Sunken Wind

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Sunken Wind Page 37

by Sara T K Fehr

  “Now Tylo.” The voice of Mistress Avia commanded.

  Miri whimpered as she tried to brush the mud and tears from her face. She was back in the boat and Mistress Avia and Tylo were desperately pushing with their long poles to move them through the guardian’s swamp water. Next to Miri was Ralis, still unconscious and with his brow furrowed in the internal struggle.

  Miri coughed up the mud from her lungs and tried to sit up. Behind them she could see the remains of the Shrine sinking into the depths of the swamp, after a moment nothing of the ancient structure remained, aside from the aggressive guardians that reached out after the boat.

  Once they were clear of the danger, the boat began to move smoothly with each stroke of the long poles. Miri fell back into the bottom of the boat, thoroughly exhausted and closed her eyes. Despite how much everything hurt, sleep overtook Miri against her wishes.

  She woke with a gasp and looked around in a panic. She had dreamed that she was drowning, that hands had pulled her beneath muddy waters. Miri cried out as she tried to use her broken arm and remembered in a hurry everything that had happened. She was still in the boat but a change in movement had been what brought her from sleep. They were back in Alumeen. Mistress Avia, with the help of Tarmis, the only other winged half Na’tyr, had pulled Ralis’s still unconscious form from the boat. Miri tried to sit up but immediately felt dizzy, her head still ached from its impact against the stone wall.

  “Tylo help her.” Mistress Avia directed as she noticed Miri.

  The young boy hurried to Miri’s side and helped her from the boat as best he could. She felt embarrassed with how much she needed to lean on him as they followed Mistress Avia and Tarmis towards Merria’s home.

  “What happened?” Tarmis asked as he carefully cradled Ralis’s torso in his arms.

  “What needed to happen.” Mistress Avia answered flatly.

  “Is he going to be alright?” Tarmis’s voice was oddly thick with concern.

  Mistress Avia nodded. “This needed to happen in order for our people to be free again.”

  Tarmis nodded and knocked on the door to Merria’s home with his tail. The door was flung open in seconds and everyone hurried inside. Merria moved without question to retrieve medical supplies and Ralis was laid down on the table. The struggle was still clear on his face, and he winced against some unknowable conflict. Tylo helped Miri to her own seat on the bench and Mistress Avia turned to her with a sad frown.

  “What was he like?”

  Miri’s expression mirrored hers as she understood the deeper question behind the words. From what had been said in the Shrine, Miri had no doubt that the Hero she had just faced had been her ancestor. He had called Arris his love and had called her child. Mistress Avia seemed to know it too.

  “He was… frightening. Bloodthirsty. I… you were right… he was not himself anymore.” She answered sullenly. “Why did you not tell me?”

  “I was uncertain how you would react. He needed to die, and I could not risk you deciding to give our kin mercy.”

  Miri shook her head. “We did give him mercy… we put an end to decades of torment.”

  Mistress Avia smiled weakly. “So you did.”

  “I’m not sure what good these will be.” Merria had returned with a basket full of bandages, lotions and other medical things. She set it on the table and rang her hands worriedly.

  Behind her was Dia carrying a heavy basin of warm water with a cloth soaking inside. She set it on the table beside Mistress Avia and retreated to the wall shyly.

  Mistress Avia knelt beside Ralis and began to wash the blood and mud from his face while Merria moved to Miri and inspected her arm.

  “We need to set this right away.” Merria said as she carefully inspected the break. “Let’s go into the other room, we’ll need to remove that tunic and clean your arm first. Dia go prepare the bath.”

  Dia disappeared as Miri shook her head. “I want to stay with Ralis.”

  “You won’t be any good to him if you don’t take care of yourself.” Merria reasoned with her arms crossed over her chest.

  Mistress Avia looked to Miri with a rare expression of uncertainty creasing her features. “How can we help him?”

  “After Ezra took the power of Flame, she was unconscious for nearly a week.” Miri frowned. “All we could do was wait.”

  “We do not have a week.” Mistress Avia sighed. “He can have tonight, but both of you need to be in Frellan tomorrow evening. I hope that he can recover enough by then.”

  “Why tomorrow?” Miri asked.

  “The Queen arrived this evening.” Mistress Avia’s expression turned sour. “Tomorrow is the Masquerade and you will need to be ready to aid the Bearer of Flame. She isn’t ready to do what must be done yet.”

  Miri opened her mouth to ask more questions but Mistress Avia raised a hand to silence her and continued.

  “I will stay with him, you must take care of yourself, as you too need to be ready for tomorrow.”

  Miri looked to Ralis. His pained expression tore through her and she longed for nothing more than to aid him in some way. She brushed her fingers through his hair and knocked free more of the clumped mud, then nodded to Merria. Together they moved to the bathing room in the back of the small building.

  The bath was warm and Dia hurried out of the room the second she arrived, to the heavy sigh of Merria. As relaxing as the soapy water looked Miri wasn’t sure she was ready to be submerged again. Merria was gentle as she helped remove Miri’s shirt and washed the broken arm in the warm water. Setting the arm had been almost as painful as the break had been, but Miri had to admit that it felt better bundled up with the sling.

  Merria then left her alone to wash and took her dirty clothes, leaving a sleeping gown for Miri to wear that evening. As she washed the clumps of mud and stink from her hair and skin, Miri felt the full force of her exhaustion practically overwhelm her. Were it not for the fear of accidentally drowning she could have easily fallen asleep in the small tub.

  After she finished washing and dressing, she returned sleepily into the main room. As she had promised, Mistress Avia was still with Ralis. Everyone else seemed to have left for the evening. The room no longer smelled of baked goods. Now it reeked with the stink of the swamp and blood. Most of the mud and blood had been sponged from Ralis’s skin and hair, and all of his clothes had been removed to be washed. Someone had placed a small towel across his hips in order to maintain his modesty. But Miri blushed all the same seeing him in such a state of undress. He looked as bruised as Miri felt and his right hand had a bandage wrapped tightly around it.

  Miri took a seat beside Mistress Avia. Her eyes trailed along the wind-like pattern of purple tattoos that coiled across the entirety of his right arm. It was like Ezra’s and seemed to contain a living power inside that danced beneath his skin. He seemed more peaceful now, but his brow continued to twitch in the conflict for his mind.

  “You should rest cousin.” Mistress Avia remarked, her voice heavy with her own fatigue. “It is as you said, we must wait for him to pass this test.”

  “What will happen to them?” Miri asked with an exhausted yawn. “I mean after… After the Chaos Gate is closed. Will I need to seal up my friends as Arris had to?” It was a thought that had started to creep into the edges of her mind, and it terrified her.

  “The Heroes of Legend, including Arris, believed that it must be done.” Mistress Avia answered resolutely.

  “But did Arris know that she was leaving them to suffer for centuries?” Miri shook her head. “She couldn’t have… she wouldn’t have sealed someone she loved if she did. I know that I could not.”

  “From what I know of our ancestor, she would have done what she believed was for the good of all.” Mistress Avia bowed her head. “When the time comes you will also need to do what is for the
good of all. Regardless of personal feelings. You are the Guide; you have a greater responsibility.”

  Miri shuddered at the horrible thought. “I cannot…”

  “You must.” Mistress Avia replied sternly. “All I have seen beyond your time in Esper have been faint glimpses, your future is largely unknown to me. But our ancestor believed that these powers needed to be sealed away. It would be foolish to challenge her wisdom.”

  “Maybe there is another way… maybe they can be separated from the powers without dying?” Miri asked desperately.

  “You have until the Chaos Gate is sealed to learn of one cousin.” She turned to Miri and rested her hands upon Miri’s shoulders. “Swear to me that if you cannot find a way to save your friends, that you will do what must be done. That you will imprison these powers where they cannot do any harm.”

  Miri shuddered and shook her head. The idea brought tears to her eyes. She was already putting her friends through so much pain; she could not live with herself if she knowingly sealed them away to suffer more.

  “If you cannot then I will do it.” Mistress Avia’s mouth was a thin line.

  Miri nodded through her tears. “I will do it… I promise.”

  Chapter Thirty Seven


  Browen wasn’t the only one who seemed nervous when Commander Karn came to collect them that morning. Thankfully there was no further sign of Commander Illian. Browen and Erik stayed together as they followed through the streets to the castle grounds and through the imposing gates, in silent march. Once they entered the castle however, Browen kept his head on a swivel, eager for any sign of Amri.

  They were brought to the castle’s personal barracks and suited up in the King-Regent’s guard uniform. The armour was light chainmail draped in a tabard of purple with a golden tree at the center. They were each given a rudimentary shortsword and buckler with the King-Regent’s colours. Finally, they were also given a plan black mask that they were to wear during the Masquerade.

  With the soldiers outfitted, Commander Karn then personally escorted them around the castle pointing out the different areas that they would be posted during the Masquerade tomorrow. Mainly they were relegated to the foyer, grand ballroom, dining hall, guest quarters and the halls that connected them. As they explored, Browen kept thinking that he saw Amri out of the corner of his eyes, only to be disappointed by the many servants of the castle who also had chocolate brown hair.

  The tour ended at the main foyer and the soldiers all looked around in wonder at the massive portraits that lined the room. The largest piece however belonged to Queen Zarrennia at the top of the staircase before it branched to the left and right. She was just as terrifying in paint as Browen remembered from his one encounter. He also noticed the smaller shadows of paint that were of Ezra and Arze at the Queen’s sides. It was almost uncanny how similar the twins looked and both of them were spitting images of their imposing mother, aside from their emerald green eyes.

  Browen’s gaze then wandered to the series of portraits that were of the King-Regent, his retinue and the Queen’s Inner Circle. He easily spotted his father among the paintings, he was the only Human aside from the Queen, Ezra and Arze. It was a much younger painting of him, he only had a few grey hairs, but his eyes looked pained as they looked out to the foyer.

  Commander Karn continued to instruct the soldiers as to where they would stand when the Queen arrived that evening, then where they would be expected to go after. He then broke down the details of the Masquerade and divided the soldiers into groups. Browen sighed in relief when he was assigned to the central ballroom post, he would certainly see Amri there.

  The tour, instructions and preparations took most of the day and Browen was surprised when he, along with the other soldiers, was brought back to the main foyer to stand ready for the Queen’s arrival. Browen had lost track of Erik once the soldiers donned their masks and took their places in the foyer. Already standing at attention in the room was a platoon of Na’tyr soldiers in a variety of sizes and builds. Browen was surprised to notice that most of them however, were wingless hulking brutes like Commander Karn. They formed a stern line from the grand entrance to the massive staircase and up along the rails. The sight was already intimidating but then Browen and the other soldiers were made to stand behind them, forming a sea of strength. It was enough to make anyone second guess an attack on the crown.

  Browen found his place easily enough. It was near the bottom of the stairs next to the railing and gave him a clear view of the whole room. Then they were told to wait.

  Minutes went by without movement or word from the Commanders, while the servants hurried to make things presentable. It was nearly an hour later when the King-Regent and his retinue appeared and positioned themselves strategically at the landing below the massive portrait of Queen Zarrennia.

  Browen felt his jaw clench as he recognized Amri among them. She wore an elaborate dress of purple and gold and her short hair had been carefully pulled into tiny braids that looked like a crown of hair. She looked uncomfortable and had a scowl on her face as she surveyed the room. Browen wanted nothing more than to break from his place in line, grab her and run for the door. Even as he imagined it, he knew that he wouldn’t get very far.

  King-Regent Razmir stood at the center of the group, with Amri positioned possessively before him. And on his left and right were the four members of his retinue, who constantly adjusted their elaborate outfits in the last minute.

  “Now behave yourself, the Queen is not as forgiving as I am.” The King-Regent smirked as he grabbed Amri’s chin and forced her to meet his gaze.

  “Perhaps it would be better not to leave it to chance this evening your Majesty.” The one woman in the King-Regent’s retinue commented. She was the smallest of the group, closer to Amri’s size and had fiery orange skin that was tipped in yellow.

  King-Regent Razmir let go of Amri’s chin roughly and turned to the handsome teal skinned Na’tyr on his right. “I suppose you’re right, Zaphir if you would.”

  Amri looked away at the command and the teal skinned Na’tyr forcefully took her head in his hands and made her look at him. He then whispered something Browen couldn’t hear and Amri’s features softened. She smiled sweetly with glazed eyes and Zaphir released his hold on her.

  “That should be more than enough.” Zaphir resumed his place beside the King-Regent, a bored expression on his face.

  Browen felt furious and clamped his teeth together at the obvious violation. He wanted nothing more in that moment than to run the lot of them through with his blade. He couldn’t look away from Amri’s charmed expression and he worried what other things she had been forced into since her arrival at the castle. The thought made him sick.

  Trumpets sounded and calls that the Queen had arrived echoed through the room. During the fanfare the doors to the castle opened. Outside, in the still bright summer evening, Browen saw a large company of soldiers. They were a blend of Human, Orc and Na’tyr and all wore the black and silver colours of the Queen. With the heavy doors fully opened the sea of soldiers parted and the imposing presence of the Queen was revealed. The shadows seemed to coil and collect hungrily around her as she stepped forward with her chin held high. Her skin was so pale that it was almost white, it was a stark contrast to the heavy black gown that she wore. It flicked in the light and Browen realized that the dress had been studded in black gemstones. Her long black hair cascaded around her like liquid shadow and twisted against the sheer white of her exposed collar. Finally, resting predominantly upon her head was a large crown of twisted silver, adorned with more black gems. She looked around the decorated foyer with a judgmental frown and proceeded forward along the purple and gold carpet towards the stairs.

  Behind her was undoubtedly Prince Arze, with a neutral expression as he followed obediently. He was also dressed in black and silver, in a regal outfit that mad
e him look almost as intimidating as his mother. The suit was well fitted and had an almost militaristic flare to it. Upon his brow rested an obsidian circlet tipped with a black stone. Standing beside him with a hostile scowl was Commander Illian. He rested a hand on the Princes back as they moved forward.

  Browen searched desperately as the procession passed and sighed in relief when he saw his father. He was still alive and presumably safe. He looked older than Browen remembered and had a wary expression that was exhausting just to look at. Again, he stood out as the only Human of the group, aside from the Queen and Arze, and looked small surrounded by the imposing frames of the Na’tyr and even the Orc representative.

  Browen felt a pang of guilt as he watched his father and wondered what the last few weeks had been like for him. Other than the apparent aging and stress, he seemed no worse than when Browen had left him. And both versions were a far cry from the sad yet handsome and confident man that had been sealed upon canvas.

  When the Queen walked past Browen he felt a chill of cold run down his spine and he looked down at the floor. She walked right up the stairs and stopped before the King-Regent. They glared at one another for a moment. Then the King-Regent and his retinue, including Amri with her eyes still glazed over, bowed low before the Queen.

  “Queen Zarrennia, welcome back to my humble kingdom.” King-Regent Razmir smirked as he stood up tall before the imposing woman.

  “It has been too long, Razmir. I hope you haven’t broken any of my toys while I’ve been away.” The Queen’s voice was cold as ice and matched her steely gaze.

  King-Regent Razmir’s expression turned bitter at the comment but his smile remained. “Everything is as you’ve left it my Queen, ready for whatever whims you desire to follow next.”


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