Birth of a Demon (Queen of Abaddon Book 1)

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Birth of a Demon (Queen of Abaddon Book 1) Page 7

by Rae Foxx

  Crisis averted.

  The week continued in that vein until I was stopping Gabe's attempts as second nature.

  Lucian helped me with the dishes, trying to force me to go relax. As much as I wanted to, I had to stay close to him and make sure he didn't die from a freak, as-seen-on-TV accident.

  Lucian excused himself to go use the restroom, so I grabbed the pot of leftover soup we'd never eat and walked out the back door toward the compost pile. Constance had been getting into growing her food and had been planning a garden.

  Lilith didn't give a shit.

  As I turned back toward the house with my empty pot, wondering why I hadn't just put the soup down the garbage disposal—I wouldn't be around to reap the benefits of a compost pile anyway—the dog that had attacked me the week before bounded into the back yard.

  My heart stopped for a second, then I realized what it was. I puffed out a relieved sigh and put my hands on my hips. "How did you get here?" I asked the Hellhound.

  He wagged his tail and woofed.

  "You're a pretty boy, aren't you?" He bounded forward and heeled staring up at me with intelligent eyes. "Where's your handler?"

  I looked around the backyard for the Fallen or Upper Demon that should be around to control the beast. "Come out, come out wherever you are..." I whispered, casting out to the area around me for the aura of a demon. I should've been able to sense one, especially an upper level. But then, I hadn't sensed the hound, so that part of my magic was probably subdued by my human body.

  "Damn it, pup, you shouldn't be here." Hounds weren't allowed out of Abaddon without a handler. "I'm out here, in the dark, big as a damn house, dealing with a Hellhound."

  He wagged his tail and woofed at me, and his eyes glowed red, a sign he was excited. He'd been looking for me. And I was sure he was the same dog to knock me over in the kitchen, though I hadn't recognized him for what he was then. Michael would have, but he hadn't gotten a good look at him. Throwing up my hands in exasperation, I froze the drooling, happy beast so he wouldn't bark anymore and draw Lucian's attention.

  I did have access to some of my power, so I gathered what I could and tried to send the hound back to Abaddon, but it didn't move, just stayed frozen in front of me with a happy, goofy expression on its slobbery face. Damn it. Being human with my ethereal knowledge just made me feel powerless.

  "Gabriel," I hissed. "Gabe!"

  If Lucian looked outside for me, he'd see this giant crazy dog.

  Gabriel appeared beside me, wearing his tunic and Angelic armor. "What?" he asked. "I'm busy."

  "I don't have time to explain. I can't access enough of my power to take care of this." I gestured behind me at the dog.

  "Oh, how'd he get here?" he asked.

  "Since no Upper Demon is controlling him, I'm guessing he escaped Abaddon," I said. "Which is not good." Crossing my arms, I waited for the inevitable.

  "I keep trying to tell you that," Gabriel whispered. There it was. He had to say it.

  "Lucian will be out of the bathroom any second," I said. "And it's not that dark out here yet. Can you do something about it?"

  "Oh, yeah, sorry." He waved his hand. I didn't notice a difference, but he smiled at me. "He can't see us now, even if he looks out."

  "Thanks. I want you to make this dog look like a golden retriever."

  He scratched his head. "Why?"

  "Because I want to keep it."

  "We could just zap it back to Abaddon," he suggested. "Or kill it."

  His body emitted a soft glow as he considered using his Light to destroy the hound.

  "No," I said fiercely. "You're too kill-happy lately, what's gotten into you?" I unfroze him and scratched his head.

  He stared at me like I'd sprouted horns. "Lil, you'd normally be the first one to suggest killing a demon loose on Earth."

  "Well, not a hound." I snapped my fingers, and the animal bounded to my side. "Sit," I commanded. He sat. "He got out of Abaddon, but look. He found his mistress." And he could help guard me and Lucian if demons were running around loose.

  Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Is he one of yours?"

  I had a pack of hounds in Abaddon. They lived on the grounds of our estate in Limbo. "No, but he will be now. Make him look like a golden retriever then go back to whatever you were doing."

  Gabriel snapped his fingers and the massive, black Hellhound transformed into a fluffy golden pooch. The poor fella looked back at his body and whined at me. "It's not permanent," I assured him. Hellhounds were far more sentient than anyone gave them credit for being. They understood a lot.

  Wagging his tail, the good boy accepted his new look and stared at me with love and devotion in his eyes. "See?" I pointed to the dog. "He wants me to keep him."

  “Whatever," Gabe said. He popped a kiss on my lips. "I'm trying to get a hold of Raphael to see if he has any insight to this Lucifer fiasco. He's good with spells and curses."

  I nodded. "Okay. Tell him I said hello."

  Lucian, Michael, and Gabriel were as well, but they generally deferred to me, or good sense, in the end. Raphael never did. I couldn't abide by a man that refused to see reason. There had been plenty of times over the years that I'd accepted something from one of my men and changed my mind, but I'd never known Raph to do so.

  "And Gabriel?" He looked at me before disappearing. "Stop trying to kill Lucian."

  "No promises, Babe." And poof, he was gone.

  "No promises, my ass," I grumbled.

  Lucian stepped out onto the back porch. "Connie," he called. "What are you doing out there?"

  I tapped into my limited supply of magic and used it to make my words resonate with the hound. "You act like a dog and do as I say."

  He woofed.

  "Go greet Lucian like a dog happy to see his new owner."

  The hound bounded across the back yard as I walked forward. "Honey, we're keeping him," I said.

  Lucian's face lit up. I smiled because Lucifer also loved the hounds. He played with my pack and exercised them frequently. "He's a sweet dog, but don't you think he might have an owner?"

  Gabriel had done too good of a job on him. His coat looked freshly brushed and he looked healthy as if he had an owner that took good care of him.

  "I'll post on social media," I said. "And tomorrow I can call the pound and give our info in case someone tries to look for him there."

  Lucian nodded. "Come on in, boy, I've got a nice steak thawed you can have for dinner."

  As I followed them inside, my heart was torn. It would've been so nice to stay here and enjoy the rest of our human cycle together. Raise our baby, act normal. And Lucian was so sweet for wanting to find the dog's owners. Lucifer would've done the same, I was sure.

  "What should we call him?" I joined them in the kitchen.

  "Hmmm. How about Jellybean?" Lucian grabbed the dog's face, which to him looked like a sweet retriever. I knew what he looked like underneath and naming a Hellhound Jellybean was just a delight. In a way, he resembled an American bulldog, if American bulldogs were jet black with red eyes and the size of small horses.

  "I love it," I said. "Hello, Jellybean." I crooned to the ecstatic dog while Lucian cut the steak into bite-sized pieces for him. As if the beast wasn't capable of going out and catching pretty much any prey it wanted for his dinner.

  Oh, well. Jellybean was a part of our complicated, tragic family now.

  An angel’s weapon is Light, a divine energy any angel can channel.


  Once again, I saw Lucian out the door for work. I didn’t go with him this time because I needed to talk to my other mates. As soon as he backed out of the garage and pulled down the driveway, I turned in a circle.

  "Gabriel," I called. "Michael!"

  Gabriel, my jokester, appeared, lying down on the couch. When he wasn’t busy trying to kill Lucifer and being over analytical, he loved a good prank.

  I had to count on the spell on Lucian or Lucifer to keep us both on Earth until I could
pop this kid out and figure out what to do with her.

  Her. My daughter. How could I just leave her on earth? I hoped Michael was wrong and that when she was born some special ability would manifest—meaning I’d be able to take her with me to Abaddon.

  Michael walked into the living room from the kitchen, crunching on an apple. “So, what’s the game plan?”

  I arched an eyebrow at him. “Seems like a little bit of Adam is still in you?” He'd always made himself at home as Adam, like this place and everything on Earth belonged to him.

  “More like a bit of me was in Adam." Michael was, not run-of-the-mill, but definitely a lover boy. The kind of man to push your boundaries and make you assert your dominance once in a while. Sometimes it got on my nerves, but he always deferred to me in the end, even if he kicked up a bit of fuss first.

  "I called you guys here to tell you to make sure you clean up the mess in Adam's house."

  Gabriel sat up on the couch, leaving me room to plop down beside him. Standing up for more than a few minutes had turned into a hardship. These damn aching hips.

  “Shit, “Gabriel said. He'd forgotten all about Adam's body, rotting away over in the house next door. Gross.

  Michael grunted, and Gabe and I swung our gazes to him. “No, no worries. I took care of it." He shrugged his shoulders, but something in his eyes made me pause.

  “That couldn’t have been easy.”

  He tried to smile at me, but his eyes betrayed him, as always. He was a horrible liar. "I've never dealt with my own body before." Usually, when we died, the humans took care of the bodies here on Earth.

  I scooted closer to Gabe on the couch and patted the cushion beside me. "Come here."

  The situation hasn’t been easy on any of us. Probably not even Gabriel, even as callous as he seemed about something as significant as Lucian’s death. To be fair, we'd all lived and died so many human lives that they'd become a bit blasé. However, this particular Earth cycle conceived a brand-new life. Something none of us had ever been able to do. Procreate.

  With both guys sandwiching me, Lucian at work, and nothing immediately pressing, I relaxed, sinking into the couch cushions with a sigh.

  Michael put his hand on my leg and his head on my shoulder, so Gabriel mimicked him. They were silly like that and often tried to outdo each other. It wasn't a place of jealousy, exactly. More like boyish competition.

  Gabriel slid his hand up my bare leg. I'd worn a cotton nightgown to bed. I didn't give a single shit about being sexy, only comfortable. I'd summoned the boys before I changed so I'd get Gabe in my sights. If he was standing in front of me, he wouldn't be trying to kill Luc.

  Of course, as soon as Michael noticed Gabe's hand on my upper thigh, he had to move his.

  And upstage his friend. Michael slid his hand inward, the tips of his fingers nearly touching my thin cotton panties under the nightgown.

  "Okay," I said with closed eyes as I rested my head on the back of the couch. "You two either stop it or give me several orgasms. I'm not trying to play games when I'm this damn pregnant."

  "Gladly," Michael growled, moving his fingers all the way home and slipping them under my panties. He went straight for my clit, pressing against it as I gasped and spread my legs. My body turned from tired to needy in an instant.

  Gabriel wasted no time, sliding his hand up my leg and grabbing the side of my panties. I lifted my hips so they could pull them off and then settled back to enjoy the ride.

  I was normally a very active lover, giving as good as I got, but this time they could do all the giving.

  Moaning, I scooted my butt down when Gabriel's fingers joined Michael’s. Gabriel slipped two fingers inside me, twisting his hand to hit the right spots. Michael adjusted his angle so he could continue his attention on my clit.

  It made me cry out in pleasure as Michael's mouth landed on my neck. Panting, I reached out and gripped them both, Michael by the back of the neck and Gabe by the arm.

  They brought me to orgasm fast, my juices drenching both of their hands as I cried out their names. They didn't stop and I nearly jumped off the couch. "Too much," I cried. The sensitive nub didn't want any more attention just yet. They grinned at me, twin smiles on faces that looked nothing alike.

  "I wish Lucifer was here," Michael said. "He loves watching us make you scream."

  He was right. Lucifer had a specific kink—he liked to watch. Sometimes he didn't touch me at all and ended up completely sated.

  "I do, too," I whispered. "But, he's not. We'll make it up to him when we sort this all out." I didn't have time for remorse. It was our agreement. When we couldn't all be together it was okay to take comfort in each other. I'd even known the guys to sexually satisfy each other on occasion over the years when I wasn't available. It was better that they relieve each other's itches than a stranger.

  With a smile, I pointed at their pants even though Gabriel usually wore a robe. "Off!"

  They jumped up to do as I said, racing each other to strip. Gabriel won, only because he was wearing sneakers and Michael took longer to remove his boots. In seconds, I had two hard dicks staring at me as I sat on the couch in my pink cotton nightgown and trying not to drool in anticipation.

  I considered my options. Gabriel was quite a bit bigger than Michael, which never bothered him because he knew he pleasured me intensely. But I still didn't want to fuck a man that was taking my pregnancy with such a light tone, so I stood and pointed to the couch. "Sit," I told Gabriel.

  He sat, nearly quivering in excitement. "It's been a long time," he said. "Everyone was on Earth. I only had myself for the last thirty-five years."

  Bless him, I did have sympathy for him. He always ended up on Earth without us and in Elysium without us. I never begrudged him or any of them the wives they took as human since they didn't have their eternal memories then, but the time Gabe was alone in Elysium had to be torture.

  "Well, let me see what I can do," I said. Holding my hands out, I waited for Gabe to take them, then used him to help me lower myself onto my knees in front of him.

  Michael realized what I was doing and put an arm around my waist to help me. "Sorry," I said. "This is odd for us, but I'm cumbersome."

  "It's okay," Michael said. "I like it more than I ever would've thought. If we can figure out how, maybe I can get you pregnant next."

  I rolled my eyes and took Gabriel's large dick in my hand as I arched my back and presented Michael with my sex. "Just give me another orgasm for now, huh?"

  "Yes, ma'am." He entered me seconds later, giving me no time to anticipate or get impatient. With one smooth stroke, he filled me and pushed me forward, farther into Gabriel's lap. "You're going to have to help support me," I told Gabriel. "I'm useless right now."

  "You make me come," he said. "Michael makes you come, and I'll hold you up. We got this."

  I chuckled and let him move his arms under mine, so we were twisted like a pretzel. He supported my upper body, and I reached around to hold his big cock upright as I lowered my lips around his head.

  Unable to take him all the way down, I used my hand to help me stroke him as I sucked. Michael set a brisk pace, thrusting in fast and hard, making slapping noises every time our bodies met.

  I fucking loved that sound. Was there a better sound? I didn't know of one. The guys might've said my moans, but to me, the sound of my lover fucking me was the most erotic.

  Keeping pace on Gabriel's dick wasn't easy when I wanted to focus on the feel of Michael's cock as it moved in and out of me, but I let my body take over.

  Gabriel didn't care. Even if it was the sloppiest blow job I'd ever given, he'd think it was the best he'd ever gotten after thirty-five years. Still, I did try to make it good for him.

  Michael took a while to finish, but Gabriel came within minutes. I ignored my pleasure and focused on him as he squirted thick ropes of cum into my mouth. Stroking and sucking him hard, I kept going until he tapped my head to let me know he was done. Then, he held onto
me while I got mine.

  He was sweet like that. I buried my face in his abdomen when Michael's movements inside me pulled a weird, groaning grunt out of my mouth.

  My sounds spurred Michael on. He moved faster and hit harder and deeper giving me exactly what I needed.

  Stiffening all over, I let my orgasm wash away anything that clouded my mind. The release of dopamine gave me a sense of well-being, and I floated on that until Michael finished a few minutes later.

  Gabriel handed Michael his shirt, which he'd removed at some point. Michael used it to clean us up because I couldn’t do it, not at that angle anyway.

  As soon as he finished, they lifted me to my feet and helped me step into my panties again. I'd never even taken off my nightgown. Two orgasms and my hair was still in its ponytail. Nice.

  "Well, now what?" I asked.


  My stomach rumbled as we adjusted our clothes and the guys put their pants back on. "Come on in the kitchen," I said. "We still have a lot to talk about."

  They followed me in, and I pulled a carton of eggs out of the fridge. Jellybean perked his head up from his spot behind the back door. "Want to go hunt?" I asked.

  He wagged his tail and whined. "You can't kill anyone's pet, okay?"

  With a woof, he stood, his whole body quivering. "And come back before Lucian does, okay?"

  He gave me another soft bark, then turned to stare at the back door until I opened it. Bounding out and leaping across the back porch and into the grass, he rolled and wiggled in the sunshine for a few minutes before getting to his feet and launching himself across the yard.

  "What a good boy." Michael chuckled. "Why do you have a Hellhound disguised as a retriever?"

  He stood in the doorway with a confused but tickled look on his face.


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