The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 1

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The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 1 Page 17

by Mia Harris

  “Greg! This blouse was expensive.”

  “You seem to keep forgetting that I am not only your boss, I’m a billionaire. I’ll buy you a thousand new designer blouses if you stop complaining.”

  He leaned down and kissed her, and the second that he pressed his lips to hers, Jessa felt a familiar heat building deep within her core, and then moaned softly. It didn’t matter how many times they made love; she never seemed to tire of him, and he never seemed to tire of her. A bolt of electricity seemed to burst through her veins as he deepened the kiss, roughly probing her mouth and exploring it hungrily with his tongue.

  As he continued to kiss her, Jessa felt as if her entire body had been set ablaze from within. Every nerve ending was already on fire as he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, searching within them for an answer to a question he had not yet asked. She knew that he wanted to know if she loved him, but she had been too nervous to admit just how deep her feelings for him ran yet. He must know that I love him by now. I don’t need to tell him right now, she thought as a soft sigh escaped her full, parted lips.

  He slid his hands underneath her and lifted her up for a moment, searching for the back of her lacy bra. Once he had located it, he unhooked it and threw it aside, his eyes darkening with arousal as they lingered on the soft, creamy flesh of her full breasts. Her delicate pink nipples stiffened under his gaze, and he gently twisted them in the thumb and forefingers of his right hand while his other hand trailed up and down her soft curves.

  Jessa closed her eyes as he leaned down, knowing just what to expect. He was a werewolf, so he loved to nip at her smooth skin, and she cried out in delight as he nibbled on her left breast. He was hungry for her, but still gentle enough so that he didn’t hurt her. Every nerve in her breast seemed to directly connect with the ones between her legs, and she squirmed and moaned softly as he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked gently before swirling his tongue over her areola in tantalizing circles.

  Drawing back for a moment, Greg unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, his eyes seemingly glowing with desire as he looked down at his half-naked mate. Jessa smiled and reached for his pants, playing with his zip and murmuring with approval as she felt the hardness that lay underneath the fabric.

  “You’re a naughty girl, Jessa,” he said before pouncing back on her. “First you distract me from eating breakfast, and now you’re making me late for work.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t care if we were late,” she said breathlessly, trying to hide the smile that was creeping across her face. She knew that this was just a part of his games.

  “I changed my mind,” he growled.

  He buried his face in her neck, nuzzling and kissing her soft skin, and Jessa felt the fire inside her turn into a raging inferno. She hadn’t thought it possible, but she wanted him more now than she had ever wanted him before. One of his hands traveled slowly down her soft belly and hips, tracing patterns over her skin before coming to rest on the side of her skirt.

  “This is a terrible skirt. I really don’t like it,” he murmured. “I think we should take it off.”

  “Do it,” she replied.

  His eyes twinkled as he unzipped the skirt and yanked it down over her thighs, and he gasped as he saw that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

  “You were going to come to work with no underwear on?” he asked, his eyes burning.


  She reached up and trailed her hands over the hard, defined muscles of his chest and arms, and he glared down at her, pretending to be angry with her.

  “You’re incorrigible. I could fire you for this shocking behavior, you know.”

  “Oh no, please don’t fire me!” she said, her eyes widening in mock horror. “There must be something that I can do to make it up to you.”

  “There is. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you right now,” he growled.

  “I want you inside me,” she begged. “Please.”

  Wiping the angry look off his face, Greg smiled and unzipped his pants before pinning her arms back up above her head with one hand. Jessa sighed as he tugged his underwear aside with the other, and squirmed in anticipation as he rubbed his hard cock up and down her already-wet folds.

  Leaning down, he nipped playfully at her earlobes, and seconds later, he was pushing inside her, filling her tight, wet warmth and moving his hips back and forth. Jessa sighed with delight, and he slid his mouth over her ear and murmured.

  “Is this what you wanted?”

  “Oh yes,” she whispered.

  She arched her back and raised her hips to meet his, finding a rhythm as he thrust into her, harder and harder, faster and faster. Electricity seemed to be coursing through her veins as they moved together, and he released her hands, groaning softly as she slid them up into his hair.

  After a moment, she moved one hand down to his taut behind, pulling him in even deeper as he continued to thrust into her. His groin was grinding against hers with each movement, and as he began to move his hips in a circular motion, the movement stimulated the throbbing nub of her clitoris, sending shockwaves through her system.

  “Oh god… oh yes,” she murmured breathlessly, and Greg growled into her ear.

  “I want you to come for me.”

  His words nearly sent her over the edge, and she gasped and moved her hips faster, reaching an almost-feverish pitch as Greg slammed himself into her. She dug her nails into his back, and he groaned softly with contentment before sliding a palm between their writhing bodies.

  “Come on, baby… come for me,” he urged.

  His deep, masculine voice finally pushed her over the edge, and her muscles tightened and contracted wildly around him as the waves of pleasure crashed over her. She gasped his name over and over again and raked her nails down his back, pulling him even closer as he leaned down and began to kiss her deeply again. Her mind and body were flooded with warmth, and she closed her eyes and let more and more waves of ecstasy roll over her.

  Greg was moving against her faster now, and he picked up one of her legs and moved it so that it was resting on his shoulder. At this angle, she was even tighter for him, and he began to punctuate each thrust inside her with a soft groan, watching as he slid in and out of her from tip to base.

  Moments later, he groaned loudly and came, spurting his seed deep inside her. Panting, he rolled over and lay on his back before catching his breath and propping himself up on one elbow.

  “I think it might be time to get to work. And I think you should wear some underwear,” he said, his eyes twinkling with a devilish glow. “But don’t worry, there’s always our lunch break to take them off.”


  Jessa’s colleague Nicki greeted the pair warmly as they entered the office, and Greg nodded and strode ahead of them into his private office.

  “I still can’t believe you two are together,” Nicki said. “It’s driving Jane absolutely nuts. Look at her.”

  Jessa gave Jane a sideways glance as she sorted files on the other side of the room. She was the office administrator, and had always been jealous of her, since she had apparently always had a crush on Greg. Now that Jessa and Greg were together, Jane could barely hide her contempt for her, and seemed to be going out of her way to make her life difficult.

  “Oh, I know,” she replied. “The other day, she unplugged my phone when I was at lunch. I missed a lot of calls, but I don’t understand why she bothered doing it. It’s not like Greg is going to fire me.”

  Nicki laughed.

  “That reminds me… there was a message for you this morning, which I’m sure you would have received if you hadn’t been so late.”

  She playfully swatted Jessa on the arm and then continued.

  “Ever heard of a guy called Oliver Martin?”

  Jessa racked her brain. She recalled the name from somewhere, and it finally clicked in her mind.

  “Um… I think so. Isn’t he Greg’s arch-rival in business?”

sp; “Yep. They’ve hated each other ever since college. Greg has always been slightly ahead of Oliver, and last year Oliver got really pissed when Greg took over a company that he had had his eye on for a while.”

  “So… what was the message?” she asked, confused


  “Well, apparently he’s been looking for a new office administrator for a while now. Someone must have told him about you and given him a reference, because he called here personally to request a meeting with you.”

  “Would it have been Greg who told him about me?”

  “No way, Jessa. Like I said, they hate each other. He probably heard about you from some other rich guy that saw you with Greg and wanted you as his own secretary, or whatever.”

  Jessa considered what Nicki had just told her. While she loved working for Greg as his secretary, working as an office administrator would pay a lot more, and she wanted to be able to make her own money. She didn’t ever want to feel as if she were leeching off her billionaire werewolf lover, even though he had repeatedly said that he wanted to take care of her.

  “Should I tell Greg?” she asked.

  Nicki sighed.

  “I don’t know, honestly. Maybe you should just figure out if the job is a good fit first, and then if you are actually offered it, let Greg know,” she said.

  “That’s a good idea,” Jessa agreed, suddenly overcome by nausea.

  The idea of telling Greg made her feel nervous and seemingly sick to her stomach. She didn’t know if he would be angry about her possibly leaving as his secretary, and he had already been acting strangely enough for the last few weeks. Knocking on his door, she decided to at least gauge his reaction if she brought up Oliver Martin.

  “Come in,” he called.

  “Greg, I was wondering something. What do you think about Oliver Martin?”

  His face darkened, and he clenched his jaw slightly.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Oh, no reason, really. Nicki was just talking about some news article that he was in, and I remembered that you’d mentioned him a few times.”

  “He’s a snake. Not to be trusted by anyone. There’s a good reason why I never went into business with him. He did ask me to do that, many years ago, but I know what he is. Anyway, Jessa, I need to make some calls.”

  She smiled and closed his door before sitting at her own desk outside his office, certain that he was just being overly-dramatic. I guess I should call Mr. Martin back, then. She dialed the number that was attached to the message that Nicki had taken for her, and a lilting female voice answered.

  “This is Oliver Martin’s office, how can I help you?”

  “Hi. My name is Jessa Williams, and I’m returning a….”

  “Oh, yes, Miss Williams. I’ll put you right through,” the secretary said.

  Well, that was quick. He must really want me to work for him, she thought. Moments later, a smooth male voice greeted her.

  “Hello, Miss Williams. I’m Oliver Martin. Thank you for responding so promptly. I gather that you are at least interested in meeting with me about a possible job opening at my company?”

  “Um. Yes,” she replied nervously.

  He laughed softly.

  “Don’t be nervous; I don’t bite. I’m busy for most of the day, but how about I have my secretary set up an early dinner meeting for us at Angelo’s restaurant downtown? Six o’clock?”

  Jessa was glad that she had decided to put panties on this morning after all, and almost giggled at the thought of attending a job interview without them.

  “Yes, that would be fine,” she said, knowing that Greg would be working late tonight anyway, to make up for how late they had been this morning.

  The rest of the day seemed to speed by, and before she left, she kissed Greg goodbye and hoped that her nervousness wasn’t showing. The last thing she needed was for him to be angry at her for hiding things from him. If the meeting goes well, I’ll call him and tell him then, she promised herself.

  Greg didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, and seemed rather distracted by something else. Why is he being so weird? she wondered for what must have been the twentieth time that week. Shrugging, she left the building and caught a cab to Angelo’s restaurant.

  As she entered the restaurant, she was overcome by nausea again. Oh god, I’m so nervous. What if he hates me? A waitress escorted her over to a small corner table that was lit by two candles, and a blonde man stood up and extended a hand to her. He was much taller than her, with pale angular features, and the only part of his face that seemed to have any color was his dark red lips.

  “Miss Williams, I’m Oliver. May I call you Jessa?” he asked, taking her hand.

  “Of course,” she replied.

  Half an hour later, the meeting was going well, and Jessa was surprised. Oliver wasn’t the cold, horrible snake that Greg had made him out to be in the past; in fact, he seemed quite charming and friendly. When he showed her the starting salary that she would be on if she took the job with him, her heart nearly leapt into her mouth. It was more than twice what she made as a secretary.

  “If you’re interested, we could go back to my office right now and start drawing up the papers,” he said, his pale blue eyes twinkling with humor at her reaction.

  Jessa agreed, and half an hour later she was sitting in his office, unable to believe how quickly everything was happening. I really should call Greg. I hope he doesn’t get angry about me leaving my job. It’s not like I’d be leaving him; it’s just a job. Besides, we’ve been seeing so much of each other, seeing as we work together every day. Maybe that’s why he’s been acting so strangely.

  Oliver sat down across from her and then smiled, before suddenly standing up again and excusing himself.

  “I’m sorry. I completely forgot; I promised a colleague that I’d give him a quick call back about something after dinner tonight. Do you mind? I’ll only be a few minutes.”

  “That’s fine,” Jessa replied.

  Just as he left the room, her cell phone began to ring.

  “Hello?” she said as she answered the call.

  “Jessa? It’s Nicki. Where are you?”

  “I’m with Oliver Stone, at his office. He really wants to hire me.”

  She was about to launch into how well the meeting had gone, along with the starting salary offer, when Nicki cut her off.

  “Jessa, listen to me. Remember how I said that someone recommended you to Oliver?”


  “Well, I know who it was. It was Jane.”

  “Jane? Why would she do that? Is she just trying to get rid of me from the office or something?” she asked, confused.

  “More than that. She set you up. She listened in on your call this morning, and then followed you to the restaurant that you were meeting Oliver at. She took a bunch of photos of you eating dinner with him and then showed them to Greg. She’s trying to convince him that you’re cheating on him with his arch-rival!”

  Jessa’s heart sank. Oh no. And I was just asking Greg about Oliver Stone this morning, too. As if this whole thing wasn’t already suspicious enough. Nicki continued to speak, her tone urgent.

  “Anyway, after he saw the pictures, he went storming off without a word. I’m sorry, Jessa, I shouldn’t have told you to keep anything from him. I guess it would have been better if you told him about the job offer.”

  “It’s not your fault, Nicki,” Jessa replied.

  She felt sick again as she ended the call, unable to believe just how low Jane could sink in order to get her away from Greg. Oh god… he must hate me right now. I need to explain everything to him as soon as I can.

  A movement behind her startled her, and she turned and saw Oliver returning from his phone call.

  “Everything alright?” he asked, seeing her pale face.

  “Oh. Yes, it will be fine. I just had a disturbing phone call, that’s all.”

  He studied her face with amusement for a moment, and then
turned and closed the door. As he crossed the room and stood close to where she was sitting, Jessa suddenly felt uncomfortable. He was a little too close to her.

  “So, Jessa… remember when I said that I wouldn’t bite?” he asked softly.

  “Yes,” she replied, wondering what on earth he was going on about.

  He bared his teeth to her, and two long white fangs popped out of his gums.

  “I lied,” he hissed.

  He’s a vampire? Jessa was terrified. She had no idea that they even existed, but if werewolves did, then she supposed that it wasn’t too much of a stretch that vampires could too.


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