From Ashes

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From Ashes Page 10

by Amanda Perry

  I greet the four of them with a quiet hello.

  “We brought you here to discuss your progress and speak of the newly developed threats toward you and the rest of the Elementals.” Hakan, the god of Fire, has never beat around the bush with the reasons behind their visits. “Somehow, Samael found out about your blessing, and he did not hesitate to spread the word throughout the Fallen and Elemental communities.”

  After my run-in with Samael, it was clear he knew everything, but it didn’t make sense as to how he knew. “I don’t understand how he knows. I didn’t tell anyone, and neither did my family.”

  Hakan frowns deeply. “Unfortunately, that is something we do not know. Perhaps there is a traitor in our midst that we cannot sense.”

  Niyol sighs heavily. “Nukpana may have ways of finding out the information as well.”

  “Nukpana?” The name rings a bell. “That’s the Fallen god of Evil, right? The one who gives the Fallen their special ability when they offer up their soul to him.”

  “Very good memory,” Binda, the goddess of Water and soulmate to Hakan, praises me happily. “I also notice you didn’t second-guess your family for even a second. You knew without a doubt that they kept your secret. Good work, Riley.”

  I beam under her praise. “Why does it matter if Elementals know about me, though? That part was never made clear before.”

  “We don’t want to cause a panic,” Niyol explains. “The legends of the Chosen were just that. Legends. They were never truly taken seriously, and now, they must be. Elementals will want to know they can rely on you. It will be up to you in how you want to handle them, but remember, they are on your side, Riley. You have the marks to prove yourself, you have the ability to prove yourself, and you have the power to fight against Samael and win.”

  “I can’t win against him, he’s stronger than me.” Memories of altercations with Samael flash through my mind. He’s twice my size and far better at fighting than I am.

  Binda shakes her head, her tone patient and kind as always. “You do not need to win a physical fight with him. You are the Chosen for a reason. You have affinities for all the elements, and when the time comes for you to complete your bond with Caleb, the powers you both will gain will far outweigh anything the Fallen are capable of.”

  “What does that mean? What will happen to us?” My cheeks heat, and I break eye contact with Binda. “Are you saying we have to do that soon? I’m not sure when I’ll be ready to complete the bond with him. We only just reconciled after a big misunderstanding.”

  “After you two are fully bonded, you will learn of your new powers. When the time is right for that to happen, you will know. Do not do anything until you are ready. Enjoy your time with your soulmate.” Mikaia, goddess of Earth and soulmate to Niyol, steps toward me with a soft smile. “It is good to see you again, Riley. I do wish we had more time to spend with you, but your soulmate is impatient as ever for you to wake. He has missed you as much as you missed him. It is wonderful to see you two together again.”

  “But how am I supposed to know when the time is right?” My voice rises as nerves set in, and an endless string of questions race through my mind. “I don’t know what to look for after that bond happens under normal circumstances, how am I supposed to know what to expect now? Does Caleb know? Should I tell him? Will he tell me when it’s supposed to be the right time?”

  “Riley,” Hakan calls my name firmly. His tone shuts me up immediately. With my attention fully on him, he softens. “Caleb is your soulmate. You will be with him forever. You will love him forever, just as he will love you forever. We have told you to trust your family and in that, we include Caleb. He will never steer you wrong. Talk to him about this matter, tell him how you feel. Be open and honest. Everything will work itself out in the end as long as you trust him and you are open with him.”

  “One more thing before we send you back...” Mikaia holds up her hand to stop me from protesting further. How she knew I was going to is beyond me, but I’m not at all surprised. She smirks knowingly and winks. “Riley, you have far exceeded our expectations with the trust you’ve put into your family. We understand things were rough between you and Caleb for a while, but you still gave him your trust. You truly believed he would not harm you on purpose. You believed he would tell you the truth in the end and not lie to spare your feelings. The progress you have made is remarkable.”

  “I’m trying,” I mutter shyly.

  Mikaia nods once. “You are. However, there is one person you haven’t put any trust or faith into, and it’s the most important one.”

  I frown, going down the list of everyone I’ve come to believe in. No one stands out as excluded. “Who?”

  “Yourself, dear,” Binda answers for Mikaia. The two goddesses share a long meaningful look before turning back to me. “You need to believe in yourself, Riley. You are capable of monumental and wondrous accomplishments, but only if you trust in yourself.”

  “The same can be said for your bond with Caleb,” Niyol chimes in. “You will know when the time is right if you trust in yourself to make the right choice for you. Don’t hold back because you’re second-guessing your decisions.”

  “What if I mess up or make the wrong choice?” I wonder aloud. “What if I believe I can do something, like win against Samael, but really, I can’t?”

  “Everyone makes mistakes and learns from them. If you find yourself doubting your decisions, talk to someone you trust and ask them for their opinion.” Hakan shrugs, an out-of-character gesture from a god. “They are there to help you, to guide you. They will never lead you directly into harm’s way nor will they tell you to do something they don’t believe is right.”

  “We really must send you on your way, Riley.” Niyol purses his lips and tilts his head. “I fear Caleb may give himself an ulcer if we do not allow you to wake soon.”

  I straighten and take a step toward Niyol. “Is he okay?” My concern for Caleb overshadows all worries from my talk with the four of them.

  They exchange smiles as Niyol nods. “He is fine. He has been without you for far too long, and now, you are gone again. He is restless. He worries about you.”

  “Just as you worry about him,” Mikaia adds, her eyes on her soulmate. “It’s what soulmates do, but it truly is a lot easier when you know how your other half is feeling at all times.”

  Niyol laughs heartily and takes Mikaia’s hand in his. “As always, you are correct.”

  “Go back to your soulmate. You two have a lot more talking to do now that we have spoken.” At Binda’s final urging, the bright white room dims slowly to black, and their voices, as they give me final praises for the progress I’ve made, fade away.

  “I’m not leaving her, Mark. I don’t give a shit what you do, I’m staying here.” Caleb’s hard tone breaks through the sleepiness and lures me toward consciousness.

  My dad growls in frustration. “Caleb, she told me to keep you away from her. I know I can’t do that completely because it would be detrimental to her, but I will do whatever I can. You need to get out of her room until she tells me herself that she wants you around. I won’t break the promise I made her, she’s had enough of broken promises.”

  The threat of Caleb leaving me again causes my heart to skip a beat, and I whimper as I struggle to wake myself up fully. I’m still exhausted and wish I could stay asleep, but I need Caleb more.

  “Caleb.” I flex my hand in search of him.

  His warm hand engulfs mine, and he uses his free hand to push my hair from my forehead. “I’m right here, baby. I didn’t go anywhere. Can you open your eyes for me?”

  Unable to deny his plea, I pry my eyelids open and blink several times to clear my vision. My eyes burn and desperately try to close again, but I fight against the fatigue and seek out Caleb. “You’re okay?” The last thing I remember is Jaxon and Cassie showing up at the park and Samael running away. I only hope he didn’t come back after I passed out.

  “I’m perfectly f
ine. Don’t worry about me. How are you feeling?” The bruise under his left eye appears darker now than it did at the park, and a quick glance at the back of his hands shows bruising and angry red marks on his knuckles. My brow draws together, and I wonder if he should ice his knuckles.

  He cups my cheek with his hand and pulls my attention from his injuries to his perfect, blue eyes. “Don’t frown, you’ve done enough frowning,” he repeats his words from the park, then kisses my forehead, and my heart thumps in my chest. I’ve missed him fiercely. “I’m fine, baby. Don’t worry about me. Tell me how you’re feeling. You scared me.”

  “Again.” Jaxon’s voice distracts me, and my eyes dart around the room until they land on him in the doorway. He grins easily. “You scared all of us, actually. I told you to quit fainting, sis. You’re going to get grounded if you do it again.”

  “Jaxon,” Dad scoffs. He stands uncomfortably at the foot of my bed, his arms crossed and his forehead creased. “You can’t ground your sister.”

  “You never let me do anything fun.” Jaxon pouts while he makes his way to the side of my bed Caleb isn’t occupying and plops down. “You never did answer Caleb, though.”

  “You interrupted,” I counter, earning a smirk from my brother. “I’m fine. My head hurts a little, and I’m really tired.”

  “Riley,” my dad calls my focus to him, shifting when all three of us turn. “Do you want everyone in here? I’ll clear out the room if you’d prefer. Just say the word...”

  “I need him here.” My hand tightens around Caleb’s, and my heart beats erratically. The meaning behind my father’s offer is loud and clear—if I say so, he’ll throw Caleb out. “I don’t want him to go.”

  Dad opens his mouth to counter my request, but quickly snaps it shut again. He watches me closely as I squeeze Caleb’s hand in mine and fight to keep my eyes open. He clears his throat and shakes his head hesitantly. “Whatever you want, kiddo. I’ll bring the medicine for your headache now, then check on you again in a bit. Just get some rest for now, and we can talk later.”

  I readily agree to his request. I’ll do all the talking he wants later. For now, I only want Caleb beside me and a lot of sleep. I don’t have it in me to stay awake any longer. I blink heavily up at Caleb. “Stay with me, please?”

  “Always,” he vows. Jaxon scoots off the bed and shuffles to the end next to Dad. Caleb lies down beside me and situates himself in a comfortable position. He gives me an expectant stare, and I snuggle up to him without hesitation.

  He rests his lips against the top of my head and pulls in a deep breath. “Sleep, baby. I love you.”

  Even as I drift off, my heart soars. He loves me, and my world is right again. “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 10

  For the first time in ages, I rest peacefully. At least, I do after I ask my dad to stop waking me up and checking to be sure I still want Caleb with me. He relented and allowed me to fall into a deep, happy sleep. With Caleb beside me, I don’t want to move as I slowly wake sometime later, but my bladder protests. I finally drag myself to the bathroom.

  When I come back, Caleb sits up in my bed and yawns. “Sleep well?”

  “Better than I have in a long time,” I admit with a long stretch.

  Caleb’s eyes roam over my body as my arms raise above my head, and my shirt rises. Heat dances in his gaze, and it causes fire to ignite in my belly. The meeting with the gods and goddesses creeps into my thoughts, and I consider talking to Caleb about it now. It’s either talk to him about it or kiss him senseless. It’s a toss-up which idea will win.

  Unfortunately, a quiet knock on my door interrupts my plans.

  “Yeah?” Caleb calls out, disappointment clear in his expression.

  I bite my lip to hide my silent laughter. He didn’t want to be interrupted any more than I did. Cassie strolls through my bedroom door, completely oblivious to Caleb’s pout and my amusement.

  “She lives!” Cassie cries dramatically. “How are you, sleeping beauty?”

  I roll my eyes at her theatrics. “I’m fine. How long was I asleep?”

  Cassie checks her watch and silently calculates. “About twenty-four hours.”

  “What?” My eyes pop wide, and I look from Cassie to Caleb. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up?”

  “Because you needed the sleep.” Caleb slides off the bed and strides over to me. He takes my hands in his. “You haven’t slept in a long time, baby. You needed rest and a lot of it, especially after what happened with Samael.” He narrows his eyes where Samael hit my cheek. I know he’s staring at the same deep bruise I saw in the mirror when I washed my hands.

  I cringe at the reminder of Samael’s visit. I’d happily pushed his little visit from my mind for the moment. “I guess we all have some things to talk about.”

  “Mark has been losing his mind all day. He’s taken turns sending us up to check on you. You have no idea how funny it was when you banished him from checking on you. Leanne said it’s likely because he has the subtlety of an elephant. I was sent this time to be sure you’re okay.” Cassie gestures toward her brother. “He doesn’t trust Caleb with you, even though you said you wanted to have him in here.”

  “Caleb mentioned that when we talked at the park. He said my dad thinks I’m afraid of Caleb.” My brow creases. Cassie leads the way out of my room with Caleb and me following close behind her. “Why does he think that?”

  “Because you told him Caleb hurt you.” Cassie glances at me over her shoulder and arches her brow. “I was there, I heard you say it.”

  I freeze in shock. “Caleb never hurt me,” I assure her, my voice high in shock. “I thought my father misheard something else. Are you sure you heard me say it, too? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  She shakes her head and sighs. “Let’s talk about this downstairs. Everyone is down there waiting for you to wake up.”

  Knowing everyone is gathered, anxiously awaiting my arrival makes me uneasy, but I agree. The three of us silently make our way downstairs to find Jaxon, Dad, and Leanne seated around the living room. The second Dad catches sight of me, he jumps to his feet and rushes around the couch.

  He pulls me away from Caleb and into a hug. “Hey, kiddo. Are you okay? I’ve been worried about you. Do you need anything? Are you feeling okay? How did you get that bruise on your cheek?” His eyes dart to Caleb and back to my cheek, then he zeroes in on Caleb with a narrowed glare. If looks could kill, Caleb would be a goner.

  I wrap my arms around my father, hugging him back in hopes of comforting him. He’s stressed, and he doesn’t need to be. “I’m fine, Dad. We have some stuff to talk about, though.”

  “Do you want us all here?” Even though the question is for me, his gaze remains fixed on Caleb. “Whatever you need, just tell me.”

  “I need to know what happened at the hospital.” I pull away from him and shuffle around the living room to sit on the couch. Caleb follows me and sinks down next to me, taking my hand in his. Dad sits on the ottoman in front of me while Cassie situates herself next to Jaxon on the opposite side of the sectional. Leanne remains seated in the middle.

  “Which part do you want to know?” Dad’s brow furrows with concern. “Do you remember anything from your time there?”

  “I remember all of it, I think,” I hesitate, unsure if that’s true. If he and Cassie heard me say I wanted Caleb to stay away, then maybe I don’t remember it at all. “Except, I don’t remember ever saying I wanted Caleb to be kept away from me. He and I talked, and he said he only stayed away from me because you made him after I told you he hurt me.”

  “That’s right,” Dad confirms. His eyes harden on Caleb, but when he turns back to me, he softens considerably. “You ran from the hospital, Riley. When I found you,” he stops and swallows hard, “You weren’t in a good place. I didn’t know what the hell happened, none of us did.”

  “Caleb said he’d freaked out, but he didn’t think you’d run away just because he upset you,” Jaxon adds quietly.
“We didn’t understand what the hell happened, and all of us were on edge because of the attack.”

  “Mark called me and said he’d found you. I was already a few miles away on foot,” Caleb admits as he scrubs his hand over his face as if trying to scrub away the memory. “I thought you might be trying to get home, so that’s the way I went. Jaxon was searching the hospital while Cassie drove around the area, and Leanne stayed behind in your room to wait for you in case you came back. We were panicked.” He squeezes my hand as if to reassure himself that I’m here. “I came straight back, but when I got to your room, Mark told me to give you a little time. I waited in the hall outside your door, waiting for him to let me in. I knew I’d upset you, baby, but I swear I had no idea what you were thinking... how badly I’d really fucked up.”

  Dad clears his throat several times and continues where Caleb left off, “You finally calmed down and went to sleep. I stayed with you, but since you’d been sleeping so well, I figured the next day I could run to the bathroom. I never should have left you alone, even for a few minutes.”

  “I was on my way back after getting a cup of coffee when I heard the staff yelling about a burst pipe. I knew something wasn’t right.” Cassie’s tone is quiet and serious—two things I hate to hear when Cassie speaks. She’s never quiet and never serious, and I hate when she isn’t her normal bubbly self. “Mark and I crossed paths in the hallway and ran to your room together. I worked to get the water under control, and your dad nearly ripped that stupid doctor in half. He’d given you a sedative. You were kind of out of it, but you were totally freaking out.”

  “We weren’t sure what had you in such a panic.” Dad’s voice is full of sorrow and frustration as he relives the memory. “You kept trying to tell me something. You said don’t let him in, you said he hurt you. You weren’t making a lot of sense, but when I asked who hurt you, you told me it was Caleb.”


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