A Very Beary Christmas (The Ornamental Match Maker Book 22)

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A Very Beary Christmas (The Ornamental Match Maker Book 22) Page 7

by Danni Roan

  Anita smiled. “You think so?” she asked. “I like Devon, and he likes me too,” she dropped her eyes. “Maybe more, but it’s too soon to know.”

  “Why?” Carlos asked.

  “Why? What?” Anita said studying her brother’s face. He looked so like their father anymore. For a moment she wondered what Poppy would look like if he had still been with them. Would his hair be getting gray? Would Mama still have her hair long, or would she have cut it short like so many others of her age did.

  “Nita,” Carlos said pulling her back from her thoughts. “You have never been a silly or frivolous girl. You are smart, talented, and wise beyond your years.”

  Anita’s giggle cut him off, and he raised both brows toward her. “I blame Gram for that,” she said. “She lectures you know.”

  Carlos laughed and the sound of his deep rumble filled the room lifting Anita’s heart. She remembered the first day he had laughed all those years ago even after the tragedy that had stolen their parents away. That laugh had convinced her that everything would be all right. That if Carlos could find something to laugh at amid such sorrow, the world didn’t have to end.

  “Sweetheart trust; trust your instincts, trust your heart. If the man was no good you’d know already. I’m sure of it.”

  Anita stood walking around the little bench and wrapped her arms around Carlos. “Thank you,” she said, her heart soaring. She knew that she was already falling in love with Devon Willshire, and she didn’t want that to stop. She didn’t need Pablo’s harsh words echoing in her ears as she found out what came next.

  Anita didn’t want to play the dating game. She didn’t want to go on endless rounds of first dates, or getting to know you dinners. She wanted someone to love. Someone to come home to each night and tell her cares to. And at this very moment she knew she wanted Devon. She wanted to wake up to his sleepy smile, to kiss him goodnight, and to spend the days talking about nothing, or everything, or anything.

  “Thanks,” she said again as she hugged Carlos one more time then grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

  Chapter 16

  The snow was falling heavily and the icy wind was driving the shimmering flakes like daggers into any living thing outdoors.

  Anita glanced out the window as the phone rang once more, and she answered sure it would be another cancellation for the night’s meal.

  With the miserable weather, locals were bundling up and staying in instead of braving the slick roads on their way to the inn, and she couldn’t blame them.

  “Anita,” a high voice squeaked over the phone. “Is this Anita?”

  “Yes,” Anita said scowling at the phone. “Can I help you?”

  “It’s Pablo,” the voice said.

  “What? Who are you?” Anita asked confused by the woman’s strained voice.

  “No, I mean, Pablo was in an accident, they’re taking him to the emergency room now.”

  Anita felt her heart freeze in her breast and her hand trembled. “Gram!” she gasped as the line went dead, but her voice wouldn’t seem to work. “Gram,” she tried again as tears began to fall.

  “Anita, what’s wrong?” Gram said taking the phone from her cold hands and placing it back on the receiver.

  “Gram, Pablo’s been in an accident,” Anita squeaked.

  Mrs. Walton gasped then took Anita by the shoulders. “Call Carlos,” she snapped. “I’ll get things sorted here, and you head for the hospital. Go!”

  Anita jumped at Gram’s final word snapping her out of her shock as she raced to their living quarters pulling her cell phone from her pocket as she ran.


  The wail of sirens had Devon racing for the emergency entrance and straight into the glow of the flashing red lights. He’d been at the hospital all night, and this was their third major accident. He prayed that people would get home and off the roads soon as the EMT’s popped the gurney from the ambulance.

  “What’d a we have?” Devon asked grabbing the IV bag from one of the emergency workers.

  “I guess he was working on a car and it slipped off the jack,” the EMT replied. “Landed on his leg. We got a tourniquet on it, but it looks bad.”

  Devon looked down at the leg that was heavily wrapped and the dark stained overhauls covering it, as they raced down the hall. “Sandy,” he called as they passed the nurses’ station. “Call Dr. Gibbs, it’s going to be a long night.”

  The next two hours were a whirlwind of activity while Devon assisted the surgeon who was busy repairing severed blood vessels and tissue. He was numb, frightened, and filled with doubts about the outcome, but above all, he was praying that the young man survived. Pablo hadn’t like him from the beginning, but Devon wanted him to live. He wanted him to look up, and see his beautiful sister smiling down at him after all of this.

  He knew Anita and her family had arrived hours ago, sitting in the waiting room as he and the surgeon worked to repair Pablo’s leg, but only time would tell if it worked.

  “That’s it,” Doctor Gibbs said. “You close,” he added stripping his bloody gloves from his hand. “The rest is up to God and this young man here,” he finished looking down on the pale face of Pablo Jimenez. “I don’t think this is the boy’s first rodeo though,” he added noting the scar at his temple. “All that’s left to do is wait and pray.”

  Chapter 17

  Devon looked into the room watching as the family huddled around Pablo. He wanted to join them, but didn’t want to disturb them either.

  “Go on,” Sandy urged giving his shoulder a nudge. “You were an assisting doctor, you can answer questions.”

  “But Doc. Gibbs already talked to them,” Devon protested. “It isn’t the same. They know you. Or at least some of them do,” she added. “You’ll be good for them.”

  Devon nodded turning the door knob and slipping into the room as Anita turned a tear stained face toward him.

  “I didn’t mean to disturb anyone,” he said looking between Anita and the rest of the family. Jamie sat in a chair holding the baby, and the woman they all called Gram smiled at him, her face serine.

  “You aren’t disturbing us,” Anita said. “When will he wake up?” she sniffed.

  “He woke up post op,” Devon said wanting to pull her into his arms. “He’ll sleep for a while now, but it’s a good rest. That’s what he needs now. Time to heal. It’s a miracle his leg wasn’t crushed,” he added.

  Anita sniffed again and fresh tears poured from her eyes. “I had a fight with him this morning,” she said. “My last words to him were harsh and unloving.”

  Devon crumbled, giving in to his need to pull her close and he wrapped his arms around the woman he loved. “He’ll be all right,” he assured, praying he was right. “We did everything possible to save his leg, and it went well.” He paused pulling back and looking into her luminous eyes. “You fought about me didn’t you?” he asked his heart sinking like a lead weight to his knees.

  Anita nodded. “He still doesn’t trust you, or thinks I’m too dumb to know my own heart,” she sighed.

  “No,” the word was a breathy whisper from the bed. “No,” Pablo said his eyes fluttering open as he tried to focus on Anita through the haze of anesthesia and pain medicine.

  “Pablo, I’m so sorry,” she blurted hurrying to his side and grasping his hand. “I love you. I didn’t mean what I said.”

  “I’ll leave,” Devon said his heart cracking. “I don’t want to come between you and your family,” he added nodding to each of them. “I won’t be the cause of that.”

  Again Pablo whispered. “No,” he said his voice scratching. “You were right ‘Nita. He’s a good man. The whole time I was in that room I could hear him praying for me. Hear the desperation of his heart lifted in prayer. If I get through this it won’t only be because I had a great doctor. It will be because Devon was there.”

  Anita looked a Devon her heart racing to him before she could make it into his outstretched arms. “You prayed for him right
there in the operating room?” she asked nestling into his strong arms.

  “Yes, but not out loud,” he said bewildered by the other man’s words.

  “Sometimes, in times of great stress,” Gram spoke. “You can hear another person’s heart.” She looked between Pablo and Anita. “Now Pablo you go back to sleep and get better. I’m getting this lot some food and letting Bill and Ann know everything is going to be alright.”

  Gathering up Jamie, Carlos and baby Christian, Mrs. Walton herded them from the room leaving Anita in Devon’s loving embrace.

  “Anita,” Devon whispered resting his chin on her head as she nestled against his beating heart. “I know it’s soon, and I know emotions are high right now, but I love you. I want to spend my days and nights getting to know you and learning everything about you. I don’t want to rush you, but I hope you have some feelings for me as well, and if you do, I’d like us to plan a life together. We don’t have to hurry, we can wait.” He stopped as Anita wriggled out of his arms and looked up into his face.

  “Devon,” she said a smile on her lips. “I feel the same way about you,” she finally said leaning in and kissing him with a promise of a future together.

  Chapter 18

  Pablo wheeled his chair toward the Christmas tree, a heavy package on his lap. He had only been out of the hospital for two days, and he was still struggling to move around in the old house, but his heart was full of love and gratitude.

  “You sure you should be doing that?” Carlos asked as he walked into the room and placed a stack of gifts under the tree.

  “Yes, I just have to watch I don’t bump my leg. I start therapy next week, and until then I’m being very, very, careful.”

  “And you’re all right with Devon joining us tomorrow morning?” Carlos asked watching his little brother for signs of deception.

  “I’m sure,” Pablo said. “I was an idiot,” he added. “I was so sure that a preppy guy like that wouldn’t really fall for someone as sweet as our ‘Nita. But Devon’s all right, and he really cares for her. It’s as if they were meant to be,” he mused sounding baffled by the thought.

  “Some people are,” Carlos grinned. “Like me and Jamie. She crashed into my world and took me down hard, but I wouldn’t trade a minute for anything on this earth.”

  Pablo smiled. “I think Anita feels the same way about Devon. I know she really cares for Devon, and I believe he cares for her too.”

  “It’s not always going to be easy for them,” Carlos said. “Anita has to go back to school after the New Year, and Devon has to finish out his training.”

  “I just want them to be happy,” Pablo said. “I’m glad ‘Nita will have someone there for her all the time.”

  “Have they set a date yet?” Carlos asked.

  “I don’t think so, but I know they are serious. Maybe they’ll have a spring wedding when they both finish this part of their education.”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” Carlos said. “Maybe Devon will even ask you to stand up at the wedding,” he teased gratified by his brother’s low moan of disapproval.

  “What’s that?” Pablo asked noting the small package in Carlos’s hand.

  “I don’t know it came in the mail yesterday.”

  “Probably something from Gram. You know how she is about Christmas.”

  “It’s got your name on it,” Carlos said tossing the small package to Pablo who snatched it from the air. “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.”


  Devon pulled up to the front of the Old Inn and wiped his hands on his jacket. The sun was rising in a crystal clear sky and he smiled at the sparkling snow that covered the world in a blanket of white.

  The roads had been cleared and the driving easy, especially so early in the morning, and he opened the door onto a crisp new day.

  “You’re here!” Anita said racing down the stairs of the Inn and wrapping her arms around him. “We’re almost ready to open gifts,” she smiled pulling back and taking his hand.

  “Wait,” Devon said, his voice breaking a bit.

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Anita turned looking into troubled blue eyes and her heart seemed to stop. “Devon what’s wrong?”

  Devon licked dry lips wondering how he was supposed to say what he needed to. He knew he was worrying Anita, but his mind seemed to slow as his hand slipped into his coat pocket.

  “Anita, I know we already talked about this,” he said. “Maybe we don’t know exactly how things will come together, but I just need to do this.”

  Dropping to one knee in the snow he flipped open the blue box in his hand exposing a beautifully crafted diamond ring. “Will you marry me?” he asked as fresh snow flakes began to flutter around them.

  “Yes!” Anita cried falling into his arms. “Yes! You know I will. I love you Devon Willshire. I don’t know how, or why, or when it happened, but you belong in my heart.”

  Devon wrapped his arms around Anita lifting her off her feet and spinning her around in the warm light of a frosty day.

  “You’re the best Christmas gift I could ever want,” he said as she placed her hands on his face and kissed him.

  A moment later Devon turned bright red as they were greeted with loud cheers, congratulations, and applause as guests of the Inn reveled in their love.

  “I think the secret is out,” Anita said hurrying down the hall and around the corner to where her loving family awaited by their Christmas tree, the one with a tiny teddy bear twinkling in the brightly colored lights.


  “Who sent it?” Pablo asked lifting the little low rider truck from the carefully wrapped box. “It had to be one of you?” he added accusingly looking at his family as even Jamie’s parents shook their heads. “I don’t suppose the real thing is out in the drive way though?” he finished with a grin gazing at the antique yellow and brown model of a truck.

  “I didn’t get that?” Gram said shaking her head as all eyes turned her way. “Isn’t there a card?”

  “It’s so perfectly crafted,” Anita said, “Just like my bear.”

  “Maybe it came from Mrs. Claus,” Jamie teased bouncing Chris on her knee and making everyone laughed.”

  “You never know,” Gram said. “Stranger things have been known to happen at Christmas. Just look at Devon and Anita,” she smiled. “They’re here together now, and all because of a very bear-y Christmas.”

  The End

  Other books in this series:

  The Ornamental Match Maker

  Carousel Horse Christmas

  Loose Goose Christmas

  Pineapple Persuasion

  July’s Jubilant Christmas Jumble

  Shutter Shock Christmas in July

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  Other Books by this Author:

  From the Cattleman’s Daughters

  Katie Isabella


  Meg Mae

  Cattleman’s Daughters Companions


  The Redemption of Rachel

  Sean’s Secret Heart


  Sweet Annie


  Tales from Biders Clump

  Christmas Kringle

  Quil’s Careful Cowboy

  Bruno’s Belligerent Beauty


  A Teaching Touch

  Prissy’s Predicament

  Lucinda’s Luck

  Ferd’s Fair Favor

  The Travels of Titus

  Winter’s Worth

  Strong Hearts: Open Spirits

  Maggie’s ValleySadina’s Stocking

  Celestre’s Song Beloved Beulah

  Whispers in Wyoming

  Love Letters & Home

  Counting Kadence

  Mercy’s Light

  Falling Forward

  Racing Destiny

  Baby be Mine

  Brides of Needful Texas





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  About the Author

  Danni Roan, a native of western Pennsylvania, spent her childhood roaming the lush green mountains on horseback. She has always loved westerns and specifically western romance and is thrilled to be part of this exciting genre. She has lived and worked overseas with her husband and tries to incorporate the unique quality of the people she has met throughout the years into her books.

  Danni currently lives in her thirty-six foot RV with her husband and is traveling the United States to see this beautiful country and experience its history first hand.

  Danni and her ‘every-day-hero’ have one son who is attending college and finding his own way as his crazy parents experience the author life along with life on the road.

  As a Christian Danni, believes strongly that God brings new challenges, and blessings into one’s life to help them grow and she hopes that her words were both and encouragement and inspiration to you.


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