Vote Then Read: Volume II

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Vote Then Read: Volume II Page 10

by Lauren Blakely

  Olivia sighed and rested her head against the tree. “Plan B sounds fantastic right about now.”

  He laughed quietly. “Well, like I said, it’s nothing fancy, but I can guarantee it’ll be a damn sight better than this. I would have picked someplace nicer, but—” He cut himself off abruptly.

  “But, what?”

  Jake’s expression softened. “When we made contingency plans, we weren’t expecting to have you along for the ride.”

  A sad smile formed on her lips. “No, I guess you wouldn’t have.” After a beat of silence, she shook her head in wonder.

  Curiosity flared behind his eyes and that tilted smile returned. “What?”

  Sounding almost wistful, she told him, “I must have gone over my plan to escape a hundred times. I tried to think of every possible situation that could mess things up for me, and how I could still make it out of there if any of those things happened. But in all the scenarios that played through my mind, not one included having you here with me.”

  Jake was glad he wasn’t the only one still amazed at the day’s turn of events. His smile grew again, and damn, if it didn't feel good.

  “I guess we both got a pretty good shock today, huh?”

  Olivia snorted, the sound more adorable than it probably should’ve been. “You can say that again.”

  She leaned her head back against the tree and closed her eyes. Jake thought she’d fallen asleep, but after a few minutes of silence, her voice cut through the jungle’s night air.

  “I would have tried to escape sooner, you know.”

  He shifted, leaning on his left shoulder in order to see her face better. With no accusation in his tone, Jake asked, “Why didn’t you?”

  Olivia turned, facing him more directly, too. “During those first few days, I'd convinced myself that someone was out there, looking for me. I didn’t know those men had”—she looked away, fighting against tears Jake knew were there, but couldn’t see—“I didn’t know everything they had done to the others. Not until one of them brought me an American newspaper. He thought it was funny.”

  She nearly spat that last word out, and though, he glad to see some of Liv’s fire again, Jake wanted to find whichever asshole she was referring to and beat his goddamn face in.

  “The day I saw that article, I knew I was on my own.”

  His chest hurt. The whole damn thing ached. Unable to keep from it, he reached over and grabbed hold of her hand.

  Giving it a gentle squeeze, he said, “It’s okay, Liv. You don’t have to tell me any more tonight.”

  Her lips curved slightly as her fingers returned the gesture. “It’s fine, Jake. I’m fine.”

  She was far from fine, and he was getting damn tired of those smiles that weren’t really smiles. Olivia seemed to actually want to talk now, but Jake felt torn between duty and his protective instincts. Any intel she could share was valuable, but damn it, he’d heard about all he could stand to for one day.

  “A man came to my tent this morning,” she continued. “He took me to a building at the other end of the camp and ordered me to take a shower. To make myself presentable.” She made that cute-as-fuck snorting sound again. “I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but the idea of a shower was too good to pass up.”

  Jake forced his own smile. It was getting harder and harder to control his fury, but he would. The last thing Olivia needed was him to go all caveman on her right now.

  “When I was finished, my clothes were gone and that dress was hanging on the door. My guard was walking me back to my tent when another man told him the auction was being held tomorrow morning, and I was to be moved tonight.”

  She looked up at him, the moonlight reflecting in her sad, tired eyes. “That’s why it had to be today. I can only imagine what the bidders at that auction had in store for me. There was no way in hell I was going to stick around for that.”

  Jake ran his free hand across his jaw, pulling upon a strength he didn’t even know existed to keep Olivia from seeing the effect her words had on him. The attack on her group hadn’t been about drugs, as authorities suspected. Not that he’d bought any of that shit, anyway.

  No, they’d been targeted for a very different reason. More specifically, it sounded as if Olivia had been targeted. With great effort—and it took a hell of a lot—Jake put those thoughts on the back-burner.

  “Did you notice anything unusual while you were working with the volunteer group? Any suspicious activity or anyone who looked out of place?”

  She let out a sarcastic laugh. “Everyone looked out of place, Jake. I mean, they were. The people we helped had just lost their homes. Family members. No one looked like they belonged there, because truthfully, they didn’t.” Olivia sighed. “So, no. I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.” She thought for a moment and then, “I just hope that what happened to us won’t keep people from coming to places like this in the future. Those poor people needed us more than I ever realized.”

  Jake watched as she closed her eyes and sat back. She let her head fall against the trunk of the tree again.

  Jesus, this woman was something. She’d gone through hell—was still smack fucking dab in the middle of it—and the wellbeing of others still weighed on her mind. His heart swelled with pride, and a whole lot more.

  He noticed Olivia shiver. “You cold?”

  She kept her eyes closed but nodded. “A little. I’m fine, though.”

  Jake couldn’t help but smile. “Come here, tough girl.”

  She glanced over at him, her brows raised in question.

  He released her hand and lifted his arm as an invitation, motioning with his head. “It can get pretty chilly out here at night.”

  “I know.”

  “So, come. Here,” he repeated more emphatically. “I don’t bite, Liv.” Although, I sure as hell would if you asked me to.

  Scooting the extra couple of inches it took for their bodies to be in contact, she rested her head against his chest and wrapped an arm around his waist. Jake held her close, gently rubbing her upper arm to help warm her.

  Olivia fit perfectly against him. It was the best feeling, as if having her in his arms was…right. He closed his eyes and wondered what it would be like to be able to hold her like this whenever he wanted.

  If he had anything to say about it, that would happen. He’d made a promise to God, and had every intention of seeing it through. Jake had been granted his miracle, so he would tell her how he felt, along with everything else. Just not right now.

  Olivia had been through enough. No way would he unload that shit on her tonight. Later, when she was back home and away from the danger. After she’d had some time to recover from everything. That’s when he’d tell her. For now, his job was to make sure she actually got home.

  Chapter 9

  This is dangerous. Olivia nearly laughed aloud at the thought, considering everything she’d been through. Nevertheless, it was true. Being this close to Jake was dangerous, yet she couldn’t find the strength to resist.

  When he opened his arms and offered to hold her…how could she turn that down? In her mind, she knew it was stupid, but her body had moved right on over, as if it was the most wonderful idea in the world.

  Her hand rested against the hard Kevlar covering his shirt. She didn’t need to feel each ripple of his six pack to know they were there, but it was his beating heart that grabbed her attention more. Even through the protective vest, it pounded hard and fast against her cheek, nearly matching the rhythm of her own.

  Olivia wondered if their somewhat intimate embrace was making him uncomfortable. He’d asked her to come to him, but only to help keep her warm.

  Needing to say something so Jake wouldn’t feel so awkward, Olivia spoke against his chest. “Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me. Can’t have you coming back to life with a cold, now, can we?” he teased.

  She almost smiled. “I meant for all of it.” She worked hard to keep her voice from cracking, but
in the end it didn’t work. At least their position hid her face from his. “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there today.” That last sentence came out as little more than a whisper.

  Jake kissed the top of her head, the gesture small and simple, but Olivia felt it straight to her heart. He rested his cheek against her hair, and a part of her hated how wonderful it felt.

  “I’m so sorry, Olivia,” Jake’s emotional words vibrated against her cheek. “All I ever wanted to do was protect you. I promised Mike I’d always watch out for you, and this fucking happens.” He kissed her head again. “I swear to God, if I had known you were still alive, I would have been down here in a heartbeat. I hope you know that, sweetheart.”

  Sweetheart. He’d called her that a few times, now. Olivia knew he was just being kind, but that didn’t keep her heart from tripping over itself each time she heard it.

  Unable to stop herself, she raised her head, her breath catching when her eyes found his. They were the most intense, heart-stirring eyes she’d ever seen. Right now, those eyes were also pain-riddled and…wet?

  Impossible. Jake wasn’t a crier. The man was as tough as they came. Yet, there was something there Olivia had never seen before.

  His face blurred behind her own unshed tears. “I prayed for you to come,” she whispered. “Never doubted that you would. Not until they showed me that paper.” A tear fell down her cheek, but Olivia ignored it. Jake didn’t.

  He gently brushed it away. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you,” he apologized again.

  Without thinking, Olivia moved her hand up to cup his face. Her palm found his cheek, the rough whiskers tickling the pads of her fingers. “You’re here, now, Jake. That’s all that matters.”

  Jake’s eyes stayed on hers for a moment before finding her mouth. The space between his eyebrows bunched together, and Olivia wished like crazy that she could read his mind.

  Despite her earlier convictions, all she could think of was how she wanted him closer. How, even though she knew it was wrong, she still longed for his touch. And how, in this moment, she needed him to kiss her more than she needed to breathe.

  He needed to pull away. As much as Jake wanted to lean down and take what he’d always wanted, he knew he should put some distance between them. Olivia needed to rest, and he needed to let her.

  Which was exactly what he had intended to do, until he made the mistake of glancing down. That perfect, tempting mouth was so close. Just a couple inches lower, and he’d finally be able to taste her. But this was neither the time nor the place. He needed to do right by Olivia, and pull the fuck back.

  Except, when his eyes found hers again, she didn’t look as though she wanted him to pull back. She was in his arms, staring up at him as if she wanted nothing more than for him to kiss her.

  Sonofabitch. Why was doing the right thing so hard? He was former Delta, for Christ’s sake. He should have more control over his hormones than this.

  Decision made, Jake had just started to move away, when Olivia’s chin lifted up toward him. Her mouth was so close, he could feel her warm breath as it caressed his face.

  Suddenly, it no longer mattered that he’d been Special Ops, or that he and his team practiced super self-control on a regular basis. When the tip of her tongue darted out and she whispered his name…

  He. Was. Lost.

  “Liv,” he whispered back as he leaned in, lightly brushing his lips against hers.

  Jake half-expected her to pull back and slug him. Instead—thank Christ—her hand slid from his cheek around to the back of his neck. Using it as leverage, she moved higher, closer. Until she was almost sitting in his lap.

  Kissing Olivia could be a colossal mistake on the grandest of scales, but he was already committed to it. Jake had waited a long damn time for this, and by God, he was going to take what he could while he had the chance.

  Cupping her face with both hands, he tilted his head to the side to get a better angle. Tracing her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, he said a silent prayer of thanks when Olivia opened her mouth and invited him in.

  Jake grunted shamelessly when he got his first real taste. Years he’d denied himself this. For the life of him, right now, he couldn’t even remember why.

  Their soft, tentative touches disappeared as they began to devour each other. Her tongue thrust against his. She tasted better than he’d ever imagined. All sweet and minty, and so very—


  Jake hadn’t meant to say her name out loud, but she must have liked hearing it, because Olivia took more control then. Her fingernails dug into the back of his neck, the pleasurable pain sending what little blood he had left in his body straight to his cock.

  Almost frantically, Jake moved his hands down lower, not stopping until they rested against her narrow hips. Suddenly, the only thing that mattered was getting closer to her. Taking more of her. I need all of her.

  His fingers caressed the bit of silky, exposed skin at her waist as they continued to suck and lick and nibble. Slowly, Jake moved his hands up and under her shirt. When he brushed against the bottom swells of her breasts, she let out a sexy-as-fuck sound of approval.

  Jesus. He’d never been so hard in his life. He couldn’t get enough of her. But when his hold on her tightened, and Olivia cried out, Jake instinctively knew it wasn’t from pleasure.

  Dropping his hands, he immediately pulled back. They both stilled, their ragged breaths cutting through the jungle’s cool air. Jake didn’t think he’d held her that tightly, but he’d been so wrapped up in that heart-stopping kiss, he must have squeezed harder than he’d meant to.

  Ah, hell. Guilt swiftly assaulted him. Jake realized Olivia was probably bruised from when he’d knocked her to the ground earlier to take cover. Three fucking times.

  “I’m sorry,” he blurted.

  Olivia’s face filled with disappointment, the moment clearly over. Damn, he could relate.

  “It’s okay,” she offered quickly. “It’s not your fault.”

  Jake’s gaze fell over her. Even in the dark, he could tell that Olivia’s lips were red and swollen from their kiss. He gently caressed her plump bottom lip. “I shouldn’t have knocked you down so hard earlier when we were taking cover.”

  Olivia’s brow creased and shook her head. He lowered his hand when she began speaking.

  “No, it wasn’t you. I was already bruised. From before.” She broke eye contact as her voice trailed off.

  It took Jake a moment to process her words before understanding hit with an unforgivable force. “Scarface?” he asked gruffly.

  Olivia nodded.

  Jake murmured a curse, but then clamped his jaw shut. He looked away, needing to get a grip on his emotions. Reaching to his side, he grabbed his pocket-sized LED flashlight from his bag.

  When he felt as though he could speak without scaring the hell out of her, Jake said, “Show me.” He grimaced. Ok, so maybe he wasn’t as calm as he thought.

  “It’s nothing, Jake.”

  Olivia started to move away, but he held her still by pressing the palm of his other hand against her lower back. Jake was used to their battle of wills. He also knew how to win them.

  “Show. Me.” The look he gave, coupled with his serious tone, allowed no room for argument.

  Resigned, she raised the left side of the shirt. Jake thumbed the light on and moved his head around to get a better look.

  He hissed a breath of air through his teeth when he saw the nasty bruise covering Olivia’s ribs. Jake had been given plenty just like it over the years, and knew exactly how she’d gotten hers.

  He gently probed the tender flesh. She flinched, but his experience told him they were most likely just badly bruised and not broken. Still painful as hell, though. When he spoke again, Jake couldn’t hide his disgust.

  “He kicked you?” Olivia closed her eyes and nodded. Jake felt sick. “Jesus, baby. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”

okay.” She cut him off as she scooted free of his embrace. This time, he let her go.

  Not making eye contact, she spoke too quickly. “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have kissed you. Not even sure why I did. Adrenaline, probably. Don’t worry. It won’t happen again.”

  Jake was surprised at how much the idea of never kissing her again hurt. He also hated the embarrassment she was clearly trying to hide. None of that mattered, though, because despite what Olivia just said, it would happen again. Just not right now.

  “Not your fault,” he soothed. “But you’re right. It probably shouldn’t have happened. Not here.”

  Olivia looked over at him briefly, the hurt in her eyes fleeting before nodding her head in agreement.

  Fighting the urge to say to hell with it all and make that second kiss happen sooner, rather than later, Jake held his arm out for her again, “Come on. We both need to get some rest before tomorrow.” When she didn’t move, he added, “I promise I’ll behave.”

  Jake knew the minute Olivia was asleep. Listening to her deep, even breaths, he tried to process everything. He still couldn’t believe he’d found her alive, let alone had her wrapped snugly in his arms.

  And that kiss? What the hell had he been thinking, kissing her like that? He was supposed to be worrying about getting her out of the jungle alive, not making out with her like a horny teenager. But goddamn, the woman could kiss.

  For far too long, Jake had wondered what it would be like to touch those soft, sweet lips to his. To feel his tongue slide between them. To taste her.

  He’d tried to talk himself out of it, but then, Olivia had looked up at him, her eyes so full of sweetness and lust, and he’d lost all self-control. Until he’d squeezed her side. If not for that, Jake had no doubt things would have gone much further than a fabulous make-out session.

  When he saw where that fucker Cetro had kicked her…God, just thinking about it made his blood boil. It also brought him back to his original question. What the hell had he been thinking?


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