off the train.

  But the timing was perfect, as the last waves of my orgasm subsided just as the train came to a stop. But by this time, I was so worried that someone might have noticed us, that I pulled away from the overhead bar and began making my way off the train. I hated to leave the brunette so abruptly, but I was too embarrassed that we'd be found out. Besides, I couldn't continue on to my business conference with this giant wet spot between my legs. I'd have to go back to my hotel for a change of clothes before going any further.

  As I got off the car and headed toward the station exit to catch a cab, I paused in the middle of the platform and turned around as the train began to pull away. The brunette and I made eye contact, and we smiled at one another. We'd shared a powerful silent connection that would forever stay just between the two of us.


  Dress Up

  That night I could hardly sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened on the subway. I came three more times visualizing the memory of the brunette fingering me on the crowded train. It wasn't just the idea of having public sex that turned me on, it was the danger of the act that brought it to a new level. If either of us had been caught, we could have been charged with indecent behavior and led out of the station in handcuffs. When I finally did nod off, I dreamt of being fondled by multiple strangers, surrounded by oblivious travelers focused on other distractions.

  I woke up with a giant wet spot on the sheets and staggered to the shower to get ready in time for day two of my conference. I figured the previous day's encounter was a once-in-a-lifetime fluke, where I just happened to find myself next to someone bold enough to make such a brazen public advance. But I planned to be ready just in case. I wore a loose-fitting summer dress with no bra or panties, and three-inch platform sandals to provide easier access to my undercarriage. This time, there'd be no need to rush back to my hotel to change my soiled undergarments. Even if I wasn't able to hook up with the pretty brunette again, just the sensation of feeling the swirling air from the moving train on my bare pussy would be a thrill.

  I knew it was a longshot that I'd find the brunette in the same place on the same train on two consecutive days. But she looked like a regular commuter, and I figured that if I timed it right, I might get lucky. I glanced at my watch and noticed that it was 7:30. I grabbed my purse and rushed out of my hotel room, already feeling the moisture building between my legs.

  When I got to the subway station, I slipped my MetroCard through the card reader then paused to get my bearings. I remembered turning to the right yesterday after passing through the turnstiles to get away from the crowd, but I couldn't recall how far down the platform I'd gone before getting on the train. Then I noticed a familiar advertisement on the side wall. I walked toward it, then stepped forward to get closer to the edge of the platform. I didn't want to risk missing my train twice in as many days.

  After a few minutes, a train rattled into the station and I swiveled my head trying to catch sight of the pretty brunette in one of the passing cars. But it was moving too fast and the cars were too full to make out any familiar faces. When the train came to a halt, I scanned inside the adjacent car, but I didn't see the brunette. I hesitated, unsure whether to enter the compartment.

  Had I missed her train? I thought. Was I too early, or too late? Should I wait for the next one to see if I can find her on that one?

  I searched frantically through the window at the south end of the carriage, but it was too densely packed with passengers to make anything out. Thinking she'd taken another seat out of view, I stepped into the car just before the door closed. As the train sped out of the station, I pushed my way through the crowd toward the end wall. When I got to the far corner, I was disappointed to see no sign of the brunette. I squeezed toward the window and grabbed hold of the overhead support bar. To my surprise, the same college girl who'd been standing behind me yesterday was seated on the bench in front of me, reading a book.

  I craned my head toward the other end of the cabin to look for any sign of the brunette. Just when I was beginning to despair about ever seeing her again, a familiar scent tickled my nose.

  That perfume! Could it be—.

  I glanced in the window reflection and saw the brunette pushing her way through the crowd in my direction. She was a creature of habit, after all. Or maybe she just had the same idea I had—that if she got on the same train at the same time in the same place, she might be lucky enough to find that special someone who shared her predilection for public sex.

  When she came up beside me, she took a similar position just to my left and behind me. Then she reached up and placed her hand over mine on the overhead bar and smiled at me in the window. She ran her eyes up and down my body, noticing my change of clothes and nodded with approval. Then she pressed in closer behind me and I felt her hand reach under my dress and squeeze my butt cheek. My ass trembled in exc
itement at her touch, and I spread my legs as far as I could to give her more space to reach between my legs.

  She wasted no time plunging three fingers into my aching snatch, and I gasped out loud in pleasure. The college girl glanced up from her book and I coughed into my hand to distract her attention. The brunette paused until everybody's attention returned to their reading material, then she resumed finger-fucking me. I leaned over to tilt my pussy in her direction and noticed the college girl was no longer peering down at her book. Her eyelashes were fluttering just under her brow as she stared straight ahead at my dress. I wasn't sure if she'd noticed the brunette's hand movement under my garment, or if she merely suspected what was going on. Either way, I began to get worried and stopped moving my hips while I stared into the brunette's eyes in the window, trying to signal for her to stop before we got caught.

  Fortunately, the train roared into the next station providing a temporary diversion. As it began to spit out passengers and take on a fresh load, the brunette pulled her fingers out of my pussy and began circling my clit. She was enjoying watching me squirm, and she had no intention of stopping her little tease. I closed my eyes and bit my lip as the new crop of passengers squeezed and pushed in behind us.

  I noticed the college girl hadn't gotten off at the same stop as yesterday and saw that she was still peering straight ahead in the direction of my dress. I looked up at the brunette, pleading for her to stop until the train left the station. At least in the relative privacy of the darkened tunnel, the increased noise and jostling of the train would provide a temporary distraction from prying eyes. I wasn't sure if the brunette had also noticed the college girl's diverted attention. She simply smiled at me in the window as if to say: So what if someone notices? Live in the moment, and revel in the extra attention.


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