Hard Times in Happilyeverafter

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Hard Times in Happilyeverafter Page 17

by W Kangas

  “Edna and Dobson were found tied to the ceiling in the spider’s den, after they tried to get a supply of water. They will need to show their worthiness in becoming new citizens. It was a good idea to stop anyone else from getting into the valley. I’m sure you’ve already stopped some.

  “That is all of my report. If you cherish those who helped me, you could expect the fountain to run for years until you forget how important it is to all. I want you to know that I am not this bold but have forced myself to this point. I am glad this adventure is over for me and can’t wait to be back with my family.

  “There is something else I must say. The creature that called itself Trident must have been put here to destroy the magical stream and freeze the earth. You have to be careful and protect the stream, because it could easily be attacked again.”

  Alisia paused and then asked, “Can we call Peter now?”

  “We want you to stay for two more days,” said Star, “if it is all right with the citizens.”

  “It’s all right with me,” said Humpty. “All those in favor of Alisia staying through Christmas, please say aye.”

  Everyone called aye, and the young lady smiled her friendly smile.

  “I can stay for two days. I think I would like to hear your plans.”

  “Sister has something to say to all of you,” said Star.

  “I have been thinking and know that I could get a very big delivery sent here this Christmas. If everyone could take part in recreation, this place could be Happilyeverafter. If you will just listen to me for a minute, I will give you a sample of some of my ideas.” She paused and looked around.

  “We could build a friendly tavern with good ale and chips to eat. We could also build a stage and have plays that could bring excitement for all. We could have parties and dance into the wee hours with the music coming mostly from the actors and actresses. We could get BMX bicycles for some who would like to race and get the women to wear funny hats and dress up to make it social event. We could play darts in the tavern and have competitions. The sky is the limit if we have the equipment.”

  The male singers and actors who had come to steal the water years before the girls stepped forward and asked what was to become of them.

  “With good manners and a vote, you could become citizens,” said Humpty. “I know the plays would be much better with your help.”

  Mona was looking amorously at Deano, while Bingo had his eyes on Star.

  Sister said, “There are ways to make plant protein burgers and sausages so they taste just like real meat. What I’m saying is we can have a party every weekend and have dancing, singing, and a play. Just keep an open mind and realize we could have the best of what the outside world has and leave out the terrible things. Everyone will be safe to have a wonderful time.

  “My idea is to call Jeffrey Immelt on the satphone and have him drop everything by parachute from a C-130 Hercules transport plane. I will pay for it all and everyone will have a wonderful Christmas.

  “If you have an idea about recreation, just come to me and we will talk it over. Please vote for these things, and I promise your boredom will be a thing of the past. One thing I will emphasize is that we will not have any type of video games. They will be natural games with balls and rackets for exercise. Please, this will not ruin Happilyeverafter but make the name true. Mr. Mayor, will you take a vote?”

  The mayor asked, “Do you think the airlift will expose the valley to more people looking to get water?

  “The valley is closed, and we should keep it that way. The plane couldn’t land but could parachute the supplies to us. I think we are safe to get the drop,” said Sister.

  The mayor spoke. “All in favor of having a Christmas with games and a true pub, please say aye.”

  The ayes could be heard echoing through the valley.

  “And those that oppose say nay now.”

  It was quieter than a whisper for the nays.

  Sister smiled at everyone. “You won’t be sorry for this. We can work on the first play before the things get here. We’ll have the props, including things to wear that could double as costumes for a grand ball. This is just wonderful. Come to me and tell me what you want for Christmas, and if it is something wholesome, we will do our best to get it.”

  On Christmas Eve, the list had been sent and the cargo plane loaded. It was due over the valley at nightfall. The C-130 would be able to fly through the valley with the coordinates given to the pilot by the professor. The nose of the plane was supposed to be red and the wind was just a breeze as packages would fall from the sky and hopefully land close to the village that was lit by the batteries from the solar generators.

  Alisia heard the plane before she saw it, with the plane’s route taking it around the mountain. Sounds of engines running were seldom heard anywhere in Happilyeverafter, so when the citizens heard the plane, it was something that got their attention.

  Alisia’s eyes were glued on the sky, wondering when it would appear and just like magic, it came around the mountain so close to where she stood she felt she could read the pilot’s lips if she could see him in the dark. The red nose was bright enough to be seen for miles, and when it passed her, she could see the cargo door was already open.

  Right after it passed her, she saw a parachute, with three chutes, drag a giant payload out of the door, which looked big enough to hold a truck. More followed, one at a time, but in quick succession. She counted the packages and came up with ten. She loved the Christmas season and would never forget this sight.

  Sister, the actress who thought of the drop had encouraged everyone to pick supplies for things they could do when things got ho hum in the valley. It was this mentality that made for a monster drop and the crew of the C-130 released everything in one pass. The plane was soon gone, with the villagers going to look at the packages. Sister was right among them and wanted to hand out the presents herself just from memory.

  With all the wondrous things going on, Alisia had a sudden twinge of homesickness. It was marvelous seeing the plane with the red nose like Rudolph dropping the supplies by parachute, but it was time for her to go back to her family.

  Soon thereafter, Peter showed up and gave Alisia a gold medal of honor before he would take her home. She went around kissing citizens on the cheek, like the French do, and saying Merry Christmas to everyone, including the Big Bad Wolf.

  “Peter,” said Alisia, holding on to him as they flew high through the air to see the coast and follow it back to England. “I need to see Merlin. If you ever see him, please, tell him to stop by my house. I can’t tell you why, because I promised, but I can tell you it’s for something that is good.”

  “I don’t normally see him, but if I do I will surely pass the word to him,” said Peter.

  “Peter is that Greece under us now? And if so, that ahead of us is Italy.”

  “You know your geography, Alisia, and seem to be happy beyond words.”

  “I love the flight back and just want to say wheeeeee like a kid riding a carnival ride.”

  “There is one thing I hope for, though, and that is my father got some worth out of the King Arthur coin.”

  “I hope so too, Alisia.”

  When they got close to the bakery at Land’s End, Peter said, “Thank you, Alisia, for everything. The world would not be the same today without you. Make sure you keep your medal of honor in a safe place for when you will need it.”

  Peter walked into the bakery first and said, “I told you I would bring Alisia back safe and sound, and here she is.” He held his hand out to open the door for Alisia to enter.

  Alisia came through the door all smiles, with Peter and her family making a big fuss over her. Her dad grabbed her and kissed her in a circle around her face. “Thank you, Peter for bringing her back to me.”

  Peter kissed her hand and swooped right out the door and was gone, just like that.

  Alisia showed her medal to her dad, who was quite surprised to see another beautiful go
ld coin. She went upstairs to put it in her secret hiding spot, along with the knife that slew the monster. It was a loose board in the floor that looked and felt like it was perfectly nailed. She found it one day when she dropped a penny and it lay against the board almost showing her where it was. The good part was that no one knew about it, not even her sister who slept in the same room for years.

  After hiding them, she rushed down to help her dad stuff the meat and potato turnovers. He was happy and singing many of the songs he liked, most of them love songs with happy endings. He winked at Alisia as she put on an apron and washed her hands.

  “Oh, what a grand day this is,” he said as the whole family worked together to make all the bestsellers for their favorite customers.

  “You have to go back to school tomorrow, my dear,” he said.

  “I’m looking forward to it, Dad. I want to see my friends.”

  “Are you going to tell them where you were?”

  “No way, Dad. They wouldn’t believe it anyway, and on top of that I am sworn to secrecy.”

  “Are you going to tell us?”

  “No, Dad. Just be glad that I am home and I will never talk about it.”

  “Okay, but I wish I could hear what you did to deserve that medal.”

  “I know, Dad, but I’m home again and things are better, aren’t they?”

  “We are doing much better, my dear. That beautiful coin that Peter gave us pays our rent and then some. I’m singing, because I have never been this happy in my whole life.”

  The whole family flashed her a smile as they worked together on the turnovers.

  She thought that was the end of her adventure, but one day an old man showed up at the bakery and wanted to see Alisia.

  Now her father was very protective and questioned the man wanting to know what business he had with his young daughter.

  “It is special business that is top secret like her adventure. But I would like to talk with you about a couple of matters before you go and get her.”

  “Good,” said the father, “I would like to hear just what kind of man you are, before I let you speak to her in private.”

  “I well understand that, sir, because she is a prize, and I mean that in a good, decent way. Now, sir, to my business with you, I was the one who gave Peter the gold medal she brought home with her from her adventure. It is a rare, twenty-dollar gold piece that will pay for this bakery outright. Get me a piece of paper and I will scribble a name. You will go see this man and tell him what you want to buy—this bakery—and he can have what is leftover. He will be excited and give you a fair deal. He will buy the bakery for you and all you have to do is sign. Now the good part, sir. I see this bakery in your family name for as far as I can see into the future, and that is a long ways.”

  “You can see the future?” asked Alicia’s dad with eyes on the old man that seemed worried.

  “I have a suggestion though and it would do you well to listen closely. When the deal for the bakery is finalized, switch your menu and sell fancy cakes, and that is how I would advertise them. In the future, someday while you work, somebody very important will come in here just to see the man who makes the fancy cakes. Of course, I will be in many times to pick one up, but I’m sorry to tell you I will be in disguise for reasons we can’t talk about.

  “Here is what you should do, and I know it is in your head because I almost can see it. Work on your recipes until you get the moistness the way you want, so the cakes melt in your mouth and burst forth with flavor. Do not sell any until you get them just right.

  “Now, I want to say that your little deal with the English government to rent the King Arthur coin from you for life was quite a coup and saved some of the value for your family. Six hundred pounds a month doesn’t hurt them a bit but helps your family immensely. They make more than that in a week having it on display at the museum. I can tell you something about the coin and you will be one of the few to ever know this. I held the coin in my hand just after it was struck so it is completely authentic. It was made for a dowry to win the heart of his true love. It is a one and only.

  “If you follow my directions on everything I have mentioned, I will get to enjoy the best cakes in the kingdom and I will pay you handsomely. Now, if you will please get Alisia, we will go for a walk and talk where the waves crash to hide what we say.”

  Her dad went up to her room to get her, and she came down the stairs with questioning eyes. Her dad waited for an introduction. When she saw the visitor’s crooked nose, she knew she would have to say something that tickled his fancy.

  “You’re right on time for a meat and potato turnover,” she said, like she knew him all along. He cracked a smile and there was the tooth missing. She went to the kitchen and wrapped a turnover for him and asked him if they could go for a walk.

  “I would like that. There is a table that has the most beautiful view of the ocean, and it makes me feel like I’m on vacation when I sit there.”

  They walked without saying a thing but enjoyed the sights of the shops and the vacationers.

  “I need your help with something,” she said, as he took a bite of his turnover.

  “I know Peter sent me here, and I’ll take care that business before we depart. Bella was a courageous little fairy, and she will soon be back. It was a test, you know. I wanted to see if you could keep a secret, and I’m happy to say you passed with flying colors,” he said enjoying his turnover.

  “You knew the snake was going to bite you all along, but when you told him the flavor of the meat would be fresher without the poison, I knew you had succeeded. It sparked his curiosity, and he made his fatal mistake. I couldn’t help but worry for you though. And something I’d like to add, you were correct in thinking this Trident was an alien bent on destroying the population on earth. It had everything in place and didn’t count on a small force in the cave that could defeat it.

  “I would like to commend you on your idea of imitating your mother’s way of speaking when you had to look like you were on top of things and had to be forceful. That decision brought your troops together, thinking you knew how to handle the monster. But you didn’t know a thing more than they did. It was plain wonderful.

  “On the lighter side of things, Happilyeverafter is just that now, a happy place with all kinds of activities going on, and I must say the best ale I’ve tasted in some time. Although I had to steal a drink from a flagon in disguise as a crow. I also pecked a roast beef sandwich and found the imitation meat tasty with a good texture.

  “That bunch of actresses are quite good at making up activities. You know there were some males who came the same way years before and the citizens just didn’t have a plan for them. Now, they are writing a musical, and I can tell you there is love in the air. It is quite fun seeing everyone happy.

  “I had a warning for them that I gave to Peter. It simply stated for them to love others even if they defeat you at pickleball.” He laughed at that statement but then got serious. “The seeds of discontent could bring about another attempt by the alien.

  “Your father is going to take your medal and present it to a man I know. It will pay for the bakery outright and thus he will have time to perfect his fancy cakes recipes that he doesn’t even know are in his head. You can live on the King Arthur coin allowance for a time. Then, when he gets the recipes right, you won’t be able to make enough with lines waiting every morning of happy people wanting a celebration cake. I will be there sometimes myself, but you won’t know it’s me. I will be happy too about getting one of the cakes.

  “Take the knife and put on your dresser in front of the mirror. Say, ‘Come to me, Bella,’ and she will be back. I am very pleased to know you, Alisia. Study hard in school, and your life will bloom like a flower.”

  He smiled, stood, and walked into a crowd of people and seemed to disappear.




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