Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5) Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  Lifting my hand, I run my fingers through my hair as I shake my head. “No, but I don’t know what to do.”


  I flop down on the edge of the bed and they each take a chair and sink down as well as they watch me, waiting expectantly for me to say something. I need to tell them what the hell is going on, but my words aren’t working.

  Pressing my lips together, I inhale a deep breath and let it out on a sigh. “He wants me to go back to America with him,” I blurt out.

  “Like on holiday?” Kathleen asks. “I say do it. He’s obviously into you, even if you don’t like him that much back. The sex is good, right? And a free vacation? What’s not to like about that?”

  I shake my head slowly. “Not a holiday,” I whisper. “To live.”

  “To live,” they say in unison.

  “Have you lost your marbles?” Andrea shouts as she jumps to her feet.

  I nod. “I think I have,” I whisper.

  “Oh, you’ve said yes already,” Kathleen mutters.

  “He didn’t give me the choice. He didn’t even ask me if I wanted to, he told me.”

  “He do that to your eye, too?” Andrea hisses.

  Shaking my hand, I lift my hand to my eye. I’d almost forgotten about the dark mark on my face. “My da did when I stayed out all night,” I explain.

  “Oh,” Andrea grunts as she sinks back down in her chair. “Feck.”

  “Renzo said he’d buy me my own salon, if I wanted to work, if I didn’t, that was fine too.”

  Kathleen makes a funny face, then shrugs a shoulder. “What do you want? Because that could be a lie, you wouldn’t know for sure until you got there.”

  Placing my hand on my stomach, I wonder if I could really tell him no. What would happen if I am pregnant? My da wouldn’t just slap me if I were pregnant with a child and unwed. I don’t know what he would do, but I’m not about to find out, either.

  “I don’t know what I want, but I like him, a lot.”

  Andrea nods her head, then she smirks. “It’s good though, between the sheets?”

  I laugh, my face heating and I sink my teeth into my bottom lip. “The best. Better than I ever imagined it could be,” I admit.

  “Well…” Kathleen drawls.

  “Well?” I shout when she doesn’t say anything.

  She presses her lips together, glancing to Andrea, then back to me. “I know that you have had a traumatizing past. Your sister and your mother, but you haven’t been living, Siobahn. You’ve been breathing, walking, and working, but you have not been living.”

  Inhaling, I nod my head as I look between my friends. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “What do you want? If nothing else in the world mattered, what would you want.”

  “Renzo,” I blurt out. “I just want him. I don’t know him, but he makes me feel something.”

  “That’s called horny.” Kathleen laughs.

  Smiling, I look to each of them. “Yeah, but I want to believe it’s more than just lust. I want to believe we’ve been brought together for another reason, for something more. I want to have hope.”

  “Then I think you have your answer,” Andrea whispers.

  “You’ll never fly if you don’t leap,” Kathleen points out.

  Nodding, I inhale a deep breath and hold it for a moment before I let it out with a heavy exhale. Biting the inside of my cheek, I look down at my lap, then lift my gaze back up to meet theirs.

  “I want to soar. I want to live.”


  Sullivan shakes his head as he sits across from me, his beer in hand, or pint as he calls it. “You’ve got yourself in a situation,” he states.

  Nodding my head, I can’t help but agree with him. Though, if you would have told me any of this a few days ago, that I would have met someone, and decided to keep her, I would have called you a liar.

  “I have,” I agree. “I’m not sure if I’m upset about it or glad.”

  Sullivan chuckles, then he leans forward. “I looked into her. Seeing that mark on her face, had me concerned.”

  “Oh I’m sure, just a concerned citizen,” I bite out.

  He shrugs a shoulder, not giving a single fuck if I’m angry or not. “I’m sure you looked as well, discovered what I did?”

  “The sister?” I ask.

  He nods his head slowly. “Aye. The sister.”

  “Orin,” I hiss.

  He leans back, bringing his glass to his lips. “It’s what I pieced together as well. Though, I’m wondering if you hadn’t found that out, would she feel as important?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I glance down to my own drink then curl my fingers around it, but don’t lift it to my lips, not yet. “Couldn’t say.”

  My words may sound cold, but they’re true. I’m not sure if she would mean as much to me had I not found her past, had the famiglia not been involved with Orin. Had my childhood not been as shit as hers. Had I not suffered the losses that I had, and she not suffered hers. We’re bound together, in a way that she doesn’t even understand, but I do.

  “This meeting isn’t about her, rather it’s about Orin,” I mutter.

  He nods his head, understanding where I’m coming from and where I do not need this to go. I watch as he shifts in his seat, then clears his throat. I trust Sullivan as much as I can, which means not much at all. I can’t quite tell, and though he’s been truthful and forthright with me up until now, there is something… off about him.

  “I follow up and meet up with you later to get this done?” he asks.

  Shaking my head slowly, I don’t tell him that I can’t make a move yet, not until I’ve discussed things further with Gavino. I can’t tell him any more about my personal life or famiglia affairs. He may be a friend to the famiglia, but he is not famiglia.

  “I need to prepare a little before I make a move. Can you follow him, give me an update on his whereabouts?” I ask.

  I ask this knowing damn well I’m going to do my own thing, but I can’t let him know that. I’m not one who works with a partner, this is as much as I have done with another person my entire career.

  What I need him to do is to be busy and out of my fucking hair. If he’s on the up-and-up, then all will be well, but if he’s not, I don’t need him feeding information about what I’m doing, where, when, or why to anyone.

  “I can,” he says with a nod of his head.

  Arching a brow, I lick my lips and bring my glass to them before I take a drink. “Go do that then,” I grunt when he doesn’t move immediately.

  Thankfully, he leaves me alone and I watch him scurry off toward his car in far too much of a hurry. I think about calling Gavino immediately, then decide to wait for a little while, finish my whiskey and head for a long, isolated walk.

  Before coming down here, I rented a car without Sullivan’s knowledge. I’m going to need it to finish the job and haul Siobahn’s luggage to the airport. I don’t anticipate seeing Sullivan again before I leave here, and my hopes are that we will be headed home in less than a week.

  I want Orin gone and Siobahn on American soil before the end of the week. I don’t know why, but I feel this sense of urgency that I didn’t earlier. I just want this shit done. The sun has set, the city is dark, and I dip my chin as I head toward a quiet park-like area.

  When I’m alone, not a soul in sight, that’s when I call Gavino. The phone only rings a couple of times before he picks up. I didn’t even attempt to do the math on the time difference, it doesn’t matter. This is when I can talk and he’s going to have to deal with it

  “Enzo,” he grunts, leaving the R off of my name, letting me know that he’s not alone and unable to speak freely.

  Clearing my throat, I make sure to look around, and speak as quietly as possible as to not be overheard.

  “Forty-five under eighteen, under sixteen,” I explain. “Loaded up merchandise, flown to who knows where.”

  “Bought and paid for?” he asks.

“Taken,” I clarify.

  He curses.

  “Rumors are all over this place, he’s not careful, so I assume he’s bought and paid the silence and safety that surrounds him.”

  There is a moment of silence and I know that Gavino is thinking about his own safety and silence that he’s bought and paid for. But as far as Gavino has ever known, his women are there of their own free will.

  The drugs he buys would be consumed even if someone else supplied them. He’s running a business, but that business is for adults only, not children.

  “He needs to be taken care of, Ren.”

  “Agreed. Do I have permission to interrogate him?” I ask.

  I only ask so that he won’t get pissed when I do it anyway. Because I have every intention of torturing the fuck until I find out exactly what I want to know. Orin Murphy will not die a quick and essentially painless death, he will suffer—greatly.

  “Please do,” Gavino says on a chuckle.

  “Also, I’m bringing someone back with me.”

  There is a moment of silence, then I hear the smile in his voice when he asks the simple question. Only two words and yet, I know that answering will mean much more, it will mean that Siobahn will officially be my future.

  “A woman?”



  Ending the call, I don’t elaborate. I don’t need to. Telling the Boss about my plans on bringing someone back with me, that is all the explanation he needs.

  She is mine and she will be my wife, end of fucking story.

  And it is.

  Chapter Fourteen


  What I should be doing is watching Orin, but I’m not. Instead, I’m watching this piece of shit drink at the pub. Doyle drinks his days and nights away, he contributes nothing, he is nothing. He is worthless in every way a man can be.

  Emilyn Doyle was taken from them, their family was ripped to shreds, but instead of being a man and bringing them together, he checked completely fucking out. He isn’t worth my time, he isn’t worth any person’s time.

  I watch the old barfly cuddle up next to him. She whispers in his ear, her lips brushing his neck as his fingers skim down her back and grabs a handful of her plentiful ass. She giggles, then breaks out into a coughing fit.

  I’ve seen enough. That is the man who laid his hand on Siobahn. This is the man who depends on his daughter to keep a roof over his head and booze in his fat gut. No more. I know I said that I’d pay him off, but that fat fuck isn’t getting a dime from me, absolutely fucking nothing.

  Leaving them, I decide to walk away. I’ll deal with him later. I need to get back to Siobahn. I’m sure that she’s doubted my plans for us, questioned and re-questioned herself, and is in need of being convinced to come to America with me again.

  I don’t mind the convincing.

  That’s my favorite part.

  My phone rings in my pocket and I frown, wondering who could be calling me. My heart races immediately thinking that something could have happened to Siobahn, but when I dig my phone out and look at the screen, I freeze.

  Sliding my thumb across the phone, I lift it to my ear, my heart racing at the idea that something could be wrong with the person on the other end of the line.

  “Renzo?” her sweet voice calls out.

  “Hey, girl,” I murmur.

  She sighs and then I hear her hum. I lived with her longer than any other woman in my entire life, other than my mother.

  “Can you talk? You sound funny,” she says.

  Laughing softly, I look around the street. She has no clue that I’m in Ireland and she’s back in New York. She has no idea what I’ve been doing since I left her home. She has no fucking clue who I really am. She knows I’m famiglia, but that’s pretty much it.

  “For you? Yeah, girl, I can talk.”

  She sighs and I chuckle again. This girl. If I were into her type, I would have taken her from Massimo. The stronzo. He didn’t know what he had in her. I’m sure that he doesn’t even now, but they’re married and it’s not my place.

  “I’m pregnant,” she breathes.

  My entire body jerks as I stop walking. Pregnant. “Congratulations, girl,” I rasp.

  I’m not sure what to say, I don’t know why I feel odd about the whole thing. We were never more than friends and roommates, but I can’t deny that I held affection for her. I would have taken her for myself if I thought that’s what she wanted, but I knew even then just as I do now, that she loves her husband.

  “I just thought. I wanted you to know straight from me, before anyone else told you,” she says.

  Smiling, I dip my chin and look to my feet. “Thanks, girl. I’m really happy for you.” I am too, in my own way I am very happy for them. I can’t deny the pang of jealousy that instantly flows through me though.

  “You’ll find her, Renzo, and when you do, you’ll be just as happy as Massimo and I are.”

  I snort. Happiness. What is happiness in our world? Is it children? Being married to someone for protection? What is true happiness? Your spouse being faithful? Is that happiness? I honestly don’t fucking know, but I suppose by bringing Siobahn back with me, I’m going to try and find out—in my own way.

  “I already have, girl. I’ll see you when I get back to the states, Pippa,” I murmur.

  “Where are you?” she asks, almost accusatory.

  Chuckling, I look down at my shoes before I lift my gaze back up and continue to walk down the sidewalk. “Ireland. On business.”

  She hums. “I’m so sure. I want to meet her when you get home, promise?”


  Ending the call, I shove my phone back in my pocket and think about Pippa having a baby. It’s time. She’s been married for long enough she should already have a houseful of curtain crawlers, but with Massimo being locked away for several years, they didn’t have the opportunity to get that ball rolling.

  Continuing down the street, I turn the corner and smile at the sight of the hotel. Babies. They are something to be treasured, especially in the famiglia. More babies mean a strong and healthy organization. Future generations to lead the way and it’s up to us to groom and sculpt them.

  This is a good thing, and I’m ready to contribute to the famiglia, the only people who have ever had my back.


  Kathleen and Andrea leave, though neither of them seem eager to do so. We spent all afternoon together and they made me promise that I would be at the salon in the morning.

  Doubt has crept into all of our minds about what’s to come in my future with Renzo, especially after Kathleen tried Googling his name the entire time we shopped and came up with absolutely nothing.

  No social media, no school anything, absolutely nothing, as if the man does not exist.

  I didn’t want to believe that he could be bad, but now I wonder if he is. I don’t know what to believe anymore and before I go anywhere, I’m going to need to find out some real truth.

  I pace in the hotel, wearing a new outfit. The money that he gave me was far more than he should have, in fact, it was more cash than I had ever seen in my life. Another reason why I need to know what he does for a living.

  Walking over to the window, I tip my chin down and look at the sidewalk. I see him. He’s got his phone to his ear and he’s talking with a smile on his face. A true smile. I don’t think I have ever seen him smile before. It’s beautiful. Absolutely stunning.

  A few moments later I hear the door open and I know that he’s just walking into the room. I can sense his presence, almost taste him as he makes his way inside and closes the door behind him. I don’t say anything immediately and neither does he.

  I want to ask him about the call. Who he was talking to, why he was smiling. If it was a woman who made him look that way.

  I’m not sure I want to know the answers though and I have a feeling that Renzo isn’t one to lie, so if he told me the truth and it wasn’t what I wanted to hear, I may no
t be able to handle it.

  “You hungry?” he asks.

  Turning around, I look across the room at him. It’s late, well past eleven at night. I should have gone home, but something about the way he demanded I stay made me think twice. Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I shake my head.

  “You’re skinny, cuoricino,” he announces. “Did you eat tonight?”

  I almost laugh in his face at the skinny comment, but I decide not to. I’m not interested in food right now. I want to find out the truth about him. I want to find out as much as I possibly can before I make a life-altering decision, one that I cannot take back.

  “I want to talk to you, before I go with you.”

  “This again?” he asks, sounding almost exasperated.

  It’s been maybe twenty-four hours since he announced I was to uproot my entire life and move to another country with a stranger, so yes, this again. I don’t say any of what I’m thinking, I have a feeling that my words would not be well received. Instead, I sally forth with what I want to know.

  “I want to know about your life, Renzo. I need to know about your friends, your childhood, your teenage years. I need to know as much as possible about you.”

  His body freezes at my words and I watch as he tilts his head to the side. “You’ll be forthcoming too?” he asks.

  My stomach drops as his eyes roam over my face, searching for my truthful answer. I want to tell him no, but I don’t. Instead, I decide that if I want this from him, I should be willing to give him the same from me.

  Nodding my head, I take a step forward, then sink down into one of the chairs at the table. His lips twitch at my move, obviously on to my ploy to ensure that this doesn’t turn physical. I watch as he untucks, then unbuttons his shirt, giving me a delicious view of his chest and the smattering of dark hair against his muscles.

  Licking my lips, I can’t help but imagine sliding my hands, my lips and my tongue along his entire sexy torso. Is his past really that important? I think to myself as he sinks down in the chair across from me and crosses one of his legs over his knee at the ankle.


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