Spark of Knowledge

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Spark of Knowledge Page 13

by Jacie Douglass

  “We evoke the elements to consecrate this circle.” Samil intones.

  “Elemental Air, we call upon you to protect this circle.” Ian says seriously.

  “Elemental Fire, we call upon you to protect this circle.” Sebastian goes next with a grin.

  “Elemental Earth, we call upon you to protect this circle.” Clayton rumbles.

  “Elemental Water, we call upon you to protect this circle.” Jared manages to sound respectful.

  “Elemental Spirit, we call upon you to protect this circle.” Samil finishes.

  The candle flames flare up and I involuntarily gasp. Samil steps in front of me, laying his hands on my shoulders. “We invoke the five elements to seal and protect Emilienne. Restore balance and harmony to her energy.” Samil nods and steps out of my line of sight.

  Ian steps forward, lightly resting his hand on my shoulders. “Balance the air within and without. Seal and Protect her from those who would abuse the sacred elements.” He lifts one hand to my forehead, lightly tracing something there. A rush of cool energy blows over my skin as Ian steps back.

  Sebastian takes his place, gently squeezing my shoulders. “Balance the fire within and without.” Sebastian says, the heat from his hands radiating through my shirt. “Seal and Protect her from those that would abuse the sacred elements.” Just like Ian, he traces a symbol on my forehead. Heat flares over my skin, a mixture of his normal energy and something stronger. He gives me a wink before moving away.

  Clayton is next. His hands on my shoulder are solid and heavy. The air around me seems to shift as the energy settles on my skin, in a protective and steady hum of warmth. “Balance the Earth within and without. Seal and Protect her from those that would abuse the sacred elements.” He repeats the symbol, and then returns to his place on the circle.

  Jared hobbles up, and I fight the urge to giggle. His touch on my shoulders brings a wave of cold energy crashing over me. “Balance the Water within and without. Seal and Protect her from those that would abuse the sacred elements.” His hands linger for another moment before he moves on to add his rune to my forehead. He steps to the side and Samil is in front of me again.

  As Samil’s hands touch my shoulders again, my head spins. Energy pulses through me, like my entire body is lit from within.

  “Balance the Spirit within and without. Seal and Protect her from those that would abuse the sacred elements.” He completes his symbol, then disappears behind me again. “Let the five elements balance within and without. We ask that you accept Emilienne as the vessel to guard the elements. Lend her your wisdom and guide her on the path to restore the elements to their proper place when the time comes. We ask you to acknowledge Emilienne as part of this coven. Renew the link that binds her to us and us to her. So Mote it be.”

  My ears buzz and my eyes drift closed. I feel like I’m burning up from the inside out. I feel hands on my arms and shoulders, until all five of them are touching me at once and calm settles over me.

  “So mote it be,” they say in unison.

  “We close this circle and thank the Elements for their blessing and protection.”

  There’s a rustling in the background and a hand cups my cheek.

  “Trouble, can you open your eyes for us?” Clayton asks softly. I force open my eyes to see him kneeling in front of me. “Hey there Trouble. How are you feeling?”

  “Umm Weird? I don’t know how to explain it,” I reply slowly. “Did it work?” I ask, keeping my eyes focused on Clayton.

  “It appears to have. Hopefully we won’t need to test it anytime soon,” Samil says, appearing behind Clayton.

  “Maybe you were wrong and there wasn’t any magic in me, to start with,” I offer. Jared makes a choking noise and I feel rather than see Sebastian closing in behind me as a wave of heat rolls over me.

  “You were glowing Sprite,” Sebastian breaths in my ear. “You’re definitely full of magic, regardless of how it got there.”

  “Oh,” I blink. “Umm ok then.”

  “Are you up to heading downstairs?” Clayton’s eyes are filled with concerned as he watches my face.

  “Sure, of course.” I move to stand, but my legs feel like jelly and I wobble on my feet. “Maybe not?”

  “Woah, Trouble,” Clayton catches me around the waist as I fall forward into him. “Let me get you downstairs.” I giggle as he lifts me up, letting my head rest against his shoulder and close my eyes. I wonder if this is what it’s like to be drunk, giggling more at the thought.

  “I’m thinking we shouldn’t take her home just yet,” Sebastian’s voice floats around me.

  “Definitely not,” Samil says. “Hopefully the energy will settle soon.”

  “Movie time then?” One of the twins suggests.

  We’re moving down the stairs.

  “Are these the stairs to the underworld?” I ask.

  Snickers are the only response. I keep my eyes closed as we sink down. I snuggle closer to the steady, earthy warmth against me.

  “This is nice,” I mummer.

  “Shh, Trouble. You just rest now.”

  “Mmmk Papa bear.” More snickers and a low growl that vibrates through me. The sound of furniture shifting and movement.

  “Put her down here with me,” Jared says and I’m floating on cool waves, cradling me as I drift in the ocean.

  “Where are we sailing too?” I wonder aloud.

  “Anywhere you want Pixie.”

  A gentle breeze blows across my face as a hand strokes my cheek.

  “This shouldn’t be happening, should it?” Ian’s concern brushes against me. I reach out in search of him, the cool breeze rippling over my skin as his hand slides into mind.

  “I don’t know,” Samil’s worry cuts through me and I whimper. Ian squeezes my hand before releasing me and stepping away.

  “It’s ok Pixie. Samil just hates not having all the answers.” I giggle again, sinking down into the waves.

  “Does Sammy need a hug?” I ask trying to open my eyes. I feel the cloud of worry pressing against my skin. “Let me kiss it better.”

  I manage to get my eyes open as I shift towards the worry. Samil’s eyes meet mine and I lean forward till my lips brush his cheek.

  “No” a brush against his other cheek.

  “More” Lips against his forehead

  “Worries” lips against the tip of his nose.

  “All better now,” I smile leaning back into the Ocean behind me. Samil’s dazed look has me giggling again. “Come stay with me by the Ocean.” I reach out and tug on his shirt till he slides close enough to touch the Ocean with me. “Isn’t this much better?” I say happily. “We need our breeze to come back though.” I shift my head till I find the Breeze again. “There you are,” I motion for him with my free hand. “The Breeze belongs here.” I pat the other side of me.

  “Come on brother,” the Ocean calls. “Join us.” I turn my face towards the Breeze as it gets stronger. He settles in next to me, his fingers intertwined with mine.

  “That’s perfect. Now we need the Bonfire to warm our feet.” I smile as my fire moves in to join us. I pull my knees up so the Bonfire can move closer to the Ocean. I sigh contentedly as the Bonfire lifts my feet and rests them in his lap. “Now we just need the Beach here to protect me and Sammy.

  “Where ever you need me, Trouble,” I smile at my beautiful black sand Beach. Sammy slides closer as the Beach curls in around him. His arm draped over Sammy, so his hand rests on mine, Sammy’s and the Ocean.

  “Now this is perfect. An island paradise,” I tell them soaking in the beauty of the elements surrounding us. “I wish we could stay here forever.” I whisper as the Ocean caresses my hair. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.


  I wake up slowly, a feeling of peace and love washing over me. There’s a feeling of someone watching me, and I look around to find Samil lying next to me, eyes open, his head tucked under Clayton’s chin. Giving him a grin, Samil graces me a small smile in
return. I snuggle back till my head rests higher on Jared’s shoulder. Glancing down, I see Sebastian has practically crawled on top of me, his head resting against my stomach. Both my hands are trapped in a pile with the guys’ hands. Like in a movie, where right before the big game, everyone stacks their hands up and then yells “go team”, or something like it. My right hand is sandwiched between Jared, Samil, Clayton, and Sebastian’s, while my left is caught by Jared, Ian, and Sebastian. It is probably the most ridiculous looking thing ever, but I can’t help the happy sigh that escapes. Or the feeling of rightness being here with the guys, brings me.

  “Emily?” Samil whispers.


  “We should get you home.”

  “I am home,” I snuggle back against Jared’s chest. Someone snorts in response but I ignore it, content to stay where I am.

  “Pixie,” Jared breaths softly in my ear. “If you keep moving, we’re going to have a problem.”

  “Hmm?” I tilt my head back till I can see Jared smirking down at me. “What kind of problem,” I mumble.

  “The kind that happens to guys in the morning,” he whispers back.

  “Hmm okies,” I sigh trying to figure out what kind of problem guys could have in the morning. “Ohhhhh!” Heat rushes to my cheeks as I finally realize what he’s saying. Guys… Morning problems… Oh Shit. Now that he’s pointed it out, I can feel “it” pressing against my back and my cheeks flame hotter.

  “Right, right, I should get off,” I stutter. “I mean, get off you. Damn it! I mean move, I need to move”. Sebastian is snickering against my stomach, pinning me in. “Bastian, you have to move now!” I tell him, pulling my hands free and pushing on his shoulders.

  “Not helping Pixie,” Jared rumbles. Sebastian laughs harder, crawling back enough to get to his feet and offer me his hands. I grab them and let him pull me up. There is a chorus of groans from the guys, clearly awake now, if they hadn’t been before. They start dragging themselves up and I make a dash for the bathroom before I’m stuck waiting in line.

  “Cheater!” Sebastian’s laughter follows me as I lock the door. Looking at myself in the mirror, I’m relieved to find that I don’t look like death warmed over after sleeping in my make up again. This really is becoming a bad habit. I quickly use the facilities, washing my hands and splashing some water on my face. Surprisingly I look the same as I did this morning, yet I feel so different; calmer and more comfortable in my skin than I have since waking up in the hospital. I hadn’t realized how on edge I’d been till the feeling was gone. Taking a deep breath I head back out to the main room to find only Sebastian and Clayton waiting.

  “Come on Emily, we should get you back to your house, it’s almost midnight.” Clayton says jumping out of his chair. Sebastian rises at a more leisurely pace.

  “Where’d everyone go?” I ask, grabbing my abandoned jacket from the couch, and slipping it on. The leather is still stiff and new. I really need to look online to see if there is an easier way to break in leather. I feel like that kid in the Christmas Story, the one that was so bundled up his arms were sticking straight out, unable to move.

  “They headed back to the main house. The twin’s parents will be back tomorrow and they were supposed to have cleaned up already.” Sebastian snickers, holding the door open for me before me before following me outside. I give Clayton the evil eye when I see him crushed into the back seat of the SUV. Men are so silly.

  “I thought I was supposed to be keeping a low profile,” I say, climbing into the front seat. Sebastian appears at the door and closes it behind me with a wink.

  “Yes and no,” Clayton answers. “If they already know where you live, then they inevitably will catch us coming in and out sometimes. It was more important not to have them on our asses before we finished the ritual. Now it’s only a priority when we’re going somewhere out of the norm, rather than when we’re heading home or to school.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” I shrug; content to let them worry about transportation issues. “I can’t believe we slept away the rest of the day.”

  “Big magic will do that,” Sebastian volunteers. “The more power involved the longer the recovery time. I’m actually surprised we’re already functional. When we set up the wards at the twins’ place, we were crashed out for more than sixteen hours.”

  “Wait what? That’s just crazy.” I give him an incredulous look, glancing back at Clayton for confirmation. He nods solemnly.

  “Ya, this is by far the fastest recovery time we’ve ever had. We didn’t spend time analyzing it tonight, but I’m sure Samil and the twins are already coming up with theories. Magical theory is more their thing. I prefer to stick to hockey and my bass.” Clayton says.

  “Have you checked out the security app yet?” Sebastian asks, glancing over at me. I hadn’t yet, but now that he’s reminded me, I pull out my phone and log in. There is practically a 360 degree view of my house and the front and back yards. I switch to the interior cameras and see my Mom passed out on the living room couch. Checking the log, I notice she’s only been home for a couple hours and wonder, not for the first time, what goes on at these ladies meetings of hers.

  “Well, my Mom managed to get in ok,” I say.

  “I’m sure Ian went over the app with her first thing, plus he probably put rules in place to keep the house secure if she forgets” Code for if she forgets before taking her sleeping pills or is too drunk to care, I imagine, but I don’t call it on him. I hadn’t even realized how much she’d been drinking. Sebastian’s the one that noticed and pointed it out to me. Hell, she was drinking in front of Clayton and the twins this morning. It’s just a sad truth. It’s not their fault that my Mom has been going downhill since we arrived. I wasn’t going to draw attention to it for fear she’d decide to drag us back home. Sebastian pulls into my driveway and Clayton jumps out to walk me to the door. Draping his arm over my shoulder, he guides me up the porch as I disable the alarm.

  “Night Papa Bear,” I tease, slipping inside before he can retaliate about his new nickname.

  “Night, Trouble. We’ll pick you up for school on Monday morning, so you better be ready bright and early.” I groan and stick my tongue out at him.

  “I can get myself to school you know.”

  “Of course you can, but it’s safer if we go together.” He says firmly and I let it go, knowing he’s right. I wave and close the door. Making sure to rearm the alarm and watch the guys take off through the window, before heading to bed. It’s going to be weird not sharing my bed anymore.



  “I can’t believe you had Clayton put a camera outside her bedroom window,” I glare at my twin, who smirks in response.

  “You know you wanted one in there too. How else are we going to know if they break that window? It’s the quickest way to grab her after all.” Samil joins us at the kitchen table, whacking Jared in the back of the head as he walks to his seat.

  “That’s what the glass break sensors are for. “ I remind him.

  “Just make sure you tell her tomorrow,” Samil orders and Jared ducks his head.

  “Will do, Boss Man,” Samil looks over at me and nods at the laptop. “Pull up the downstairs footage from today.” He moves his chair closer to mine, leaning in towards the screen. I load up the footage, leaving the sound muted. Scrolling forward until we get to the point where we came down from the ritual, then hitting play. Jared swings his chair around and straddles it, leaning forward on the back rest as he watches. We’re all moving slowly, obviously wiped out from the ritual. I’m amazed Clayton was able to get himself downstairs, let alone carrying Emmy.

  “So tell me I’m not the only one that noticed Pixie was acting drunk after the ritual?” Jared asks, not taking his eyes off the screen as Clayton collapses onto the coach with Emily on top of him.

  “She definitely seemed energy drunk,” Samil theorized. “Like having the energy balanced and contained wasn’t the norm.” Everyon
e but Clay and Emily disappears to collect blankets and pillows. Samil and Sebastian reappear and start moving the table out of the way. Then Jared and I are back in the frame, I’m grabbing chairs. While Jared spreads out pillows and blankets to create a makeshift sleeping area. We hadn’t talked over the decision, normally we would have just crashed out on the furniture, but with Emmy there we’d changed our routine. I think we all just wanted to be as close to her as possible. I know I did. On screen, Jared is settling on the floor before moving her off Clayton, who already appears to be half asleep. I blush at the image of me stroking her cheek.

  “Turn on the sound,” Samil tells me. I hit the sound, catching the tail end of my questioning what was happening. Emmy reaches out for me and I slide my hand in hers as Samil responds and Emmy whimpers. Jared comforting her and readjusting the blanket nest, I put a pillow between his back and the couch propping him up and help settle Emmy between his legs, her back resting against his chest. Then she calls for Sammy and he moves closer. “She was clearly at least partially aware of where we were and what was going on.”

  “She offered to kiss it better.” Jared points out.

  “It’s a common saying,” Samil brushes him off.

  “On both cheeks, the forehead and nose?” My bother scoffs. “That isn’t as common. That’s a signature Pixie move from when we were kids.” The video keeps playing, Emmy directing us into our places.

  “It could be a body memory,”

  “She called you Sammy; Clay Papa Bear; and me Ocean. You think all that is a coincidence too?” I can feel Jared’s anger building and I reach over and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

  “If her remembering us means she remembers what those bastards did… Remembers what happened to her and the pain that came with it… Then no, I don’t want her to remember the past. I’m good as long as we have her here in the present.” Jared recoils from Samil’s words as though slapped.


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