Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5) Page 31

by Hayley Faiman

  “I am, Zeta.”

  “How? Why?” I breathe.

  He stalks toward me, his eyes focused on mine and nowhere else. He lifts his hands, cupping my cheeks when he’s close enough. His thumbs slide across the apples of my cheeks as his gaze continues to focus on mine.

  “I’m a Made Man, cara. This is who I am, this is who I have always been. I was raised in this life. I hesitated to start anything with you because of this, but…”

  “But?” I urge.

  He grins. “But you’re mine.”


  Dante nods his head once, shifting closer to me, his lips touching mine. “Yeah, Zeta. You’re mine. Marry me?”

  “I hardly know you,” I say with a gasp.

  Chuckling, he touches his mouth to mine. “I know all I need to know, cara. I know you’re mine, you’ve been waiting for me and you were meant just for me, the rest we can figure out later.”

  “You’re crazy,” I exhale.

  He grins against my lips. “Yeah, but I’ll protect you with my life. I’ll take care of you, and I’ll treasure you, cara.”

  “It’s too fast,” I breathe.

  He hums, his tongue sliding across the seam of my lips. “It probably is. But it’s where it’ll go, so let’s just do it now. Your mom would be happy.”

  “How do you know?”

  He chuckles. “Because she’s Italian. She wants her baby married and making babies.”

  I almost laugh. He’s not wrong. In fact, everything about what he’s saying is correct. My mother has been hounding me since I was sixteen years old to find a man to marry. She’s been on my ass to make babies since I turned twenty. He knows.

  “Dante, this is insane.”

  “You’re saying yes?” he asks.

  Pressing my lips together, I shake my head once. “I’m saying yes,” I breathe.

  His lips press against mine, his tongue slipping inside of my mouth, and he tastes me. He owns me. And for whatever reason, I’ve just agreed to marry him. He’s bad. He’s a little scary, and he’s mine.




  My mother’s back is to me. She is at the kitchen counter working hard as she rolls out her pasta for dinner. Fresh pasta every Sunday, along with homemade sauce, garlic bread, and several desserts.

  She freaked-out when Dante and I decided to have a small intimate wedding a month after we announced our relationship, officially. My father showed his concern in his own way. He pulled me aside, asked me if this was what I wanted and I told him yes, then he told me he’d kill him if he fucked-up.

  He hasn’t needed to kill Dante, because life may be less than perfect, but it has still been amazing. Downright breathtakingly amazing. My family doesn’t know that Dante is in the mafia, he told me I wasn’t allowed to tell them and I’m perfectly fine with that, I would hate to hear my mother’s reaction to that.

  “You’re going to stand there or are you going to talk to me while I cook?” my mother calls out without even looking behind her.

  Clearing my throat, I take a step forward, then another until I’m next to her. Turning around, I lean my ass against the counter.

  “Mama?” I call out.

  She lifts her head, her eyes finding mine. She gasps, lifting one of her hands to her parted lips and her eyes start to water.

  “You’re pregnant,” she whispers.

  Nodding my head, my own eyes start to water. She wipes her hands on her apron then lifts them and cups my cheeks. She watches me for a moment, clearing her throat. “You’re happy?”

  Smiling, I lift my hands and wrap my fingers around her wrists. “We were trying. Dante wants a big family.”

  “Good,” she breathes. “A big happy family. A beautiful family.”

  “Beautiful,” I agree.

  It is going to be just that too. Working at the bridal shop, raising my babies with my husband. All of it, even as terrifying as his job is, our life is gorgeous. She releases my cheeks, then wipes her eyes with the back of her hands, before she goes back to her pasta.

  Without skipping a beat, she starts to boss me around her kitchen and when the rest of my family is gathered around the Sunday dinner table, we tell them that we’re having a baby.


  Lying in bed, naked, the sheet pulled up to my waist, I watch my wife as she takes off all of her makeup. Sunday dinners are always exhausting, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Zeta’s family is nothing like mine and it’s a fucking chaotic mess of perfect.

  I watch as she walks into the bedroom, wearing nothing but a light blue slip of lingerie. She likes her silk slips and I’m never going to tell her to not wear them. Truth be told, I like them too.

  A little too much.

  My cock twitches as she starts to crawl onto the bed. She’s obviously feeling a bit like me as she climbs up my legs and straddles my hips. I wish the sheet weren’t between us, because I know that my wife never wears panties beneath her little silk slips.

  Lifting my hands, I wrap my fingers around her ass cheeks and squeeze. “Good evening, wife,” I say with a grin.

  She hums, dipping her chin before her lips touch my own. “Good evening, husband,” she whispers against my lips.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  She lifts her head, tipping her chin as she looks down at me. “I was afraid when I married you,” she admits. I arch a brow, tilting my head to the side. “I was afraid this life would be scary, that we would be living a life of crime in hiding like I’ve seen in the movies.”

  “But now?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, she smiles down at me. “I have a whole network of friends, women who I truly feel would do anything for me if I asked. I have a whole new family and I didn’t have to give up mine. This life is beautiful, Dante.”

  Releasing one of her cheeks, I reach between us and shift the sheet out of the way. Guiding my hard cock against her entrance, I don’t even have to urge her to slide down along my length, she does it eagerly.

  Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck, I keep my other one on her ass and watch her, unable to take my eyes from hers.

  “This life is fucking perfect, cara. Not because we have a great family, but because I have you.”

  “Dante,” she breathes.

  Grinning, I squeeze her ass and jerk her forward. She takes my urging in stride and starts to ride me. I grin up at her, loving the way her body moves when she allows herself to let go. It’s breathtaking.

  “I love you, Zeta. Loved you before I knew what the feeling was.”

  She smiles softly, her hips moving, rolling as she rides harder and harder, obviously enjoying herself. She leans forward slightly, dipping her chin, she touches her mouth to mine.

  “I love you too, Dante. Thank you for this, all of it.”

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  About the Author

  As an only child, Hayley Faiman had to entertain herself somehow. She started writing stories at the age of six and never really stopped.

  Born in California, she met her now husband at the age of sixteen and married him at the age of twenty in 2004. After all of these years together, he’s still the love of her life.

  Hayley’s husband joined the military and they lived in Oregon, where he was stationed with the US Coast Guard. They moved back to California in 2006, where they had two little boys. Recently, the four of them moved out to the Hill Country of Texas, where they adopted a new family member, a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.

  Most of Hayley’s days are spent taking care of her two boys, going to the baseball fields for practice, or helping them
with homework. Her evenings are spent with her husband and her nights—those are spent creating alpha book boyfriends.


  I always say a special thank you to my husband, my best friend, he is the man who supports every single dream of mine and works to make them all come true.

  My mom is everything. She’s the kindest, most loving, and most supportive mom in the world. Thank you, Banana Boots.

  Ellie McLove, this book would not be without you. Thank you so much for being my friend and for generally being a badass editor and friend.

  Rosa Sharon, thank you so much for proofreading, you always add that finishing touch that makes my books sparkle!

  Celia one of my biggest fans and supporters. You’re the best, and my longest friend. Thank you for always being there for me. Through git-n-gos and brownies, to teenage years, and adulthood. Having you on my side as a friend is an amazing feeling.

  Crystal Snyder, thank you for being such a beautiful person inside and out, and a wonderful friend! I can’t wait for more adventures that await us!!

  Tammy Cole, thank you for always being there for me and lending a listening ear. I truly appreciate our friendship! Thank you for alpha reading for me!!

  Thank you to my reader group, Hayley’s Asshole Alphas, you ladies always brighten up my day!!! Love you!

  To all the Blogger babes that have taken a chance on me…

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.




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