Being Hers (Irresistibly Bound Book 1)

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Being Hers (Irresistibly Bound Book 1) Page 10

by Anna Stone

  “It is. And very hard to master. It can be dangerous if you do it wrong. But do it right, and the possibilities are endless.” Vanessa picked up the rope attached to Mel’s chest and pulled on it gently. As Mel tipped toward her, she planted a long, lingering kiss on Mel’s lips. Using the rope like a leash, she led Mel up to the bed. Then she pressed her hand into the center of Mel’s chest and pushed her backward onto it.

  Mel tumbled down onto the bed. She shifted onto her side, taking the weight off her arms, and watched Vanessa pull off her blouse and shimmy out of her skirt. The sight of Vanessa’s body, out of reach of Mel’s bound hands, made Mel hunger for her even more.

  “Close your eyes,” Vanessa said. “And don’t move.”

  Once again, Mel closed her eyes and lay there in silence, tied up and waiting for Vanessa. She could hear Vanessa rifling around in the bag again. There was a soft thud as something fell to the table, followed by some sounds that Mel didn’t recognize. Just when the temptation to peek became too much, she heard Vanessa’s footsteps on the plush carpet coming toward her. Vanessa climbed onto the bed and straddled Mel’s body. She felt something hard and cool against her stomach.

  “Open your eyes,” Vanessa said.

  Mel opened her eyes. Vanessa was kneeling over her, naked, her pale red nipples standing up on her ivory breasts. And extending out from between her legs was a smooth, black strap-on.

  Before this moment, Mel had never understood the appeal of strap-ons. But seeing Vanessa kneeling above her, the ebony cock contrasting against Vanessa’s milky white skin, made Mel throb between her thighs. Nervous anticipation welled up inside her. Somehow, the incongruity between the phallic strap-on and Vanessa’s feminine curves made it even hotter.

  “Don’t worry. I’m going to take it very, very slow. When I’m through with you, you’ll be more than ready for me.” Vanessa’s words sounded more like a threat than reassurance.

  Mel lay helpless underneath Vanessa as she made good on her promise. She teased Mel with her fingers, her lips, her entire body. She pressed her breasts against Mel’s. She wrapped her mouth around Mel’s nipples, and sucked, and licked, and bit. She slid off Mel’s panties and slipped her fingers down to where Mel’s thighs met.

  Mel moaned softly. By now, Vanessa could read Mel’s body without her saying a word. She knew what drove Mel wild. She knew what pushed Mel toward the edge. And she knew how to get Mel just close enough to make her tremble and cry out, without sending her over it. With Vanessa’s fingers and lips on Mel’s breasts and her hand between Mel’s legs, Mel was quickly reduced to a whimpering, panting mess.

  Finally, Vanessa guided the strap-on between Mel’s lips and ran the smooth shaft up and down her slit.

  Mel pushed herself up toward Vanessa. She couldn’t take any more of this. “Please, Vanessa. Please! I need you inside me.”

  Vanessa stopped. She flipped Mel onto her back and planted three firm spanks on her ass cheeks.

  Mel gasped.

  “Did I ask you to beg, my pet?” Vanessa brushed her fingertips along Mel’s stinging skin.

  “No, Vanessa,” Mel bit her lip. Like most of Vanessa’s ‘discipline,’ this only turned her on even more.

  “For that, I should leave you here on the bed, panting and helpless. Would you like that?” Vanessa’s soft, sweet tone was at odds with her words.

  “No, Vanessa.”

  “I didn’t think so. Don’t forget that you belong to me. I decide when you’re ready.”

  “Yes, Vanessa.”

  “You’re very lucky that it’s your birthday.” Vanessa grabbed the shaft of the strap-on, and slid the tip down between Mel’s cheeks, all the way to her entrance.

  Mel’s breathing grew heavier and heavier. Slowly, Vanessa pushed herself inside, filling Mel completely. Vanessa grabbed Mel’s hip and began to thrust in and out, rocking the whole bed with her movements. Jolts of pleasure shot through Mel’s body as Vanessa pushed against that sweet spot inside. Mel rose back to meet Vanessa, every movement making the rope harness pull and roll and dig into Mel’s skin. Over the creaking of the bed, she could hear Vanessa’s own muted murmurs.

  Vanessa withdrew and rolled Mel onto her back. “Look at me,” she said.

  Mel looked up into Vanessa’s dark, piercing eyes. They were filled with need.

  “Don’t close your eyes,” Vanessa whispered. “I want to stare into them and see the moment when you come undone.”

  Vanessa sank into Mel again, sending a shockwave through Mel’s body from her core. She rolled her hips, pushing and grinding in time with Vanessa’s thrusts, her arms straining and aching under her weight. Their movements became more and more frantic, more fevered. All the while, Mel resisted the reflex to shut her eyes.

  Mel locked her legs around Vanessa’s waist. All it took was a few more thrusts, and she lost control. She closed her eyes as the heat in her core flared hot and bright and ripped through her entire body.

  They both collapsed on the bed, breathless, sweaty, and satisfied.

  Hours later, Mel stood by the window, gazing out at the city skyline. Vanessa was in the shower rinsing off the sweat they had worked up. Mel reached out and touched the glass. This wasn’t just some wonderful dream. It was real.

  She couldn’t have asked for a better birthday. Sure, the extravagance of it all had been novel and exciting. But what made Mel happy was the fact that for the entire day, Vanessa had made her feel special. Cherished.


  Mel closed her eyes. She wasn’t a kid anymore. The days of her being tossed aside and forgotten were long in the past. It didn’t bother her. But Mel couldn’t deny that it had hardened her. That over time, she had put up all these walls to protect herself.

  And Vanessa was tearing them all down.

  Mel heard Vanessa’s footsteps across the floor behind her. She watched Vanessa’s reflection get closer and closer.

  Vanessa draped her arms around Mel’s shoulders and pulled Mel back into her. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Nothing.” Mel reached up and placed her hands on Vanessa’s. “I’m just happy.”

  “I’m glad. Your happiness means a lot to me.”

  Mel’s heart fluttered at Vanessa’s words.

  “There are still a few minutes left of your birthday. Do you have any requests? Anything that’s in my power to do, I’ll do it.”

  Mel turned around and looked into Vanessa’s eyes. “I just want to hold you.”

  A gentle smile spread across Vanessa’s face, and she pulled Mel toward the bed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mel entered the restaurant. She spotted Jess sitting at a table in the corner and made her way over to her friend. Mel had barely sat down before Jess started asking her questions.

  “How was your evening with Vanessa?” Jess asked. “Who, by the way, is incredible.”

  “It was good.” Mel looked down at the menu with a smile. “Really good.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Did she take you out? Did you stay in? I want details.”

  “Okay, but I’m going to need coffee first.”

  “Sure. It’s my treat. Consider it a late birthday present.”

  A waiter came over and took their orders. Mel declined Jess’s offer of a mimosa. She’d done enough drinking on her birthday to last the whole month.

  Mel recounted the events of the night to Jess, skipping over the more explicit part of the evening. Their meals arrived just as Mel was finishing up. “And the next morning, we stayed in bed talking and watching the sun come up.”

  Jess said nothing. She had a strange look on her face.

  “What? What is it?”

  “Well, that all sounds extremely romantic. Are things still ‘just physical’ between you two?”

  “Yes,” Mel said. “We agreed from the start that this wasn’t going to be a relationship. Neither of us wants that.”

  “Are you sure? How do you know that Vanessa doesn’t want something more? S
he really seems to care about you. Hell, even the way she looked at you when she came to pick you up the other day seemed like a lot more than just physical attraction.”

  “I doubt it. We have become a lot closer, but she’s still so guarded all the time. Especially when it comes to anything personal.” Mel wrapped her hands around her coffee cup. “Whenever we get together, it’s always at Vanessa’s room in The Lounge, or somewhere else. I’ve never been to her place. I don’t even know where she lives. And she rarely tells me about anything that’s going on in her life.” Mel recalled those phone calls that Vanessa frequently received that would leave her unsettled.

  “You could always, I don’t know, talk to her about this stuff,” Jess said.

  Mel shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. I don’t want to make something out of nothing.”

  “If you say so.”

  Mel attacked her French toast, ignoring Jess’s skeptical looks. She hadn’t told Jess what really made her feel like Vanessa was holding her at arm’s length. When it came to the two of them, Vanessa refused to show the slightest hint of vulnerability. Given the nature of their relationship, it was expected to some extent. And Mel didn’t want that to change. She liked being submissive. She liked giving Vanessa all the power. Mel liked belonging to her.

  But she wanted something of Vanessa in exchange. She wanted real intimacy. Sure, Vanessa would lavish Mel with affection after a scene. But Mel wanted to touch Vanessa in the heat of things, to feel Vanessa’s body react under her fingertips. Mel wanted to hold Vanessa in the height of her own pleasure, at the moment of her release. And Vanessa’s release, if only she would permit it. She hadn’t since that night at The Lounge that started all this.

  Mel put Vanessa out of her mind. “How are things with Brett?”

  “We broke up,” Jess replied. “I’m seeing Brendon now. We have a date tonight.”

  “Brendon? The boring guy? Didn’t you two break up?”

  “Yeah, but we got back together again. He showed up at my place with roses and I just couldn’t…” Jess looked off into the distance, a faraway look in her eyes. “I think I’m in love with him.”

  “That’s great, Jess,” Mel said. For once, Jess sounded like she actually meant it.

  Jess smiled. “Plus, he’s not as boring as I thought he was. Turns out he was hiding his kinky side.”

  Mel shook her head. “I’m glad you’ve found someone.”

  “Thanks.” She was grinning from ear to ear.

  Halfway through brunch, they were interrupted by the chime of Mel’s phone. She glanced down at it on the table next to her. It was a message from Vanessa. Mel had been waiting to hear from her all morning.

  “Let me guess.” Jess said. “Vanessa?”

  “Yeah. I’ll look at it later.” Mel silenced her phone. She didn’t want to be rude.

  “I knew it. You always get this goofy smile when she messages or calls you. Which seems to be a lot these days.”

  “It’s only because she’s been away on business again.”

  “Oh, so she’s checking up on you?”

  “It’s not like that,” Mel said weakly.

  “Uh huh. It would save you a lot of trouble if you would just admit that you have feelings for her.”

  Was Jess right? These days, whenever Mel found herself thinking about Vanessa, it wasn’t all the kinky things they did together that played in her mind. It was the little things. The parts of Vanessa that made her, well, her. The faint curve of her lips when she was content. The way Vanessa would sweep Mel’s hair out of her face. The way Mel’s name rolled off Vanessa’s tongue.

  The way that despite Mel’s best efforts, Vanessa had broken through all her defenses.

  Mel sighed. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She didn’t want to get that close to anyone. The last person she’d given her heart to had used her, and manipulated her, then had tossed her aside like she was nothing. But Vanessa was different, wasn’t she?

  “Just look at the damn message, Mel,” Jess said. “I don’t mind.”

  “Thanks, Jess.” Mel grabbed her phone and read Vanessa’s message.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Vanessa just wants to know if I’m free next week Saturday.”

  “And?” Jess asked.

  “Well, usually she just tells me to meet her somewhere or says she’s going to come pick me up. She never actually asks. And not this far in advance.”

  “Do you think it means something?”

  “I don’t know.” Mel sent back a message saying that she was free.

  The reply came almost immediately. Good. I’ll have Elena send some things over for the occasion.

  Mel frowned. What’s the occasion?

  You’ll find out when the time comes. V.

  Mel put down her phone. Vanessa was up to her usual games.

  “Wow,” Jess said. “You’ve really got it bad.”

  Mel stood out in front of her apartment building, her hands on her knees, breathing hard. She hadn’t been for a run in weeks. Between school, work, and Vanessa, she barely had the time. And she hadn’t felt the compulsion to run in a while. As she caught her breath, she noticed a black Mercedes Benz parked out the front of her building.

  Mel bounded up to her apartment, ignoring her body’s protests. Was Vanessa back from her trip? When she reached the top of the stairs, she saw, not Vanessa, but Elena standing at her door. Her disappointment was replaced by excitement when she saw what was in the woman’s arms. Elena held several boxes, shopping bags, and an opaque garment bag.

  “Hello, Melanie,” Elena said.

  “Hi, Elena,” Mel said between breaths. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Not long.” Elena stepped aside as Mel unlocked her door. “These are for you. From Ms. Harper.”

  Was that a smile? It was hard to tell with Elena. “Thanks.” Mel took the boxes from Elena and placed them on the table inside, then returned for the bags.

  “I will be picking you up on Saturday at 8:00 p.m.,” Elena said.

  “Okay. Thanks.” Why didn’t Vanessa just tell Mel herself?

  Elena lingered at the door. “There’s something else. Here.” She reached into her pocket and produced a business card. She handed it to Mel. “If you ever find yourself in trouble or in need of anything, give me a call. I will find a way to help you. I’m more than Ms. Harper’s driver. I’m also something like her personal assistant. So I’m very resourceful.”

  Mel stared at the card. It had Elena’s name and number on it. “Did Vanessa ask you to give this to me?”

  “No. But part of my job includes anticipating Ms. Harper’s needs. This is me doing that.”

  Mel stared at Elena blankly.

  “How do I put this? You’re important to Vanessa. So if I can help you in any way, she would want me to do so. That’s why I’m giving you my number.”

  “Okay.” Mel still wasn’t quite sure what was going on.

  “Good. We understand each other.” Elena gave Mel a courteous nod. “I will see you on Saturday.” She walked off down the hall.

  Mel rushed back into her apartment and threw the bags down on the bed. She hung the garment bag on the back of the door and drew the zipper down.

  “Wow. Wow.” Where the hell was Vanessa taking Mel on Saturday?

  Chapter Seventeen

  “So Vanessa still hasn’t told you anything about where she’s taking you?” Jess piled Mel’s brown curls on the top of her head. How she’d managed to curl Mel’s hair was a mystery.

  “Nope.” Since receiving Vanessa’s cryptic message, Mel had tried to get the information out of Vanessa, with no success. Vanessa had sent her ‘gift delivery’ early in the week, leaving Mel with plenty of time to mull over things. Was this just another of her games?

  “Well, it has to be somewhere pretty fancy if it calls for all this.” Jess stuck another hairpin in Mel’s hair.

  Mel winced. “She didn’t actually tell me to do my hair an
d makeup. But based on the outfit she gave me, I definitely need to glam up. Thanks for helping me out, by the way. I’m hopeless with this stuff.”

  “No problem. You should let me do this more often.” Jess had brought her huge collection of makeup and hair products with her to Mel’s apartment.

  “Don’t get your hopes up,” Mel said.

  Jess placed another pin. “All done.”

  Mel stood up and went to look in the mirror.

  “No! You have to put the dress on first.”

  “Ok, fine. Can you give me a hand?”

  Mel slipped out of her robe. If Jess noticed the modest but sexy lingerie Mel was wearing—bought by Vanessa of course—she said nothing. Mel stepped into the dress.

  “I still can’t believe she bought you an Elie Saab gown.” Jess said.

  “Am I supposed to know who that is?”

  “God, Mel, you’re so clueless. Do you even know how much this all cost?”

  “Nope. And I don’t want to.” Mel had gotten to the point where she no longer thought about how much money Vanessa was spending on her. She wanted to enjoy Vanessa’s gifts. And she couldn’t when she was thinking about how expensive they were.

  Jess tugged the zipper all the way to the top. “There you go.”

  “Can I look now?”

  “Go ahead.” Jess had a big grin on her face.

  When Mel looked in the mirror, she barely recognized the woman standing in front of her. Her hair was piled up on her head in a neat tangle of curls. Her eyes were dark and smoky, and her lips were a lustrous pinkish red. Her dress was breathtaking. The chiffon gown flowed down her shoulders all the way to the floor. The delicate fabric rippled and fluttered with every movement. It was a deep shade of blue that Mel adored. And it fit her perfectly.

  “Wow.” Mel twirled around in front of the mirror, something she hadn’t done since she was six.

  “You look amazing!” Jess said. “Vanessa is going to lose it when she sees you.”

  Mel smiled. She had to admit, she looked pretty hot.

  “What about the jewelry?”


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