Terra Nova

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Terra Nova Page 10

by Dieter Duhm

  In the hum of the universal vibration, the power of life and love evolves from moment to moment. When we live in this frequency, trust arises in relation to people and animals. The objective ethics of truth, mutual support, solidarity, and love, become the norm. No human being attuned to the universal frequency could lie to or betray another person, or torment an animal. The universal frequency activates the basic entelechy of all beings. It contains the entire informational matrix of peace and thereby generates genuine peace, for it is in resonance with all that exists. If a project compatible with the universal frequency arises, this project will affect the entire world. If this project contains new information relevant for global evolution, this information will spread all over the Earth. A new field will arise. Now the morphogenetic process will set in and by itself cause this shift, which would through almost any other means remain unattainable. (See Chapter 30).

  As a result of its catastrophic history, the human race has drifted beyond the range of the Alpha frequency’s influence. Most of our societal systems of politics, economy, religion, and ethics are no longer in resonance with the universal Alpha order. This is why worldwide dissonance persists in the form of individual and pandemic disease, famine, destruction of nature, violence, and war. It is as a result of our distance from the Alpha resonance that we see also the common psychological difficulties of our time, such as heartache, loneliness, depression, epidemic hatred, and mental illness. We have all known these problems and have tried to overcome them through diverse ideological, therapeutic, or religious means. These attempts will only succeed when we rejoin the universal frequency of life together. In order to do this we need to relieve our souls from the pressure of unresolved pain. The Alpha frequency will permeate the human organism entirely as soon as the first communities have dissolved this traumatic knot.

  The Alpha system is a guidance system, always present, always enabled; it is just that we are for the most part operating in another frequency. “I am always with you, yet you are so seldom at home” – one begins to understands what Master Eckhart meant when he let God speak these words through him.6 Those who live in the Alpha frequency and remain receptive to its information are always protected. Even in the darkest nights, one will find the way without running into obstacles. It seems like a similar principle at work as that which gives orientation to bats. On his search for God, Satprem tested this magic by walking barefoot in the Amazon jungle in the knowledge that it was full of snakes, poisonous spiders, and many other creatures. Nothing harmed him. He had had similar experiences in a concentration camp. He summarized them in a tremendous vision. He says…

  There are moments in life when, all of a sudden, you are invincible – absolutely nothing can touch you. If you are on a battlefield, you feel you can go through a hail of bullets unharmed. If you are in the middle of a storm at sea, you laugh and you know that, somehow, you'll make it through those enormous waves. Assassins are sent to kill you, and something in you remains so perfectly still, as if the whole thing were a comedy – they couldn't possibly touch you. And the assassins actually can't touch you.

  In one form or another, a lot of people have had this experience: you are suddenly outside the ‘law.’ You are outside all that seems inevitable – you slip through the meshes. (...) In other words, for a few seconds, those beings who've had this kind of experience have slipped through (...) the web, and so nothing touched them. Nothing can touch them.7

  I recall also the words that Lao Tsu wrote over 2500 years ago, “He who knows the truth of existence does not fear wild bulls or tigers…”8

  What is described here is not actually an exception, but an elementary fact of life. If we establish new space-time systems for our lives, leading us through their spiritual magnetism into the Alpha frequency, a hologram of protection and healing manifests itself. We stand within a cosmic principle of protection and healing when we rid ourselves of old fears. The protection also applies to psychological health. Whoever stays on the Alpha wave cannot be hurt psychologically. Peace Pilgrim, the modern-day American sage who walked for peace, expressed this so compellingly that I want to quote her here…

  No outward thing – nothing, nobody from without – can hurt me inside, psychologically. I recognized that I could only be hurt psychologically by my own wrong actions, which I have control over; by my own wrong reactions – they are tricky but I have control over them, too; or by my own inaction in some situations, like the present world situation, that needs actions from me. (...) You have complete control over whether or not you will be hurt psychologically, and any time you want to, you can stop hurting yourself.9


  1. Eugen Herrigel, Zen in the Art of Archery, trans. R.F.C. Hull (New York: Vintage, 1999). Back to reading

  2. Dhyani Ywahoo, Am Feuer Der Weisheit: Lehren Der Cherokee-Indianer (Zürich: Theseus, 1988). Back to reading

  3. Martin Winiecki, “The Miracle of Mulatos: A Centre for Planetary Future in the Colombian Jungle,” trans. Marina Köhler, The Peace Village San Jose Must Live!, 2011. Back to reading

  4. Herrigel, Zen in the Art of Archery. Back to reading

  5. Lao Tsu and Bart Marshall, Tao Te Ching: A New English Version (Bart Marshall, 2006), last accessed July 26, 2015. Back to reading

  6. Meister Eckhart, The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart, trans. Maurice O'C. Walshe (New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 2010). Back to reading

  7. Satprem and F. De Towarnicki, My Burning Heart (New York, NY: Institute for Evolutionary Research, 1989). Back to reading

  8. Lao Tsu and Bart Marshall, Tao Te Ching: A New English Version. Back to reading

  9. Peace Pilgrim, Steps toward Inner Peace: Harmonious Principles for Human Living (Santa Fe, NM: Ocean Tree Books, 1992). Back to reading



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  Can we imagine living in another form of existence, for example as a Tuareg in Africa, a coca farmer in Colombia, or as an animal – a dolphin, a bird, or a rat? All these forms of existence belong to the great family of life. Each is an organ of the whole. These organs need to be in order and in harmony with each other for the whole to function. Even small creatures, so-called vermin, are organs of the whole and participate in the great work of creation. Whatever we human beings do to other organs in terms of care, help, or violence will return to us as blessings or disease. This points to a first condition for a future without war: we need to step out of the old patterns of isolation and enter the consciousness of unity and compassion. We need to enter into a new “biospheric” consciousness of the cohesiveness of and cooperation between all life on Earth. The basis of this shift is found through insight and awakening love. This is why we need facilities for the development of insight and love on a planetary scale. The building of these facilities is the next step in the transformation that humanity is currently going through. We call these facilities “Healing Biotopes.”

  Chapter 15: The Earth Needs New Information

  Every living organism responds to information. A simple example might illustrate this. I am sitting at my desk working on this book. Someone is using a chainsaw outside. This annoying noise disrupts my calmness. I then find out that the work with the chainsaw is necessary for the development of the Healing Biotope. My organism calms down straight away. A simple piece of information has not only shifted my temper, but my entire being. My organism is a complex system composed of trillions of cells. The entire system responds to a single piece of information!

  This process, ostensibly so mundane that we do not stop to reflect on it, becomes immediately significant when we apply the principle to the greater organism of humankind. The entire organism will transform if we insert information that is compatible with the system of the whole. Our focus is on the information of Terra Nova.

  Right information saves lives. In 1995 we bought 330 acres of arid land with the intention of turning it into an ecological paradise.
Today visitors to Tamera can see the success of our efforts. What is happening here seems miraculous. Healing information existed within the degraded terrain. From a dried out, eroded landscape, a healthy biotope with lush flora and fauna is appearing. More and more birds and animals have returned. Now there are over one hundred species of bird; in the beginning it was far less. Now stinging nettles, a sign of healthy soil, grow all over; in the beginning there were none. It is incredible to watch the emergence of a blooming world from a spoiled landscape. We need courage, intelligence, and wisdom to apply this “miraculous” environmental healing to human beings. Just as a blossoming ecosystem can emerge from a dying landscape so too can a blossoming human community emerge from a desolate society. For this to happen the right trigger is needed to activate the intact core of the group members. The principle of healing applies to nature, to human community, and to every individual. With every disease there exists healing information. The information that every disease is curable can save lives but it must become known in order for it to be effective. When a patient receives a diagnosis of lung cancer he is overtaken by the fear of death unless he knows that every disease, even every form of cancer, can be healed. It is a necessity to know this and spread this information. All students of the Terra Nova School should know this; every disease can be healed.

  The olive tree in my garden has emerged from an invisible substance we call “information.” Information lies in the structure of its genetic code located in the seed. I myself have emerged from such a substance. Is it possible that, in principle, everything has evolved from information? If we today move toward a new Earth, is the new information already present somewhere in the invisible world, perhaps in the realm David Bohm called the “implicate order?”1 Does the image of the new Earth exist somewhere in the universe, just as the “image” of the olive tree is in the genetic material of its seeds? Can we imagine that in a person who is ill, or one with depression or psychosis, there is an intact matrix, hiding like the information of the butterfly within the caterpillar, and that he will heal when we manage to activate this intact matrix? This question was answered by healing experiences we had during the early years of our project in Leuterstal and Schwand (southern Germany). Yes it is possible, on the condition that the patient is embedded in an environment of active healing. Every patient is thus part of a group, and is therefore perfused with collective energies. When those energies correspond to healing powers, healing will come about. The universe takes care of its children so long as the channel is open and we do not block it with wrong information. If our focus is set on the Sacred Matrix then the healing possibilities of the universe will manifest within us. Jesus of Nazareth, Bruno Groening, Adam Dreamhealer, and John of God are examples of the healing miracles, which are always within reach when we are in the sacred healing space.

  I would like to summarize this briefly once again: the operative universal powers consist of invisible fields of energy and information. Everything that surrounds us has been generated by these fields. It was particular patterns of information that shaped the old world and brought worldwide violence into being. In a similar way, new informational patterns are bringing about the new world. These patterns are not hypothetical; they are latent in the genetic material of life and in the “cosmic database” of the universe. We have the potential and the freedom to discover them and to bring them to life in new systems. If this occurs in one location, it becomes a latent occurrence everywhere, for all beings of the Earth are united in a network of living information, a biological and spiritual “internet,” a “genetic bio-field.”

  During millennia of patriarchy, humanity sent messages of hostility against the body and against womankind into the world. Whoever held power over directing sexual energies held power over all else. Over the course of imperial dominance, information systems came into being which brought humanity into submission. The process operated through the inculcation of concepts such as the sinfulness of the “lust for flesh.” With this information, generations were forced into sexual repression, disguise, and lying; witches were burned and old mysteries destroyed. Another concept implied that “jealousy belongs to love.” It is through this that Hollywood dramas became icons for millions of love relationships – too often with fatal consequences. Another piece of information that has become deeply rooted in the human psyche is that “war is part of life;” this enabled war to overrun the Earth like an inescapable destiny. With the doctrine that “salvation is not to be found on Earth, but in heaven alone,” billions of people could be driven into unspeakable misery. It was religious, moralistic, or political information that forced humanity into submission. And informational fields were what enabled the powers that be to stabilize and expand their dominance. It will take a new field of information to introduce a new era in the evolution of human society.

  The old information of fear and violence needs to be replaced with a configuration of trust and cooperation. The capacity for such a fundamental shift is rooted in the structure of creation itself and in our own genetic makeup. As participants in the universe, all of its powers and information are potentially at our disposal. The choices as to what information, which faculties and abilities, we recall depend on our mental and spiritual condition. Our possibilities are boundless, for we live in a boundless universe. Just how far human potential reaches beyond our usual mindset is demonstrated in every quality acrobatic performance. When one after the other joins to build a human pyramid, and yet another climbs on top, we think, “this cannot be possible!” And yet it happens. When free climbers scale overhanging rocks, appearing to ignore the laws of gravity, an unusual power must be at play. The extraordinary performances in the realms of sport, technology, and science reveal the almost unlimited range of human possibilities. That which manifests, the new realities that arise, depend on the information with which we encounter the world. When the following chapters refer to “Water Retention Landscapes” or “free sexuality” (see Glossary) or the “immanent God,” then key pieces of information capable of transforming the hologram of violence to the hologram of peace are addressed.

  The assignment of today’s peace workers is to develop ways of living in which the information of peace, solidarity, and cooperation are activated to the point at which these qualities become automatically expressed in our personal and political actions. If we were to succeed in entering such information fields into the biological and spiritual Internet of humanity we would create a fundamental change in life on our planet. Thinking along these lines, it is easily conceivable that a planetary society develops whose participants are no longer psychologically or physiologically predisposed to violent actions because they no longer receive impulses that steer them in this direction. They live in a different hologram. From the many possibilities within the cosmic database, the hologram of healing, solidarity, and love manifests. It may sound like a dream, but it is achievable as a reality. What can be thought can be done.

  Flipping the Global Switch

  To free the world from violence and war we need to flip a global switch. This is a switch that determines whether holograms of fear and violence or holograms of trust and cooperation are downloaded from the cosmic database. Both possibilities are held in the universe, as they are in the genetic code. We could theoretically “switch off” global war within a short period of time by fully activating the information of peace. If this happens in some groups it happens (latently) everywhere, for as was stated above, all beings are interconnected in the bio-field. When the informational matrix of peace becomes more powerful than the information of violence, the guiding impulses of violence in the human genetic system will be extinguished. The vile war epoch would thereby come to its end. Through a history of murderous violence, humanity’s genetic system switched to a mode of fear and withdrawal; through elementary processes of trust and building community it will shift to cooperation and solidarity. We can give evolution a new direction when we succeed in flipping this central switch and enterin
g new information into our genetic systems.

  The unconscious impulses which drive much of humanity’s activity originate in those areas of life that were most traumatized and distorted by the long history of war – the areas of Eros and religion. These are the energetic centers from which a new course must be set. The soul is most sensitive in the realm of sex and love. We need a form of coexistence that allows enough time and calmness for people to see and recognize one another; one that, in the case of an intimate sexual connection, allows leisure to cultivate what is necessary for the soul to settle and expand. After a woman has fully revealed herself sexually to a man she needs a space that enables both partners to integrate the truth they have just experienced. These, often tiny, situations in people’s private lives are those that frequently determine whether the information of peace or its opposite arises in the psyche of a community. The more a group develops genuine sensitivity in this area and the more true peace can enter the relationship between the genders, the more powerful their outward effect will be. The switch that needs to be flipped on a global scale is usually located in the intimate realms of our interpersonal relationships.

  We can activate the information of peace with every small action. The new concept of global healing can be transformed in each moment into new concepts that guide each of our smallest decisions. The global revolution is connected with quietly revolutionizing our daily lives. Large-scale war is resolved through being recognized and overcome on the small scale. The political and the private are inextricably enmeshed here. The commitment to the humane revolution requires an ethical decision in the interpersonal sphere. The peace worker generates peace in his own house. He can no longer afford to betray another.

  The inner decision referred to here should be made very consciously, for today’s humane revolution is confronted with reactionary counter powers at every turn – including those from within. The new revolutionaries therefore require great strength and determination to overcome many old habits. The inner switch that we have set toward peace and healing – toward reconciliation instead of revenge, cooperation instead of separation, solidarity instead of competition – can easily flip back. A high degree of continuity and will power is required to deter it from this habit. It will no longer flip back when the objective of the humane revolution has entered the hearts of the activists. Each individual that steps into this space of consciousness gains system-changing power. A community composed of such people and a global network composed of such communities will give rise to a morphogenetic field, flipping the switch all over the globe.


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