Sunken Wind

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Sunken Wind Page 42

by Sara T K Fehr

  It was late into the night and Tylo led them from shadow to shadow towards the ever looming castle. Ralis could feel himself losing his hold over the wind, as faint as it was. A gale force plummeted against his mind repeatedly and it was only a matter of time before the flimsy walls he had been forced to erect crumbled.

  Miri’s head was on a swivel as she searched for whatever it was they were looking for. As they stepped into the clock tower square she gasped as she saw it. Ezra was on the ground in the shadow of the clock tower crying in pain as she clutched her head with her hands. Her skin had erupted with green flames and the soldiers who had gathered around her seemed unsure how to proceed. Standing before her with a pained look of concentration on his face was a well-dressed young man who could be no other than Arze, Ezra’s twin.

  Tylo disappeared into the shadows at the sign of trouble and Miri cried out at the sight. Ralis felt a sudden spurt of strength as Ezra screamed in pain and instinct seemed to take over. The wind bent to his will and with a mighty burst of air he flew to land protectively in front of Ezra. His wings flared wide and he let the wind erupt from him in a mighty burst which blasted the soldiers and Arze backwards. They landed with hard crunches on the cobblestones, but thankfully he did not have more blood on his hands.

  Ralis teetered at the energy expended and the wind nearly overtook him in that moment. He fell to his knees and struggled to regain control over the power inside of him. Whatever had attacked Ezra had released its hold over her and she wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulders as she looked up at her twin.

  “I am so sorry Arze!” She cried through her tears.

  The flames no longer around Ezra the soldiers moved in to take her and Ralis. He had nothing more to give, not without losing himself entirely to the wind, and Ralis bowed his head. Ezra stood and glared with a fiery fury at the soldiers around her. The green flames returned to her skin and she sent arcs of fire towards the approaching soldiers. They screamed as they burned and tried to pat out the magical flames to no avail.

  Arze stood up shakily and looked at his twin in utter terror. He then shook his head and turned back towards the castle, running as fast as he could. All while repeating the phrase. “I am loyal to the Queen.”

  Miri moved to stand next to Ezra and cried out. “You need to stop him!”

  The command enraged Ezra and the air around her became violently hot. She positioned herself in front of Miri and glared down at her.

  “I will not hurt him!” She commanded in a fiery tone.

  Miri squeaked, terrified in Ezra’s shadow, and nodded fervently. The danger seemed to have passed. Ralis tried to ignore the burned soldiers on the ground around them and instead looked up to watch Arze disappear into the shadow of the castle. The world began to spin and Ralis’s eyelids closed against his will as unconsciousness took him.

  Chapter Forty Three


  “Why did you not stop him Ezra?” Miri squeaked as Ezra kneeled to check on Ralis. “He is going to tell the Queen where we are. We need to move!”

  Miri could hardly breath through the panic that had bubbled up inside her. Mistress Avia had been right, if they had delayed any longer Ezra would be in the Queen’s hands. She briefly wondered if this had been the moment she had envisioned weeks ago.

  “He won’t tell her.” Ezra answered bitterly as she struggled to lift Ralis’s unconscious form from the ground.

  Miri moved to join her. “He is not the same person you knew Ezra! He was going to kidnap you if we had not intervened.”

  “You don’t know that.” She hissed darkly. “And where have you two been? Did you go to the Shrine alone?”

  “Not exactly alone.” Miri murmured as they hurried into the shadows where Tylo had been hiding.

  “Is he ok?” Tylo whispered with a frightful waver to his voice.

  “He will be.” Ezra answered from experience. “We need to go to the Alstrahd estate, Ralis needs rest.”

  Miri blinked. “We should return to Alumeen, Mistress Avia will be able to help.”

  “We’re going to the estate; I made a promise.” She said sternly and moved to lead the way.

  “Alstrahd... that’s one of the Lords of Esper.” Tylo worried as he followed.

  “You are taking us to a noble?” Miri frowned.

  “He’s going to help us save Amri.” Ezra snapped as she continued to move.

  “Wait where is Amri?” Miri asked, looking around. “And where is Browen?”

  Ezra sighed. “We were all separated. Amri was taken by the King-Regent, but Lord Cassian has offered to help. Browen is… he’s doing his own thing right now.”

  Miri shook her head. “We are supposed to stay together.”

  “Then why did you leave us behind?” Ezra countered.

  “I… we did not have much of a choice.” She whispered guiltily. “Mistress Avia told me that we needed to acquire the power of wind and then come here to save you. Time was of the essence!”

  “Who is this Mistress Avia?”

  “My Mistress is a founder of Alumeen, a sanctuary for half Na’tyr.” Tylo answered proudly.

  Ezra turned her questioning eyes onto Miri and Miri offered a further explanation. “She too is a descendant of Arris Cavadash. She shares my gifts and has far more experience in understanding them. She wants to see us succeed and has been aiding me and Ralis.”

  “We have a lot to talk about, I guess.” Ezra sighed.

  As they worked their way through the streets of Frellan, and eventually out of the city, Ezra told Miri what had happened to her and what she knew of Amri and Browen since they had been separated. Miri couldn’t shake the dread she felt when she learned where Amri was and just how impossible it was going to be to get her back. Then there was Browen, who Ezra had heard no news of since he joined the soldiers. For all they knew he had been locked up in a prison cell days ago.

  Miri then explained her and Ralis’s part of the journey as best she could. She told Ezra about Alumeen and Mistress Avia, then the Shrine and the encounter they had only barely survived there. By the time both of them had finished speaking they were well outside of the city and slowly making their way down an isolated road that led to the nearby Alstrahd estate.

  It was well almost early morning by the time Miri saw the grand manor house of the Alstrahd family. It almost looked like a small castle and was coated in black and gold materials. The main structure was surrounded by a mighty fence and expansive grounds. Soldiers garbed in black and gold patrolled the area and hurried over to help the second that they spotted the four of them hobbling up to the gate.

  Fatigue had finally caught up to Miri and she dragged her feet even after the weight of Ralis had been taken from her. Ezra also seemed overly drained as she shuddered with emotions that Miri struggled to read.

  The inside was just as opulent as the outside and a pair of servants directed them to a large sitting room before then hurrying off to fetch the Lord of the house. The soldiers that had carried Ralis in, gently laid him upon one of the velvet lined couches before departing back to their posts. Ezra collapsed into one of the armchairs and closed her eyes as she waited. Miri felt uncomfortable being surrounded by such splendor but was equally desperate for rest and collapsed on a couch next to the fireplace. Tylo looked just as nervous and sat next to Miri with a deep yawn.

  It wasn’t long before a handsome young man, around the same age as Ralis, joined them in the sitting room. He wore a black dressing gown which was closed tightly over his satin gold pajamas. Ezra hurriedly brushed aside a tear and sat up upon his arrival. Miri frowned at the stranger then cast her gaze towards Ralis who looked like he was under a great strain.

  “It would seem that you have found your friends, Princess.” The young Lord mused as he looked between Ralis and Miri with a curious arch to his brow.
br />   Miri blinked at the title, sometimes she forgot that Ezra was actually royalty.

  “My friend needs a place to rest for a while.” She gestured to Ralis. “I trust you can provide such a place.”

  “Of course Princess, might I inquire what is wrong with him?” He frowned.

  Ezra turned to Miri. “He knows most of what’s going on Miri. I trust him.”

  Miri shifted uncomfortably. Her exhaustion had made it a challenge to keep her focus, but she surveyed the young Lord as best she could. Tylo seemed equally nervous as he scooted closer to Miri.

  “If you are certain Ezra, then I will explain.” Miri took in a deep breath and told Lord Cassian about their quest.

  She explained as best she could about her gift of Sight and recounted the Elven legend of the previous time that the Chaos Gate had been opened. She explained how five Heroes had given up everything to seal it that time, and now it was their turn. She revealed that Ezra, and now Ralis, had two of those powers and they only needed two more before their final confrontation with Queen Zarrennia.

  The young Lord seemed disinterested in her goal of returning the Elven Empire to its former glory, but his interest was returned when Ezra added that the Chaos Gate was slowly poisoning the land. A problem that would not only claim many Human lives in Madaria, but that would eventually reach its way to Esper.

  Miri teetered in exhaustion as she concluded her tale, and Tylo released a sleepy yawn then rested his head against her arm. Lord Cassian nodded as she concluded and rubbed his chin with his finger as he mused.

  “The Elves certainly have an odd way of doing things.” He then crossed his arms and looked between Ezra and Miri. “But I think that we can agree that Queen Zarrennia is a threat to all people. If what you say about the Chaos Gate is true, then I would be sentencing my people to a slow death. While my current goals are centered here in Esper and the removal of the tyrant King-Regent Razmir, I will not hinder you in your efforts. And, depending on the state of Esper at the time, I would be willing to offer what help I can to remove Queen Zarrennia from Madaria’s throne.”

  “Thank you, Lord Cassian.” Miri smiled in delighted surprise. “I have not yet considered what our final conflict with the Queen would even look like. The Heroes of Legend led a legion of Elven warriors during their final conflict, but my people do not have the numbers for such a feat this time. We would be honored for the assistance of the Humans.”

  “We will, of course, need to discuss terms, but that can wait until I have something more tangible to offer.” Lord Cassian turned back to Ezra. “Speaking of which, I neglected to inform you that my contact has agreed to meet for dinner tomorrow, or I suppose today at this hour. Given what has been discussed today, I think it best that all of you are present.”

  “I look forward to meeting them.” Ezra gave Lord Cassian a polite but exhausted smile.

  “Very well, I will have my servants arrange beds for the three of you. I will see you in the morning.” He turned on his heel and departed down the dark hallway.

  Tylo sat up suddenly and looked up to Miri. “I should return to Mistress Avia and tell her what happened.”

  Miri nodded and the small boy hopped from the chair and hurried out of the opulent structure. Shortly after, a group of servants entered the room. One of them led Miri to her room while two of them worked together to carry Ralis to his room.

  “I’m going to stay with him.” Ezra said to Miri as the servants hurried Ralis to the bed. “Just for a little bit.”

  “Are you certain that we’re safe here?” Miri whispered to Ezra as she nervously watched the servants.

  Ezra nodded. “I’ve been safe so far. But if something does happen…” She held up her left hand. The green flame-like tattoos that marked her skin flickered brightly. “We’ll be fine.”

  Miri shuddered, she knew firsthand the damage Ezra’s flame could inflict. They said their good nights and Ezra disappeared into Ralis’s room. Miri then slipped into the room that she had been assigned.

  Miri’s room was the largest bedroom she had ever seen. The bed was equally massive with delicate white curtains draped over the four-posters. A small fire crackled in her personal fireplace and someone had set out a sleeping gown for her on the dresser. She set her pack, bow and quiver on the floor beside the bed and opted to remain in her travel clothes, just in case.

  She sunk into the silken, overly soft, sheets. It felt like the bed was going to swallow her whole and she nearly panicked as she struggled to find comfort. The blankets constricted around her and the pillow propped her head up to high. Miri tossed and turned for some time before eventually giving up with a huff. She took one of the thinner blankets and curled up on the floor before the dying fireplace. The embroidered rug that she laid down on had imagery of a phoenix on it and was incredibly soft to the touch.

  With her head laid down upon her arm Miri turned her back to the flames and closed her eyes. She tried to pretend that the rug was a soft patch of grass and that the flames were from the campfire she had prepared. The firmness of the floor was far more comfortable, but a new challenge presented itself. With her eyes closed she was suddenly aware of a soft ticking sound. As much as she tried to ignore it, the consistent click of mechanical gears felt like a bee buzzing in her ear.

  Exhausted and frustrated she got up from her place on the floor with a huff and sought out the sound. She found the source set upon the mantle of the fireplace. It appeared to be another of those clocks that Esper had everywhere. Miri turned it over in her hands in search of a way to stop the incessant ticking. She turned a key that she found on the back but that only seemed to encourage more mechanical clicks from the wooden box.

  With a frown she hid the clock inside the wardrobe and returned to her place on the floor. To her despair she continued to hear the wretched sound and stormed towards it once again. Her patience expired, she opened her window and tossed the device out into the night air. Miri paused and listened. While the estate continued to make unnatural sounds all around her, the worst of it seemed to have been taken care of.

  Once again, she returned to the nest she had created on the floor and curled up into a warm ball. She tossed and turned, certain that she could hear other ticks and whirs of mechanical devices all around her. She felt that sleep would be impossible, but eventually she drifted into dreams.

  Miri found herself in a strange place that she had never seen before as a vision took form. She blinked as she took in her strange surroundings. She was underground and surrounded by ancient stones. At the back of the long room was a well that reminded Miri very much of the Dawn Well. An ancient language that Miri didn’t recognize had been carved into the walls along with depictions of a Dark Goddess who loomed upon the back wall. Old stone benches lined the room, all facing the mysterious well.

  Then she realized that she wasn’t alone. A torch was held aloft by a handsome young Elf. Miri realized that she recognized him as the legendary Hero of Wind, Jaeden, but from before the years had driven him to madness. He stood next to an Elf woman with radiant red hair and a depressed expression. Another Elf woman, wreathed in flames of red, screamed in a fetal position on the floor, that felt all too familiar. Two more Elves stood next to her, unsure how to help as they watched their companion burn.

  “I could douse her with water.” One of the watchers offered. He held out his hand and an orb of water formed within his grasp.

  “We do not know what that will do to her.” The red headed Elf woman shook her head. “We will have to wait it out again.”

  “It has been getting worse.” The other watcher had kneeled next to the Hero of Flame, and Miri realized that the two must have been siblings for their similarities. “And happening more frequently.”

  The Hero of Water closed his fist and the water reabsorbed into his skin. “Gillian is strong, she will make it through, she always has.”

  “But we all know that this cannot continue for long.” Jaeden had crossed his arms over his chest and gave the red headed Elf a sad frown.

  Everyone looked to him with a grave expression, but it was the red headed Elf woman who answered. “This is why you wanted to speak somewhere secret?”

  Jaeden nodded. “We have tried controlling the power within us. I can feel, as I know you can, that this is a losing battle. We have tried returning the powers to where we found them, but they have become bonded to our souls. We do not know what will happen to the power inside of us if we die, but we all agree that we cannot allow this power to be unleashed on the world, either through us or otherwise. We all saw what Gillian did at the Chaos Gate.”

  “That was not her.” The Hero of Earth frowned.

  “I know Faadrin, she cannot be blamed for the actions of the Flame inside her.” Jaeden continued. “That is why we need to do what the ancient Gods did so long ago. They are too wild to be free and so we must seal them.”

  “Jaeden.” The red head Elf shook her head and took the Hero of Wind’s hands in hers.

  “It is what must be done, for the good of all Elven.” He bowed his head. “We must seal ourselves away, just as we found these powers. Then when we die, we will not have to worry about the power escaping into the world.”

  “You’re asking us to sacrifice ourselves?” Gillian gasped, the flames had disappeared from around her and she was breathing heavily on the floor.

  “You have been the worst of us Gillian. Do not expect me to believe that you think you can control this power.” Jaeden shook his head at her. “It is what must be done.”

  “Jaeden is right.” The Hero of Water crossed his arms. “We will all lose control at some point and when that moment happens, we may do more harm than that Goddess of Darkness did.”


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