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Nykara Page 17

by Katie Holland

  “Good point,” Shay said. “So, the coin is the only bad thing that we can think of in this scenario. And since we couldn’t find anything out about it I don’t know what else to say on that topic.”

  “I agree. Let’s leave it for now but keep it at the back of our minds,” Alix said.

  “Next item is the conversations you’ve overheard. So, basically, it’s been the adults having these conversations about you. So, we think the following people know something about what is going on. Ben’s parents, your parents, and my mom.”

  “Yep. But you know what’s weird about that is the fact that no one even knew Ben’s parents until they moved here a few weeks ago. It doesn’t make sense that they should have anything in common. My mom is a nurse, dad is a dentist, Ben’s parents are scientists and your mom is a teaching assistant. Not one of those things overlaps each other. How is it possible that there is something that makes the conversations make sense?”

  “Alix you’re forgetting the most important things about those conversations, they were all about you. You are the common denominator in those conversations. Somehow this is all about you.”

  “But that makes no sense, there is nothing special about me. I’m as average you can get.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. You’re very smart, beautiful, and an awesome friend. That’s more than average.”

  Alix blushed at the compliment. She wasn’t sure about all of that but knew arguing with Shay would get her nowhere. “Fine, but that still doesn’t explain why I would be at the center of something that I have no knowledge about. The way everyone was so serious it’s like I’m going to wake up one day and sprout wings, or a tail, or join a cult, or something. I don’t feel like there is anything wrong with me.”

  “You don’t seem any different to me either, just a little happier and more outgoing since you met Ben, but those are definitely good things. Have you thought about asking your parents anything?”

  “I’ve thought about it. But what would I say? I can’t figure out a way to say anything without giving everything else away.”

  “I get that. Maybe I can find a way to bring it up with my mom. She’s a little freer with her words than your mom,” Shay yawned.

  Alix looked at the clock, it was late. They had been at it longer than she realized. “I think it’s time to get to bed. We aren’t getting very far right now. Maybe in the morning we’ll have more ideas.”

  “Good thinking, we might get further with fresh brains.”

  Alix and Shay made up Shay’s sleeping area next to Alix’s bed and they both got ready for bed. Shay fell asleep quickly with Alix not very far behind her.


  As they woke up the next morning the smell of bacon lured them into the kitchen. Alix’s dad was cooking breakfast. After they ate, the girls took their turns showering and went back to working on the mystery that was plaguing them. After a couple of hours, they finally gave up. They were no further today than they had been last night.

  “Ahh! I’m so frustrated,” Alix exclaimed. “We have all these ‘clues’ but nothing that makes any sense.”

  “I agree, this is definitely the most frustrating thing I’ve ever thought about, and it’s not even happening to me.”

  “I don’t know what to do anymore. If it wasn’t for you I’d swear I was crazy.”

  “Well you don’t have to worry about that, I’m not going anywhere, and you are not crazy. If you were, that would make me crazy too.”

  Alix just gave her a look.

  “Okay, crazier than normal,” Shay grinned.

  They decided to let the mystery go for now and just hang out at Alix’s house for the rest of the day. Eventually Shay had to leave to go help with Sunday dinner, so Alix decided to start dinner as well.

  By the time her mom got home dinner was almost ready. Her mom changed and they all sat down together and had a great meal. They all helped cleaned up and sat down to watch TV.

  After a couple of hours, Alix decided to get her stuff ready for school the next day. She decided to text Shay to see if she had asked her mom about the conversation they overheard.

  Alix: Hey. Did you talk to your mom?

  Normally Shay was fast to respond but it was several minutes before she heard anything.

  Shay: Talk to her about what?

  Alix: About what? Uh, the conversation we overheard yesterday. Only what we’ve been talking about all day.

  Shay: No.

  Alix: Ok. Any reason why?

  Shay: Haven’t had a chance.

  Alix: Ok, maybe tomorrow?

  Shay: Maybe. I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.

  Alix re-read the last few texts and frowned at her phone. Something seemed a little off. Maybe Shay’s just tired Alix thought to herself. She decided to go to bed and hoped to have a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 17

  She woke up Monday morning feeling like she hadn’t slept at all. Her recurring dream plagued her all night. It was all she thought about as she got ready for school. It had to mean something but for the life of her she couldn’t figure it out. She was so preoccupied with thinking about her dream that as she left her house to meet at Shay’s, she literally ran right into Ben who appeared to be waiting on the step for her.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked him, as he steadied her, so she didn’t fall down the steps.

  “I was up early so I thought I’d come over and walk with you to Shay’s.”

  “Okaaay,” she said, drawing out the word looking at him like he was just a bit crazy.

  Alix walked to Shay’s place on autopilot, her mind spinning with way too many thoughts. What was with the dream? Was there really a conspiracy that involved her? What was up with Ben and his family? What did her parents really know? Before she knew it, they were just a couple of houses away from Shay’s. She was prepared to wait on the steps for Shay as was normal for a Monday morning, but just as they got to steps, Shay came flying out the door and she could have sworn she heard her say, “Oh good you got her.” But since she wasn’t really paying attention she couldn’t be sure.

  After Shay’s unexpected entrance Alix took a minute to take in Shay’s appearance. Disheveled was the best word she could come up with. She was normally dressed well and had her hair perfect. Today, she just had on a pair of jeans, an older t-shirt, and her hair was kind of all over the place.

  “Hey Shay, what’s with the outfit?” Alix asked her. “You kinda look like you just rolled out of bed.”

  “I slept in,” was all she said.

  “You always sleep in Monday morning, but you usually have more time to get ready.”

  “Well I guess there’s a first time for everything,” she mumbled.

  Alix waited for her to say more but she just kept walking. This day is getting stranger she thought to herself. She hoped school was more normal than the morning had been.

  It turned out that it was. School was like every other day, normal and boring but she welcomed that today. Shay was unusually quiet at lunch, but Alix decided to leave her be for now. It seemed like something was bothering her, but Alix knew that she would talk to her when she was ready.

  The rest of the day went by quickly. She loved having Culinary Arts as the last class of the day. She didn’t have time in that class to think about anything else other than cooking. They had made cookies and she was hoping to bribe Shay into telling her what was wrong. She decided to keep the cookies hidden until they were outside and on their way home.

  By the time she got to her locker Ben and Shay were already there. They appeared to be deep in conversation. They didn’t notice her and as she walked up she heard Ben say to Shay, “Just act normal, you’re going to make her suspicious.”

  “Make who suspicious of what?” Alix asked, making Shay squeal and jump.

  “Holy crap Alix quit sneaking around,” Shay said when she recovered.

  “I wasn’t sneaking, it’s not my fault if you’re preoccupied today. So,
I repeat, make who suspicious of what?”

  Shay opened her mouth to say something, but Ben beat her to it. “Do I smell cookies?”

  “Cookies?” Shay piped up. “Where are the cookies?”

  “Simmer down there, cookie monst…”

  “Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” Shay threatened.

  Alix just smiled. That always got Shay riled up. “Yes, there are cookies, but no one is having any until we get out of this building.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for then, let’s go,” Shay said, as she picked up her backpack and started down the hallway.

  Alix managed to hold them off until they were halfway home before she gave in. She handed the bag of cookies to Shay and told her she had to share with Ben. She only pouted for a minute before she handed the cookies over to Ben.

  “These are so goooooood!” Shay said between bites. “I don’t really know what they are, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve never found a cookie I didn’t like.”

  “Yeah these are good,” Ben agreed, “What are they called?”

  “Brown sugar shortbread,” Alix answered.

  “I think they just made my favorite top ten cookies list.” Shay said.

  That just made Alix laugh. Shay was always adding new cookies to her ‘Top Ten’ list. There had to be thirty cookies on that list.

  They got to the point where she usually went her own way and Ben and Shay headed to their houses. Today, Shay turned the corner with a ‘Talk to you later’ but Ben kept on walking beside her.

  “Aren’t you going home?” Alix asked him.

  “I thought I’d walk you home.”

  “Um … okay.” Alix was a bit confused, but wasn’t sure what to say so she just kept walking.

  They turned the corner to her street and she saw her dad’s car in the driveway. “My dad is home.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Alix gave him a look that clearly said how do you know?

  “Um, I mean his car is there so that means he’s, home, right?”

  “Oh, yeah, I guess. But he’s usually at work until five. He’s never home early.”

  “I’d imagine there’s a good reason.”

  “I suppose.” Alix was becoming suspicious lately and wondered if her dad being home had anything to do with what was going on.

  Alix walked quickly to her house and called for her dad.

  “I’m in the living room honey.”

  She went straight there not even asking Ben to come in. “Why are you home dad? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything is fine. We had a little bit of a power problem at the office. Can't do any dental work without power so we had to shut down for the afternoon. They’re supposed to have it fixed by tomorrow morning.”

  “Oh … okay then.” Alix didn’t know what else to say. She felt kind of stupid for thinking that something was going on. “Crap, Ben,” she muttered to herself, remembering Ben had walked her home. She walked around the corner and stopped in her tracks. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. There was a little ball of light floating in Ben’s hand. She watched him for a minute. When he realized she was standing there the floating light disappeared.

  “Hey,” he said, “Everything okay with your dad?” he asked her.

  “What was that?” she demanded.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That thing that was in your hand.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said and held out his hands. “There’s nothing in my hand.”

  “I know what I saw Ben and I saw a ball of light floating in your hand.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you Alix. The only thing that’s been in my hand is a water bottle.” he said picking it up off the table.

  “I don’t believe you.” she told him.

  “Alix, I think you are just a little stressed out. Is everything okay with your dad?”

  Alix didn’t think that was it but she decided to drop it for now, but she knew she wasn’t crazy.

  “Yes, everything is fine. There was a power problem at the office and they had to close early.”

  “See, nothing to worry about.”

  “Who said I was worried.”

  “You practically knocked me over and ran into your house when you saw your dad’s car. I’d call that worried.”

  “Maybe I was a little concerned. It was out the ordinary. I had to see what was going on.”

  She was getting defensive and that just had Ben smiling. She thought he was going to keep giving her a hard time, but she guessed he decided to let it go because instead of saying anything else about it, he just got up and headed to the front door.

  “I need to get home. My dad needs help with something he’s working on and I promised I’d help him after school. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Mr. Dracon,” Ben yelled over his shoulder as he left.

  After the day she’d had, she felt like some alone time. Alix went to her room to think about things for a while. Her morning started out strange and she thought that during the day it was getting better, but then it got strange again when she got home. She got out her journal to write a quick entry.

  Sept 26

  What the heck just happened?!?! I saw something I can’t explain and then Ben lied to me about it and acted like nothing had happened. I’m so frustrated! But also, curious. How did he do that? It was almost like magic but that’s not possible … is it? And I feel like Ben and Shay are up to something that has nothing to do with my birthday. Everything is so confusing right now. I should be excited about my birthday, but I have way too much on my mind to hardly even think about it.

  Alix spent the rest of the time until dinner doing her homework. After dinner she decided to read, knowing that would distract her enough to relax for a while. She read until it was time to go to bed hoping that she would dream about the book that night instead of the cabin.


  Tuesday morning started much the same way as Monday. She woke up breathing hard after the dream. Got ready for school in a daze and opened her front door to find Ben waiting for her. As they walked to Shay’s she didn’t say much. Ben chatted to her and she answered when she thought she should, but mostly she was thinking about the strange floating light and how Shay was going to be this morning. He was still acting like nothing happened, maybe it had been her imagination after all. She was relieved when they got to Shay’s and there was no sign of her yet. That was normal. They waited for a few minutes and Shay came out looking like she usually did. Alix was really glad to see her in a cute skirt and jacket with her hair styled as usual.

  The school day went fine and as usual, Shay and Ben were waiting for her at her locker at the end of the day.

  “Anything good to eat today?” Shay practically jumped on her.

  That made Alix laugh. “No Shay remember we only make food on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday now. Tuesday and Thursday, we do theory and stuff.”

  “Oh yeah. Crap, I’m hungry and was really hoping that you had some goodies with you.”

  “Sorry, maybe tomorrow if I don’t eat it all before I get to my locker.”

  “You’d better not,” Shay told her giving her the evil eye. “I practically live for the goodies you make, helps me get through the day.”

  Ben had stood there unusually quiet as the girls went back and forth. Alix noticed he had his arms crossed and seemed to be kind of looking around. “Are you girls ready? We need to get going.” As he said this he looked right at Shay.

  “Of course,” Shay said. “Let’s go.”

  Alix thought they were acting a little bit weird again. The only thing she could come up with was that Shay was planning something for her birthday and Ben was in on it. Why else would it look as though they were acting like two people with something to hide?

  As they stepped out the front door of the school Ben stopped and looked around the schoolyard. He seemed to focus on something across the street. She noticed him pull out his phone and
send a quick text. Alix looked where he was looking. She saw someone in a hoodie that looked out of place and they gave her an uneasy feeling. She blinked, and they were gone. She looked up and down the street but there was no sign of them.

  “Did you see that?” she asked Shay.

  “See what?”

  “That person in the hoodie over there.” Alix said pointing to where she saw them.

  “Um … no, I didn’t see anyone.” Shay responded.

  Alix had stopped when she saw the mystery person, so Shay grabbed her arm, linked it with hers to get her walking again. Then Shay started talking about something funny that happened in one of her classes today. Alix was trying to pay attention to what Ben was doing but got caught up in Shay’s story. The next thing she knew a car horn was honking.

  “Hey look, it’s my mom,” Ben said, going over to the SUV to talk to her. He came back a minute later. “Mom was driving by and saw us, want a ride home?”

  “That’s convenient.” Alix said slightly suspicious.

  They drove to Alix’s first, waited until she got inside then left. Alix yelled to her mom that she was home and went to the kitchen. She got herself a glass of orange juice and a couple of cookies. Her mom came into the kitchen just as she was sitting down at the table.

  “How was school?” her mom asked.

  “Fine, I guess, just school.”

  “Did I see Natalie drop you off just now?”

  “Yeah, she was driving by and saw us by the school. Gave us all a ride home.”

  “That’s good. I was going to make baked spaghetti for dinner tonight, what to give me a hand?”

  “Sure, but only if you let me make the meat sauce,” They both laughed at that. They had a running competition on who made the best meat sauce.

  When her dad got home they had dinner together and sat in the living room as a family that evening watching TV. Alix went to bed that night feeling slightly anxious.

  Chapter 18

  Alix woke up with a start and looked at her clock. It was only 2:30 am. Why was she awake? The dream hadn’t woken her up. She put her head back down on the pillow and closed her eyes to go back to sleep when she thought she heard something. Maybe her dad was up? He sometimes had trouble sleeping. She listened for a minute but didn’t hear anything from the rest of the house. She closed her eyes again. She was almost asleep when she heard another sound. This time she realized it was coming from outside. Must be another animal in the backyard. She got out of bed to have a look out her window. She pushed her curtains apart and saw a face looking back at her. Alix screamed and ran out of her room.


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