Bet You're Mine: A Lesbian Billionaire Fake Girlfriend Romance

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Bet You're Mine: A Lesbian Billionaire Fake Girlfriend Romance Page 2

by Berri Fox

  Rachel looks at me then, brows raised as she gently places her hand on my shoulder.

  “Hey, maybe you need a break?”

  I nod with a sigh and stand up, giving her an apologetic smile before I leave the front area, desperately searching for Abbie so that I can vent. I don’t think I’ve ever been so humiliated in my life, and it was the final straw for today. It’s been one thing after another, and I just can’t seem to catch a break. Abbie will know what to do though, she always does, and at the very least she’ll let me vent a bit and cheer me up.

  At least until I embarrass myself in front of a pretty lady again.

  Chapter # 4



  This club is definitely my scene and the more we walk through and scope the place out, the more I’m looking forward to spending some more time here. Not only is the location itself nice, but the people here are great; beautiful, hilarious, and a variety of types to peruse and converse with. I can definitely see myself coming back here not only for the people, but for the demonstrations.

  The presentation is well done and tasteful, and sometimes it’s hard to achieve both depending on the club’s demographic. Having been to my fair share of clubs I’ve seen everything from places that seem like swanky resorts to dives that make your skin crawl just walking in. This place is a happy medium and my cousins and I are having a great time getting to know the crowd and exploring all of the things it has to offer.

  My cousins are of course combing the crowd to try and find a girl that they think will be impossible to impress, but personally I’m more focused on the demonstrations that are being offered. It’s tasteful and well done, and the woman doing the demonstrations is very professional and knowledgeable.

  Having said that; as wonderful as the demonstrations are I can’t help but keep thinking about that cutie back at the front desk. Not only was she absolutely fucking beautiful, but she was adorable and sweet, which is a hard combination to be able to pull off. That, and the fact that she stumbled over her words and blushed furiously when I simply looked at her was enough to pique my interest. It’s always nice to be able to reduce a girl to a stuttering, blabbering mess with just a glance, and it never fails to catch my eye.

  The girl at the desk was particularly sweet too, and I can’t help but wonder what she’d look like with her cheeks flushed for an entirely different reason.

  I can’t seem to get her off of my mind so I manage to slip away from my cousins and I head back upstairs to the main area with the bookstore, smiling when I see that beautiful face standing behind the counter. My smile falters a bit however when I hear the girl talking to someone about all of her money troubles she’s apparently having. The poor girl is living paycheck to paycheck and not even making it; from what I can hear it seems like she doesn’t really know what she’s going to do.

  My heart aches for her and I wish I could help. I’ve never been poor before, given what my family does, so I can’t even imagine what she’s going through. She’s nearly in tears and the poor thing is making it out to seem like if she doesn’t come into some money soon she’s going to be in real trouble, and I feel an almost overwhelming urge to do something. What can I do though? It’s not as if I can just walk up and offer her cash; that would be weird and I’d probably be seen as some weird creeper who just stands around listening to people’s conversations. That, and people typically don’t just accept cash from random strangers.

  So how do I make my entrance, and how do I help her?

  Luckily I don’t have to try and figure that out because her friend nudges her with a smirk when she notices me, and the cute little brunette finally looks over. Her cheeks flush a deep crimson and I can’t help but feel a wave of want rush over me, though I push it aside; not the time or the place.

  I saunter over and smirk at her, offering my hand and a grin that I just know will turn those cheeks even pinker, and she takes my hand when I offer it. Her grip is cautious and her hands are soft, and my mind floods with all sorts of images that I have no right thinking about just then. And yet, here I am, still imagining how those soft hands would feel caressing the inside of my thigh, or braced against a set of ropes while she tugs against them.

  That’s enough of that.

  “Hi there, I’m Rafaela.” I purr at her, leaning over the counter with a smirk and looking her up and down. “You’re beautiful and I would just love to take you for a walk.”

  Her cheeks redden even further and I can’t help but smile, and she nervously shrugs her shoulders with a timid smile, nodding towards the door leading to where the demonstrations are being held.

  “Erm.” She stammers. “I’m Heather. And, well, I’d love to but I’m too busy working; I can’t really leave my post. Plus, if someone comes in without paying…”

  I smirk at her and stand up straight so that I can dig through my pocket long enough to pull out a five hundred dollar bill, and I leave over the counter again with a wink. I let my hand barely touch her hip and I wink at her as I slip the bill into the till, and then I drag my fingers along the back of her hand as I stare into her eyes.

  “I think that should cover anyone who decides to walk in, hm?”

  She gasps and I take her hand, walking around the counter to pull her along with a smirk, giggling softly.

  “Don’t you worry gorgeous; I’ll make sure that your boss doesn’t get upset.”

  I glance over at the other woman she was with a sultry grin and I sigh, nodding towards the entrance that I came through initially.

  My cousins are in there watching the demonstration, so I’d appreciate it if you could update them and let them know that I’ll be… busy for the next while.”

  I turn my attention back to Heather and I smile, pulling her outside by the hand with a hungry grin.

  “Let’s take that walk, shall we?”

  Chapter # 5



  What is even going on?

  I’m always watching the people come and go from the Cozy Nook, thinking about how beautiful and glamorous they all seem and wishing that I could live a lifestyle that allowed for that. Not only that, but that I lived a lifestyle that allowed me the courage to even delve into things; I’ve been so shy and nervous to even check anything out that I haven’t had a chance to even attend one of the demonstrations that Lucille does. Even though it interests me, I haven’t worked up the courage to attend one and approach any of these beautiful people.

  And then this Rafael woman comes along, all beautiful curves and striking eyes that bore into mine, telling me that she wants to take me for a walk. What am I supposed to even say to that? Usually when people come and go they barely notice me, let alone flirt, and then this woman shows up with her confidence and her beauty and seems like she’s undressing me with her eyes. Not that I’m complaining of course, it’s just throwing me off a bit and I’m doing my best to keep my cool when in reality I’m freaking out.

  I wouldn’t be able to hold back on this if I tried; Rafael is stunningly beautiful and holds such a commanding presence that I wouldn’t be able to stop the situation even if I wanted to, which I most certainly don’t. She walks me out of the building and into the parking lot, and I’ve got the most ridiculous grin on my face that I can’t reign in regardless of how much I try. Whatever, I figure that if she liked my awkwardness as I stammered over her, then a silly grin won’t hinder things any more.

  When we make our way out and she leads me to her car my jaw literally drops, finding myself standing in front of… I don’t even know what it is. It’s expensive and beautiful, I know that much, and I can’t help the way I gawk at it.

  “This car is… Wow.”

  “Right?” She chuckles with a smirk, opening the passenger door for me. “Get in and I’ll show you how much more enjoyable she is when her engine is purring.”

  My cheeks flush and I feel a wave of heart wash over me, a whole other part of me purring as my mind runs wild with th
oughts I had no right having.

  I push them aside and get into her gorgeous car, to which she then informs me that we’re going to go and get iced cream. I can’t think of a better date idea—is this a date? I don’t even know—so I just blush and grin, nodding excitedly as she gets into the driver’s seat.

  “That sounds perfect, though I didn’t even know there were ice cream bars open this late.”

  She nods at me with a wink and sighs, shrugging those beautiful shoulders of hers as I lock eyes with her.

  “I know a place, and they’ve got the creamiest chocolate divine that you’ll ever taste; it melts on your tongue.”

  I can think of something else that would melt on your tongue.

  I blush even further and just sigh, feeling like I may combust if I try and speak, and she seems content so simply drive us there. The car drives like a dream and I can’t believe that I’m actually in one this nice, never having been close enough to one to even read the plate let alone sit in the seat.

  “This is a beautiful ride.” I sigh, unable to stop the grin from spreading over my face. “I’ve never ridden in a car this nice.”

  She smiles at me and chuckles, nodding.

  “Aston Martin DB11, custom interior; she’s a beaut, isn’t she?”

  I nod with a sigh and she pulls into this cute little ice cream bar, and she even goes as far as to walk around and open my door for me. I blush furiously and step out, following her over to the walk up where she orders us both some dessert. Our bowls come and they’re literally the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted, and I can’t help the tiny groan that escapes me when I take my first bite.

  She chuckles and I blush right to the tips of my ears I’m sure, shrugging.

  “Sorry, this is just really good. How did you ever find this place?”

  “Oh it’s just a little hole in the wall.” She says calmly, smirking. “I’m more interested in hearing more about you; tell me how you came to work at the Cozy Nook, how do you like it there?”

  I can’t imagine someone as glamorous as her being interested in anything regarding my story, but as she leans over and smiles at me I can’t help but answer her, babbling on and on about the nook and Lucille and working for her.

  We get to talking and as different as we seem, the conversation doesn’t feel awkward or forced, and everything about her seems glamorous and fascinating. I can’ imagine why someone like her would be interested in someone like me, but I’m certainly not complaining. To have a woman like her interested in someone like me is like my own version of a fairy tale, except this time instead of a prince on a white horse; it’s a gorgeous woman in a beautiful car.

  By the time we finish our ice cream there is no one else left at the bar, and my head is spinning, dizzy and almost drunk with infatuation. This woman is stunning, intelligent, sharp as a knife and she’s interested in me; I can’t believe it. She offers to drive me home and of course I say yes, why wouldn’t I? It’s been an amazing evening and I can’t be happier to have spent it with her, nothing can bring me down.

  Or so I thought. We pull up to my place and what comes out of her mouth shocks and appalls me.

  “So I’m just going to come right out and say it, Heather. I heard you taking to your friend about your money troubles, and I’ve got an offer for you.”

  She leans forward with a smile, brows raised.

  “Come out with me again and I’ll pay your bills for you.”

  I baulk at her and scoff, all the good feelings I had about our date shattering into a thousand pieces as I glare back at her.

  “Excuse me? I’m not that kind of girl, who do you think I am? And how dare you!”

  I open the door and tear out of the car, leaving her sitting there in her car as I run inside, just wanting to be alone. So much for her being my dream come true, I guess.

  Chapter # 6



  The fact that Heather not only got pissed at me for my offer but then proceeded to run out of the car and inside of her house really shocked me; I wasn’t expecting that at all. All I wanted was to try and help, while having some fun along the way. She’s got some money troubles and I can help her with that, plus I know that she’s into me. Why would she refuse?

  Part of me is a bit annoyed; I’m offering her help in exchange for something that I know she wants anyway, and she’s scoffing at it. Another part of me though, only wants her more. I always get what I want and I appreciate a nice chase every now and then, so perhaps I just need to adjust my approach. Her resilience and reaction were stronger than I had anticipated, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me want her even more.

  Plus, I genuinely do want to help her out.

  I let out a sigh and put the car in gear, driving off and back towards the club to go and find my cousins, and hopefully enjoy the rest of my night. It doesn’t take me long to get back there and when I pull up, my cousins are there waiting.

  Apollo gets into the front seat and scowls at me, shaking his head. I roll my eyes and chuckle, shrugging my shoulders and pulling away as soon as Daniella gets seated.

  “What?” I ask him innocently, smirking. “You seem tense.”

  “Of course we’re tense Rafael,” Daniella snaps from the back seat, “You left us here high and dry while you ran off with some chick; that’s not part of the agreement!”

  Apollo nods and leans back in his seat, clearly annoyed.

  “Yeah, we’re supposed to be the ones picking the girl for the competition, not you. Not to mention that you left us there high and dry without warning, that wasn’t cool.”

  “Oh relax, you two; you’re adults and can handle yourselves, it’s not like I left you in some shady neighborhood with no protection, you were at a club.”

  I sigh and accelerate with a smirk, enjoying the feel of the pull of the car as we head towards home.

  “Plus, I went out with the girl from the club, the blushing brunette? She’s adorable and I just had to spend some time with her. We went for ice cream.”

  Daniella laughs and leans forward with a smirk, shaking her head in disbelief. I know she thinks that I’m a bit frivolous with my antics, but I can’t help it; a pretty girl is a pretty girl.

  “Wait a second Rafaela; you’re telling me that the girl you picked out was the stammering and nervous little thing from the front desk?”

  “Yes,” I say with a chuckle, biting my lip, “And that stammering little cutie’s name is Heather, by the way.”

  Apollo snickers and shrugs his shoulders, grinning back at Daniella.

  “Maybe it’s just me but I’m not too worried; I can’t see that one keeping up with Rafaela for more than a week, tops. Plus, she seems a bit….”

  “Ditzy.” Daniella chimes in, winking. “The word you’re trying to come up with is ditzy.”

  “Yeah, there’s no way that she’ll be able to put u with you, Rafael. Good luck, though.”

  I roll my eyes at the two of them bantering back and forth about Heather, knowing that I’ve got more important things to think about than whether or not they like her for the competition.

  Like how I’m going to convince her to see me again.

  We get back home and my brother Stefano is there, immediately jumping down my throat about our family inheritance. It figures. It doesn’t take long for both of us to be screaming at each other, tensions rising higher by the second.

  “Listen here Rafaela; you’re too much of a fucking loose cannon to inherit our father’s money and business when he retires, you can’t even take care of yourself or hold anyone down! You can’t commit to one fucking girl, how the hell do you expect to be given a business to commit to?”

  Stefano’s words sting and although there’s a tiny amount of truth to it, it’s not to the same degree that he’s making it out to be. After all, it’s not like I’m insane or making things harder for the family or anything like that; so what if I like to party a bit?

  I can see Apollo and Stefa
no’s capo eyeing each other up and readying for a fight, but I don’t want it to come to that. Plus, what my brother doesn’t know is that I’ve already got a plan. The fact that I’ve just come up with it now doesn’t matter, nor am I going to tell him that. A plan is a plan.

  “Stefano cut it out! It’s not nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be and besides; what you don’t know is that we’ve got a little bet going on.”

  I smirk over at my cousins with a shrug and then look back to my brother, grinning.

  “If I can keep a girl for at least a month, then I get Apollo’s bike and Daniella’s recipe for Limoncello. So you see; I’ve already got a commitment that I’m trying to lock down, your point is moot.”

  Stefano is silent for a second and then he bursts out laughing, making me roll my eyes as his gaze darts from Apollo and Daniella and then back to me, shaking his head.

  “You can’t be fucking serious, Rafaela.”

  I shrug my shoulders and smirk, nodding.

  “Dead serious, brother.”

  He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, smirking at me before finally crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Fine; if you win this bet then I’ll back you with Father, but if you lose, then you have to back me. Agreed?”

  I’m not one to back away from a challenge, especially not one with stakes as high as this one, so I step forward with a grin and shake his hand.

  “Agreed. You’re on, brother.”

  With that I take my leave, anxious to get back to the club as soon as I can to work things out with Heather. I’m not sure how I’m going to do it yet, but I always get what I want and right now, she’s it. So, for now my focus will be doing my best to get Heather to see me again, whatever that takes.


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