His Plain Jane (Happy Endings Book 3)

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His Plain Jane (Happy Endings Book 3) Page 5

by L. Nicole

  “Yes, Angel.”

  “I have to tell you something before this goes any further,” she whimpers, when she finally comes down from her orgasm.

  I’ve shifted so I’m between her legs, my cock at the entrance of her pussy, my hands unclasping the front clip of her bra.

  “What do you need to tell me, Jane?” I ask, my voice a deep rumble, desire making it sound darker than normal.

  Her breasts are gorgeous, white, creamy globes with nipples the color of cherries. I wonder if they taste just as sweet.

  “I’m a virgin,” she rushes out.

  “I know, Angel and I’m so fucking glad. I’m going to make this good for you, Jane. I promise you that I’m going to make you glad that you chose to give yourself to me,” I vow, emotions flooding me that I can’t begin to decipher.

  I go down on one arm, my body hovering over hers. My cock is in my other hand, as I slowly push my length inside of her. Jane’s body stiffens, I take the time to dip my head and suck on one nipple, then the other, trying to keep her mind off of the pain she’ll undoubtedly feel.

  “Take a deep breath,” I murmur. When she does that, I thrust inside of her. Knowing I’m causing her pain is killing me, but I’ll make it up to her, I won’t stop until I do.

  “Oh god, Casper, don’t move,” she demands. I do as she says, just this once. She has to get used to me, but once she does, I’m going to be inside of her body twenty-four-seven.

  “Shh, Angel. I have you,” I croon, wanting to put her at ease.

  When her body relaxes, only then do I start to move. Feeling her tightening on my cock makes it hard not to come inside her right then and there. I managed to hold off until now, but now her pussy is fluttering against my cock, and it makes it impossible.

  I lazily thrust in and out of her until she learns and slowly finds the perfect rhythm.

  “Look at you, all pretty laid out, for me, Angel. You’re mine. Mine in every way,” I grunt, our bodies working together, as I pound inside of her.

  My gaze is drawn to the way her breasts bounce with every movement and how my cock glistens with her wetness as I tunnel in and out of her silky depths. I bring my thumb to her clit, needing to push her over the edge soon. If she doesn’t come soon, I’m going to and I can’t allow that to happen.

  I move my thumb in firm circles, in no time her pussy is tightening around me again, and I can tell by her movements, the way she’s trying to grind her muscles against my cock that she’s right on the edge of coming. Her head arches back, her hands clenching the sheets surrounding her body and she’s a fucking fantasy.

  “Come for me, Angel,” I order, my voice a dark growl that won’t take no for an answer.

  Her head raises, her gaze locked on mine and she comes.

  I fuck her through her orgasm. Pounding her body, plunging in and out of her, taking her over the edge so that she pulls me along with her. I pour everything I have to give inside my Angel.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” I whisper in her ear, my body caging hers in, trying to keep all of my weight off of her. She wraps her legs around me tighter, a small smile playing on her face as she lets out this little mew of satisfaction that already has my dick getting hard again.

  Fuck, this woman is meant to be mine.



  “You look like a very satisfied man,” Brad says, coming into my office.

  “Quit looking so proud of yourself, it’s a bad look,” I respond, flipping him off.

  Brad laughs, flopping down in the chair opposite of my desk and kicks his legs out so the heels of his feet rest on the edge. I resist the urge to knock them off. Barely.

  “Hey, I knew the minute you got so worked up at the bakery she had your eye. You keep yourself so fucking closed off, I had to do something.” I roll my eyes. It’s not that I disagree with him, but I just rather not hear his bullshit. “I’m a hero in this little love story, really.”

  “Oh please. You need to get over yourself.”

  “I’m serious. You found your princess and all because of me. And what do I get out of all of it? A sore jaw, that’s what,” he complains, rubbing the side of his face.

  “You’re a lightweight. I even pulled my punch, because I knew your game.”


  “Seriously, Brad, how long have we known each other? I knew what you were doing. You were goading me.”

  “If you knew it, then why in the hell did you hit me?”

  “Because you deserved it,” I shrug. “Jane isn’t a game.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to sell me on how great our little virgin is. I knew she was the minute I saw her mooning over you.”

  “She’s not our anything. She’s mine,” I growl, knowing he’s prodding me again, but reaching the end of my rope with him. She’s not a virgin anymore, either. I don’t tell him that, it’s none of his damn business. It killed me to leave her this morning. If I didn’t have a full schedule today, I wouldn’t have. As it is, I’ve been killing myself trying to get things to a point that I can leave early. I know she will be at work, but I could hang out at the bakery. I just want her near me.

  If that’s not a sign that I’m owned by her pussy already, I don’t know what is. The strange thing is, I don’t really give a damn.

  Brad holds his hands up as if to say he’s innocent.

  “All yours, got it,” he says, and I grunt, because it’s true, but I suddenly have the urge to slam my fist into his pretty-boy face again. “So, tell me, Casp. What’s next?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, what are you going to do with the pretty little baker now that you have her?”

  “Is there a point to your inane questions, Brad?”

  “I’m just saying she’s a sweetheart, she’s innocent and she’s the kind of…”

  “Kind of what?”

  “Now, don’t get pissed. I’m just saying you’re wrapped up so tight that if you ever unwound time would end. You take bullheadedness to new heights.”

  “Your opinion of me is so great,” I mumble.

  “It’s just the truth, Casp and you know it. And you need to worry.”

  “Why?” I bark, not liking where this conversation is going at all.

  “Because Jane is delicate, like fine crystal in a china shop. And we all know what a mess the bull makes in a china shop.”

  Brad gets up and walks to me and slaps me on the shoulder. “I’m just saying, be gentle with her. She deserves that. She’s not jaded to the world like you’ve become. She needs tenderness.”

  He leaves, but his words are still echoing in my ears.




  “I can’t believe you slept with Casper Hartley the same night he acted like an ass earlier in the day!” Keila cries.

  “Shut up!” I yell at her, looking around the bakery.

  “Girl please, you know yourself the place is empty. Besides, you rarely get any customers until rush hour time.”

  “York doesn’t exactly have a rush hour until tourist season,” I mumble.

  “Five o’clock is universal rush hour, regardless if you have traffic or not.”

  “That makes zero sense, Keila.”

  “It does to me.”

  “That’s cause you’re crazy,” I mumble, shaking my head.

  “Quit distracting me. You slept with your dream man! How was it?”

  “It was… good,” I mumble, blushing and thinking that I’m severely understating how earth shattering, world rocking it was.

  “Just good? Shoot was he a dud stud?”

  “A what?”

  “You know, did he finish first and leave you hanging?”

  “No, nothing like that,” I mumble.

  “Okay then, what is it?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask playing dumb.

  “No girl has great sex and then has that look on her face, unless something is wrong. So, spill, girl.”

>   “He called me beautiful.”

  “Come again?”

  “He said I was beautiful.”

  “Jane, honey, maybe they do things differently in Florida than they do here. Here, when a man says you’re beautiful, that’s a good thing.”

  “Ha, ha, very funny. That’s not what I mean, Keila. I’m saying that he didn’t even realize I was alive before and he pretty much hated me at the bakery yesterday. How did we go from that to him picking me up at the bar and making love to me last night?”

  “I’m still not following you, honey,” Keila says, and her tone switches from light-hearted, to serious. Probably because she can hear the stress and fear I’m feeling.

  “The only thing that was different was that I wore makeup and you fixed my hair. What if that’s what Casper sees and not the real me?”

  “Jane you’re beautiful without the makeup and you’re beautiful where it counts the most—on the inside.”

  “Yeah, because the inside is what men pay attention to,” I mock.

  “I’d like to think they do,” Keila says, sounding sad. “At least, eventually.”

  “Well, this was not eventually, this happened quick.

  “Well he saw you this morning, right? No girl has incredible hair or makeup in the morning. I don’t care who they are. Even J-Lo can’t look amazing in the mornings.”

  “I bet she does,” I say with a sigh.

  “Well, what happened this morning?”

  “He kissed me goodbye and told me he’d see me this evening,” I respond dejectedly.

  “Then, what are you worrying about? He saw you and didn’t run away.”

  “I laid in bed and pretended to be sleepy and he kept the light out because of that.”

  “Shit girl, you’re up at four every morning. You don’t sleep.”

  “Well, I was tired, so I slept in, but I was ready to get up at five.”

  “I bet you were tired,” she laughs.

  “Will you focus here? What am I going to do? I don’t want to lose Casper because—”

  “Because what, Jane? You’ve always had this mindset. You’re beautiful, you’re the only one that doesn’t see it.”

  “I’m not about to try that out, yet, Keila. I’d like to give Casper time to see what’s on the inside before I show him the real outside.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Can you teach me how to do my make-up and fix my hair?” I ask, completely embarrassed, but desperate.

  “Now? But what if you get customers?”

  I walk over to the door and turn the out to lunch sign over and lock the door. Despite the fact that I have never done that, not once since I opened the shop.

  “Please, help me,” I beg, feeling desperate.

  Keila looks at me and comes over and gets my hand. “I just happen to have my bag in the car. Let’s do this,” she says, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

  This has to work.



  “Hey, Angel.”

  I call out her name from the door. I can’t move from this spot, because for the first time since I left her bed this morning, I feel peaceful. Brad is an asshole, but he might be right about one thing. I am way too obsessed with work. I need to start changing that. I want to focus on my life—and enjoying it with Jane.

  She looks up from the counter and I frown. She’s beautiful, but she looks… different. Her hair is straightened out and it’s curled over to one side. It’s pretty, there’s nothing Jane could do that wouldn’t leave her anything but beautiful. Still, I miss her messy hair up on her head. I used to look at her and wonder what it would be like to reach up and undo her hair and pull it down. Now that I’m the actual man in her life that has the right to do that, she changes. I shrug off my disappointment. It’s not that important. I have Jane, she’s mine and that’s all that matters. Her and I are going to build on that, and I know it is something strong that will last. I don’t know how I have that surety, but I do. What I feel for Jane is different from anything I’ve ever experienced in my life.


  I don’t know what it is, but I swear it’s like she breathes my name when she says it softly like that and it does something to me that I can’t even describe.

  “I missed you,” I tell her, walking over to her.

  “I missed you, too.” I love the way her face blooms with color as she tells me that, a soft smile on her full lips. I hold her close, frowning.

  “Do you have perfume on?”

  “Yes. Do you like it? Keila says it’s the most popular brand at the spa where she works.”

  “Who’s Keila?” I ask, not answering her. I don’t like it. I want to tell her I love the way she smells naturally, but if she wants to wear perfume, then that’s her decision.

  “She’s my best friend, she works at the spa down on Lewis Street. I keep forgetting you don’t know. It’s funny, I feel like I’ve known you longer.”

  I kiss her forehead. “I feel the same exact way, Angel.”

  “I made you a fresh batch of bran muffins,” she says, pointing to the platter on the counter.

  “They look good,” I smile, touched that she made them just for me, but the longer I stare at them, the more I come to a decision. “But I was thinking of trying something else.”

  “You were?”

  “Yep. What do you say, Jane? How do you feel about making me moan?”

  “Oh God,” she says her face bending down. “I still can’t believe I said that to you.”

  “I really liked it. Show me your best treat, Angel.”

  She stares at me and then grins. Then, she reaches down and pulls out a cupcake with a huge swirl of icing that’s light lavender in color and it looks like it’s covered in glitter.

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s this?”

  “It’s an old-fashioned vanilla cupcake with vanilla buttercream frosting. It’s probably the simplest thing I make, but I think it’s the best,” she says, and I can tell she’s anxious to see what I think.

  I bend down the fancy tin covering its in and smell the sugary sweetness of the cake immediately. It makes my mouth water, but mostly because it reminds me of Jane itself.

  “It’s almost too pretty to eat,” I tell her and just that small compliment makes her sparkle with happiness.

  “Try it,” she urges.

  I suck a huge dollop of icing in my mouth and she was right, I instantly moan as the sugariness explodes on my tongue. Sweet, so sweet that it reminds me of Jane, but nowhere near as good—nothing could be.

  “Damn, Angel, this is good.”

  “You like it?” She moves in closer so she can see me.

  “Second best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth, Jane.”

  Her face falls. “Still a bran muffin, guy, huh?”

  “Well, I do like them, but that’s not what I was talking about,” I tell her. I grin as she scrunches up her face, her glasses moving. God, she’s sexy. There’s something about her glasses that turns me on. I’m not sure what it is, other than it’s just because it’s Jane.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You, Angel. You’re the best thing I’ve ever had on my lips.”

  “Casper.” Her voice is a mixture of embarrassment and need and it makes my dick hard. Well, harder. I’ve been hard all day, just remembering last night with Jane.

  “Come here, Angel,” I order her, my voice dropping down in tone as desire pushes through me.

  “We’re in public again,” she warns, a smile playing on her lips.

  “I’ll keep my dick in my pants. I just want to try something.”

  “What’s that?” she asks, as she moves around the counter and stops in front of me. I don’t answer her. Instead, I move her hair out of my way, and gather some of the icing on my finger. I smile as Jane watches my every move. I paint the side of her neck with the icing, satisfaction filling me when I feel her tremble.

  “How many of these cupcakes do
you have made up, Angel?”

  “Just a few more,” she says, her voice more of a moan as I begin sucking the icing from her neck.

  “Damn. I was hoping to paint your body in this icing and lick off every inch,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Oh…” she murmurs. “Casper?”

  “Yeah, Angel?”

  I kiss my way down her throat, wishing I had her at my house in a bed…

  “I may not have enough cupcakes made, but I have a gallon of that icing made up.”

  I pull back to look at her, seeing nothing but the woman that I’m quickly becoming addicted to and all I can think is….

  She’s completely and utterly perfect.



  Three Weeks Later


  “What’s wrong?” Casper asks and I look over my shoulder at the bed.

  He’s lying in the bed, completely relaxed, hands behind his head, the sheet hung low on his hips, revealing his perfect torso. His hair is mussed from sleep and I’ve never seen him looking better.

  “It doesn’t seem fair that you wake up looking like a runway model and I have to get up an hour earlier just to try and tame my hair and look passable,” I grumble.

  “Angel, you’re beautiful and you know it. Now, what’s wrong.”

  I let out a long sad sigh. Of course, he thinks I’m beautiful. I’ve spent the last hour trying to remember all of Keila’s makeup tips and hair tricks. It actually doesn’t look that bad, but then Casper and I have been together for three weeks now, and I’ve had a lot of practice. That’s because Casper and I are practically living together. Things have moved fast between us. So fast, I’m more than a little scared of it—and most of that is because Casper doesn’t know me.

  Not the real me.

  That’s my fault, because I go out of my way to make sure he doesn’t. I don’t want to lose him. Keila keeps urging me to let my guard down and let him see the real me, the one that hates makeup, loves her yoga pants and rarely does much more than runs a brush through her hair.


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