The Last Queen Book Five

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by Odette C. Bell

  All characters in this publication are fictitious, any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  The Last Queen Book Five

  Copyright © 2018 Odette C Bell

  Cover art stock photos: licensed from Depositphotos.

  The Last Queen

  Book Five

  It’s time for checkmate.

  I’ve joined Spencer, but only to end this. No more playing games. No more waiting for someone to save me. It’s time to take my destiny in my own hands and destroy it.

  Every force will align against me, including John. But I won’t give up, for I am the Last Queen.


  Tune in to the thrilling final instalment of The Last Queen Series.

  Chapter 1

  So this is it. I’ve joined Spencer. In name only.

  No matter what I do, no matter where he takes me, my mind can’t drift too far from John.

  I’ve been complaining about the imprinting process ever since I first encountered it, but I’ve never truly appreciated it until now. I may have kissed Spencer three times now, and each time, I may have threatened to give into the passion swelling through my heart, but now I understand that’s all it was; mere passion. My heart? Was never in it.

  I’m sitting in a grand, truly expensive Regency chair, my fingers drumming against the carved arms. It’s like a throne. That being said, it’s nowhere near as expensive nor fancy as Spencer’s.

  He’s sitting at his desk in his penthouse apartment, and it’s midday. His throne? Is magical.

  It looks to be made out of gold from one angle, but as soon as you shift your head and tilt it to the other side, you see the light constituting it. It looks like solid rainbows – like some kind of interface between matter and photons.

  Every few seconds as he works, he glances up at me. His smile is almost manic. It’s the same damn smile I’ve been dealing with over the past two days. Because that’s how long it’s been ever since I turned my back on John.

  I start drumming my fingers even harder. Though I can appreciate that this chair is expensive and I should be giving it the care it deserves, I can’t stop myself. My nails are grating and banging against the wood.

  Though Spencer continues to look up several times, it’s clear he doesn’t give a hoot about what I’m doing to his chair. He just fixes me in that loving if still manic gaze, smiles, and returns to doing whatever the hell he’s doing.

  I say that, but I know what he’s planning, because he’s spent the last day and a half telling me.

  John’s downfall. The final match.

  As I think those words, they ring in my head. They rang in my head last night until this morning when I got up from my opulent, well-appointed bed. I opened the door to see Spencer waiting there like some abandoned puppy. No, abandoned puppy is the wrong analogy. Abandoned puppies don’t have nearly as much greed in their gazes.

  But that’s not the point. The point is, in several days, the last match will begin. Before that, I’ll have to end this game once and for all. My fingers suddenly stop drumming, and they clasp the edges of my seat.

  I stand abruptly.

  Spencer immediately stops what he’s doing, ticks his head back, and stares at me. “What is it, my dear?

  My stomach twists every time he says that. It’s not just that he sounds like he’s out of some ‘50s patronizing patriarchal movie. It’s the look in his eyes.

  It sways between almost looking as if he cares for me, to snapping straight back to the covetous gaze of a king who now knows he holds most of the power in his hands and he can do as he pleases.

  “I’m bored,” I say point-blank, sounding like a spoiled child.

  Spencer doesn’t rebuke me – he wouldn’t dare.

  Instead he leans back in his throne, the arms catching against the fabric of his expensive suit.

  He doesn’t care about his $50,000 jacket, though. All he cares about is looking the part. “We can do whatever we want in several days. For now, we have to plan. We must capture John—”

  “I know. Turn him into an eater, claim his pieces, and use them to go through the final rite. I’m not an idiot, Spencer.”

  His lips twitch. The first sign of true irritation he’s ever shown around me. But then he flattens them out into an automatic smile. “I would never suggest that you are. And if you feel for a second that that’s what I think, you are mistaken.” He presses up from his chair and shifts toward me.

  Why is he speaking like this? Does he think that’s how kings in love with queens should talk? It’s all so fake.

  Though I’ve been doing a relatively good job of holding my emotions in check ever since I joined with Spencer, it becomes a heck of a lot harder as he presses toward me.

  Without any invitation, he rests a hand on my shoulder, his fingers immediately pressing into the line of my neck. His thumb is anchored on the fabric of my collar, and even through the fabric I feel his heat.

  There would once have been a time when my stomach would have tingled and zapped with the power of his presence. Now I need to hold onto the bile rising through my throat. It takes me a heck of a long time, but with a solid swallow and a sharp reminder about what’s at stake, I tilt my head up, smile at him, bring up a hand, and place it on his fingers. He would think it was a loving move. In reality, I’m holding onto him to ensure he can’t let his fingers slip down my front or trail up my neck and clasp my cheek.

  “I promised you this, didn’t I?” he says out of the blue.

  I try my hardest not to look thrown. Even though I have no idea what he’s talking about. “Yes, you did.”

  “The intensity between us cannot be matched. We were truly meant for each other.”

  Though I have a hold of his hand, that doesn’t stop the bastard from pressing in and locking his hot lips against my head.

  For a fleeting second, I feel a tingle. Just a single zap shoots through my belly and darts into my pelvis. But it doesn’t last. All I have to do is draw up a mental image of John’s face as he stared at me and watched me leave. That’s like throwing water on a fire. It douses every last sense of affection and passion I can have for Spencer and pulls me back to reality. “You were right,” I say after a protracted pause as I try as hard as I goddamn can not to lose hold of my nerve, wrench his hand off me, and headbutt the bastard.

  “I will never fail to believe you again,” I force myself to add.

  My words are like crack cocaine to Spencer. His eyes blast open so wide, I think they’ll shoot into outer space. He does it again, leaning in, but this time he tries to lock his lips on mine.

  I dart to the side. Just before he can fear I’m trying to get away from him, I shove up, pushing into him as I do. I lock a hand on his chest and smile.

  I’ve never been a particularly sexy woman. It has nothing to do with my level of attractiveness. Being sexy is all to do with how you hold yourself. For me, I’ve just never had the balls and the confidence.

  Now I have to grow them real quick as I lock a hand on his chest and press my lips tantalizingly close to his. But rather than kiss the bastard, I just smile, allowing a blast of warm breath to push from my mouth and play across his cheek.

  I watch his eyes widen with lust.

  For a while, I get distracted by one stupid thought. Why me? Why are these powerful, attractive, rich men going after me?

  The answer isn’t that they love me. But maybe… maybe with John it is. With Spencer, he’s not attracted to my personality. He doesn’t give a hoot about my looks. All he wants is my power.

  He goes to wrap an arm around my back and lock me close against his body.

  I push a hand int
o his chest, shoving him out of the way while making it seem sexy. Which isn’t exactly an easy task. In the past few days, I’ve had to learn how to manage this idiot. I’m aware of the fact that if John were in Spencer’s position, I wouldn’t be able to be hiding my true emotions like this. John always had the ability to see through me.

  But John isn’t here, and that’s the goddamn point.

  I peer at him again, making my lips as round and plush as possible. “I thought you had to work? I thought you promised that in several days, we’d finally have all of the power? Do you really have time for this?”

  Before he can promise that he can afford the time, I suddenly jerk away from him, put several steps between us, and clamp my arms in front of myself. I’ve never been a diva, but you know what, I’m a queen now, and it comes with the territory.

  Spencer goes to move toward me, but I take a deliberate step back, putting distance between us.

  I frown, pout, and arch an eyebrow. “You need to work, but I’m still bored, so I’m heading out.”

  I go to whirl on my foot, hoping the act will pay off, but this time, Spencer doesn’t sidle up to me and try to kiss me. He closes the distance between us, a rare act of power for a man who often seems as weak and ineffective as a newborn.

  I look down to see his hand clutched over my shoulder. At first, a blast of fear saws through me at the fact he moved so quickly. Then I get control of my emotions and arch an eyebrow. “What is it?

  He looks at me seriously. There’s that… dark flicker I’ve seen in his eyes a few times. The true Spencer. Not the idiot. Not the weak, pathetic fool who vacillated in finding me. But the brute who’s been killing and murdering pieces his whole life because it’s easier than taking a stand against the game that is torturing him. “I can’t let you leave on your own. It’s too dangerous for you to go out at a time like this. John,” he has to spit the word out, making it sound as if he’s just tried to swallow a hammer, “will do anything to capture you. And I can’t let him do that. Now you’ve picked me, he’ll have only one option.”

  Spencer doesn’t finish his words. He doesn’t have to. A thrill of true fear powers through me, sinking into my stomach and making it kick like a wild, bucking horse. It’s a fear I’ve been dealing with for the last two days. The fear that kept me up most of last night. A fear that starts every time I blink my eyes closed. You see, I haven’t forgotten the lesson John taught me. When a king can’t acquire a queen, his only option is to kill her. As the most valuable piece of his opponent, he cannot allow her to live, and will sacrifice as much as he can to eliminate her forever.

  I… I’ve been telling myself that John won’t do that. That the next time I see him, he won’t try to kill me. He’ll try to reason with me. Because John is different. He has to be different. Because if he isn’t… then maybe there’ll be no hope for me.

  It’s a complicated thought, but bear with me. I haven’t been playing this game my whole life, but it has consumed me over the past months. I know nothing else. I’ve lost track of all my friends. My every single moment has been drawn into this goddamn abomination. But I… I still have a hope that when I get out of here and end the game once and for all, I can slip back into a normal life. If I can get time to put some distance between me and the horrors, eventually I’ll wipe them away completely. And the reason I have that hope is John. A man who seemingly manages to live an ordinary life despite the horror he’s forced to endure on a daily basis. It’s not just that he has his dignity. Most importantly, he has his morals. They hold him up, bolster him, make him larger than life. Ultimately, making him the king that I would choose to be with. But here’s the problem. If I’m wrong, and John tries to kill me, then maybe there’s no hope for me after all.

  That thought settles into my stomach, and for a few seconds, I let it distract me. It feels like I’ve swallowed a bomb. One that’s ticking down not just to my destruction, but to everyone else’s, too. Before it can do any lasting damage, I push it away. I do so with a firm hand. The hand of a queen. Because you know what? Even if this game will always leave permanent scars on me and I will never be the same again, I’m still going to destroy it. And that will still be a worthy act. No more unsuspecting players will be drawn in. No more pieces will be lost.

  “Though it may be boring, you must stay here for the next three days. It would be premature to show you yet,” Spencer continues.

  I look at him evenly. “Before, you said that I can’t go out on my own. Can’t I go out with one of your pieces? Wouldn’t that make sense, anyway? You told me that I can’t start learning the power of the old queens until you’ve consolidated Senator Rogers’ boards. You said that would take a day. Maybe a day and a half. So isn’t this time being wasted?”

  He goes to open his mouth, no doubt to give me some new pathetic excuse. But I get there first. Though I’ve been maintaining my distance away from him, now I close it with several purposeful, quick strides. Once more I’m right up there in his face. I can see as his body stiffens with passionate recognition. Before he can pull me in, I tilt my head to the side. “You promised me that you understood how to use me,” I say out of the blue, somehow managing to spit out the word use without shaking. “But to use me, you can’t be fearful. That’s what John was. That’s why I left him.” I really put a lot of force into saying the words left him.

  It’s a subtle reminder that though I’ve joined Spencer, I am ultimately a queen unto myself.

  Spencer pushes his chest out as if he’s an angry gorilla about to bang and thump and growl. “You don’t need to fear. I am nothing like him. I understand your worth.”

  He goes to push a hand toward me to clutch my cheek. Never shifting my gaze from him, I slowly push my head to the side, leaning out of the way.

  His fingers pause a few centimeters from my face, then his hand drops.

  I see a look of suspicion playing through his gaze as if somehow the idiot is onto me. But it doesn’t last. I swear I can see his lust for power like a sign written over his head. Until the last moment, he won’t see what I’m really doing, because he won’t dare to stomach the idea that I don’t feel for him what he feels for me.

  He gives an efficient nod, as if he’s turning into the businessman he’s meant to be, and gestures toward the door. “Though my players are hardly queens, they are still powerful. I keep forgetting that you have had… limited training.” It’s clear he’s talking about what John put me through. “So you’re wise to suggest learning from the best. I will arrange some training sessions.”

  “Out on the street,” I say automatically.

  He stiffens, his jaw twitching to the side. “As I have already said—”

  “Of course it’s not safe. Do you think the final match will be safe? Do you think John is just going to roll over? The only way to capture him and be sure to capture his pieces at the same time, will be to rout him. And to do that, you’re going to need me. John isn’t going to hold back this time.” I don’t let a scrap of my true emotion infiltrate my tone. I hold my head up high, and I face Spencer with defiance. “He knows what I’m worth, so when it comes to trying to capture me, he is going to use every single considerable resource he has. And as you’ve already told me, John knows things you don’t,” I try to keep the snarl out of my voice and the smile off my lips. “If we have any chance of defeating him in that match, I’m going to need more real-world practice. You’re right – and there are so many things I don’t know. I’m also… not particularly good at fighting alongside others. I don’t play nice.” I say my words around a small, tight smile. “But to defeat John and his players, I’m going to have to work closely with yours. The only way to do that is going to be to learn how they fight. Not on a training ground – but in the real world.”

  Though he’s not happy, I can tell that Spencer is actually considering my words. He looks pale, as if the thought of letting me go – even with one of his pieces in tow – is sickening. But he finally finds his balls, ticks h
is head back, takes a sharp breath, and nods his concession. “I suppose you are right. You are a strong, wise queen, indeed,” he adds, slipping back once more into that irritating kingly act. The more he does it, the more I want to kick the idiot in the groin.

  I just press my lips together and swallow my emotion. “I’ve had to survive a long time on my own. It was a life that taught me how to run – but if you want me to learn how to fight, you’re going to have to teach me. No training grounds, though,” I add. “That’s all John ever did,” this time I spit with justified emotion. There’s a reason I left John behind. That was because he could never teach me what I needed to know. He kept me in reserve, like I was some kind of nuclear bomb and the thought of using me was akin to starting World War III.

  But this game will take just as much as you give. Being cautious over the years may have saved John his players, but it just made the game continue. And considering more ordinary, innocent people were drawn into it – just like me and just like Walter Shepherd – that’s ultimately unforgivable.

  So yeah, there’s true passion behind my words as I spit them.

  It’s not lost on Spencer. He arches an eyebrow, lets his tongue play over his teeth, then nods with finality. “You will go out with my third and forth,” he begins, then he changes his mind immediately as he shakes his head. “No, with my second and first. You’re right – and I can’t afford for you to go into that final battle with anything other than a full working knowledge of how my players operate.”

  I go to turn away, hiding the satisfied smile that threatens to spread over my lips at my victory.

  He pushes an arm out, catching me with that same speed I’ve only ever associated with competent players. “I’m trusting you,” he begins, his tone changing.

  There’s nothing for it. I suddenly press forward and lock my lips over his with no warning. I drive my hand hard into his chest until it feels as if I’m trying to wrap my hand around his heart just to hold him as close as we can get.


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