Not The Billionaire

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Not The Billionaire Page 2

by Noorman, Krista

  “Because she thinks Sebastian Schultz is cold and unapproachable.”

  “You are cold and unapproachable.”

  “Screw you.” Sebastian pushed his brother’s chair again, accidentally knocking Gus’s shin against the leg of the desk.

  “Ow!” Gus swung a fist and connected with Sebastian’s upper arm.

  “Gah! Sorry!”

  When the chair was properly positioned, Gus raised an eyebrow at his brother. “Well, if I’m you, then who are you supposed to be?”

  “Nobody. I’m Kurtis from Public Relations.”

  Laughter exploded from Gus again as Sebastian rolled his own desk chair behind him into the private bathroom in the corner of the room.

  “This seems much more like something I would do,” Gus told him.

  “I know.” Sebastian peeked out of the bathroom, his eyes moving back and forth between Gus and the open office door. “I don’t ask you for much, brother, but I need you to do this for me. Please.”

  “Fine, but I expect a full explanation.”

  “Oh man, thank you. I owe you one.” He closed the door behind him and turned the lock.

  “Darn right you do.” Gus’s voice was muffled through the door.

  Sebastian moved to stand in front of the mirror. He shook his head at the usually logical man before him. He wasn’t one to come up with schemes like this. He liked to think he was a good, honest, and moral man. But the moment he met Genevieve, all common sense flew out the window.

  He still wasn’t sure what had prompted him to lie about his identity. He was happy with who he was most days. But the things she’d said about him touched on his deepest insecurities. He didn’t want to be thought of in the way she’d described him, but he knew that’s how people saw him. And it wasn’t completely untrue. He kept his distance, especially from women, and while he loved his family more than anything, it all stemmed from having the Schultz name.

  The intercom on the office desk beeped. “Mr. Schultz, Genevieve Willis is here to see you.”

  Genevieve Willis.

  His heart jumped in his chest, and he moved closer to the door to listen.

  “Send her in.” Gus’s attempt to sound like him caused Sebastian to snicker.

  He heard the click of her heels as she entered the room, and then the two of them exchanged greetings and pleasantries. The sound of Genevieve’s sweet voice on the other side of the door made him smile, and he wished he had some kind of superpower that would allow him to see through walls, because he was dying for another glimpse of her beautiful face.

  Part of him felt guilty for the lie and wanted to whip open the door and admit to everything right then and there, but something gave him pause. He’d never had a chance to get to know anyone without the stigma of his billionaire status hanging over the relationship. He wasn’t sure how often their paths would cross, since she worked down the street at the Foundation office, but if he saw her again, and if she didn’t know he was a Schultz, she might actually like him for who he was. Not because he was a billionaire.


  The man seated before Genevieve was not at all what she expected. From what she’d heard, Sebastian Schultz was not an easy person to work with or for. But that was not at all the vibe she was getting from the person she’d just met.

  “So, tell me a little more about yourself, Genevieve.” Sebastian ran his fingers through his sandy brown hair and sat back casually, his hazel eyes gazing at her.

  “Well, I graduated from Ferris State with a Bachelors in Public Relations. I’ve been working in fundraising for non-profits for the past eight years.”

  “If I wanted to know your job qualifications, I would look up your résumé. I mean, tell me more about you.” He winked at her and crossed his arms over his chest.

  This was not at all how she saw this meeting going. Sebastian was much more … flirtatious than she expected. And young. She wasn’t positive, but he seemed younger than her. Maybe not even thirty yet. But then she’d never been good at guessing people’s ages.

  When she didn’t answer right away, he said, “What do you like, Genevieve? What makes you tick?”

  “I like Schultz Chocolate. I had one of your truffles today, and it was really good.” She sounded like an idiot, sucking up to the boss or something.

  “Everyone likes Schultz Chocolate.”

  “Not everyone,” she replied.

  One of his eyebrows lifted. “No? Who doesn’t like them?”

  “My sister doesn’t like chocolate at all.”

  “That’s just madness,” he replied, sitting forward and placing his forearms flat on the desk. “Has she tried ours?”

  Genevieve wrinkled her nose. “She doesn’t like the taste of any chocolate.”

  He shook his head in disbelief. “I have never in my life known a person who did not like chocolate.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Well, now you do.”

  “I now feel like it’s my life’s mission to get your sister to like our chocolate.”

  “Good luck!” Genevieve laughed. “You can’t make someone change. They have to decide for themselves.”

  She thought she saw a shadow cross his face for a moment before he sat back and said, “So, tell me your ideas for the fundraiser.”

  Genevieve took a breath, excited to finally share what she’d come up with. “I know in the past, the charity events have been a dinner at different locations around Grand Rapids with people paying for a table, silent auction, those sorts of things, and those are all well and good, but I’d like to expand on that this year.”

  He tilted his head toward her. “What ya got?”

  “A regatta.”

  His eyebrows lifted, and a grin spread across his face. “Interesting.”

  “I’m thinking events throughout the day leading up to the race, contests and games that are more family oriented to get the community involved, and a gala at the end of the night for the big spenders, similar to what’s been done before, but with a theme.”

  “What kind of theme?” he asked.

  “I’ve been kicking around a couple ideas, but I keep going back to the Roaring Twenties.”

  Sebastian’s head bobbed with his approval. “I love it.”

  “You do?”

  “Absolutely. What about location?”

  “The yacht club in Holland.” Being on Lake Michigan and within an hour of Grand Rapids, it was the perfect location.

  “Perfect. Let’s put it in motion.”

  She hadn’t expected such a high level of enthusiasm. She was excited about it, but considering his reputation, she’d assumed she’d have some convincing to do before he agreed to such a large scale event. This had been much easier than she thought it would be.

  Her mind shifted to promoting the event, and she immediately thought of Kurtis. “I’m going to need a lot of help getting the word out about this, especially since I’ve been told the date is already set for late July. That only gives us about six weeks.”

  “We have people who can help with that.”

  “Perhaps your Public Relations guy, Kurtis.”

  A sudden crashing sound came from behind the door in the corner and startled both her and Sebastian.

  “Right. Kurtis.” Sebastian looked like he was holding back a laugh as he glanced at the door and back at her.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” He looked at her seriously. “Kurtis will be the perfect man for the job. I’ll make sure to put him on it right away.”

  “Wonderful.” Genevieve tried not to sound too eager about working with Kurtis, but she couldn’t get his handsome face out of her mind. Those kind eyes. That gorgeous smile. It had taken everything within her to walk out of the gift shop that morning. She had wanted to know more about him. She’d wanted to stay and keep talking. Never before had she believed it when people said they met someone and had an instant connection. Never had she experienced such a thing. Until now.

en their meeting came to an end, Genevieve thanked him and stood.

  Sebastian did the same and walked around the desk. “Let me walk you out.” He placed a hand on her lower back and escorted her into the hallway.

  She looked over to find him watching her.

  “I’m supposed to meet with Holly in Human Resources now to get a tour of the main building.” Being under his gaze made her nervous, and it was the only thing she could think to say.

  “After your tour, how about lunch?”

  “Lunch?” Is he asking me out?

  “A working lunch,” he clarified. “I’d like to hear more about the regatta.”

  “Oh, of course. I’d be happy to—”

  “And about you.”

  She looked over at him again, and he wore a smile that probably made many a girl weak in the knees. He definitely did not fit his rumored reputation. Not at all. He was warm and easy to talk to and very flirtatious. The complete opposite of the Sebastian Schultz she’d been warned about.

  “I’ll have my assistant set it up.” He left her at reception and walked back toward his office.

  “See you then.” He was already too far down the hallway to hear her reply. She turned her attention to the receptionist, who rolled her eyes in Sebastian’s direction, and she was suddenly curious. “Does he take all the new employees to lunch?” She was pretty sure she knew the answer, but asked it anyway.

  The woman chuckled. “If they’re female.”

  “He’s different than I thought he’d be,” Genevieve said.

  “Don’t worry. He’s not around that much anyway.”

  “Why not?” She wanted to hear the answer to that question, but was interrupted by a dark-haired woman who approached them with a cell phone in hand.

  Her eyes met Genevieve’s as she hung up the phone. “Good morning, Genevieve. I’m Holly.” She extended a hand to her. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

  Genevieve shook her hand. “Likewise.”

  “Let’s give you the tour, shall we?”



  Sebastian slowly opened the bathroom door when he heard Gus’s voice and returned to his office with a sigh of relief. “Thank you for doing that.” He breathed in deeply, feeling lightheaded from holding his breath throughout the meeting. His heart was still beating faster than normal, and now he was feeling a little nauseated as he took a seat at his desk and started up his computer.

  Gus stood over him, waiting. “Care to tell me what that was all about … Kurtis?”

  Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Okay, I know it was probably stupid, but I met her this morning, and she didn’t seem to know who I was. She was going on about how ‘Sebastian’ is a cold fish who doesn’t like women, so—”

  Gus interrupted with a snort.

  “When she asked my name, Kurtis popped out of my mouth.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell her who you were?”

  “There was something different about her, and I wondered what it would be like to get to know her if she didn’t know I had money.”

  Gus shook his head. “That seems a little backward to me. In my experience, women love guys with money.”

  “I’m well aware.”

  “I know you are, but you’ll have a much easier time getting her if she knows you’re loaded.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t want to get a girl that way.”

  That was one of Gus’s biggest problems. He didn’t seem to mind women using him for his money. Sebastian could never do that. He wanted a relationship built on love and respect, one that developed naturally, not one motivated by money.

  Gus plopped down in a nearby chair. “So, what’s your plan?”

  “I didn’t plan it. It just happened.”

  “And you think you can keep the truth from her when you work at the same company?”

  Sebastian raked his fingers through his dark hair and rested his head in his hands. “Obviously, I haven’t thought this through.”

  “Well, don’t worry. I’ll keep your secret.”

  He looked up at his brother. “You’re never around here, so that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Hey! I’ve been here a lot more lately and you know it,” Gus snapped.

  “I know you have.”

  “I’m trying, and I think I nailed the meeting with Genevieve.”

  Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? You approved her idea without asking her anything but what theme she’d chosen. What about budget? How much will this cost? Is it even feasible to put an event of this size together in six weeks?”

  Gus’s shoulders drooped.

  “I’m not trying to discourage you, but I think you said yes because it sounded like a great party.”

  “The fundraiser could use an update, and I think Genevieve’s idea is just what it needs.” Gus smirked. “And it does sound like a great party.”

  Sebastian loved his brother, but he wasn’t always very business-minded. “I’ll deal with the fundraiser from here on out.”

  “Fine.” Gus stood and walked toward the door.

  “Thanks again for helping me.”

  Gus paused at the door and looked back over his shoulder. “Anything for you, brother.”


  After finishing the tour and meeting more people than she would actually remember, Genevieve returned to her office down the street at the Schultz Foundation. Getting this job had been the most spontaneous thing she’d ever done. After leaving the non-profit where she’d worked for five years—where she was less than appreciated, despite killing herself with impossibly long hours, and where she’d learned they weren’t completely transparent with where their money went—she’d gotten wind of the available position at Schultz and immediately sent over her résumé. She hadn’t given much thought to the decision, and never actually believed she’d get called for an interview. But she had. And then she’d gotten a second interview, where they had offered her the position.

  She’d never felt so happy as the moment she handed in her resignation. Until she walked into her new job and realized there were places of employment that might actually be enjoyable. Not to mention ethically run.

  As she started getting organized to tackle the regatta planning, there was a soft knock at the door.

  “Hello there.”

  Genevieve looked up to see a stunning woman with long chestnut brown hair and pretty doe eyes standing in the doorway. “Hello.”

  “I hear we have a new event coordinator.” She held her hand out. “I’m Skylar Schultz.”

  “Oh.” Genevieve stood and shook her hand. “Genevieve Willis. It’s so nice to meet you. Are you Sebastian’s …?”

  “Sister.” Skylar filled in the blank. “Please tell me you’ve got something better than dinner and a silent auction for the charity event this year.” Skylar ambled into the room and took a seat in the chair across the desk from Genevieve.

  Genevieve liked how candid Skylar was. “I think I do, actually.”

  Skylar scooted forward a little in her chair as if she were hanging on Genevieve’s every word. “Do tell.”

  “A regatta.”

  “I like that.” Skylar’s head bobbed a few times. “Who doesn’t like hunky sailors racing across the big lake?”

  Genevieve almost laughed aloud. Skylar seemed very laid back. Everyone that worked here did. It was a nice change.

  “I met with Sebastian this morning, and he already approved the idea.”

  “That’s good to hear. He’s not always receptive to change.”

  “Honestly, he was much different than I expected,” Genevieve admitted.

  Skylar cocked her head. “How so?”

  “I mean absolutely no offense when I say this, but I had heard he was kind of … difficult to work with.” Genevieve hoped she hadn’t crossed the line by telling her that.

  Skylar started laughing. “He can take a little time to get to know, but he’s a big softy, really.”

“I thought he was nice and easy to talk to and funny. We got on very well.”

  Skylar’s brow furrowed. “I’ve never heard anyone refer to Sebastian as funny before.”

  Genevieve shrugged. “I was pleasantly surprised.”

  “I’m glad.” She tapped the desk lightly with her palm and stood. “Well, I’ll let you get back to it. You have a regatta to plan, right?”

  “Right.” The excitement over this event was growing with each enthusiastic reception.

  “Nice meeting you, Genevieve.”

  “You too, Miss Schultz.”

  “Call me Sky,” she insisted.

  “Okay, Sky.”

  As Skylar neared the door, a familiar and very handsome face stepped into the doorway.



  Sebastian had been distracted all morning. He’d sat at his desk and spent the last hour toying with the idea of heading down the street to Genevieve’s office to invite her to lunch. That smile of hers overshadowed all other thoughts and made it impossible for him to get any work done. He finally caved and took one of the company golf carts to get between buildings quickly. What he hadn’t expected when he arrived at her office was to run smack dab into his sister.

  “Kurtis!” Genevieve sounded excited to see him, which made his heart soar.

  Skylar’s eyebrow raised as her eyes met his. “Kurtis?”

  “Good afternoon, Miss Schultz.” His voice squeaked a little, and his eyes locked with his sister’s, willing her to play along.

  “Miss Schultz?” Her head tilted in amusement as Sebastian moved into the room. “So, you two have met.” She looked back and forth between the two of them.

  Genevieve nodded. “Kurtis was the first person I met this morning down in the gift shop.”

  “Was he?” Skylar looked pleased, as if she was racking up all the favors he was going to owe her after this. She patted him on the arm. “That’s our Kurtis. Such a friendly and welcoming guy.”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” he said pointedly.


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