The Arc of Love

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The Arc of Love Page 35

by Aaron Ben-Ze'ev

  15. Kipnis 2003, 18, 45.

  16. Rousseau 1979, 221.

  17. Cialdini et al. 1976.

  18. Halevi 2018, 229–30.

  19. Halevi 2018, 240.

  20. DeSteno and Salovey 1996.

  21. De Sousa 2018.

  Chapter Thirteen

  1. See, e.g., Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book II; see also Angier 2010.

  2. Aron 2001.

  3. Ariely 2008.

  4. Fletcher et al. 2015.

  5. Bergen 2006; Jiang and Hancock 2013; Kelmer et al. 2013; Stafford 2005.

  6. Baumeister and Leary 1995; Gerstel and Gross 1984.

  7. Bergen 2006.

  8. Stafford 2005.

  9. Kipnis 2003, 60.

  10. Mashek and Sherman 2004, 344.

  11. Prioleau 2003, 14.

  12. Kambartel (1989) 2017.

  13. Thayer 1996.

  14. Suzuki 1970, 46; cited in Thayer 1996, 14.

  15. Indeed, attachment theory considers trust to be the most important feature in long-term, secured romantic relationships; see, e.g., Hazan and Shaver 1987.

  16. Kashdan and Rottenberg 2010.

  17. Averill et al. 1990, 34.

  18. Binstock and Thornton 2003, 441.

  19. Reis and Aron 2008.

  Chapter Fourteen

  1. Wikipedia,

  2. O’Leary et al. 2012; see also Wikipedia,


  4. I am grateful to Adin Tropper-Wachtel for bringing this song to my attention.


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