Southern Charm: A Single Daddy Cowboy, Secret Baby, Ranch Western Romance (Rainbow Canyon Cowboys Book 5)

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Southern Charm: A Single Daddy Cowboy, Secret Baby, Ranch Western Romance (Rainbow Canyon Cowboys Book 5) Page 10

by KC Crowne

  The idea of her ex threatening her was enough to get my blood boiling. I didn’t know this little prick, but I wanted to wring his neck, maybe sock him across the jaw for good measure. You don’t threaten women – simple as that. And you sure as shit don’t stalk them from across the country.

  “You alright?” Sam asked when we reached the front doors.

  I was wearing my anger on my face, and I made a conscious effort to push it out of my system. “Fine. I’m fine.”

  A white lie, but she was stressed enough about the situation. No sense letting my feelings put her more on edge.

  “Thanks again,” she said as I led her into the house. “I’ll try to keep my personal business to myself from here on out. Just, you know, this was kind of a shock.”

  “Don’t think nothin’ of it,” I assured her. “Happy you told me what was goin’ on with you.”

  I removed my hand from the small of her back when I’d led her into the house. It was damn hard to resist touching her, scooping her off her feet, and carrying her up to the bedroom to do with her what I really wanted.

  “Anyway,” she said. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

  “See you then.”

  Sam went up the stairs and was gone, a smile over her shoulder as she stepped out of sight.

  Telling the rest of the clan seemed like the right thing to do, but I had to balance that against respecting her wishes to not go blabbing her personal business all over the ranch. A check of my watch revealed it was a little before dinner – enough time to grab a cup of coffee before the dinner bell rang.

  I stepped into the kitchen, the smell of something good in the air. Mama G always had a fresh pot going during the day, and I poured myself a cup before stepping out onto the back deck. Wyatt was there, a mug of his own resting on the railing.

  “Great minds think alike,” I said as I joined him, setting my steaming mug next to his.

  Wyatt, like the rest of us Walker boys, wasn’t much for aimless jawing, but at that moment, I had plenty on my mind.

  “All right,” he said. “Spill it.”

  I chuckled. That was a problem living with your family – no sense pretending you had nothing on your mind. They could see right through you.

  “Sam told me somethin’ – somethin’ I don’t want to spread too far around.”

  He turned his eyes from the vista head, wrapping his big hand around his mug. “That right?”

  “Turns out she’s got this ex – some asshole from Portland. She got a voicemail from him sayin’ he was comin’ for her.”

  “Holy hell,” Wyatt said. “Is this girl more trouble than you were thinkin’?”

  “No idea. But I didn’t want to pry.”

  “I don’t know if that was such a good idea, man.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “Whadya mean?”

  “Things like this, they’re tricky. I’m bettin’ you didn’t want to get too into it, thinkin’ she’s like us, not wantin’ to spill her guts about her personal life.”


  “But somethin’ like that…I don’t know – might be somethin’ you have a right to know about.” He shook his head. “But I’m glad you told me. Goes without sayin’ that we’ll keep an eye on her, make sure no trouble comes knockin’.”

  “Thanks. Just keep your eyes peeled for anyone who looks like they don’t have a damn good reason to be here.”

  “No one gets past those gates without us knowin’ about it. I’ll let the rest of the family know we might have an unexpected guest tryin’ to find his way in.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  I wanted to say more, to talk to Wyatt about the confusion I felt about the whole thing. And like the issue I’d just raised with him, I could sense that he knew there was more than I was letting on. But he let it drop. That was a nice-as-hell thing about my family – we all knew when to talk and when to just enjoy one another’s company. Having a cup of coffee with my brother, taking in the majestic sight of the sun setting over the forest – that was all I needed.

  “All right,” he interrupted the silence with a quiet voice. “Juniper’s been actin’ ornery. Better go check on the old girl before it gets too dark. Let Mama G know not to wait for me when that dinner bell rings.”

  “Will do. See you around.”

  He nodded and tipped his hat before heading off. I stayed on the deck, sipping my coffee, and letting my mind unspool. I could’ve stayed out there for hours, my thoughts whirling around in my head. But when the dinner bell rang, it knocked me right out of my spell.

  The meal was satisfying and hearty – stew with fresh-baked bread and a side of fried okra. The conversation was light, but Sam kept looking away, a worried expression on her face. No doubt she was still thinking about the ex situation.

  Dessert was peach cobbler, but I wasn’t in the mood. I felt like a hike – more fresh air would do me good. Ellie and Sam wandered off to spend the evening together, and I was pleased as punch to see how eager my little girl was to hang out with her newest friend.

  I took the path that I’d led the group on the other day, this time making no attempt to rush through it. I walked slowly, enjoying the sights and the feeling of clean air in my lungs. The sun finished setting and night fell over the ranch. The stars were bright and brilliant as ever, a silvered gibbous moon like a sideways smile among the shimmery black.

  When I reached the end of the trail, I checked my watch, my eyebrows rising as I realized how much time had passed. It was nearly ten – most of the family were probably already in bed. I decided to head into the main house through the back entrance, not wanting to bump into anyone and spoil the solitude I was enjoying. As I turned the northwestern corner of the ranch, I spotted activity at the pool. At first, I couldn’t tell who was there. As I drew closer, I saw a woman wearing a bikini.

  Now, I wasn’t a peeping tom, but something about the woman was familiar even though I couldn’t make out any details. I had to go around that way anyhow to get to the back entrance, so I continued in the direction of the pool.

  When I got a little closer, I realized why the woman seemed so familiar to me – it was Sam.

  She wore a black bikini with white horizontal stripes, the swimsuit complimenting her body perfectly. I couldn’t get over how damn gorgeous she was. Sam was curvy, thick enough to make her hips and breasts and ass magnets for the eyes, like something out of a damn dream. Sure, I’d seen her naked before, but there was something about the way she looked in that bikini, her figure shimmering with water, the moon casting her shape in an otherworldly glow.

  My cock twitched in my jeans, my breath shortening in arousal. The smart thing to do would’ve been to turn around, give Sam her privacy, and take the far way back to the front entrance. But I didn’t do the smart thing. I walked until I was close enough for Sam to notice me. When I stepped to the fence surrounding the pool, she was seated on the edge of the deep end, the ends of her shapely legs in the water. She flicked those green eyes up at me, the color brilliant even in the low light of the evening.

  “Hey there,” she said. “Have a good walk?”

  I cocked my head to the side. “How’d you know I went for a walk?”

  She shrugged, her breasts moving up and down, drawing my attention. “Something I’ve noticed about this place. When people go for walks, do something to get away, they’ve always got this look on their face when they’re done like they’re more relaxed. You had it on yours.”

  I chuckled, finding a bit of humor in how easily she’d been able to read me. “Walk was nice. I see you decided to take my advice on the pool.” Without thinking, I made my way around to the gate, opened it up, and stepped into the pool area.

  “Sure did. And you were right. Something about a full-body workout like swimming has a way of clearing your head.”

  I considered a full-body workout that I wouldn’t mind doing with her. But I put that out of my mind, as hard as it was with her bikini-clad body right in front o
f me.

  I kicked off my boots and peeled off my socks, setting them down in a small pile away from the water. Then I rolled up my jeans enough to expose my ankles and most of my calves before sitting down on the edge next to her and dipping my feet into the pool.

  God, it felt good. The water was the perfect temperature, just warm enough to melt away the tension and weariness in my feet from my walk.

  “Oh...damn…” I murmured, shaking my head in mild disbelief at how good it felt.

  “There you go,” she said with a smile. “Take your own advice.”

  I used all the restraint I had to avoid staring at her body. Her breasts were nearly busting out of that tiny top. My prick was hard as hell, and I had to do a quick shift just to make sure I wasn’t tenting the front of my pants like a damn horny teen.

  The expression on her face drew my eyes as much as her breasts. She stared ahead, worry knitting her brow.

  “What’s up?” I asked.


  “Not nothing. Let’s hear it.” I broke my rule against not prying. Sam made me put that aside, made me want to know what was troubling her so I could fix it if I could.

  “I’m still thinking about that damn message from Kyle.”

  “Weaselly little shit,” I sneered, slightly surprised at my venomous tone. “I spoke with Wyatt. Didn’t tell him everything goin’ on with you, but let him know to pass it around to the rest of the crew to keep an eye on who was droppin’ in to the ranch.”

  She nodded, still staring straight ahead. “I appreciate it. And again, I never meant to bring this to your doorstep.”

  “Of course you didn’t. But I want you to stop worryin’ about it. This Kyle dumbass won’t be gettin’ anywhere near you.”

  “That’s good to know – seriously. It’s a load off my mind.”

  I put my hand on her shoulder, her skin cool and wet. “Anything I can do to help – just let me know.”

  She appeared to give the matter some thought. “Actually, there is something you could do.”

  “Name it.”

  Sam smirked as she met my eyes. “Strip off those dirty clothes and hop in the pool with me. We’ve both got a lot on our minds, and I bet you could do with a dip just as much as I could.”

  I laughed. “You know, it sounds temptin’ as hell.”

  She grinned. “So what are you waiting for?”

  Sam tossed a sly, sexy look my way. Then she placed her palms against the edge of the pool and with a gentle heave slid into the water. She vanished under the surface for a few moments before coming back up, her hair slicked back.

  “Water’s perfect. Come on in, cowboy.”

  I chuckled and shook my head, my rule about staying away from her also broken. I took off my hat and set it aside before pushing myself off and into the water. Sam let out an excited little shriek as I splashed in, closing her eyes and holding her hand in front of her face as the water shot all over her. My clothes were soaked and heavy as I breached the surface.

  “Damn,” she said, looking around. “I think the water went up a foot with you in here.”

  “You sayin’ I’m fat?” I asked with a grin.

  She laughed. “You’re anything but that. But you’re big, that’s for damn sure.”

  I moved through the water over to her, the two of us treading only a few inches apart. God, she looked gorgeous. She put her hands on my shoulders, gently guiding me back to the edge. Once there, I was close enough to stand on the bottom, and I began unbuttoning my shirt. When that was off, I reached under the water and did the same with my jeans. Didn’t take long before I was in nothing but my black boxer-briefs, my clothes in a wet pile on the edge of the pool.

  Sam remained in front of me, treading water. Being in next to nothing, her body was so close to mine that there was no hiding the huge hard-on I was sporting.

  I didn’t know what to say, what to think. There was no doubt in my mind that I was into her like crazy, that I’d never felt for a woman like I did for her.

  “Well, cowboy,” she murmured. “Let’s see if you’re as skilled in the water as you are on the ground.”

  There was a double meaning to her words. If I wanted to fight the temptation, I should’ve gotten out of the water. But I didn’t give a damn about that.

  I was ready to see what might happen between us that night.

  Chapter 12


  Chance ran his hands over his hair. The sight of him with his hair slicked back gave his handsome face a new dimension. I’d seen him in cowboy mode, all rugged with just enough dirt on him to be sexy as shit. But with his hair back, his eyes shimmering, he looked like something out of a damn cologne ad. The man was stunning, handsome, and built – easy the best-looking man I’d ever seen in my life.

  “What?” he asked with a cocky smirk. “You surprised I can swim?”

  I tilted my head flirtatiously. “It’s just not fair. You can hike a trail like it’s nothing, and I bet you ride a horse like a pro. You not being a good swimmer would kind of even things out – make you less perfect.”

  Did I really just call him perfect? A bit of embarrassment slid into my heart, but I dismissed it. Now wasn’t the time to hold back.

  He winked before dipping back under the surface of the water. He swam with total ease, crossing over to the other side of the pool in an instant. And as he was under, I considered how bad of an idea it was for us to be together in the pool nearly clothes-less. He was in his underwear, and I was in a bikini so skimpy it might as well have been a bra and panties.

  But I wanted to be with him. There was no sense in resisting it.

  Chance resurfaced and gestured to me. “Come on – let’s see how you move.”

  “Not like that,” I said with a laugh. “Honestly, I haven’t really been swimming since I was a kid.”

  “Ridin’ a bike and all that. Go under and swim as fast as you can.”

  It was so funny – Chance was a grown man, but there was still a competitive streak in him. I could easily imagine him younger with his brothers, all of them competing to be the fastest swimmer or the best rider. And he had the body to prove he was no stranger to physical activities.

  Though at that moment, there was only one physical activity I had on my mind.

  I went under the water, catching sight of his trunk-like legs beneath the surface. His boxer-briefs clung to his thick quads, the bulge of his big cock visible even from my distance. I swam over – not nearly as fast as him, but I pushed myself hard, my legs kicking behind me. When I was near him, I threw myself up, breaking the surface like a crazed mermaid.

  “There!” I exclaimed, my voice triumphant. “Not bad, huh?”

  Chance’s eyes weren’t on me – they were on my chest. An expression of surprise was on his face. I felt a breeze on my breasts and frowning, I glanced down. To my total shock, my top was gone.

  “Shit!” I covered my breasts as quickly as I could, which wasn’t easy – they were much bigger than my hands.

  Chance’s eyes rose to my face. “Well, I can’t say you didn’t give it your all – you swam hard enough that your damn top popped off.”

  I scanned the pool, trying to spot it. It was a little behind me, floating on the surface. Chance, without saying a word, swam over and grabbed it and handed it to me.

  “Oh my God,” I said, my face burning. “I can’t believe it.”

  “No worries,” he said. “But…”

  “But what?” I asked as I attempted to put the damn top back on without revealing my breasts again.

  “Just thinkin’ that you could put that back on, or…we could do things fair-like.”

  “Fair-like, huh?” I looked at him out of the corners of my eyes. “Now, what do you have in mind, exactly?” I had a pretty damn good idea, actually. But I wanted to hear him say it. Or do it.

  He stepped closer to me and took the bikini top from me. With a hungry look in his eyes, he tossed the top behind him. Once it was di
spensed with, he reached under the water and took off his boxer-briefs, his eyes locked on me as he did so. He lifted them in his hand and gave them the same treatment as the bikini top.

  “See?” he asked. “Fair-like.”

  “Well…” I cut the distance between us, my breasts pressing against his broad chest. “Not entirely fair. Girls wear more into the pool than guys do.”

  “Then you can go ahead and make things square whenever you like, gorgeous.”

  “Why don’t you sit on the edge of the pool? Got something in mind.”

  He didn’t bother asking what. His back against the edge, Chance heaved himself out of the water and onto the edge. My eyes fell to his cock, water dripping down the end. He was hard as a rock, his dick looking so delectable I could hardly wait to do what I wanted to it.

  I treaded closer to him, my face inches from his dick. I took it into my hand and stroked it slowly. Chance’s body shuddered as I did. He was long enough that I could wrap both hands around him. It was still surprising that I’d managed to fit all of that in me.

  And I was ready to do it again.

  I kissed Chance along his muscular leg, the skin covered in just enough hair to make his manliness even more pronounced. My lips inched closer and closer to him until I was at the base of his cock. I flicked up my eyes as I wrapped my lips around his balls, sucking gently before continuing to kiss up his length. With my tongue, I teased the ridge of his head, eliciting another sexy little growl from him.

  My lips and tongue attacked his head, teasing him a little more before opening my mouth and surrounding that delicious cock with my mouth. Chance growled again, slicking the hair out of my face and giving himself a nice view of my mouth full of his cock.

  There was so much of him, and he was so, so thick. I wasn’t the most practiced oral girl in the world, but something about Chance made me want to stretch my abilities to the limit. I went down, down, as far as I could go – which wasn’t far. About a third of his insane length was all I could fit in my mouth, but I could tell by the sounds he made that he was just fine with that.


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