Terra Nova

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by Dieter Duhm

  Terra Nova

  Global Revolution and the Healing of Love

  by Dieter Duhm

  Published by Verlag Meiga at Smashwords

  © 2015 by Verlag Meiga GbR

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  ISBN 978-3-927266-56-8

  First edition, © 2015 Verlag Meiga GbR

  Monika Berghoff • Saskia Breithardt

  Waldsiedlung 15 • D-14806 Belzig

  Tel. +49 (0) 33841 30538 • Fax: +49 (0) 33841 38550

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  Original Title: Terra Nova. Globale Revolution und Heilung der Erde

  Translated from German by Martin Winiecki and Dara Silverman

  Table of contents


  Foreword by the Author




  Chapter 1: The Global Catastrophe

  Beyond All Tears

  Chapter 2: Revolution for Life

  Stop the Global Idiocy

  System Change in Our Own Bodies: Diseases of Transformation

  Chapter 3: Collective Trauma − The Morphogenetic Field of Fear

  Chapter 4: Destroyed Love

  The Hammer of the Witches

  Mary Magdalene

  Thank You to the Women

  Change of Thinking

  Chapter 5: The Birth of a New Era

  Can the World Still be Saved?

  The Universal Human Being

  Toward the One

  A New Genetic Code for Life on Earth

  Survival Fields: Reestablishing Original Trust

  Overcoming Fascism

  The Foundation of the Project

  Part II


  Chapter 6: What Will Happen After the Collapse of the Globalized Systems?

  A Network of New Centers

  Terra Nova: An Alternative to the Colonization of Mars

  Chapter 7: The Inner Operator

  Chapter 8: The Sacred Matrix

  Chapter 9: The Power of Christ

  Chapter 10: Ananda

  Chapter 11: The Holy Land

  Chapter 12: Water, Food, and Energy are Freely Available to Humankind

  Chapter 13: The Reality of the Utopian Goal

  The Invisible Substance

  Chapter 14: Powers of Manifestation

  Vision and Reality

  The Principle of Spiritual Magnetism

  The “By-Itself” Principle

  The Universal Frequency and the Alpha System

  Part III


  Chapter 15: The Earth Needs New Information

  Flipping the Global Switch

  Chapter 16: Healing in the Spirit of Oneness

  Collective Healing

  Why do Religious, Therapeutic, and Moral Appeals Fail?

  Chapter 17: It is Life Itself that Heals

  The Principle of Self-Healing

  Chapter 18: Healing by Activating the Original Matrix

  The Entelechy Program

  Chapter 19: The Healing of Love

  Partnership as an Ideal

  SD Forum

  Basic Guidelines

  Reconnecting with the Christ Nature

  Love School

  The Dō of Love

  Chapter 20: Liberating Sexuality

  Ethics of Free Sexuality

  Chapter 21: Objective Ethics

  Liberation from the Emotional Body

  Emotion and Mind

  Dealing with Supposed Enemies

  Chapter 22: What is Peace?

  Part IV


  Chapter 23: What is a Healing Biotope?

  The Primordial Cell for a New Planetary Culture

  Chapter 24: Creating Functioning Communities

  Prehistoric Utopia

  The Autonomous Individual and Grassroots Democracy

  Why We Did Not Fall Apart Due to the Usual Conflicts

  Chapter 25: The Sacred Alliance of Life

  Chapter 26: Charter of Fundamental Rights for All Beings

  Chapter 27: The Worldwide Network − Global Campus and Terra Nova School

  Chapter 28: The Secret of Water

  Chapter 29: Religion − The Existence of the Divine World

  Chapter 30: Political Theory

  Field Powers and the Morphogenetic World Process: The Expansion and Growth of Terra Nova

  Part V


  Chapter 31: The Tamera Project

  Tamera in Pictures


  About the Author

  Participation and Further Information


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  Foremost, I give thanks that it was possible to write this book at all, despite a bout of severe trigeminal inflammation. Gratitude also goes to my editor, Monika Alleweldt, for the loving support and patience with which she engaged with the manuscript. I give thanks for the English translation by Martin Winiecki, Dara Silverman, and Juliette Baigler. Thank you for the intelligent tenacity with which you insisted on certain changes in the book. I give thanks to my partner, Sabine Lichtenfels, who allowed me to write this book in her living room. She accompanied me with love and spent nights reading and editing the manuscript.

  My gratitude reaches out to all friends and co-workers who have carried the project in recent years. To all those standing up against the global injustice. To all those who have dared a great deal until they were broken. To all those who have placed the justice of life above the written law. To the mothers and all women around the world who have persevered in spite of hunger, displacement, and torture – deep greetings and thank you. The movement continues – for our children, for life, for love, and for the liberation of all beings.

  Foreword by the Author

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  As a student I regularly visited the Institute of Physiology at the University of Freiburg. From my window I saw a dog pen constructed from bare concrete. Dogs walked to and fro within it. I knew that they were designated for animal testing and that they awaited a horrible destiny. I decided not to engage with it and to simply suppress the issue in order to be able to study in calmness. I did what nearly everyone else did, but a bad feeling remained. In 2012, three million animals were sacrificed for animal testing in Germany alone. If we knew how rats, dogs, and monkeys suffer because of this, we would do anything to stop the horror. But it does not stop here, for everything that people do to animals they always at some point also do to other people. This book is meant to help put a definitive end to this insanity.

  I was an activist in the 1968 student’s movement. After the failure of the “new Left” in Germany, new approaches for the liberation from society’s dead end needed to be discovered. As our ideological debates had come to their close, the question of the social, intrapersonal, ethical, and spiritual foundations of our work came into focus. How do we generate a new form of humaneness based on trust and mutual support? Where could the solution for the topics of sex, love, and partnership be found? How could the human community be integrated into the community of all beings and eventually into the order of the universe? Only if we succeeded
in answering these questions, in the sense of profound peace work, could global healing be possible.

  This book summarizes the thoughts and experiences made over nearly forty years of research on the topic of community. The education at the Tamera peace research center in Portugal emerged from the insights we developed. Every chapter can be read as an independent study unit; each contains a part of our approach to healing. Naturally, this is why some essential thoughts are repeated; with ever-new contexts, they shed light onto the necessary system change in our culture. This book was written for visitors and students coming to Tamera from around the world in order to understand the new system we have created here. Furthermore, it could open interesting perspectives for all seekers, both on a political and personal level. The book addresses renewal on a global scale and does not aim toward personal therapy. Only under the framework of a global healing concept can individual questions around healing, purpose, and the future be worked on with necessary depth. Not the individual, but all of humanity is trapped in a common trauma. The analysis of the collective trauma (see Glossary) gives rise to a new vision of healing.

  The possibility of global healing is inherent to the fantastic possibilities within life itself. Etty Hillesum, a Jewish Dutch woman was twenty-nine when she was deported to a concentration camp. In her diary she wrote…

  The misery is really big, but nevertheless, I often walk late in the evening when the day behind me has sunk away into profundity. I walk with whipping steps along the barbed wire and then it wells up out of my heart again and again – I cannot help it, it is the way it is, it is of an elementary power: life is something wonderful and big, later we have to build up a whole new world – and each further crime and each further cruelty we have to contrast with a further piece of love and goodness which we have to conquer within ourselves.1

  She wrote this in 1943, shortly before her death in the gas chamber. May this book contribute to fulfilling her legacy.


  1. Etty Hillesum, An Interrupted Life: The Diaries and Letters of Etty Hillesum 1941–1943, trans. Arnold J. Pomerans. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1984). Back to reading


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  We live in apocalyptic times. Through modern media we get an overview of what is happening on this planet, day by day. We see the miracles of technology, the high gloss of urban façades, the wealth of the elites; we see people beaten, hungry, and shot on all continents. We see how the outer layer of our planet, the biosphere, is being increasingly destroyed, and the out-of-control sprawl of monopolist economics exterminates ever more life in order to increase its profit. Currently most futurologists agree that human civilization needs a paradigm shift if we want to ensure our survival. To this end they think of new systems for energy, nutrition, urban living, societal organization, communication, markets, and finance. In addition, the development of digital technology brings new possibilities into view, all the way to the colonization of Mars – there seems to be no limit to futuristic fantasies.

  One would love to join such “trips,” were they not based on a fundamental flaw. The concepts almost exclusively address issues of the external world and ignore the much more fundamental issues of humanity’s inner world. It is undoubtedly true: we need a paradigm shift to ensure future life on Earth. However this paradigm shift also encompasses our own way of thinking and the goals we set for ourselves. Today's human world is failing due not only to the flaws in society’s structure and the economics of late capitalism; it is failing primarily due to the human being himself. The human being is the cause of his own failure because he disregarded some essential aspects of his own inner world. The inner world consists of the driving powers of his soul, his libidinous longings, his sexuality and animality, his spiritual powers, his hopes and fears, his entire potential of unrecognized and untapped energies. It is the inner workings of humanity that steer the external processes in politics and economics. Changes within the human being will determine whether a social revolution will be successful or not. This is why this book focuses mainly on inner transformation.

  This analysis, that society and politics are based on a disregard for the true nature of the human being, applies more or less to the entire patriarchal epoch. This epoch was introduced with the construction of the Egyptian pyramids and with the intention of exercising imperialistic power. Since then, humanity has been building a system that can only be maintained by suppressing and eliminating essential aspects of the human soul, particularly the feminine aspects. Today this system works so perfectly that no opposition can measure up to it. And due to it more and more people, animals, and other fellow creatures perish every day. Behind the slogans of political parties and the boundless promises of the “happiness industry,” hides the psychological suffering of a crumbling civil society. Hardly anyone can defend him or herself against a calamity that comes from within. Civil life has become an appendage to economic power systems that no one is able to fathom anymore. The times of democracy and free civil society are over; the resources are exhausted – an era comes to its close.

  I am writing this book as spokesperson of the Tamera project in Portugal. This book contains the insights of forty years of research on the question: How can people live together and what kind of vision for a nonviolent world arises when they do? I do not describe the external form of the world to come, but its human foundations insofar as they have become visible in our work. It is not the technical, economic, and political image of a future society that is addressed, but its inner image – its sexual, social, ecological, ethical, and religious foundations. I want to show which inner regions of our human existence need to be explored in order to gain an understanding of the destruction of our culture and the possibilities for healing. As a project we started by working on community and found ourselves working with the issues of all humanity.

  In order to explore the inner structures of a humane form of existence, we needed again and again to review and change the ways in which we coexisted. When we did the groundwork for what would become the community with a small group in 1978, we made a basic decision for our entire lives. I knew that from then on I needed to participate in all phases of community building in order to understand how group conflicts develop and how to dissolve them. I was a scientist and writer, but I needed experiential research training and this training has continued ever since. I have been spared nothing that happens among human beings. If one wants to know how humankind functions, one should learn how a group functions, for a group contains all the light and shadow sides of our human existence within it.

  The outlines of a concrete utopia (see Glossary) formed ever more clearly through our continuous work in the community. Its global features are anchored in a new humaneness. In the area of sexuality and love above all, we found crucial keys for a core shift in the collective body of humanity. “There cannot be peace on Earth so long as there is war in love,” said the peace journalist Leila Dregger.1 This is how the healing of love, especially the love between the genders, moved evermore to the center of our work.

  The thoughts and visions described in this book revolve around the image of a new human civilization without fear and violence. We call it “Terra Nova.” On this path, thrilling connections between the peaks of global vision and discoveries in interpersonal human relations came about. We need sensual and spiritual experiences in order to believe in a successful shift in global development. Spiritual and intellectual work is also required in order to assemble these experiences into a coherent image. I am aware that the image of Terra Nova presented here cannot be immediately manifested everywhere. We are undergoing an historical process, the result of which no one can predict. We can however give impetuses for a new direction. What seemed more important to me than Terra Nova’s imminent applicability were the overall image and the direction of the great transformation that we are all undergoing.

  The following chapters do not focus on the Tamera project, bu
t rather the tenets of a humane revolution. One should not measure the truth of this book by how far we have come as a particular group. Even if new turbulence arises and hinders our development, the basic insights we have gained over many years will still be valid. The time is ripe. May many groups join all over the world. May the thoughts for the healing of love and care for all co-creatures come to life in a worldwide community. Terra Nova is the vision of a future world that has resolved the historic reasons for violence and war. May this book show this vision to be realistic.


  1. Leila Dregger, “Gentle Power: Thoughts on a New Women's Movement,” Terra Nova Voice, March 6, 2015. Back to reading



  Chapter 1: The Global Catastrophe

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  Innumerable human beings and animals die in too senseless and cruel a manner. Humankind, as well as the animal kingdom, is approaching global disaster: famine; catastrophes in water, energy, and climate; and the catastrophe in love. The calamity permeates both the material and psychological realms of life. War in the outer world and depression in the inner world are two aspects of the same development. The catastrophe rolls over the entire planet; the inferno comes closer. We are currently experiencing the collapse of the old systems and seeing almost all our hopes dashed. Billions of people are working every day for a system that they have not understood for a long time. They hear in the news about atrocities happening all around them, but they no longer believe in a solution for these problems. They seek out small, private niches where they can pursue their professions with minimal disturbance. Almost all of my former friends have sealed themselves off from the global reality through insulating themselves in a web of private relationships. The development of humanity has entered a dead-end that can no longer be overcome by conventional means. We are witnesses to a misguided civilization, to which we ourselves belong. The correction will not be achieved through accusations but by stepping out of the insanity of a culture that can only be maintained by killing more and more of our fellow beings, polluting more and more groundwater, eradicating more and more species, and exterminating more and more original life systems every day. It will also require of us the stepping out of old habits and the creation of a system of thinking that will serve as orientation for making belief and trust between us possible again.


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