A Name for Herself

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A Name for Herself Page 51

by L. M. Montgomery

  Louis XIII, King, 369n123

  Louis XIV, King, 369n123

  Louis XV, King, 360n18, 369n123

  Louis XVI, King, 369n123

  Lovelace, Richard, 414n240

  Lowell, James Russell, 369n122

  Lyons, James Gilborne, 351n6

  MacBeth, Madge, 337–38n23

  Macdonald, Chester (son), 234, 310

  Macdonald, Ewan (husband), 297, 306, 309, 333–34, 418n294, 419n305

  Macdonald, Stuart (son), 234, 310

  Macfarlane, Frederica Campbell. See

  Campbell, Frederica E. (cousin) Mackay, Charles, 345n12

  MacMechan, Archibald, 44, 45, 394n43

  MacMillan, G.B., xxivn20, 305–6, 336n21, 391n23, 392n26, 399n94, 416n272, 417n275, 419–20n306

  MacMurchy, Marjory, 390–91n17, 393n30

  Macneill, Alexander (grandfather), 17, 240, 257, 262, 263, 265–66, 274, 283, 319, 343n10, 345n1, 393–94n37, 398n88

  Macneill, Alma, 274–75, 404n137

  Macneill, Amanda, 277, 404n142

  Macneill, Annie. See Campbell, Annie Macneill (aunt)

  Macneill, Clara. See Montgomery, Clara Macneill (mother)

  Macneill, Charles, xxivn18, 396n64

  Macneill, Eliza Townsend.

  See Townsend, Eliza (great-grandmother)

  Macneill, Emily. See Montgomery, Emily Macneill (aunt)

  Macneill, Fred, 400n103

  Macneill, Hector, 239, 393n30

  Macneill, James (great-uncle), 240, 394n38

  Macneill, Jane. See McKenzie, Jane Macneill (aunt)

  Macneill, John (great-great-grandfather), 239, 393n29

  Macneill, John F. (uncle), 398–99n88

  Macneill, Lucy Woolner (grandmother), 17, 71, 246, 247, 257–58, 265–66, 270, 283, 297, 343n10, 386n11, 419n304

  Macneill, Penzie, 396n64, 399n91

  Macneill, William (great-grandfather), 239, 240, 393n31

  Macneill, William (great-uncle), 240

  Magic for Marigold (Montgomery), xxiin3

  manuscript, xxiiin8

  Manitoba: Brandon, 19, 346n12

  Virden, 19, 346nn11–12

  Winnipeg, 20, 26, 346nn10–12. See also Manitoba Daily Free Press (Winnipeg); Winnipeg Evening Tribune

  Manitoba Daily Free Press (Winnipeg), 11–16, 345n14

  Manuel, Lynn, 342n4

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 135, 373n167

  Mark, Joshua J., 355n8

  Mary, Queen. See York, Duchess of Mary, Queen of Scots, 161, 378n218

  Mayflower, The (Floral Park, NY), 323, 329

  Mayhew, Henry, 361n31

  McCabe, Kevin, xxiin4

  McClelland, Goodchild, and Stewart, 233

  McKenzie, Jane Macneill (aunt), 315

  McKinley, Mabel Burns, xxiin3

  McLachlan, Alexander, 11, 344n2

  McLay, Catherine, xxiin4

  McShannon, Mary (great-great-grandmother), 238, 391nn22–23

  Meade, L.T., 58, 337n22

  Meiklejohn, J.M.D., 377n207

  Meredith, Owen. See Bulwer-Lytton, Edward

  Millais, John Everett, 160, 378n210

  Milton, John, 271, 281, 402n125

  Mistress Pat: A Novel of Silver Bush (Montgomery), xxiin3, 315, 343n17

  manuscript, xxiiin8

  Mitchell, Erika. See James, E.L.

  Modern Priscilla, The (Boston), 218–19

  Monsell, John Samuel Bewley, 371n135

  Montgomery, Annie Murray (grandmother), 238–39

  Montgomery, Clara Macneill (mother), 237, 242–43, 244, 272, 343n10, 391n21, 394n42

  Montgomery, Donald (grandfather), 17, 24, 25, 238, 244–46, 279, 307, 345n1, 347n28, 395n53

  Montgomery, Donald (great-grandfather), 238

  Montgomery, Eliza (cousin), 297

  Montgomery, Emily Macneill (aunt), 244, 247, 251, 252, 254, 315, 395n47, 397n68

  Montgomery, Hugh (great-great-grandfather), 238, 391nn22–23

  Montgomery, Hugh John (father), 5, 17, 237, 242–43, 246, 274, 279–80, 308, 319, 391n21, 404n135

  Montgomery, John (uncle), 254, 395n47

  Montgomery, L.M.

  ancestors, 237–40, 242, 391n22

  birth, 236, 341n2, 390–91n17, 391n21

  books. See individual titles

  childhood and youth: illness, 245–47, 395n155

  memories, 242–70, 394–95n46

  reading, 270–72, 402n117, 403nn127–28, 414n242

  writing, xvii–xviii, 272, 258, 260, 274–79, 280–81, 403n132, 404n135

  and church, 244, 268–69

  as contest judge, 6, 342–43n9

  death, obituaries, and funeral, 5, 390–91n17, 401n109

  education: in Cavendish, 248–52, 280, 397n67

  at Dalhousie University, xvii, 44–46, 47, 50, 58, 281–82, 348n1, 355n2, 356n16, 394n43, 408n182

  in Prince Albert, 17, 35–37

  at Prince of Wales College, xvii, 27, 32, 35, 38–40, 41–43, 48, 280–81, 320, 338n33, 349n9, 349n11, 349n6, 351n3, 351–52n1

  essays and miscellaneous pieces, xxiin5

  “The Alpine Path,” xviii, xx–xxi, 203, 231–311, 331–34, 335n9, 336n11, 336n13, 338n29

  “Around the Table,” xvii, xviii–xx, xxiiin13, 71, 75–191, 324, 325

  “An Autobiographical Sketch,” 391n22

  “The Bad Boy of Blanktown School,” 50–53, 323

  “Blank Verse? ‘Very Blank,’ Said Father,” 404n135, 405n147

  “Come Back with Me to Prince Edward Island,” xxiii–xxivn18, 396n64

  “Christmas Shopping in Halifax Stores,” 203–13, 286–87

  “Crooked Answers,” 47–49, 50, 54, 323, 384n279, 386nn14–15

  “The Day before Yesterday,” 27, 339n36

  “Extracts from the Diary of a Second Class Mouse,” 32–34, 320, 321, 322

  “From Prince Albert to P.E. Island,” 17–26, 320, 321

  “A Girl’s Place at Dalhousie College,” 58–67, 324

  “Half an Hour with Canadian Mothers,” 47, 192–202, 220, 330

  “A Half-Hour in an Old Cemetery,” 71–73, 324

  “High School Life in Saskatchewan,” 35–37, 320, 321, 322

  “How I Began to Write,” 342n8, 404n139, 404n141, 405n146

  “‘I Dwell among My Own People,’” 339n36, 410n193

  “Innocent Irreverence,” 220

  “James Henry, Truant,” 54–47, 323

  “Many Admiring Glances Bestowed upon Graduates,” 214–17, 324

  “One Mother’s Opinion,” 192, 385n1

  “Netted Doily,” 218–19

  “‘Portia’ – A Study,” 41–43, 320

  “Prince Edward Island,” 391n20

  “Spring in the Woods,” 410n196

  “To the Editor,” 68

  “A Trip to Mammoth Cave,” xxivn18

  “The Usual Way,” 27–31, 320, 321, 322

  “Valedictory,” 38–40

  “The Way to Make a Book,” 231, 409–10n193

  “A Western Eden,” 11–16, 320

  “What to Teach Your Son,” 192, 196–97, 330, 385n1

  “Which Has the Most Patience under the Ordinary Cares and Trials of Life – Man or Woman?,” 44–46, 323, 325

  “The Woods in Autumn,” 410n196

  “The Woods in Summer,” 410n196

  “The Woods in Winter,” 410n196

  “The Wreck of the ‘Marco Polo,’” 5–10, 320

  essay on the legend of Cape Leforce, 5, 341–42n3

  favourite authors and books, 313–14

  and feminism, 58–59, 392n28

  Heritage Minute film, xv, xxin1

  honeymoon. See under United Kingdom

  interviews, 333–34, 392n28

  journals, xx–xxi, 11, 27, 35, 38, 41, 44, 45, 47, 50, 58, 71, 75, 203, 218, 232, 234–35, 341n3, 343n16, 345n1, 349n9, 349n1, 352n2, 354n2, 359n14, 363n56, 370n128, 372n146, 381n249, 383n269, 402n125, 404–5n144, 414n242

  and “The Alpine Path,” xx–xxi, 390n15, 391nn2
2–23, 392n26, 393n29, 393n31, 393n34, 393–94nn36–38, 394–95nn41–47, 395nn49–50, 395–96nn54–56, 396n58, 396n60, 396nn62–65, 397nn67–68, 397n71, 397n77, 398n82, 398n85, 398–99n88, 399–400nn91–97, 400n99, 400n101, 400nn103–5, 401n108, 401n110, 401nn113–14, 402nn116–18, 403nn126–27, 403n130, 403n132, 404n137, 404n139, 404n142, 405n145, 405nn152–53, 406n156, 406nn169–60, 406n163, 407n166, 407nn169–71, 407nn173–74, 408n176, 408n179, 408nn182–83, 409n186, 409nn190–92, 410nn195–97, 410–11nn201–3, 411nn205–6, 411nn208–10, 412nn13–15, 412–13nn219–20, 413n224, 413nn230–31, 414n233, 415n256, 417n275, 419n304

  and other published non-fiction, xx–xxi, xxiii–xxivn18, 35

  posthumous publication of, xx–xxi, xxivn20

  letters: to The Editor, 68

  to Ephraim Weber, 44–45, 336n21

  to G.B. MacMillan, 336n21, 391n23, 392n26, 399n94, 399n96, 419–20n306

  posthumous publication of, xxivn20

  and literary allusions, 315, 344n2. See also names of individual authors

  manuscripts and typescripts, xvii, xxiiin8

  marriage, 297, 333

  names and signatures, 317, 319–20, 322–29

  Bluegrass, Belinda, 44, 45–46, 322, 323, 325

  Cavendish, Joyce, 324, 325, 326, 327

  Cavendish, Maud, 322, 323, 329, 405n154

  Cavendish, M.L., 322, 324, 406n158

  Cynthia, xviii–xix, 74, 75–191, 214–17, 285, 324, 325, 366n86, 367n95

  Eglinton, Maud, 322, 323

  Enid, 44, 46, 322, 323, 325

  L., 54–57, 323

  L.M., 323

  L.M.M., 47–53, 323–24, 325, 326

  MacDonald [sic], L.M. Montgomery, 339n36

  Macdonald, Mrs. L.M. (L.M. Montgomery), 339n36

  M.M., 71–73, 324, 325, 326

  Montgomery, Ella, 324, 329, 339n33

  Montgomery, L.M., 17–37, 68, 192–202, 218–20, 231–311, 317, 318, 320–22, 325–28, 329, 331, 336n21, 338n29

  Montgomery, L.W., 339n33

  Montgomery, Lucy M., 58–67, 324

  Montgomery, Lucy Maud, 5–16, 41–43

  318, 319, 320, 322, 339n36

  Montgomery, Lucy Ward, 11–16, 338n33

  Montgomery, S.M., 338n33

  Neville, J.C., xx, 223–30, 327–28, 329, 331

  Stevenson, James H., 38–40

  newspaper work, 71–73, 75–191, 203–17, 284–90, 407nn168–69, 408n180

  pets, 8, 268, 286, 401n108, 407n170

  poems, xxiin3, xxiin4, xxiiin8

  “Air Castles,” 326

  “Apple-Blossoms,” 321

  “The Apple-Picking Time,” 324

  “Assurance,” 326

  “At the Dance,” 322

  “At the Long Sault,” 327, 339n37

  “Blueberry Hill,” 320

  “Buttercups,” 323, 329

  “The Charm,” 326

  “The Choice,” 326

  “Come Where Violets Blow,” 326

  “Comparisons,” 284, 406n162

  “Dressing for the Ball,” 326

  “Farewell,” 320

  “Farewell and Welcome,” 326

  “Fisher Lassies,” 324, 406n158

  “Forever,” 324, 326

  “The Gable Window,” 321

  “Good-By,” 324, 326

  “The Gray Silk Gown,” 326

  “Harbor Sunset,” xix, 380n235, 407n173

  “Home from Town,” 321

  “If I Were King,” 389n1

  “If Love Should Come,” 322

  “I Have Buried My Dead,” 326

  “In Haying Time,” 321

  “In Lovers’ Lane,” 407n173, 410n196

  “I’ve Something to Tell You, Sweet,” 323, 326

  “I Wonder,” 321

  “I Wonder If She Knows,” 326

  “Jealousy,” 326

  “June!,” 280, 320, 405n149

  “The Land of Some Day,” 323

  “Last Night in Dreams,” 329

  “The Last Prayer,” 27, 320

  “The Light in Mother’s Eyes,” 326

  “Love and Lacework,” 321

  “The Love Potion,” 326

  “The Marked Door,” 322

  “Mother’s Mending Basket,” 192

  “The Name Tree,” 326

  “The New Moon,” 321

  “Night in the Pastures,” 328, 329

  “Night Watches,” 326

  “On Cape Le Force,” xvii, 5, 280, 319–20, 399n95, 405n147, 405n149

  “On the Bridge,” 326

  “On the Gulf Shore,” 323

  “The Perfume of Roses,” 326

  “Rain in the Woods,” 324

  “Riding to Church,” 321

  “Shall I Remember?,” 326

  “The Silent House,” 326

  “A Smile,” 326

  “The Star thro’ the Pines,” 326

  “Sunset on Halifax Harbor,” xix, 407n173

  “Sweet Summer Days,” 326

  “To My Enemy,” 407n173

  “To Phyllis,” 326

  “The Tree Lovers,” 258, 397n75

  “The Violet’s Spell,” 281, 320, 405nn152–53

  “Wanted – A Little Girl,” 322

  “The Water Nymph,” 326

  “When I Go Home,” 322

  “When She Was Here,” 324, 326

  “When the Apple-Blossoms Blow,” 323, 329

  “When the Frogs Are Singing,” 326

  “Which Has the Most Patience under the Ordinary Cares and Trials of Life – Man or Woman?,” 45–46, 323, 325

  “The Wreck of the ‘Marcopolo,’ 1883,” 320, 398n82, 405n149

  “Your Influence,” 326

  posthumous collections, xxi–xxiinn3–4

  scrapbooks, xvii, xxiinn6–7

  Blue Scrapbook, 27–31, 341–42n3, 353n2, 364n64, 380n238

  Red Scrapbook 1, 223–30

  Scrapbook 2, 68

  Scrapbook 3, xvii, 71–73, 75–191, 214–17, 358n4, 362n50, 366n84, 382n254

  Scrapbook 6, 192–202, 385n5, 386n8, 386n10

  Scrapbook 7, xvii, 5–67, 342n5, 344n3, 344–45n6, 346n3, 346n5, 347n19, 349n7, 352nn3–6, 353n8, 353nn3–4, 354n1, 355n10, 357n3

  Scrapbook 8, 339n37

  short stories and serials, xxiin4

  “Akin to Love,” 388–89n1

  “A Baking of Gingersnaps,” 192, 323, 329, 405n154

  “The Bitterness in the Cup,” 389n1

  “A Case of Trespass,” 321

  “The Courtship of Josephine,” 388–89n1

  “Detected by the Camera,” 321

  “The Extra French Examination,” 321

  “The Gold-Link Bracelet,” 322

  “The Goose Feud,” 329

  “In Spite of Myself,” 324

  “In the Sweet o’ the Year,” 383n263

  “A Little Accident,” 68

  “The Missing Pony,” 321

  “Miss Marietta’s Jersey,” 404n140

  “A New-Fashioned Flavoring,” 383n260

  “The Old Mirror,” 389n1

  “Our Charivari,” 323, 405n154, 406n156

  “Our Practical Joke,” 321

  “A Pioneer Wooing,” 392n26

  “The Prize in Elocution,” 321

  “The Promise of Lucy Ellen,” 407n173

  “Schooled with Briars,” 389n1

  “The Schoolmaster’s Bride,” 233, 389n1

  “A Strayed Allegiance,” 323

  “Two Sides of a Life Story,” xx, 223–30, 327, 328

  “Una of the Garden,” 412n212

  “The Violet Challie Dress,” 321

  posthumous collections, xxiin4, 315

  teaching career, 47–57, 281, 282, 283, 294

  writing advice, 6, 342–43n9

  writing career, xvi–xvii, xviii–xix, 71, 235, 280–90, 294–97, 315–16, 319–30, 336n14, 339n35, 390n14

  Montgomery, Nancy Penman. See Penman, Nancy (great-grandmother)

  Montreal Dai
ly Witness, 4–10, 320, 341–42n3, 342n5, 399n95

  Montreal Star, 5

  Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 70, 71–73, 75, 82–100, 103–23, 145–48, 203–13, 284, 288, 324, 362n40, 373n167, 388n5, 408n180, 408n182, 409n185

  Morrison, John, 401n111, 401n113

  Muir, Alexander, 345n13, 347n24

  Munsey’s Magazine (New York), 284, 322, 406n162

  Mure, Eleanor, 376n190

  Murphy, Emily, 334–35n3

  Murray, Annie. See Montgomery, Annie Murray (grandmother)

  Murray, Betsy Penman. See Penman, Betsy (great-grandmother)

  Murray, David (great-grandfather), 238, 239

  Mustard, John, 35, 36, 350n4

  nature and the outdoors, 87, 90–91, 103–4, 142–44

  Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln), 328, 329

  needlework and crafts. See fancy work and crafts

  Nelson, David and Wellington, 254–58, 261–62, 267, 397n71

  Nesbit, E., 337n22

  New Brunswick, 49

  Dalhousie, 25, 348n36

  Moncton, 25, 348n37

  Pointe-du-Chêne, 25, 348n38

  Saint John, 8, 343n18

  Newcombe, Margaret Florence, 62, 356n15

  New England Farmer (Boston), 328, 329

  New York Family Story Paper, The, 323–24, 325, 326, 327

  Normal School (Charlottetown), 32, 33–34, 349n3

  North-West Mounted Police, 36, 350n2

  Nova Scotia, 49

  Bridgetown, 124–25, 371n143

  Dartmouth, 188, 384n280

  Kentville, 82, 361n34

  Truro, 109, 213. See also Halifax (Nova Scotia)

  Ogle, Thomas, 415n251

  Ontario: Chaudière Falls, 24, 347n31

  Fort William, 20–21, 346n16

  Kaministiquia River, 21, 347n18

  Kenora, 19, 346n10, 346n12

  Lake Huron, 23, 347n25

  Lake Superior, 21–22, 347n18, 347n25

  Niagara Falls, 347n24

  Ottawa, 17, 20, 24–25, 347n28, 347n31

  Owen Sound, 23, 347n26

  Queenston, 347n24

  Rat Portage, 19, 346n10, 346n12

  Sault Ste. Marie, 22–23, 347n22

  St. Marys River, 23, 347n22, 347n25

  Thunder Bay, 20–21, 346n16, 347n18

  Toronto, 24

  Ontario Library Review, 391n22

  O’Rell, Max, 94, 365n68

  Osborne, Dorothy, 360n23

  Pacific, The (Berkeley), 192

  Page, L.C. See L.C. Page and Company

  Page, P.K., 337n22

  Pat of Silver Bush (Montgomery), xxiin3, 315, 380n239

  manuscript, xxiiin8

  Patriot. See Daily Patriot (Charlottetown)

  Penman, Betsy (great-grandmother), 238–39, 391n22, 392n26, 412nn214–15

  Penman, George (great-great-grandfather), 238, 391n22, 392n26

  Penman, Nancy (great-grandmother), 238–39, 391n22, 392n26, 412nn214–15


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