Sunken Wind

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Sunken Wind Page 27

by Sara T K Fehr

  Ezra thought that she had only closed her eyes for a moment and was surprised when the sound of voices woke her from unintentional sleep. The early morning sun barely peeked through the many tall buildings and hardly cut through the thick smoke that lingered over the city. Already the streets were packed with the citizens of Frellan, each moved with purpose as they started their day.

  Ezra stood and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She felt terrible and expected that she looked just as bad or maybe worse. She kept to the shadow of the alcove, even as her stomach rumbled loudly, and looked over the crowd. There was no sign of any soldiers yet. The people who passed her by, all looked to be working class citizens dressed in dirty, simple clothes.

  She wondered what part of town she had stopped in as another of those strange Esper buggies rumbled down the street. It was followed by its own host of soldiers and Ezra pulled back tight against the dirty wall. The soldiers were not dressed in the Queen or King-Regent’s colours and instead wore black and gold. She recognized the mark of one of Esper’s nobles, an ornate gold key on a black backdrop, yet she had no clue as to which house the symbol and colour belonged to.

  The smell of cooking caught her attention and she realized that the alcove that she had been hiding in was part of a large alehouse. Every time a patron opened the double doors to the building, a sweet aroma of baking and pan-fried meats tempted Ezra. Carefully, she moved to peek inside hungrily and wished that she had just a little bit of her money left. She wondered how Amri would do it. Would she just sneak in, steal something off of a table and slip out unseen, or would she have avoided such a popular venue altogether?

  “Excuse me, my Lady.” A voice whispered beside Ezra’s ear as someone lightly tapped on her shoulder.

  She turned to see a squat balding man smile and bow his head.

  “Forgive my forwardness my Lady, but my Lord wishes to speak with you. If you do not mind.” He gestured towards the now parked buggy.

  She took a startled step back and looked around for soldiers. The only armed Humans in sight were the personal soldiers dressed in the same black and gold as the buggy. Despite how dirty and tired she must have looked, the man had referred to her as Lady. His use of the title surely meant that he, or his Lord, had recognized her, and she felt a shock of fear course through her. The flame licked eagerly at the opportunity and tempted with its full fury.

  The man smiled warmly, entirely unaware of the flame that tingled at the edge of Ezra’s fingers. “You are in no danger my Lady. My Lord only wishes to speak with you.”

  “Who is your Lord?” She demanded in a low voice.

  “Lord Cassian Alstrahd.” The squat man bowed his head again. “He thought that he recognized you my Lady and has a proposition for you.”

  She frowned with doubt and opened her mouth to decline but the man spoke first.

  “I believe that you two will have a lot in common, my Lady. And for both my Lord’s and your safety, you will be meeting within his Lord’s personal buggy. His soldiers will stand by should there be any trouble for either party.”

  She looked over to the waiting buggy and the dozen black and gold clad soldiers that surrounded it. Esper’s nobility was known for employing their own personal armies. A fact that had insulted the Queen, especially since they refused to aid in her war efforts. They were loyal to the house they served and no other.

  Her flames danced beneath her skin. They were a comfort should anything go poorly, and Ezra decided to at least hear what the noble had to say. She nodded and allowed the man to lead her towards the elaborate buggy. The nobleman inside had his soldiers and she had her fire. Her flame would keep her safe.

  The squat man opened the door for her and revealed a small, but comfortable interior. The plush seats were lined with black velvet and everything was trimmed in gold accents. Up close to the strange contraption, Ezra could feel the rumble of a hidden engine somewhere within the wood paneling. Outside she could smell the fumes that powered the device, but the inside had been deliberately laced with sweet smelling perfumes. Black curtains had covered the windows of the buggy and thoroughly concealed the sole occupant.

  Lord Alstrahd was younger than Ezra had expected. He appeared only slightly older than herself and was dressed in the finest garments Esper had to offer, all in the golds and blacks of his house colours. His black hair was kept short and neatly combed to the side. He had been checking a small ornate pocket watch and looked up with a smile as she looked inside the buggy. He offered his hand to help steady her as she entered and took a seat opposite of him. The buggy rocked slightly from the movement and she noticed that his deep blue eyes were more calculating than kind.

  The door closed behind her and without warning the strange contraption started to move, with a whir of steam and gears. As they rumbled down the street Lord Alstrahd took a moment to look over Ezra and she felt very conscious of just how terrible she must have appeared.

  “Thank you for joining me Princess Ezra.” He spoke coolly and offered a calculated smile. “It is an honor.”

  Ezra tried to brush off the worst of the last few days from her garments as she sat up straight to address the noble. “Lord Cassian Alstrahd, I do not believe we have had the pleasure before.”

  “On the contrary, we have met a few times Princess, although I am not surprised that you do not remember.” He paused to give her a moment, then offered the answer when she had none. “The King-Regent’s masquerade is a mandatory event for all of the nobility of Esper. The masks, while always beautiful, can make recognizing potential allies, or enemies, a challenge.”

  “Indeed.” Ezra replied, her eyebrows cocked in curiosity. “And which are you?”

  “To business then.” He gave her a cryptic grin. “From the recent news, is it reasonable for one to believe that you are working against your mother, the Queen?”

  The buggy lurched slightly as it rolled over something on the road and Ezra considered what she knew of the Alstrahd’s of Esper. Admittedly it was not much. She faintly recalled that they were one of the more powerful families, with connections all across the country. They would have likely had ties to the old crown, from before Queen Zarrennia overthrew Esper and implanted King-Regent Razmir on the throne.

  “Perhaps, why?” She asked coldly and crossed her arms.

  Lord Cassian leaned back as if satisfied. “It is not only the common folk who are against the current political climate. But unlike them, we nobles need to tread lightly. We cannot rally in the streets or publicly cry out against the King-Regent. As I am sure you are well aware, we nobles must play the game of politics. And I for one am tired of playing defensively. Unfortunately, I have been without something to give me the upper hand and break this dreadful stalemate. Then I saw the most wanted person in the known world outside of my buggy, the Princess of Madaria.” He gave her a crooked smile. “Not only does someone such as yourself hold significant political sway, but your wanted posters say that you are very dangerous. If I can assume for a moment that you have turned against your own mother, for whatever reason, then I imagine that helping steal Esper from her grasp would align with your own interests. Would it not?”

  It was Ezra’s turn to lean back as she considered Lord Cassian’s proposal. Of all the things she imagined before entering the buggy, an alliance had been far from her mind. The end goal that she and the others had set out towards included dethroning the Queen. With the full force of Esper on their side, it seemed less of an impossible task. And yet, she was not entirely certain how she could help with Lord Cassian’s machinations.

  “I will confirm that I do stand against the Queen.” Ezra offered, even as she kept her expression cold and unyielding. “But I would need to know more before I commit myself to such an operation.”

  “Of course.” Lord Cassian nodded. “There are very few in Esper who are true loyal to the Queen. Despite what the
common folk believe, we nobles were not exempt from the horrors of war that took place years ago. Any who stood against the new order were executed. Those who survived learned to play docile while we sharpen our knives in secret. Of course, such secrecy also played to the advantage of the King-Regent. For years he would pit the different noble houses against each other, while tormenting the people with his games, such as that sick perversion of Summerfest.

  A few years ago, I grew tired of being on the losing side and decided that things needed to change. I risked my own life and reached out to the other nobles, starting with those who had before been close allies of the Alstrahd name. One by one I broke down the walls of secrecy between us and took away the fear that the King-Regent had wielded for so long. He has fewer allies than even he knows.

  Now, the powerful of Esper are secretly united under my banner, ready to strike at my call. Where the King-Regent has strength, we have numbers. I am only a few pieces away from springing my trap. Esper will be restored to its former glory and again a Human will again sit upon the throne. While the Vasarian line may be dead, they will not be forgotten.”

  It was clear from the passion of Lord Cassian’s voice how he had accomplished so much. He spoke from the heart and seemed to have a knack for political games. He looked Ezra up and down again as he finished, as if envisioning her as the missing piece to his puzzle.

  “It sounds like you have everything figured out. Why would you need me?” She asked while she kept her expression neutral.

  “Did you know that not all of the Na’tyr are loyal to the Queen or the King-Regent? They serve out of some obligation that none of them dare speak of. I have learned through a contact at the castle that there is a division among the Na’tyr. Of course, there are the loyalists, the ones who serve the King-Regent and the Queen without question. But there are many who long to stand against them both. My contact is unwilling to go into details or even the reason for the schism, just that it exists and that the right person might be able to exploit it.”

  “And you think that I am the right person?” Ezra’s brow narrowed in doubt.

  “You have ties to the Queen, and presumably to whatever obligation keeps the Na’tyr as loyal lap dogs. I am not certain that you hold enough sway to bring the dissenters out of hiding, but I would, at the very least, like to try.”

  “And you would get to be King of Esper?” She gave him a crooked smile.

  He nodded. “I would. I have not been subtle in my desires. Of course, this would not be a fair arrangement without me offering something in return. While you and I work together you would have a safe place to stay and be cared for at my estate, as a Princess ought to be. And if your safety is not enough to sway your mind, I am willing to hear what your goals are and see if perhaps I can aid you in achieving them. Once the crown is mine.”

  She considered for a moment. Her body swayed with the motion of the buggy as it rumbled down the streets of Frellan. He seemed sincere and had been honest about his goals. Esper would be an invaluable ally if she and the others succeeded in finding the Shrines. Of course, she did not need to tell him all of that yet.

  “Me and a few… friends, have discovered a way to undermine the Queen’s power.” Ezra chose her words carefully as she began. “We have already begun the work that needs to be done, but once we have acquired what we’re seeking we will need assistance in driving back the Queen’s forces.”

  “If Esper is free, you would have her full strength, and if I am correct about your sway over the Na’tyr dissenters you may not have as many of the Queen’s forces to deal with in the end.” He flashed his crooked smile again. “And with Queen Zarrennia removed you get to be the Queen of Madaria?”

  “No.” Ezra surprised herself with how quickly she answered. Miri would never forgive her if the Elven Empire was not restored. “Madaria would be returned to its former glory.”

  “So, these friends of yours are Elves.” Lord Cassian’s smile faded. “Or at least allied with them. From what I know of the stories, I think I can guess what you are planning Princess. How noble of you to give up what many would consider your birthright.”

  “I have no interest in being the next hated Queen.” Ezra replied coldly.

  “That is wise, it would be a challenge to dethrone your mother and not also inherit the hate that she has earned.” His brow wrinkled and then he nodded. “Should my campaign in Esper be successful, I would aid you in reinstating the Elven Empire. But unlike the Kings and Queens of Esper’s past, I will not pledge my allegiance to them. Esper owes the Elves nothing.”

  Ezra frowned at the stern statement. “Why is that?”

  “Do you know the history of Esper, my Lady?” Lord Cassian asked as his teeth ground together in anger. “The Elves may choose to forget their sordid past, but the Humans will always remember. All of this once belonged to Madaria, to the Elven Empire, in an age so long ago few can trace their lineage back to it. The Elves ruled everything and everyone, and the Humans were their slaves. It was a tradition that went back even further, to a time that none can recall.

  “Of course, the day that the Humans revolted against their masters and broke their chains. The Elves eventually conceded after decades of strife on both sides. Slavery was bitterly outlawed at the edge of a knife blade and a small scrap of Madaria was gifted to the Humans as compensation for the years of suffering. Unusable swamplands, for as far as the eye could see. They crowned the leader of the rebellion as the first King, in a grand ceremony that was supposed to be a uniting of our two peoples.

  “It was an insult to the value of Humans, and we have worked hard to prove them wrong. We turned the swamplands into some of the most profitable farmlands in Avanathar. We have established a country that others look on with jealousy. And our technology will soon be vastly superior to the magic that the Elves wield. They are trapped in their traditions and old ways, we have adapted and only gotten stronger.

  “By reclaiming Esper from thieves I will be fulfilling a legacy of resilience and determination. I will be the first in a new line of Kings, stronger than the last and I will not bow down to the Elves.”

  Ezra blinked at the lost history that she, and likely her friends, knew nothing of. She nodded in understanding. Asking Lord Cassian to help reinstate the Elven Empire would be an insult to his legacy.

  “Then do we have an accord? You will aid me in acquiring the Na’tyr dissenters and rally them against King-Regent Razmir, putting me on the Esperian throne. For which, I will aid you in pushing out Queen Zarrennia once you have completed your task.” Lord Cassian reached out a hand to Ezra.

  “I have one… two more requests.” Ezra replied in her most authoritative tone. “One of my friends was taken by King-Regent Razmir to be his annual pet. I need to get her out of there.”

  “How unfortunate.” Lord Cassian’s expression fell at the news. “I will reach out to my contact within the castle and see what can be done for her.”

  “Thank you.”

  The smile returned to Lord Cassian’s face and he held out his hand again. “And your other request, Princess?”

  “I lost track of two of my other friends yesterday during the chaos of Summerfest, an Elf and a half Na’tyr. I need to find them.”

  He nodded. “I can send out my soldiers to search the city for them, but if they have gotten in trouble with the King-Regent’s men I will be unable to help.”

  “That’s fair.” She considered for a moment then accepted his hand, it closed firmly but gently around hers. “I think we have reached an agreement, Lord… or should I say, King Cassian.”

  “If things go well you shall call me that soon enough, Princess Ezra.” He smiled as they shook hands.

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  The sound of a loud horn announced the morning and woke Browen from anxious sleep. He sat up abruptly, confused for
a moment as to where he was. A brief glance around the bunkhouse for new recruits in Frellan’s barracks was enough to remind him of the dangerous game he was playing and the task he had set out to complete. While he dressed back into his armour he reflected on how easy it had been for him to be recruited. The Queen’s army seemed desperate, and while there had been a tense moment where someone thought that they recognized him, it had been quickly dismissed as a coincidence. Such a wanted traitor to the crown would never join the Queen’s soldiers, and not some noble at that.

  As instructed, he left his sword and shield at his bunk and followed the other new recruits into the mess hall to enjoy a hurriedly made breakfast of eggs and toast. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was enough to fill Browen’s stomach. They were then hurried into the yard before Browen had a chance to speak with any of the others that sat around him.

  The barracks was a large rectangular shaped building, but what wasn’t visible from the outside was that the center contained an open yard where the recruits would train against each other, practice against wooden or straw targets, and perform basic strength and endurance exercises. Browen smiled with nostalgia, everything reminded him of his own small personal training yard that his father had ordered for him. It had been Forrens’s request, as he insisted that he couldn’t even begin to train Browen without a proper place to do it in.

  A tall orange skinned Na’tyr dressed in light leather called from a list of names on a clipboard and separated the recruits into various training tasks for the day.

  “And finally, Percy Brown, to me.” The Na’tyr Commander called as he looked up from his clipboard.


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