Love on the Boardwalk: A Cinnamon Bay Romance - Book One

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Love on the Boardwalk: A Cinnamon Bay Romance - Book One Page 8

by Barrett, Nikki Lynn

  “Yeah…” He focused on the writing.

  “There’s more where that came from.” She handed him a stack of cards.

  Birthdays. Christmas. Other occasions.

  All written out but never sent. His eyes stung.


  It hit him a lot harder than he anticipated when all he wanted was to know more.

  His grandfather had cared. Loved him. Thought of him enough to at least write out cards.

  Why hadn’t they been sent?

  Mac pushed them aside. “Break time. How about I get that food?”

  Eva stood. Her eyes and nose were red.

  “And something for that. Or I can do this myself.”

  “I’d love to stay and help. I’ll be fine.”

  He also stood, staring back at the cards. He wanted to dive in deeper but couldn’t handle more right now. “Do you want to come with me to pick up food and something for your allergies? Or are you going to stay and explore some more?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t mind staying. I’ll go check out the attic. I love old attics.”

  Mac smiled. “All right. Then tell me what you want, and I’ll be back.”

  WHILE MAC WENT out, Eva trudged up to the attic and fell in love. The room was full of old books, antiques, and boxes upon boxes of history.

  When she stumbled upon photos and a family tree, she knew she’d struck gold. Just wait until Mac returned! He may not want to meet other Parkers, but this would give him the opportunity if he ever changed his mind.

  Eva continued her journey of checking out the attic when she spotted the large window and rushed over to peek outside. The view was amazing. Stars shimmered above, and an image of kissing Mac while standing underneath the twinkling sky popped into her head. With a sigh, she placed a hand on the window and leaned against the frame, lost in her thoughts.

  “Eva?” Mac’s voice startled her.

  “In the attic!” she called back.

  About a minute later, the mouth-watering scent of pizza made her stomach growl.

  “Hey.” He stood at the entrance of the attic. “Wow.”

  “Neat place, huh?” She grinned. “I’ve found some cool things. Like this.” Eva pointed, then sneezed. “It’s a family tree!”

  “Seriously?” Mac strode over to get a closer look. “Amazing. I can’t wait to take the time to study this.” He glanced back at Eva. “But this doesn’t mean I’m going to try to locate anyone listed on here.”

  “I know. I just thought it would be a great way to find out more about your history. For your personal use only.” Eva finished up her commentary with another round of sneezing.

  “I brought food, and something to hopefully help with your sneeze attacks.” He handed her a bag. “Oh, and something to drink too.”

  “Perfect!” Inside the bag was also a large box of Kleenex.

  “Figured it wouldn’t hurt to have it on us. Not sure if there’s any in the house, and these are soft.”

  How thoughtful. “Thank you.” She tore into the box, took two pills, and chugged them down with a bottle of water he’d brought. “Come here. You have got to see the view from the window.”

  Mac followed her over to the large window and stood beside her, still holding the box of pizza. “Wow. That’s…”

  Romantic? she wanted to say out loud but refused.

  “Beautiful. I could stand here all night enjoying it, but I can’t wait to explore some more. This place is incredible.”

  Mac took her hand and started for the door. “Food first, then we’ll get back to it.”

  Eva followed Mac downstairs to eat, but she couldn’t get the image of kissing him out of her mind. She wanted to get to know him better because, despite everything she’d been through, sexy thoughts of Mac wouldn’t leave her head. And tonight, seeing a more vulnerable side to him as they sorted through his grandfather’s things, left her feeling even more intrigued by this man.

  Chapter Twelve

  “ARE YOU SURE it’s safe to be around you?” Eva asked coyly.

  Mac glanced up from the box of pizza, the tangy scents of tomato and spices perfuming the air.

  They’d slowly made their way from the attic to the kitchen, not wanting to eat the rapidly cooling pizza among dusty rafters and knickknacks from better days. Although the view had been spectacular, maybe one day when the room was clean, they’d revisit the possibility of dinner there.

  She could imagine days in the future, being outside under those magnificent stars, the dazzling cloak of the universe, with a blanket on the soft grass. Watching the world pass by with her lover’s hand in hers. Strong, calloused, secure.

  Eva shook her head to clear the visions. No, bad!

  “What do you mean?” Mac asked, walking over to flick on the oven, setting the temperature.

  She gestured with her chin when she noticed the bruise on his arm. “Lizzie went after you with a baseball bat. I just had the thought that if she decides to strike again, I might be in hitting distance, if you know what I mean.”

  He swallowed a chuckle. “You should be safe, though. Her eyesight is terrible, but even she must recognize how wonderful you are. And luckily, all of my bits are still intact.”

  Her mouth went dry thinking about his…bits. She wasn’t supposed to want him. Wasn’t supposed to give in to the temptation because she knew it wasn’t real. Her feelings were the product of suggestion. Suggestion in the form of a stupid blend of spices and three busybodies.

  Nothing more.

  So why did her fingers ache to touch him? Why could she not stop thinking about him at night, picturing him lying next to her in bed and waking up to those dazzling blue eyes in the morning?

  She was tempted to kiss him right then and there. Just lean forward and lay her lips on his. Once was all she’d need. And if it would get him to stop talking about family, Eva was all in. Because there was something about his voice, she thought, that made every statement sound like music.

  She needed to break eye contact or at least speak before he noticed her deer-in-the-headlights trance.

  Too late.

  His smile came quick, disarming her effectively and easily.

  “Am I boring you, or are you feeling the effects of the love potion like I am?”

  Frustrated with the way his voice made her knees melt, she stiffened and refused to meet his eyes. “Don’t try to flirt with me, Mac. It won’t work just like the drink doesn’t work either.”

  He blinked innocently. “It won’t? And are you sure the Café Amour didn’t?”

  “I’m one hundred percent sure about the drink. I have proof. The flirting? I’m flattered, but I’m not ready to try the whole relationship thing again.”

  “I’m not going to be here long enough for a relationship, but flirting is good for the soul. Makes life fun.”

  “So, flirting makes everything better?”

  “No, that’s sex.” His crooked grin and brazen wink set her body on fire.

  His words had her mind contemplating avenues it had no business pursuing. She needed to change the subject.

  “We better eat before the pizza gets too cold.”

  “You really want to talk about pizza?” he asked, skepticism palpable.

  “It’s not safe to talk about anything else with you. Sorry.”

  He shifted his gaze over her in a slow, caressing manner. “Why? We’ve already kissed each other. And I’m willing to admit, I wouldn’t mind trying it a second time, or a third.”

  Eva started, her fingers turning her napkin into origami. “We haven’t known each other long enough for you to want to kiss me like that again.” Or for her to even consider other things.

  “Long enough for me to know how I feel when you're pressed against me,” Mac murmured.

  She leaned forward in her chair. Who was this man who swept her away with his charm? And why was she drawn to him?

  Drawn to the point where she moved her hand toward his arm laying on the table, craving t
he feel of him. But she decided against it and went for the pizza box instead.

  “It smells good.”

  “Hopefully, it tastes good too.” Mac’s voice had become gruff, and it sent a zing straight to her core.

  The fingers of his free hand reached out to caress her arm, and the touch set her skin on fire.

  The damn man came to town and stirred up desires she hadn’t known she could feel again. Who was she kidding? There was no again. Sean hadn’t made her feel even a tenth of this…depth.

  And when Mac decided to leave, as he surely would, she’d have no other option than to squelch whatever she felt.


  The kitchen chair scraped against the tile as Eva bolted from the table. She needed to feel the grounding of both feet on the floor, and her shoulders squared in resolve.

  Mac hadn’t let her get far before he placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him.

  “Wait,” she said, slapping a hand on his chest to keep from closing the distance even further. “Nice muscles, but wait.” Her fingers tingled where she touched him. “Mac, what are we really doing here?”

  “I’m not sure if you want me to pause to explain it.”

  “No need to explain. Look at where we are. Who we are. This is insane. Right?”

  “The insane part is me wanting to touch you.”

  “You’re getting off track,” she murmured. Although, maybe, he’d gotten on the same one she had. They were both aboard the runaway train.

  “I’m not sure I am.” He ran his hands down her bare arms and trailed fire in their wake. “I know we’re friends, Eva. Pretty friendly in many ways.” His eyes went soft. “I know it would be easy to say, ‘screw it, let’s head to the couch and see what happens,’ but I know you wouldn’t be happy with me. With yourself.”

  She reached out to lay her palm on his cheek. “You think I don’t want to?”

  “I’m not sure. I know you’re killing me. I also know sex is much bigger than a kiss in your office, even a great kiss. I don’t want to lose you as a friend, even though I know I’ve been a ripe jerk at times. But it doesn’t change the fact that I want you.”

  “You make me feel important.”

  “Because you are.” Mac heaved a sigh. “You’ve always been important. So are your feelings, and if you need to take some time and think things through, then, by all means, do it. The way I feel about you isn’t going to change.”

  He eased back, and Eva found she hated the space she’d tried so valiantly to keep between them. “I really wish you hadn’t said that.”

  Mac turned away and grabbed the pizza out of the box, laying the slices out on a pan and placing it in the now heated oven.

  “I just want to get the cheese nice and melted again,” he said, refusing to look at her. “Then we can eat like kings. I’m sure my grandfather has plates around here. Although it will be like looking a needle in…well, a haystack of needles. There’s so much stuff.”

  Eva decided to stay on the train before she knew she’d even come to the decision. To see where the damn thing took her before she let her head get in the way. Her head, the one thing that always stopped her from following through on anything her heart whispered for her to do.

  She had her hands on his shoulders. Mac at least managed to ditch the oven mitts before she grabbed hold of him, turning him around to face her.

  “You know what?” she muttered breathlessly. “I’m done being cautious.”

  Then she let her mouth ravage his. She molded her breasts against the hard planes of his chest and allowed herself the true pleasure of feeling the way his muscles moved when his arms came around her.

  Mac didn’t take long to respond, once he got over the shock.

  He swept his tongue between her lips in a quick, erotic flicker, then took the kiss deeper.

  His hands were everywhere, running along the planes of her body with a reverence she’d never experienced before. His lips met hers with a crash.

  God, yes.

  She trusted him to take care of her. That much was obvious right away. A slow burn began low in her stomach and traveled between her legs.

  Mac brushed his hand against the side of her breast, sending a shockwave through her.

  “What are you doing to me?”

  His lips followed the path of his fingers, trailing fire from her collarbone down. “Whatever you want me to do.”

  “And if I say no?”

  His movement stilled. “Then I’ll…I don’t know. I’ll have a miserable night thinking about what would’ve happened if we hadn’t stopped to think.”

  “Well, then, I better not change my mind.”

  MAC PRAYED TO God Eva wouldn’t change her mind. Not when the heat rushed from his head to his nether regions, and he found he couldn’t think straight from the loss.

  His elbows bounced against the countertop. “I think we better move somewhere with softer surfaces,” he said with a wince. “Before I hurt myself.”

  Her small hands gripped the collar of his shirt and yanked him down for one more kiss, wild and rough in its intensity.

  He knew she had it in her from the beginning. It drew an equal response from him. They fumbled their way toward the living room, shoving each other. Eva let out a breathless laugh, a low moan, as they groped and grappled. Their mouths came together with his lips teasing. He twisted his fingertips at her top button and slipped it loose.

  Dear God, black cotton had never looked so delicious. Mac dropped his head to the swell between her breasts, nuzzling at her skin, inhaling a scent uniquely Eva. Like a soft spring rain.

  In return, she yanked at his shirt a second time, working it off his shoulders and stretching the neck beyond repair as they circled each other.

  When they reached the living room, she shoved him back against the wall.

  They broke the kiss long enough to remove their tops, her fingernails scraping at his skin until Mac groaned.

  “I can’t help myself,” she whispered, rubbing her lips along his neck. To soothe. To tease.

  She angled her mouth with his jaw and bit down lightly, fumbling with his shorts and fighting to toss them aside as well.

  “I don’t want you to help yourself.” His smile came fast and wicked.

  With his hardened erection pressing painfully against his pants, Mac joined Eva’s hands to help her rid him of his shorts and the confines of his boxers.

  She watched him, eyes dark and stormy, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

  “Do you have a-a…” she trailed off on a stammer.

  Mac nodded. “In my wallet.”

  Then he swept her against him, drawing her half-naked into his arms and pushing them both toward the couch. The softest and nearest surface. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to stop, and she’d be the one against the wall.

  Not a bad idea, for later.

  They lurched down with Eva beneath him. Mac took hold of her wrists and brought her arms over her head to keep her trapped.

  The skirt he’d eyed all day provided easy access for him. Mac shoved the material higher and found her. The whole of her, ready and wet for him.

  Dear Jesus, he’d never heard such sweet sounds as the low groans crawling up her throat.

  “What are you…how are you…oh.” Her head tipped back on the armrest, and her gasp ended on a soft cry.

  He continued to tease, to tempt, to push her higher and higher until her muscles clenched. She responded with her whole body, hips shifting let, right, forward, until her thighs came together to trap his hand and he drove her fast toward climax.

  “I wish you knew how happy that makes me,” he murmured, punctuating the statement with a kiss.

  “What?” she asked. “My orgasm?”

  “How well you respond to me.”

  “Let’s see how far we can take this thing,” she demanded, lashes fluttering toward her cheeks.

  “Give me all you’ve got.”

  She responded to the uns
poken challenge by twisting her right wrist free and reaching down for him. They drove each other toward the brink, his system on the verge of an overload when she took hold of him. Especially when she used her mouth.

  Mac’s world narrowed to heat and hands. To soft skin and sexy sighs. A thin layer of sweat slicked over him as he dragged the skirt down past her knees, pushed the fabric of her bra aside to free her breasts and feast. His teeth circled her nipples.

  Eva gave him everything she had, everything he wanted. More than he had ever imagined and more than he could have hoped for.

  They came together rough, urgent, exploring each other's bodies to the fullest.

  He didn’t want to think about tomorrow. Hell, he didn’t want to think about five minutes from now, ten, because each moment brought with it the inevitable end. He had to leave, and Eva would stay. She couldn’t want him here with her, anyway, he thought. Could she?

  This had to be enough. Wanting her, craving her, he braced his forearm on the couch cushion and brought her leg up to his hips. “I need more.”

  Her one raised eyebrow told him if he wanted more, he needed to make sure he took the proper precautions. He had enough wherewithal to recognize the demand, although it pained him to tear himself away from her even for a moment. It took him much longer than he wanted to grab his pants, fumble for his wallet and pull out the condom he kept there in case of emergencies. Honestly, he thought he’d never have the opportunity, only keeping it there because it was better to be safe than sorry.

  He’d get down on his knees and praise his past self for the insight, but later.

  Not now. Not when Eva lay on her back fully bare for him, her bra clenched between her index finger and thumb. She let the piece drop and beckoned to him. Moonlight played from the windows overlooking the beach, casting shadows on the blackness of her hair, her wry smile, and hooded eyes.

  “Are you going to stand there staring? Or come over here?”

  He didn’t need to be told twice.

  Mac’s mouth went dry, and his erection twitched once, twice. He hurriedly ripped at the package, condom in place, and he had to catch himself before he leaped on her.


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