The Earl’s Dangerous Passion (Historical Regency Romance)

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The Earl’s Dangerous Passion (Historical Regency Romance) Page 25

by Ella Edon

  Derby had done that? Amy hadn’t thought about it before, but it did make sense.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him.”

  “Lord Leicester is not a murderer.” Hartley pointed at her. “And you shouldn’t be putting false things into Derby’s head.”

  “I never said a word about that!”

  “I don’t believe you. You’re a little witch, Amy, and you need to be controlled.”

  “By forcing me into a marriage, I don’t want with a man who’s going to lock me away?” Amy shot back. “I love Lord Derby. I’ve said that many times. Why can’t you accept that and allow something in my life that I actually want?”

  Hartley snorted, his lip curling in a sneer.

  “You keep forgetting your place here. It’s not up to you. Your decision means nothing. You should be grateful that someone like Lord Leicester wants you as his wife in the first place. He’s my choice for you, and you’re not going against it.”

  “Then, you should have turned Lord Derby’s invitation down, not bring us and dangle that in front of me!”

  Hartley smirked.

  “I wanted to show you what you can’t have, what you’ll never have.”

  Amy wanted to scream. This was just disgusting. Hartley had to know this was wrong. Sarah was of the same mind, glaring at Hartley.

  “You’re a twisted man, Lord Hartley,” she hissed.

  “I didn’t ask for your opinion, Lady Merseyside.” Hartley advanced on her and pointed a finger in her face. “You may be with child right now, but that’s not going to stop me from turning on you, so I suggest you keep your mouth shut.” He looked at Amy, nothing but intense fury in his eyes. “Get ready to leave in the morning, Amy. As soon as the magistrate’s done with us, we’re leaving.”

  “You won’t be able to leave,” Sarah pointed out. “You’re a murder suspect.”

  Hartley shook his head and stepped back.

  “No, I’m not.”

  He turned and stalked towards the door, not bothering to shut it as he left. That was when Amy’s legs gave out, and she sagged to the floor. Sarah knelt beside her, wrapping her arms around her friend.

  “It’s all right, Amy. I’m here.”

  * * *

  “Lord Derby.”

  Derby spun around. He had been out on the terrace, trying to get some air. After being confronted by Leicester, it felt like everything was closing in around him. But even a few moments outside didn’t seem to be helping.

  Baron Maudlin was stepping onto the terrace from Derby’s study. He was in evening dress, looking ready for dinner. It was then Derby remembered that it was evening, and everyone would be getting ready for their evening meal. He groaned.

  “Forgive me, Maudlin. I had completely forgotten my duties as host.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I understand.” Maudlin grinned as he approached Derby. “All of this over a girl. And a pretty one, at that.”

  “Don’t say that out loud too much,” Derby muttered. “You might end up becoming another victim.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Never mind.” Derby rubbed his hands over his face. “I can’t see anyone interested in having dinner with everyone with the tension in the air. I’ll let the cook know to make everyone’s meals to have in their rooms.”

  “I’ll let Baroness Maudlin know about it. I don’t blame you for that. Oh, by the way,” Maudlin cleared his throat, “Miss Colburn is with my wife right now. They have been looking for you, but you’ve managed to elude them for now. Do you want someone to distract them?”

  It was tempting. Derby would happily not have anything to do with Rebecca again, but he wasn’t about to hide in his own house. He sighed and shook his head.

  “It’s very kind of you, but I’ll face them if they do find me. I wish I could find a harsher way to get through to Miss Colburn. I’ve told her plainly, and I’ve told her with subtle hints. Nothing seems to be getting through to her.”

  “She’s very determined. Her mother’s very much the same. Once she’s got an idea into her head, no amount of rejection is going to stop her.” Maudlin shrugged. “It was how she got married to Rebecca’s father. Took her a year before he relented.”

  “And now the daughter’s trying to do the same thing.” Derby groaned. “I doubt she’s even going to stop when I marry.”

  “You never know.” Maudlin chuckled. “Or she might say she’s going to have you regardless.”

  “I’m not having that woman as my mistress.” Derby shuddered. “Oh, the thought.”

  Maudlin laughed.

  “You’ve got a handful in the future.”

  “I pity the man who finally does manage to take her in hand.” Derby started when he heard the sound of rustling skirts. “Oh, God, she’s found me.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Sarah came out onto the terrace, still in her daytime best. Derby sagged in relief and hurried to her.

  “Forgive me, Sarah; I thought you were that Colburn girl.”

  “Glad to know you’re relieved to see me.” Sarah hugged her brother back and stepped away. “Speaking of Miss Colburn, I saw her and Baroness Maudlin talking with Lady Hartley. She was gloating about finally putting Amy in her place.”

  “Oh, dear.” Maudlin stepped past them towards the terrace doors. “I think I’d better rescue my wife. No matter how frustrating those two are, they’re not as bad as Lady Hartley.”

  Derby didn’t say anything. He begged to differ on that. Maudlin bowed at both of them and retreated back into the house. As he disappeared, Sarah turned to Derby. That was when he saw how pale she was. He reached for her as she swayed.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I just had a shock.”

  “What happened?”

  Sarah licked her lips.

  “Lord Hartley’s just been to see Amy. He was furious. And he threatened me as well.”

  “He threatened you?” Derby stared at her. “He didn’t lay his hands on you, did he?”

  “No, thank God. But I think he was close to doing it.” Sarah shook her head. “He’s still steadfast in his decision to take Amy away tomorrow.”

  Derby growled and paced away. Lord Hartley was becoming unhinged. Derby knew he was a brute, but to threaten a pregnant woman? That was too much.

  “He’s going too far.”

  “He does have charge of Amy until she marries, Daniel.” Sarah pointed out.

  “But not so that he becomes pigheaded and is just pawning her off onto someone else.” Derby shot back. “A father is supposed to respect his children.”

  “You didn’t respect my choice when you arranged the marriage between me and Kenneth.”

  “I’m not your father, and you had some affection for Merseyside.” Derby gestured at Sarah’s belly. “Practicing before the wedding, remember?”

  Sarah frowned.

  “There are a lot of things I want to call you right now, but…”

  “It’s not ladylike.” Derby chuckled. “I think you covered that when we were children.” He glanced towards his study. From there, he could see the clock, and it was saying the evening was moving on faster than he liked. “I’ll go and see Amy later. Check up on her.”

  “Don’t leave it too late. It’s dark already.”

  Derby grinned, winking at his sister.

  “Who said I need to do it during daylight?”

  He had grown up in this house. There were many secret passages, and Derby knew where all of them were. He could easily gain access to Amy’s room without anyone knowing. From the look on Sarah’s face, she knew it. She groaned and made a face.

  “You...I don’t want to know. Just...keep the noise down, all right?”

  Derby said nothing to that. He wasn’t making any promises on that.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Amy had no idea what awoke her. One minute, she was deep in sleep, warmth wrapped around her with a cool breeze tickling her face, and then sh
e was wide awake. She sat up and looked around the room. Nothing seemed out of place. The door hadn’t opened, and even though the window was open a crack, nothing appeared to be disturbed around the window sill.

  And yet, there was something in the room. Amy was sure about it.

  “Who’s there?”

  Nobody answered. And then there was a creaking sound. Amy squeaked and grasped the sheets to her breast. Someone was trying to get into the room. Was it Leicester? Was he coming back to get what he had threatened to take?

  Amy was glad she had locked the door, but she couldn’t see the door handle turning.

  The creaking started again, and Amy stared as one of the wardrobe doors opened. Someone stepped out the wardrobe, still bathed in shadows. Amy’s heart was in her mouth. She couldn’t move. Then she heard a familiar voice.

  “It’s me, Amy.”

  Amy let out the breath she had been holding.


  Then Derby stepped into the moonlight, giving her a smile. He was wearing trousers and his shirt, but no coat. And no shoes, either, just stockings. His shirt was open at the neck, no cravat in sight.

  What was he up to? Right now, Amy didn’t care. She climbed out of bed and hurried to him, flinging her arms around his neck. Derby embraced her tightly, burying his face in her neck. It was then Amy remembered she was in her nightgown, and she wasn’t wearing her petticoats. Derby was, essentially, hugging her naked body.

  Amy liked it. She could feel Derby’s heat surrounding her, his hands on her back. One hand was moving down to cup her backside. Amy started, but she didn’t move away. Derby growled and gave her buttocks a squeeze.

  “God, Amy, you feel like a goddess right now.”

  Amy could feel the throbbing starting between her legs. It was insistent, warmth twisting in her belly and creeping its way up. She had a sudden urge to drag Derby to her bed.

  She pushed this away and stepped back, smacking Derby on the arm.

  “Ouch! What was that for?”

  “For scaring me!”

  Derby rubbed his elbow.

  “I didn’t mean to. I thought you had remembered the secret passages around the house. We used to explore them when we were young.”

  “That was when we were children,” Amy shot back. “You’re lucky I can remember what the house looked like. Anyway, what are you doing here? It’s the middle of the night.”

  “I know, but I wanted to make sure you were all right, and I couldn’t afford to have anyone see me come in.” Derby made a face. “My servants can spread a rumor around the estate faster than anyone I’ve ever encountered.”

  Amy didn’t doubt that, but she wasn’t about to commit a scandal to find out. She wrapped her arms around her waist.

  “I’m fine,” she mumbled. “I just…”

  “Even after earlier with your father?”

  Amy blinked. Then she sighed and looked down at the floor.

  “Sarah told you, didn’t she?”

  “Of course, she told me. It’s not something anyone would keep hidden.”

  “I just…” Amy shuffled from foot to foot. Now she was feeling ashamed. “I didn’t want people to know about my father’s confrontation.”

  “Considering how loud Lord Hartley is, you’re lucky nobody else heard it.” Derby reached out and buried his hands in Amy’s hair, tilting her head to look at him. “Sarah was scared for you, Amy. I’m scared as well. Hartley is determined to keep us apart, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  Amy was momentarily distracted by his hands. This was the first time Derby had touched her hair when it was loose. His fingers were gently massaging her scalp, and Amy found herself sighing at the sensation. She forced herself to concentrate, putting her hands on Derby’s wrists to stop his ministrations.

  “He shouldn’t have agreed to your invitation in the first place,” she said sadly. “He knew what he wanted, and he just wanted to abuse your hospitality while waving what you couldn’t have in front of your face.”

  “I know.” Derby leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her head. “But I am glad you’re here. I wouldn’t have been able to come clean about how I feel about you had we stayed in London.”

  Amy was glad she was here. In London, things were restricted, and they were refrained from truly expressing themselves. Out here, anything was possible. Then Amy’s mind clicked on something. She grinned and prodded Derby in the belly.

  “If I recall correctly, you’ve never actually said it out loud.”

  “I would’ve thought my actions would have said everything.”

  “Women need words a lot of the time.” Amy pressed her hands to his chest. She could feel his heart beating against her palms. “And that would make me feel better hearing it all.”

  Derby stared at her. His expression softened, and he bent his head. His kiss was soft, molding against Amy’s lips. His hands momentarily tightened in her hair before Derby broke the kiss, looking down at her with dark desire gleaming in his eyes.

  “I love you, Amy.” Then he let out a heavy breath, and he beamed. “Whoa. That was easier than I thought. I haven’t said that to anyone outside of my family before.”

  That was an honor in itself. Amy tugged his head down and kissed him, pulling Derby closer. This time there was no restraint, and she felt Derby’s hand slide over her body, cupping her backside and lifting her until Amy was on her tiptoes. Amy gasped when she felt his hardness pressing against her belly. Derby bent his knees a little, his mouth going to her neck and sucking at her ear and rubbed himself against her core. Amy whimpered and clapped a hand over her mouth. Derby chuckled against her skin, which had Amy shivering.

  “I love how responsive you are, Amy.”

  He kissed her shoulder, lowering her back onto her feet. Then his hands were gathering Amy’s nightgown up, sliding it up over her knees, her thighs, and then her hips. Amy had a moment of panic. They should stop. This wasn’t proper. Would he find her repulsive?

  But then Derby urged her to lift up her arms, taking her nightgown off completely. He tossed the gown aside, and his eyes seemed to drink her in. Amy loved the look on his face. Pure desire. Unadulterated passion. God, he looked beautiful.

  Even then, Amy covered herself and tried to turn away. Not even for her doctor had Amy been this naked. But Derby took her hands and lowered them, linking her fingers with his.

  “Don’t hide yourself. I want to see you.”

  “You like what you see?”

  Derby’s nostrils flared, and he tugged her closer.


  Amy knew he could see her in the moonlight from the window, and she loved the way he was looking at her. She stepped closer, brushing her lips across his jaw.

  “I think you’re wearing too many close, my lord,” she whispered.

  “Later,” Derby growled as he urged her backward. “It’s all about you for now.”

  Amy felt the back of her legs hit the bed, and they toppled onto the mattress. Derby crawled up until he was resting on the pillows, tugging Amy up with him. Then he kissed her again as he lay beside her. Amy could feel his erection pressing against her thigh. One arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her against him as his mouth focused on hers. His other hand cupped her face, stroking his fingers over her cheek. Then his hand slid down her neck and shoulder, moving down to her breasts.

  Amy sighed and found herself arching into his hand as he gave her breast a firm squeeze. His fingers plucked and circled her nipple, which hardened under his touch. It had Amy writhing.

  Then his hand started to track down her body again, brushing over her most private place. He retreated and pressed her hand to his belly. If he was teasing her, it was far too slow.

  Amy wanted more. Brazenly, she grabbed his hand and urged it lower.

  “Please, Daniel.”

  Derby groaned. Then his fingers were rubbing the edge of her swollen lips. His thumb touched her clit, and the shock of pleasure had Amy gasping, h
er hips coming off the bed. Derby then started to circle her clit with his thumb, thrusting one finger, and then two, inside her. It was a little tight to start with, but it soon gave way to an intense pleasure that Amy hadn’t experienced before. She could only grab onto Derby’s shoulders as he built the tempo with his hands, curling his fingers as he thrust them inside her. His mouth was like fire on hers as his fingers built the fire in her belly.


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