Bottomed Out

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Bottomed Out Page 11

by Brooke May

  I can tell she wants to drop her head back, but she resists it much like how I want nothing more than to look down at our united bodies. Her silky warmth encases me, feeling far more perfect than anyone else I have ever experienced before.

  An incomprehensive murmur vibrates from her, gliding over my body and adding to the sensations I’m thriving in.

  Once I’ve filled her, Len freezes, absorbing everything we are now sharing in our connection. I can’t take any more of it, but without the use of my legs, I’m unable to pump my hips up into her body.

  “Len, babe, are you gonna …?” I trail off, having a difficult time stringing words together as I concentrate on not shooting off my load with the first roll of her body.

  “Yes.” She pants as she rocks her hips, moving at a leisurely tempo that makes me feel everything. “Oh, Jax.” She moans, setting her own steady beat. I am unable to do anything about it. It is pure, delightful torture as she rides me, using my body as her instrument to bring her great pleasure and, in turn, gifting me with my own.

  I can’t break my gaze from her face as my hands map her body. The swell of her small ass, the trimness of her waist, and the slight flare in her chest as she sways over me, everything I am memorizing with my touch rather than my sight.

  “I can’t hold off much longer.” I don’t feel any less masculine by admitting that to her. It’s been a while, and well, she is rubbing my dick in the most perfect way that I can’t contain myself much longer.

  “Me too.” She pants. “Oh, Jax, I’m coming.” Her eyes flutter shut as her head tilts ever so slightly while her breathing comes out in shallower puffs above me.

  A grip, stronger than my fist around my dick holds me snuggly to her as she stills, moaning out her release.

  My load shoots off, raining back down all over myself from the confines of the condom. It isn’t a feeling you want to have after just having your mind blown, but it is something you get used to even if you don’t want to.

  As I come back to my rightful mind, I begin to panic as Len moves, but she doesn’t go far. Disposing of the used condom, she picks up her shirt to clean me off, and then crawls up to rest her head on my chest only to reach up and toy with my hair.

  We rest in silence until both of us are breathing normally once more. There is a chill in the room due to the air conditioning, but I don’t want to break our bubble of perfection to cover us up. I don’t even want to speak because I’m enjoying this after-sex glow.

  “The twins are going to be at your bonfire.” Her breath causes my flesh to bubble with goose bumps.

  “Will you be there as well?” My hand finds her insanely short hair.

  “I’m their driver.” Her words sound less than thrilled, but she doesn’t seem to mind. After the last time I saw the twins, they need her, and she must understand that.

  “So, we can stay sober together?” I pull her closer to me. “Owen won’t mind that you are going to be out?”

  “As long as I’m with Paige, he doesn’t question me.”

  “I will have to continue to be your dirty little secret?” I can’t help but tease her. I don’t care one way or another. Owen has already warned me away from her, so I would have to change my workout schedule and go in the mornings to avoid him. But then again, I kind of like the sneaking around part of this at the moment. I don’t see it lasting much longer, though.

  “I know you are teasing, but I don’t like thinking of you in that way.” Getting up, she begins to get dressed. I push myself up to watch her.

  “I was teasing.” I can’t let her leave yet. I want to eat the food she brought and visit a bit before she does. “And now that you’ve sexed me up, are you going to feed me?”

  She stops, one leg in her shorts while the other remains bare. A smile slides onto her face, bringing back the after-sex glow. “You want my ribs now?”

  “Very much, please.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The blaring music from the barely visible speakers hidden behind the vehicles and beer wagons encircling the massive bonfire in the middle of the field, causing everyone around me to throw themselves into the lyrics and drink as well as entice one another to dance or making plans for after the party closes down.

  I’m happy because everyone else is thrilled. This is like a launch party for a product or the announcement of a new rider but so much better because this isn’t just for the riders who are sponsored by Double X or the companies in partnership with us, but for everyone including the employees as well as their friends and family who want to cut loose and have some fun.

  This party was a whole hell of a lot more fun to plan than any of the others and far easier as well. Even if I had a mild panic attack yesterday, this has turned out phenomenally. The great thing about this one is my friends were once more able to come with me, and unlike the last one, there was no persuading Axle to come along this time. He came willingly, and even though he is in a snarly mood, it hasn’t stopped him from looking around with every step he takes.

  I know what he is looking for.

  More like who.

  He’s looking for Paige. I haven’t told him she is going to be here. I know from the insanely brief moments I’ve seen her around him, I know the man is as taken with the dark side of the coin as I am drawn to the light side in her friend.

  This should make for an interesting night, considering how much he’s already had to drink. Staying sober is never quite as fun as turning one out and getting a little shit-faced, but it also has its benefits. Like watching my friends make complete asses of themselves.

  Levi has already proved that to me by going off with a whole gaggle of women and immersed himself into the music like the lunatic he tends to be.

  I’m just surprised I haven’t lost Axle yet.

  Wheeling around, I take in more of the crowd. As glad as I am to see everyone having fun and knowing well enough that every person invited here has a safe ride to wherever they will be resting their heads tonight, I can’t keep my nerves in check.

  We have been here for a while now, and I have yet to spot Len anywhere. Her height puts her at a disadvantage in standing out, but her unique look makes up for it.

  “Do you want to get another drink?” Tilting my head up in Axle’s direction, I have to shout the question so that he can hear me. But I don’t get an answer. “Ax?” Finally dragging my gaze away from my seemingly fruitless search, I discover I have been deserted. Axle is now a casualty of the party. Wherever he is off to, I hope he is making wise choices.

  “And then there was only one.” Sighing, I push my way closer to the fire. I thought I would find Len by now. The party is well underway, and she should be around here somewhere. I saw Parker before his bevy of beauties hauled him away to do whatever they wanted with him, but neither woman has been spotted yet.

  I swear, the man is on the path of self-destruction. But that isn’t my place to say something. I can only focus on myself and my friends—

  “There you are!” Springing out in front of me, Len appears like if I rubbed a bottle, and she is the genie to burst out. At least that is what her laid-back outfit makes me think of. In everything I’ve seen her in, I would say laid-back is her style, but tonight, she looks a little edgier as well as sexy as fuck.

  Her white-blond hair is freshly buzzed on the sides and styled a little more on the top to look like a wave. The lack of hair allows me to take in so much exposed flesh. The gentle column of her neck slopes onto her bare shoulders, displaying her slightly protruding collarbone before her shirt finally appears.

  A pale blue, off both shoulders top floats around her, creating a curtain just above her naval before it too is nearly covered by her denim shorts that are so tiny, I’m sure if she bent over right now, I could easily slide a finger up her—

  “Are you going to just stare at me or what?”

  “I was kind of hoping you were going to start dancing for me again.” Rubbing my bottom lip with the pad of my thumb, I take
one more slow perusal of her tiny, sexy body.

  “Is that right?” Teasingly, she bites down on her lip and closes the distance between us. Leaning forward, I wish I could feel her hands wrap around the tops of my thighs as she gets closer to my face. I wish I could use my legs to pick her up and cradle her to my much larger body, but that isn’t the case.

  She’s the one who bends down to place a gentle, yet heated kiss on my lips, then breaks it far too soon to take a step back. Her hips begin to roll, tantalizing me all over again and jolting my memory of the night before.

  I want more of that.

  Hell, I want more of everything that has to do with Lennox Austin.

  Her hands snake up her body as she continues to move to the beat of the thumping music surrounding us. Len possesses the absolute perfect powers to make everyone else vanish from my line of sight and clearing everything from all of my senses except her.

  Once more, she is dancing for me and only me. And again, I wish I could be standing, bringing my body close to her and allow her to use my massive body like a pole to dance against. I long to feel her gyrating against me, seducing both of us until we are nothing but puddles in my bed.

  I’m parched for her, starving for not only her body but her interesting mind as well. Len has shown me how different she is from all the other women in the world. I see past her unique looks and find the woman within who has embraced her rareness, and that is what makes me crave her so much more.

  As she draws closer to me, the music fades away, and the raging bonfire at her back dims to low candlelight as I’m taken in deeper by this temptress. Finally, she is before me in all her amazing glory. Eyes heavy with focus and lust, she arches her body to me as an offering.

  God, I really wish I was in a regular chair rather than my goddamn wheeled one. The arms on either side of me prevent Len from getting too close. Last night she fit perfectly, but I doubt she can straddle my lap and continue to seduce me with her moves right now.

  Hell, who am I kidding?

  Even if I were in a regular chair, her short legs wouldn’t allow for a proper lap dance unless I was seated in a kiddy chair.

  My heart rate jacks up, my palms begin to sweat, and my dick is doing its best to tent my pants as she continues. I’m ready to get the hell out of here. Fuck being the designated driver for the fuckers who have deserted me. Fuck her taking care of Paige or Parker. Fuck having to be here to take in my hard work.

  I want to be alone with her.

  The responsible side of me knows we need to take care of the people we are here with even though the other side wants to say fuck it to the lot of them and haul her off to my van.

  Yeah, let’s not be creepy, Jax.

  Just as my heart is starting to beat only for her, our moment is taken from me. Paige appears, talking quickly to Len before she is gone again. Sad eyes replace the lust-filled ones as she comes back to me.

  “I have to go.”


  “I need to run Paige home; Parker is already missing, so …”

  “How about I follow you?” I push closer to her, not giving a damn to stay here any longer.

  “Up the mountain?”

  “Absolutely.” I’d follow her into the gates of hell, crawling over broken glass.

  “And your friends?”

  “They are capable of finding rides of their own.” Grinning, I hope I’m persuading her. “Then you could be free for the rest of the evening to come hang out with me.”

  “Hang out, hmm? Is that what we’re calling it?”

  “Bumping uglies, though yours is far from ugly. The horizontal mambo? Grinding gears? Whatever you want to call it, as long as it’s with me.”

  “Okay.” She relents far too quickly, but there is no way I will complain about it. “But,” shit. “I’ll drop them off and then come find you, okay?”

  “See you at my place?”

  “It’s a date.” Throwing a wink my way, she quickly takes off toward the parking lot, and I follow to watch the sway of her ass until she is gone, and I’m left to get to my van.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I’m not sure what to expect when I got to my van, but watching Axle tumble past me, following Paige like a lovestruck puppy wasn’t it. It didn’t surprise me in the least, and that meant I would have the apartment to myself when Len shows up.

  It took her far too long to take Paige and Axle up to Paige’s house in the mountains and then back to me. I showered, straightened up my room and the apartment a little, and then ended up sitting in front of the TV watching a late-night rerun of a show my parents watched when I was a kid.

  I didn’t pay any attention to the man putting on far too many clothes or the hot chick who refused to go with her boyfriend. My mind was whirling with questions.

  Would Len have to go back and get Parker next?

  Hell, that would mean she might not get here until super early, and then she may just decide to go home and crash.

  Or would Owen pull her away?

  She said that he tends to leave her alone when she’s with Paige, but that doesn’t mean shit. I may not know Owen extremely well, but I have a feeling he has no objections to getting his sister all to himself whenever given the opportunity.

  Which is odd, do they live together? Because that’s the only explanation that makes since when Owen would be so up her butt all the damn time.

  Not likely, she did say he lived alone.

  But that doesn’t mean they don’t live close together.

  By the time I’ve successfully driven myself mad with questions, I hear her pull up. Rocketing over to the door, I pull it open just as she climbs out of the car she was driving.

  “No Parker?”

  “Nah, he had already secured his plans for the evening.” She looks tired, but I hope she isn’t too exhausted. “He’ll find his way back up there by morning.”

  “So, you’re free?”

  “Absolutely.” Stepping into my home, she kicks the door closed.

  “You don’t have to worry about Owen?”

  I see her cringe but don’t draw attention to it. “Owen is under the impression that I will be with Paige all night.”

  “Too bad you aren’t a lesbian, right? He wouldn’t be bothering anyone interested in you then.”

  “I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he still did.” She huffs. “But let’s not think about my brother now.”

  “That sounds like a fine idea to me.” Pushing myself backward, I turn around only to freeze as her hands find their way to my bare shoulders.

  Did I say that I ditched my shirt?

  No? Well, I did. I thought it wouldn’t be needed.

  I remain frozen for all of ten seconds before I melt and welcome her touch.

  The heat we had back at the bonfire somehow sobered. That is not what I wanted. The silent walk to my room is comfortable, but it isn’t what I want either. I want to hear her voice speak of whatever she wants to, but for the life of me, I can’t think of anything to discuss.

  The lust that had been pulsating through me has been diminished, making this a little awkward.

  “Where’s the liquor?” She leaves me before we get even reach the hallway and heads into our kitchen.

  “Hmm?” Snapping out of it, I find that I was absentmindedly staring at my darkened hallway.

  “Your liquor? Where do you keep it?”

  “Kitchen, in the upmost right cabinet.” Turning the light on, I watch her hop onto the counter. The clinking of glasses has apprehension flooding me. Why would she want to know where the liquor is?

  I mean, now that we are in the safety of my home and no worries about how our friends are going to get home safely–Levi aside–we can have some of our own fun.

  “Jack.” She carries the newish bottle into the living room and places it on the coffee table littered with magazines, games, controllers, and some discarded cups and produces a coin. “Let’s play a game.”

  “Is that what we
are calling it?” Wheeling around to face her, I take one of the clean glasses.

  “Let’s call it a way to heat things back up.” Opening the bottle, she pours equal shot amounts into our glasses. “Heads, we both take a drink.” She shows me the head of the coin and then flicks to the tails side. “Tails, the flipper has to strip off an article of clothing.”

  “Ladies first.”

  Snorting out a laugh, Len flips the coin high into the air, catches it, and then reveals the long-lost president’s profile.


  Lifting my glass, I wait for her to tap them together. “Cheers.”

  “Bottoms up.” Tipping back our drinks in unison, we down the liquor, and I do my best not to cough. The first shot is always the biggest pain in the ass. Once I get past it, I’m good to go until I’m passed out somewhere.

  When the coin is in my hand, I flip it the same as her and ends up on tails.

  “Since you already lost the shirt, how about a sock?”

  “I thought I picked out what I took off?”

  “You’re arguing about a sock?” A blond brow quips, her dual-colored eyes twinkling as I lift my leg and remove the sock, tossing it to the couch behind her.

  Back and forth, we take turns. Len gets far more heads than I do until I’m feeling pretty happy about myself and hanging out in just my boxers.

  “So …” My voice starts to slur. “Why choose to be a mechanic?”

  “I’ve always loved tinkering with things.” Her cheeks are rosy from the drinking and possibly the stare I’ve had on her since she lost her top and bottoms. Braless and sheer pink boy shorts are a magnificent sight.

  Fuck, it’s a lot sexier seeing her in those than any thong or G-string in existence.

  “Owen taught me, and that’s how I met and bonded with Paige. I only tolerate Parker. He’s a pain in the ass.” She giggles, struggling to get the coin fitted on her hand to flip it again.


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