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Hero Page 4

by Reagan Woods

  Their early afternoon near-kiss in the kitchens was an overreaction from heightened stress. At least, that’s what he was telling himself. Too bad he wasn’t quite able to delude himself into believing it.

  Chapter Seven

  Rumor had it, the alien Warriors of General Darvan’s invasion force were the fiercest in the known galaxies. Tara stopped to listen whenever someone offered up a new tidbit about their alien conquerors. They attacked like lightning, violently and efficiently eliminating every obstacle from their collective path. Domination was the only occupation they had. The Armada travelled from system to system in search of new worlds to pillage.

  In addition to gossip, Tara had learned a lot about Corian and Doranos cultures from the reconditioner. For instance, she knew Warriors were almost exclusively Corian, and the governors and peace keepers that would be assigned to Earth after the invasion was complete would be over ninety percent Doranos. She felt relatively prepared to become a part of the machine that supported the bloated bank accounts and egos of the CGA elite. Not that she had much choice.

  Neither listening to gossip nor studying had prepared her for trying to get one of the aggressive Warriors’ attention – clearly. So, she was going about it the old-fashioned way. How hard could it be?

  Tara followed as Calyx escorted her through several check points and buffer zones and into the Warrior’s barracks. No one stopped them. Some of the Warriors did double-takes, but a low growl from Calyx kept them moving.

  Obviously, she’d never been inside these barracks. She’d seen the buildings during her orientation, but they were far beyond her security clearance. The barracks were much like the Earther dorms consisting of a long beige hallway lined with nondescript doors that she assumed lead to sleeping quarters.

  Calyx placed his palm on an ident plate and a door slid open. Had he read her mind? Were they going back to his place? That seemed a bit presumptuous of him, but she could work with it. She followed him into the darkened room, palms sweaty with nerves and her blood thick with anticipation. What would it be like to kiss him, to feel those firm, sexy lips on hers? She was about to find -

  “Oof!” Her foot connected with something hard and she sprawled ungracefully knocking into what she thought was a wall. Instead, it was a stack of crates that her body weight rocked as she slammed against it. In the slice of light coming through the door, she saw Calyx rush forward to steady the precarious tower before it landed on her.

  “Lights on!” He commanded, flooding the room with artificial light. She threw up an arm to shield her eyes as he exclaimed, “Tara! Are you hurt?” Calyx’s handsome face loomed above, a mask of concern.

  Accepting his extended hand, she closed her eyes against the tide of heat swirling up her neck and over her face. Ugh. “Just my pride,” she said, opening her eyes on an awkward chuckle.

  “I know you don’t care for medics…,” he began.

  She waived him off. “It’s not that bad.” A cursory glance around showed crates and boxes stacked everywhere. Turning, she saw she’d tripped over a knee-high box just inside the doorway. So much for bringing her back to his place.

  “If you change your mind, say something,” he directed, stepping over the box to palm the door shut. “I don’t want you in pain.”

  While he was distracted, she rubbed her low back furiously to disburse some of the residual discomfort. She hadn’t seen her twenty-third birthday yet but working on her feet all day made her hips and back sore without adding the embarrassing fall on top of it.

  “Why are we here?”

  He turned back to her, two vertical lines between his brows. Good Lord, he was cute when he was perplexed. “You asked if we could talk alone. The General isn’t scheduled to be on-planet right now and he never uses these quarters.”

  Tara’s eyes widened. “This is General Darvan’s private room?” Was he messing with her? “It looks like a storage closet.”

  “Right now, it is,” Calyx agreed with a small smile that brought out his dimples. He leaned casually against a stack of crates that abutted the wall and gestured for her to take a seat on a box a few feet away. “If he ever visits – which I don’t see happening – we’ll clean it up.”

  Perched atop the packing crate, Tara smoothed her hands over her black-clad thighs. She really didn’t give a crap about General Darvan other than to hope he stayed far, far away from her. However, she knew Calyx admired the General, so she kept her mouth firmly shut on that topic. Slowly, she eyeballed the room searching for a neutral subject of conversation.

  Her eyes landed on the door. Maybe now was a good time to leave. Calyx stood over there, an expectant expression on his face, and she wasn’t sure what to do. The fact that she didn’t have a lot of experience with men – or aliens – hadn’t seemed like a big deal. Until now.

  In theory, she should just be able to say she wanted to get to know him, right? It wasn’t as if they could date with her being stuck in the camp. But if she blurted out her interest, would he think she was easy? Worse, what if he didn’t return her feelings? Criminy, this had seemed so simple.

  “Tara?” Her eyes snapped to him. He shot the door a considering glance and turned back to prod, “What’s on your mind?”

  Licking her lips, she asked, “How did you know I needed help earlier today?” It was the first question that popped into her head – and it was a cop-out.

  He bent to brush invisible lint from the knee of his pants and mumbled, “I heard you yelling.”

  “Oh. You were close by.” She nodded lamely. Kill me now. “That makes sense.” This was unbelievably awkward. “Um. I can’t actually remember if I told you thank you for stepping in, so – er – thank you.”

  “You thanked me almost immediately.” Those panty-melting dimples made another appearance as he slowly straightened and took a step toward her. Then another.

  Tara’s heart thundered in her chest as he came closer. In the confined space, his clean male scent was intoxicating. The sudden, intense longing to touch him skin to skin was overwhelming. There was the courage she’d been looking for, she smiled dreamily as she tried to listen to what he was saying.

  “I was bringing water for your plants,” Calyx admitted softly. Now, he was less than a foot away. His hands were clasped uncertainly behind his back and he stood with one foot angled toward her and the other away. But when she looked into his handsome face, eyes of darkest silver devoured her. The heat in his gaze made her shiver in the best way.

  Boldly, she leaned forward and grabbed a handful of his tight-fitting shirt. “Gosh, Calyx, that’s so sweet of you,” she purred, reeling him in.

  “Um…” His eyes went wide before they locked on her mouth with burning intensity.

  She smiled so wide she’d put the Cheshire Cat to shame. This wasn’t so difficult, after all.

  “Yes,” his voice cracked as she caught him behind the knees with her feet. “I mean, I -.”

  “Yes, you,” she agreed, smile stretching further as she buried her nose in his broad chest. Yum. She could breathe him in forever, but she had other plans right now. Resting her chin on his shirt, she looked up and said earnestly, “You saved me today, Calyx.”

  “Me? Tara, your eyes – something isn’t quite right. You’re having a reaction to –.”

  He tried to back away, so she wrangled him closer. “I think that deserves a proper thank you, don’t you?”

  Calyx’s breath came out in a rush, stirring the loose tendrils of hair against her forehead. “Y-you already thanked me?”

  “I’m very grateful,” she whispered throatily, twining her fingers in the short hair on the back of his head to help him along as he leaned closer. “For everything.”

  She closed the space between them, pressing her lips against his. Heavy eyelids fluttered closed as she reveled in the velvety texture of his warm, firm lips. The full, lower one, she nibbled and sucked like a treat. He tasted of something sweet. She couldn’t put her finger on what, but she loved

  He returned her exploratory tastes. This was familiar ground. She’d kissed a few boys in her younger days. When she slicked her tongue between his parted lips, he moaned and met her tentative foray with a sensuous invasion of his own, and then it was nothing like any kiss before. His tongue played, sliding along hers firmly before licking teasingly. His mouth on hers made her head spin giddily.

  The cluttered room, her embarrassing fall, and the uncomfortable crate beneath her faded into the background. Big, warm hands roamed up and down her back as if he couldn’t pull her close enough.

  She pressed even closer, letting her own hands explore the broad expanse of his chest. Good Lord, was that her purring like a cat? It was fitting since she was rubbing herself all over his hard body.

  The short silk of his hair feathered through her fingers as she dragged her hands down the back of his neck. She paused to knead the taut muscles before beginning a restless sojourn over his powerful biceps.

  He growled low when she found her way to his waist band. She didn’t hesitate to drag his shirt from his pants and slip her hands beneath the hem. Leisurely, she slid her fingers over his muscled abdomen. Her imagination didn’t do him justice – and she’d spent plenty of time imagining how he’d feel. His big, strong body was pure pleasure to touch and she reveled in the luxurious sensation.

  Pulling back a scant inch, Calyx breathed her name, “Tara-.”

  “Calyx,” she panted, needing his mouth on hers like she needed air. “Kiss me.”

  He latched on to her lips again only to gasp as she playfully tweaked his nipples.

  “Mmmm,” she hummed, exploring the sinfully perfect ridges and dips. There was a light, silky dusting of hair that she traced to his navel. He felt like satin over steel and she wanted more, more, more. God, she’d wanted him for too long. It was past time she got him naked. Just the thought had her squeezing her thighs around him and pulling him closer, a futile effort to resolve the empty ache inside.

  “Is all of your skin patterned?” She broke their kiss to ask breathily. He wore way too many clothes for her liking.

  “Y-yes,” he answered huskily, pewter eyes riveted to her face.

  “Prove it,” she demanded, only half-playing as she plucked at his shirt. “Take this off.”

  Slowly, liquid eyes on hers, he pulled the tabs on his shirt open and rolled it off his broad shoulders. She leaned close, running her fingers lightly over his body before tearing her gaze from his to openly ogle his amazing body. His shoulders were thick with muscle and marbled with the same cocoa, tan and cream streaks that highlighted his handsome face.

  “Gosh, you’re gorgeous,” she breathed, leaning close enough to plant a kiss on his upper abs.

  Chapter Eight

  So much for the brilliant idea to take Tara someplace where he wouldn’t try to rip her clothes off. Technically, she’d instigated the encounter, but Calyx’s conscience refused to shut up and allow him to enjoy the moment.

  Then, she put her mouth on his bare flesh.

  “Tara,” he hissed, muscles tensing beneath her hot mouth. This female was sure to be his undoing. She made him harder than stone. If she were metal and he a magnet, it would be easier to keep his distance.

  They shouldn’t be here, doing this. He knew it, but this thing between them was taking on a life all its own. The lust in her eyes as she savored his skin was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. It was like he was the culmination of everything she’d ever wanted in life.

  A euphoria like nothing he’d ever experienced came over him, turning to a burning urgency with each teasing kiss. When she touched him so intently, her desire was a tangible thing. It was as if she was seeing him the way he’d looked at her for so long. Later, he would berate himself for taking these caresses from her when she was clearly under the influence of his pheromones, but right now, he didn’t have the strength to push her away. He wanted to live in this fantasy with her just a few moments more. Or forever.

  As one last desperate attempt to cool things, he cradled her lovely head with both hands and held her still. “Tara.” He waited until her eyes met his. “I’m not the only Warrior with access to this room.”

  “Will you get in trouble if someone sees us together?” Her hands stroked his sides almost absently.

  His conscience getting the better of him, he blurted, “I didn’t realize my pheromones would push you so far if we were in a small space alone.”

  Brows arched, she reared back. “What?”

  The warm hands that had been caressing him fell away as she waited for his answer. He’d known there would be a reckoning. Still, his heart ached with the loss of her touch. He stepped back and righted his clothing as best he could, looking anywhere but her face.

  “Calyx?” Her voice wobbled uncertainly as her eyes searched his face beseechingly. “What did you mean?” He saw the trust she placed in him crumbling away by the second and it made his throat ache with disappointment.

  Mentally steeling himself against her reaction, he told her what he’d heard. “You don’t really want me,” he began softly.

  “Mkay.” Her mouth twisted skeptically as she wrapped her arms protectively around herself.

  Reading her defensive posture, he raised his hands in front of him and backed away a few more steps. It broke his heart that she saw him as a threat now, but he had only himself to blame. “I hate that I put that look on your face,” he said with a regretful sigh. “I really do care about you, Tara.”

  “I need you to tell me what you meant by your pheromones affecting me,” she insisted, eyes bouncing dubiously between him and the door.

  “We don’t know why,” he began, leaning awkwardly against a stack of crates. It was mortifying to have to tell her this – especially as the encore to his first kiss. Given the distrustful way she was looking at him, he didn’t see where he had a choice. “But some Earth females have strong reactions to the nearly undetectable pheromones that Corian and Doranos males – all males, really - give off.”

  She squinted at him in silence for long moments. “Pheromones are –.”

  “I’m not an idiot, Calyx,” she cut him off coldly.

  “I’m not calling you an idiot,” he returned gently. “Just making sure you have the facts.”

  Satisfied, she nodded her head. “So, you think I made out with you because, what, you smell good?” He could see from her arched brows she thought that was ludicrous.

  What other reason was there? Tara was beautiful and vivacious, she could have any male she wanted. Surely, they didn’t know each other well enough for such intimacy yet? Something had to have driven her to it. “You are rather – er – highly susceptible.”

  Her pouty lips twisted into a cold parody of a smile. “I worked in Fort Burro for years, Calyx. That place was crawling with Western Central soldiers until just before y’all showed up. Are you saying you think I slept with a different soldier every night?” Her volume rose to a crescendo.

  “No!” He stepped forward, hands outstretched. “It’s just… there is speculation about the cause of the over-reaction in some females. The prevailing theory is that the Earther males – most of whom were soldiers in your final conflict – were somehow damaged by the radiation weapons they used.”

  “Oh,” she said, mollified. “In that case, what’s the big deal?”

  “I’m sorry?” He asked, blinking at her rapid shift in demeanor.

  Tara pushed off the crate and faced him squarely. “You think I am susceptible to your pheromones, right?”

  He nodded, eyes downcast. “I suspected because of your reaction to me earlier in the day. Instead of taking you to one of the offices, I brought you here to talk. I thought I’d be able to keep my hands off you, but…I’m sorry, Tara.”

  “That’s it?” Her hands went to her hips. “You’re sorry?”

  “Yes. I hope you can forgive me,” he said earnestly. “Please tell me how to make things right between us.”

“There’s nothing to make right,” she replied with a careless shrug. “We made out. It’s not like it’s a big deal.”

  “We wouldn’t have stopped,” he insisted, perversely angry that she’d reduce their shared experience to nothing of importance. He should be relieved, but her nonchalance hurt.

  “So? What if we hadn’t?” She smirked. “I like the look of you, the feel of you, the taste of you and the smell of you. I like you, Calyx. Why does that have to be complicated?”

  “It might not be special to you, Tara,” he growled angrily. “But the thought of you becoming intimate with every male that-.” He stopped himself, screwing his eyes closed and flexing his fists as he fought for control. Her body was her own, and it was her right to do what she wanted with whomever she wanted. Knowing that didn’t lessen his jealousy one iota.

  When he opened his eyes, she’d gone pale. The hand-shaped bruise over her cheeks that had been barely noticeable after a round with the healing wand now appeared stark and angry. Eyes shiny, she shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore tonight. I’m going to my room.”

  Chapter Nine

  The knock came as Tara was brushing her mussed curls into submission. Her flowy light-gray sleep pants and matching tunic wouldn’t win any style awards, but they were comfortable and easy to move in.

  She was expecting company but checked the security screen anyway – Calyx’s hissy fit over her safety hadn’t been for naught. He was still an idiot, though – a sexy, douchy idiot.

  Franny, toting her omnipresent backpack, waved at the camera and tugged an exhausted-looking Marta into the frame. Both women wore the same alien-issue night clothes as Tara. They’d probably had to sneak out of their respective rooms. Marta’s roommate was gone, but Franny’s was a stringent rule follower.

  The title of head chef came with a few perks and one was the single room. Most other Earth women had to double up, but Tara had the entire eight-by-eight cell, stingy alien bed and all, to herself. Between her demanding job and the mandatory time in the reconditioners, she was glad for the solitude, too.


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