Billionaire With Benefits: Make Her Mine-Book 2

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Billionaire With Benefits: Make Her Mine-Book 2 Page 12

by Winter, Alexis

  She giggles.

  “I see a couple of kids at the breakfast table while we’re both rushing around to get out the door. You’ll have some kind of home business—or maybe managing my newest company.”

  “I like the sound of that,” she admits. “But the question is, what kind of company?”

  I laugh. “I have no idea.”

  “Okay,” she says, turning her body to face me. “Let’s start with hobbies. You like to race, and you like to box. Which of the two could you see yourself doing?”

  I move my head from one side to the other, thinking it over. “I love boxing, it’s something I’ve never stopped doing, but it’s also something that takes a toll on your body. People retire from boxing pretty young. But racing, that’s something I’ve been thinking about getting more involved in for a long time.”

  Her eyes stretch wide. “Good, that’s a start. You could open a garage, build drag cars.”

  That’s not a bad idea. I’ve always worked on my own cars in the past, and up until here recently when I stopped racing, they’ve always had great times at the track.

  “What could we call it?” she asks, eyes moving up to the sky as she thinks. “BW Racing?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Sure, why not? This is all just pretend, right?”

  She looks at me, and her blue eyes glaze over. “Only if you want it to be.”

  “You think I could do it?”

  She crawls into my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. “I think you can do anything, Bennet. You just have to believe it.”

  Monday morning comes, and we both head into the office. But something feels different today. The air around me feels cold and brittle. Like one wrong word could shatter my entire existence. I can’t figure out why, though. Maddie and I are in a great place. She finally received her insurance check in the mail this morning and now has money to find herself a new apartment, even though I begged her not to. She agreed to put the money aside and hold onto it for a rainy day.

  I haven’t heard from my parents, and even though I feel like I should worry about what Dad’s planning on doing, I’m not worried in the slightest. In the past, when my dad threatened to take the company away from me, I worried because I had no idea what else I could do. But after that talk with Maddie, she made me realize that I have unlimited possibilities. I could go into boxing full time. I could move into racing, travel the world racing cars, and making money. I could open a garage, like she suggested, and build and sell drag cars. I could also just take some time off, live in a respectable house, and enjoy the time I have with her. I could look into starting something new, dabbling in everything as an investor. I have the money to do anything I want.

  I guess that’s one thing Dad gave me. I’ve made more money in the time I’ve been CEO than most people make in ten years. And I didn’t just spend that money either. I’ve saved it, letting it gain interest. I’ve invested it, and my investments usually bring in a normal person’s yearly salary in a month’s time. I don’t have to work for the rest of my life if I don’t want to. I could just sit back and collect money. Realizing this is liberating.

  I’m no longer held back by my father and his wishes, or threats. For the first time in my life, I can do whatever I want. I walk into the office with a smile on my face.

  “Good morning, Sarah,” I say as I approach my office doors.

  She stands. “Mr. Windsor, your father is in your office.”

  A long breath leaves my lips. “Thank you, Sarah. Would you mind bringing in some coffee, please?”

  “Of course.” She runs toward the break room to fulfill my wish.

  I push through the doors and find my father standing in my office, back facing the door as he gazes out over the city. He spins around when he hears me come in.

  “I used to look out this window every day for thirty years; did you know that?”

  I nod as I come to a stop next to him. “I did.”

  “I was here at eight o’clock on the dot, and I didn’t leave until nearly seven each night. And look at you, wandering in at nine.”

  A rush of air leaves me. “What’s this about, Dad? Is this really about Madeline and me, or are you just looking for any excuse to come back to work?”

  The door opens, and Sarah walks in with two cups of coffee. I walk over to my desk and sit down, taking a sip. When Sarah leaves the room, Dad sits across from me.

  “You don’t have the drive to run this company. You don’t have the will nor the want. You’re just pacifying me.”

  I nod. “I’ve recently come to realize that myself.”

  His brows perk up, and his eyes grow wide. “You’re finally admitting it?” He lets out a bitter sounding laugh.

  “Dad, this was your company. You started this business from the house, and when it grew to be bigger than you imagined it would ever be, you moved into this building. You’ve seen it through all the way. In a way, it’s more your child than I am,” I tell him. “I don’t think anyone will ever run it the way you did, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not taken care of.”

  His eyes meet mine, but he doesn’t respond.

  “If you want to come back, I won’t fight you. If you want me to step down, I will. Out of respect for you. I respect your decisions to do whatever you want in life, but it’d be nice if you afforded me the same luxury.”

  “Are you talking about that girl? What’s her name?” he starts reaching, trying to remember.

  “Madeline,” I remind him. “And yes, you can’t use my relationship with Madeline as a reason to kick me out of the business. I’m doing a good job here. It’s not a job I love, but it is one I don’t want to see fail… because it’s yours. I won’t let you down like that.”

  “My only problem with this woman is that she’s your employee, Bennet. I don’t care if she grew up in a penthouse or a high rise. The fact of the matter is you’re letting yourself tarnish my business. When word gets out that the CEO of Windsor Wealth Management found his wife working in the godforsaken mailroom…” He rolls his eyes at the thought.

  “How’d you know she was in the mailroom?” I ask, perplexed since I never mentioned it for this reason.

  “After you brought her to the gala, I did a little digging. She was in the mailroom, and once you laid eyes on her, you gave her a better job. That’s not how we handle our promotions in this company. Decisions aren’t decided by the flavor of the week, Bennet.” He stands, towering over me since I’m still sitting down.

  Just hearing him use the term flavor of the week makes me want to laugh. I didn’t even know he knew the term, but the fact that he’s leaning over me with his face growing red puts an end to the amusement I’ve found.

  He points his finger in my direction, wagging it like I’m a child that’s being scolded. “You have a choice to make: dump the girl and rid this company of her—fire her, pay her off, whatever you have to do—or you can keep the girl and resign. The decision is yours. You have one week.” He spins around to leave. “One week, Bennet. If you haven’t made your decision by then, I will make the decision for you.” He walks out, slamming the door behind him.



  I’m sitting at my desk, looking over some numbers when Brian walks in. “Look what’s being passed around the office,” he says, dropping the company newsletter on my desk.

  I pick it up, looking over the cover and realizing the image on the front is of Bennet’s mother and father the night of the gala. “This gets handed out every month. What about it?”

  “Turn to page eight,” he says with a smirk as he leans against my desk.

  I flip to page eight, and front and center is a picture of Bennet and me, from last Friday night at the gala.

  “Looks like someone is screwing the boss,” he laughs, looking smug as he leans onto my desk.

  I roll my eyes and snort. “I am not. This is ridiculous.” I close the small booklet and toss it back onto my desk.

  He stands up and
crosses his arms over his chest. “Then what were you doing with him? The rest of us weren’t invited to this work function. Is that how you got this job? From the mailroom to data configuration; that’s a pretty big jump, don’t you think?”

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “I’ve been in line for this position for a year, ever since you put in for a transfer before you decided against it. They hired me to fill your position, then stuck me in the mailroom when you changed your mind,” I tell him, feeling anger burning its way up my chest.

  “Yet, you got this job even though I’m not going anywhere. I think Mr. Windsor was impressed by you, not your work.” He lets out a deep laugh before leaving the office we share.

  I throw myself back into my seat and rub my temples with my fingertips, hoping to massage the anger away. I can’t believe this. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. There’s no proof that we’re sleeping together, but they do know that I’m at least friendly with him. That could be reason enough to get a promotion. It doesn’t matter what I say. They won’t believe me. They’ll choose to believe the lie going around because it’s more interesting.

  I pick up the booklet and step out of the office. The second I do, everyone is looking at me. They’re standing in groups, all of them with the newsletter in hand. Some are whispering back and forth, and others are just downright staring at me.

  I push myself to keep walking. As I round the corner, I bump into someone. I stumble backward and look up to see Jen, the office gossip.

  “Oh, hey, Maddie. I saw your picture with Mr. Windsor.” She leans in and whispers, “Is that how you got this job? Are you sleeping with him?” She laughs in my face before I push past her, heading straight for the elevator that leads to his office.

  “Ms. Strickland, you can’t go in there,” Sarah says, trying to stop me, but I walk in his door and find him at his desk, looking at the computer.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Windsor, but she wouldn’t listen,” Sarah says, chasing me in.

  He stands up and moves toward us. “Don’t worry about it, Sarah.” He turns to face me as she steps out. “What’s wrong?”

  I pull the newsletter out from under my arm and flip to the page. “This! This is what’s wrong!” I yell, shoving the booklet his way.

  He takes it from my hands and looks down at the picture. “Fuck,” he mumbles, starting to pace back and forth.

  “My words exactly,” I agree, falling onto the couch.

  “My father is going to freak the fuck out,” he says, looking at me.

  I snort. “Who cares about your father? This is my life we’re talking about. Already they’re starting in on me, saying that I slept with you to get a promotion. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. If they don’t let up, there’s no way I’m going to be able to continue to work here, Bennet. This is like freshmen year all over again.”

  He stops and looks at me. “Who’d you sleep with freshmen year?”

  I groan. “Nobody, but I’m getting bullied and picked on by all the seniors down there!” I throw my arm in the direction of his door.

  “Alright. Alright. Just calm down. This is just the hot topic of the day. Just, go back home and relax. I’m sure they will all have forgotten about it by tomorrow.”

  I laugh. “Nobody is forgetting this, Bennet. I might as well send in my resignation now.” I stand and start moving toward the door.

  His hand catches mine. “Please, don’t do anything rash. Just wait this out with me. We’ll figure something out. Okay?”

  I nod, and he leans in, pressing his lips gently against mine.

  When I get back to Bennet’s place, I fill the bathtub with hot, bubbly water. I light a dozen candles and scatter them around the room and dim the lights. Then, last minute, I decide a bottle of fancy wine is in order.

  I wrap my robe around myself and head to the kitchen. Even though I’m not a big wine fan, I’ve always heard that wine drunk and beer drunk are completely different. I need a different kind of drunk right now.

  I grab a bottle and quickly open it before heading back up to my bath. As I sink into the hot water, I take a sip of the cold wine. I’m pretty sure I should have let the wine breathe—or so I’ve heard—but I don’t have time to breathe right now. Right now, I need to figure out what the fuck I’m going to do! My life is ruined. I’m going to have to find a new job. And I don’t even know what this will mean for Bennet. I know students and teachers can’t have a thing, but is it wrong to carry on with an employee—other than the typical taboo that’s implied?

  Will he lose his job? Will his dad retaliate in some way? I love Bennet, and I don’t want to cost him a thing. My thinking stops right there. I love Bennet. I love Bennet!

  Oh my God, what does this mean? I knew I was having stronger feelings for him, but love? That one snuck up on me.

  I grab my phone and call Jazz, knowing she isn’t at work today because she had a doctor’s appointment.

  “Hello?” she answers.

  “Come over NOW!” I insist.

  “What? Where?”


  “Are you okay, Mads?”

  I rattle off the address and tell her it’s an emergency. She hangs up, promising she’ll be by soon.

  I’m half drunk and half pruned, still in the bath, when she walks in.

  “You could’ve helped me out with that guard out there,” she says, walking into the bathroom.

  “Sorry, I’m drunk. I forgot.”

  “What’s this about, Maddie?” she asks, concern painting her features.

  I point to the counter, and she picks up the newsletter. It doesn’t take her long to get to page eight. She inhales sharply.

  “Oh, no,” she mumbles.


  “What? How? When?” is all she can say.

  “Last Friday. There was a gala for the company. He told me I didn’t have to worry because it was only for the higher-ups, that nobody that I work with would find out.”

  “Damn, girl. What are you going to do? Was work bad?”

  I lift an eyebrow and give her a duh face. “Yes, it was bad. Why else would I be taking a bath and drinking wine straight from the bottle in the middle of the day?”

  “What are you going to do?”

  I shrug while my lip sticks out in a pout. “I have to find a new job. What else can I do?”

  “I don’t know, Mads. But there has to be something. I mean, you just got your dream job.” She sits on the toilet seat.

  I nod. “I know.”

  She shakes her head. “I knew you never should’ve gotten involved with this guy.”

  “What?” I jerk my head in her direction. “You’ve been rooting for us to make it official.”

  “I was just rooting for you to be happy. But this,” she motions toward the newsletter.

  “It’s not his fault, Jazz.”

  She snorts. “Yeah, right. I mean, he’s the CEO of the company! He should know not to dip into the company ink.” She’s up and pacing back and forth across the bathroom floor now.

  “What’s this company ink thing? Why have I never heard it before?”

  “It’s just a saying. You haven’t heard it?” she asks, still pacing.

  “Jazz, you’re acting like all of this was him. I knew who he was, and I still went along with it.”

  “Yeah, cuz’ he didn’t use all his money and power against you.”

  “Jazmine, seriously. Stop. This isn’t his fault.”

  “Whose side are you on, Mads?” she asks, holding her hands out at her sides.

  “Whose side are you on?” I ask, sitting up in the tub.

  “Yours!” she answers, motioning toward me.

  “The stuff you’re saying isn’t my side. You’re speaking Damon’s side.”

  Her pacing stops and she freezes, forehead wrinkling as she thinks. “Oh, my God. You’re right.” She sits on the toilet lid. “How did this happen? I just hate that this is happening. I hate that y
ou don’t feel comfortable at work. I hate that you finally got what you’ve been working all this time for, and now it’s being taken away. This sucks, Mads,” she breaths out.

  I suck in a deep breath. “I know. Maybe Bennet is right, and this will all blow over tomorrow.”

  She nods with a sad smile in place. “And if not, you got thick skin. You can stick it out until it does. Eventually, they’ll find something new to talk about.”

  “You’re right! I mean, it’s not like I’m the first woman on the earth to fuck her boss!”

  “Yeah!” she cheers me on. “Who cares? Them bitches are just jealous that they didn’t think of it.”

  We both stop and laugh.

  “I know why I’m laughing—I’m drunk. But why are you laughing?”

  Her laughs turn into tears, and she rips some toilet paper off to dry her eyes as she shrugs. “I don’t know. My emotions are all screwed up. I mean, I laughed when a guy in a movie died last night, and I cried when a baby said its first words on a video today. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  I’m laughing as I stand and wrap my robe around my body. I move over to her and give her a hug. “Nothing is wrong with you, honey. You’re just pregnant.”

  We both laugh again, and somehow, everything feels better. The stress of the day is gone. Anger, gone. Now, it’s just me and my best friend talking and having fun like we always used to.

  Jazz and I hang out for the rest of the day. She shows me updated pictures of my old house they’re getting ready to move into, and we talk baby names, and how different it’s going to be with her and Damon moving out of the city. They won’t be far, but still, it’s more than a quick cab ride away.

  Jazz hasn’t been gone for more than a few minutes when Bennet walks in. I’m sitting on the couch in the living room, and usually, he comes directly to me for a kiss, but today, he doesn’t pay me any attention as he passes me by on his way to the study.

  I frown, wondering what’s going on. I stand and follow him to find him standing over the bar cart, pouring a stiff drink.


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